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I. Comprehension check

Ex. 1. After the first reading decide which text tells us about

  1. preference for the lines and the shapes rather than for the decorations.

  2. the beginning of modern architecture.

  3. the principal movements and groups in modern architecture.

  4. the application of new materials.

  5. the movement connected with theoretical and practical studies.

  6. the movement concerned with designing buildings to serve the purpose.

7) the movement in which the architects ensure that certain essential services are clearly visible from outside.

  1. the use of bright colours on the exterior.

  2. the movement which facilitates the provision of large clear spaces within the building.

  1. the style suitable for offices, factories and even art galleries.

11)the movement which revived the principles of classical architecture with emphasis on propor­tion and harmony.

  1. a short-lived movement.

  2. the style suitable for hotels, cinemas and fashion shops.

  3. the style seen in many buildings constructed between the two world wars.

14)the application of the exposed material.

Ex. 2. Read the texts carefully and answer the following questions.

1)Where does the attraction lie in in many of the best 20th-century buildings?

2)When did modern architecture begin to make an impact?

3)Is there any single style in modern architecture?

4)What movements or groups are there in modern architecture?.

5)What was Art Nouveau?

6)What was it characterized by?

7)Where was it more effective?

8)What is Art Deco?

9)What was Art Deco characterized by? l0)What was it particularly suitable for?

11)What materials were used in Art Deco?

12)What was Expressionism?

13)What were Expressionist buildings characterized by?

14)What is Brutalism?

15)What was Brutalism characterized by?

16)What became perhaps the most important centre for the avant-garde in architecture?

17)What was Walter Gropius and what was he responsible for?

18)How was teaching at the Bauhaus arranged?

19)Why was the Bauhaus closed?

2O)Where can the legacy of the functional approach be seen?

21)How can we recognize a functionalist?

22)What was Constructivism?

23)Why did few Constructivist buildings come into being in the Soviet Union?

24)What were Constructivist buildings characterized by?

25)What did furtherance of the cult of the sun and of the body result in?

26)What is Hi-Tech?

27)What is Hi-Tech characterized by?

28)What is one of the advantages of this style?

29)What is Post-Modernism?

30)How did Post-modernist architects combine the present and the past?

31).What is the potential value of Post-modernist contribution?


Ex. 3. Match the words with their synonyms.

1) appreciate




2) appeal n




3) household


c)creative impulse


4) onventional


d) ordinance










Ex. 4. Match the words with their opposites.

1) considerable
























Ex. 5. Fill in the correct prepositions, then choose any nine items

and make sentences.

1) to specialize ... sth; 2) to be derived ...sth; 3)... essence: 4) to be suggestive ...sth; 5) to come... an end; 6) ... the interests ; 7) to be limited .., number; 8) to be responsible ... sth; 9) to be engaged ... sth; 10) to be attributed ... sb/sth; 11) to be concerned ... sth; 12) to come ... being; 13) to take advantage ... sth; 14) to turn ... sth ... sth;

15)... emphasis... sth.

Ex. 6. Fill in the word(s) from the list below.

Modernism, potential, architectural, derived, functional, inspiration, buildings, fascinating, material, aim, consideration, properties, movement, to inhabit, environments, figures, proposed, town planning, vernacular

  1. Futurism is one of the most... areas in twentieth-century art and architecture.

  2. Together with concrete the existing new... at the beginning of the twentieth century was glass.

  3. The interest in new materials and techniques led to an exploration of their... for new forms and spaces.

  4. The ... of the Bauhaus school was 'to collect an artistic creativity into a unity, to reunite all artistic disciplines into a new architecture',

  5. Walter Gropius was the most important architect of the Bauhaus and one of the most important ... in twentieth-century architecture.

  6. Modernism rejected the whole notion of 'style' and ... a new way of thinking,

  7. Villa Savoye (192S-30) and Maison La Roche (1923) are examples of a type that have become monuments to....

  1. Le Corbusier's ... and ... schemes had people in mind from an early stage.

  2. The idea of being 'in harmony with nature' has been an important ... for many Modernist architects - Sullivan, Aalto and Scharoun.

