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14. Text a machine-tools

Memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

machine-tool [шэ'Д :ntu: 1] — станок

manufacture [„msenju'faektjb] — производство

equipment [i' kwipmcmtj — оборудование

minute [mai'nju: t] — мелкий

jewel ['d3u:9l] — драгоценный камень

aircraft [' еэкга: ft] — самолет

spindle [spindl] — шпиндель

to impart [im'pa: t] — придавать, сообщать

rotary [' routari] — вращательный

motion [' moujbn] — движение

feed [f i : d] — подача

to rest [rest] — отдыхать, покоиться

frame [freim] — рама, корпус

cutter [' kAts] — резец, фреза, режущий инструмент

to rotate [rou' teit] — вращать

lathe [lei6] — токарный станок

to perform [рэ' fo:m] — исполнять, совершать

variety [va' raioti] — разнообразие, множество

reaming |' ri : miij] — развертывание, раззенкование

tapping [' teepii}] — нарезка резьбы метчиком

to employ [im'ploi] — употреблять

adapter [э' dseptal держатель, соединительная муфта

drive [draiv] — привод, передача

arrangement [э'reindynsnt] — устройство, расположение gear [gia] — шестерня


Word combinations for connected reading:

drilling machine — сверлильный станок

sensitive drilling machine — сверлильный станок повышенной точности upright drilling machine — вертикально-сверлильный станок radial drilling machine — радиально-сверлильный станок

multi-spindle machine — многошпиндельный станок

milling machine — фрезерный станок

bench lathe — верстачный станок

chucking lathe — патронный токарный станок

screw machine — винторезный станок

boring mill — расточный станок

crankshaft lathe — коленчатовальный станок

wheel lathe — колесотокарный станок

engine lathe — токарно-винторезный станок


The machine-tool is the principal manufacturing equipment in a

machine shop. It is essential in the manufacture of every product from a giant turbine to minute jewels for aircraft instruments.

One of the simplest tools is the ordinary drilling machine. It consists of aspindle whichimparts rotary motion to the drilling tool, mechanism forfeeding the tool into the work, a table on which the workrests, and aframe.

The drilling machines or drill presses are grouped into the following four classes: sensitive, upright, radial andmulti-spindle machines.

A milling machine is a machine-tool that removes metal as the work is fed against arotating cutter.

The lathe is a machine-tool which canperform a widevariety of operations. It is primarily used for turning and boring operations. In addition, the lathe can be used for drilling,reaming, tapping and, byemploying suitableadapt-ers, operations of milling and grinding may be carried out without difficulty.

The lathe is the oldest machine-tool, but it is still widely used.

There are many types of lathes that differ in their size, design, method of drive, arrangement ofgears and purpose.

According to the character of work performed, the design and construction lathes are divided into the following types: bench lathes, chucking lathes and automatic lathes. There are alsoscrew machines, boring mills, crankshaft lathes, wheel lathes, etc. Anengine lathe is shown in the figure.