  3. Ancient Egypt was a major ... for Art Deco, especially in the USA.

  4. In contrast to the prim, cool cubic forms of 1930s Modernism, by late 1940s and 1950s archi­tects were beginning to experiment with the 'plastic'... of concrete.

  5. According to the structuralists, Modern movement architecture is too bland, ill-defined spatially, neutral, and difficult....

  6. Neorationalism is a contemporary ... associated primarily with Italian and German architects.

  7. Modernism, in its search for integrity, has always taken a particular interest in '...' building, or traditional regional forms.

  8. Postmodernism embraces an architecture that is clearly ... from the familiar, the historical, and the vernacular.

  9. Postmodern buildings borrow styles from the past, without any... purpose.

  10. .Modern architecture has been critisized on many counts, not least of which are the many unacceptable ... and harsh ... which its proponents have produced.

Ex. 7. Match the words with the nouns. You may use some words more than once.

artistic, decorative, applied, coloured, traditional, the freedom of, floral, reinforced, steel, concrete, smooth, conventional, to follow, appropriate, to provide, close, geometric, modern, real, available,

jazzy, rough, glass, to serve, to facilitate, unfinished

a(n)... design

a(n)... building

a(n)... pattern

... the purpose

... concrete

... the services

... the fashion

... the provision

... materials

a{n)... feature

a(n)... association

... expression

... arts

... inspiration

Ex. 8. Complete the following texts with the correct words derived from the words in brackets.

  1. The ... (develop) of Modernism in Britain is associated with the ... (arrive) of a number of... (influence) European architects en route for the States. Gropius, Breuer, Chermayeff and Mendelsohn all completed building projects during their brief sojourns in England before going to the USA.

  2. The ... (express) 'New Brutalism' originated in Britain in 1954 and was attributed to Alison And Peter Smithson (b. 1928 and 1923) who, like many other young architects in Europe, were frustrated by the problems of getting work in a profession dominated by the established older generation. The term referred, perhaps ... (mocking), to the puritanical approach of a younger generation committed to the extreme Modernist principles of the visible, honest expression of structures and materials. 'Critical regionalism' is Kenneth Frampton's ... (describe) of the development of Modernism in ... (respond) to different physical and ... (culture) contexts. Spain, following ... (re-democratize), the ... (introduce) of legal ... (protect) for historic buildings, the ... (stage) of the Expo in Seville in 1992 and the Olympic games in Barcelona, has had the opportunity to reassert a cultural... (present) in Europe with major new buildings.

  3. Freedom from clutter, from the ... (distract) of trivia, allows ... (concentrate) on the fundamental - the ... (importance) qualities of form, of space and material. Here, beauty is not found in essary ... (adorn) and distracting ... (embellish), but in the ... (refine) of the ... (essence) heart of a build­ing, the ... (true) minimal.... (Simple) and ... (empty) characterize such Mininalist architecture, recall­ing a monastic restraint.

Ex. 9. Translate the following extracts into English using the vocabulary of the texts.

  1. Конструктивные и функциональные проблемы высотного строительства разработал американский архитектор Луис Салливен (Louis Sullivan) (1856-1924), которому принадлежит крылатая фраза "форма следует функции", т. е. форма сооружения зависит от его назначения.

  2. К началу XX в. относится создание больших промышленных комплексов на основе железобетонных конструкций, стального каркаса, элементов заводского изготовления, что привело к возникновению идей унификации и стандартизации элементов зданий. Другой путь, по которому шло развитие архитектуры, был связан с использованием пластических свойств бетона, т.е. его способности принимать любую форму.

  3. Для периода 1917-26гг. характерно увлечение формальными элементами, плоскостями, геометрическими телами (голландская группа "Стиль" (De Stijl). Под влиянием этого направления создан "Дом над водопадом" (Falling Water) в Пенсильвании (Pennsylvania) (1936, ФЛ.Райт (Frank Lloyd Wright), в котором пересечение прямоугольных объемов под прямым углом - один из приемов равновесия всей композиции.

  4. В "Баухаузе" - художественно-промышленном училище г. Веймара (Weimar), которое было основано архитектором В. Гропиусом (Walter Gropius), зарождается новое течение в архитектуре (1920-е гг.) - функционализм, провозгласивший идею синтеза искусства и техники основой современного формообразования. Функционализм требовал строгого соответствия зданий протекающим в них производственным и бытовым процессам (функциям).

  5. Один из лидеров функционализма - немецкий и американский архитектор Л. Мис ван дер Роэ (Ludwig Mies van der Rohe) (1886-1969) - выдвинул новую концепцию пространства: стена - не подчиненный элемент, а имеет самостоятельное значение, связывая внутреннее пространство с окружающей средой. Он развивал идею совершенной ''универсальной формы" в архитектуре, т.е. пригодной для любых зданий.

  6. Один из создателей современной архитектуры французский архитектор и теоретик архитектуры Ле Корбюзье (Le Corbusier) (1887-1965) - видел основу обновления архитектуры в современной технике и серийности индустриального строительства. Он формулирует пять основных принципов новой архитектуры: гибкая планировка, возможная внутри каркасной конструкции; свободное решение фасада, вынесенного перед каркасом; сплошные горизонтальные ленты окон; плоская крыша, используемая как сад; постановка здания на железобетонные столбы с отрывом от земли (pilotis), чтобы продолжить под зданием зеленую зону.

  7. Новое веяние в архитектуре современного мира - постмодернизм (его популяризаторы Ч. Дженкс (Charles Jencks), Р. Стерн (Robert Stern) и Ч. Мур (Charles Moor) - направление, ищущее субъективные, сенсационные эффекты благодаря неожиданным формам. Его принципы: подчинение факторам окружающей среды; введение элементов исторических ассоциаций; возвращение неконструктивных и нефункциональных элементов архитектуры. Архитектура провозглашается способом коммуникации с зашифрованной символикой, многозначностью образа, эклектичностью формальных средств. Появляются и здания - копии образов прошлого.


Read the texts again and make notes under the following headings. Then use your notes and the illus­trations to talk about twentieth-century architecture.

  1. Introduction.

  2. Art Nouvean.

  3. Art Deco

  4. Expressionism.

  5. Brutalism.

  6. Functionalism.

  7. Constructivism.

  8. Hi-Tech

  9. Post-Modernism.


When an architect receives a commission for a building, he meets the client and discusses his requirements. After visiting the site, the architect draws up preliminary plans and, together with a rough esti­mate of the cost, submits them to the client for his approval. If the client suggests changes, the architect incorporates them into the final design which shows the exact dimension of every part of the building. At this stage, several building contractors are invited to bid for the job of constructing the building. When they submit their tenders or prices, the architect assists his client in selecting the best one and helps him to draw up a contract between the client and the

Work now starts on the building. As construction proceeds, the architect makes periodic inspections to make sure that the building is being constructed according to his plans and that the materials specified in the contract are being used. During the building period, the client pays the bills from the contractor. Subsequently, the con­tractor completes the building and the client occupies it. For six months after completion there is a period known as the "defects liability period'. During this period, the contractor must correct any defects that appear in the fabric of the building. Finally, when all the defects have been corrected, the client takes full possession of the building.

Ex. 1. Find a word or an expression in the passage which means:

  1. to be given the job of designing a building

  2. to offer to a client for his consideration

  3. to combine into a whole

  4. to offer to do some work at a certain price

  5. to look at the building work in detail at regular intervals

  6. named or described exactly

  7. an interval of time after the building has been finished during which the contractor is responsible for correcting any faults in it

h) to have complete ownership of the building


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