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видо-временные формы англ. глагола.doc
2.3 Mб

Данная видо-временная форма употребляется при сообщении:

1. обычных фактов, регулярных, повторяющихся действий в настоящем времени.

My friends like to travel.

He visits his grandparents every Sunday.

We have English grammar twice a week.

2. общеизвестных истин. Употребление данной видо-временной формы характерно для пословиц и поговорок, в которых отражается человеческий опыт и мудрость.

The Universe is endless.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Still waters run deep.

Old love doesn't rust.

3. фактической информации, например о компании.

Our company employs over 100,000 people, operates in many overseas markets, and offers a wide-range of hi-tech products for the 21st century.

4. последовательности действий, происходящих в момент речи.

She enters the room, sees a fax on the table, reads it, and calls the secretary.

5. действия, происходящего в момент речи с глаголами, которые обычно не употребляются в длительной форме. К их числу относятся глаголы чувственной и умственной деятельности, а также глаголы обладания: see, hear, sound, believe, belong, understand, need, realize, know, remember, prefer, sound, possess, own.

We believe you and understand you.

I see some people in the park.

It really sounds great.

This house belongs to my parents.

Don't worry, I remember your address.

Now I realize that you know everything.

- Who owns this car? - I do.

6. времени, уступки, условия в придаточных предложениях после союзов: when, till, until, as soon as, before, after, if, unless, in case, on condition that, even if.

Краткая теоретическая информация

If Ted gets this job, he'll be happy.

Shall I see you before you leave?

Find the solution to this question as soon as the boss comes.

Even if he learns the truth, he will not be cross with me.

7. приказов и инструкций.

“How do I get to your office?”

“You turn left after the station, cross the bridge and it's the second building on your right.”

Place the CD in the drive and click on the icon.

8. информации из расписаний.

The bus leaves at 8.35 tomorrow morning.

The exhibition opens on 25 January.

9. краткого резюме выступления, доклада и т. д.

The first section of this report provides introductory comments, focuses on important new developments and highlights some of our operations outside the United States. The second section analyses the results for the group as a whole. The final two sections address our consolidated cash flows and financial condition. The report concludes by pointing out the need for further investment if the group is to continue its expansion policy.

10. прошедших действий с глаголами to forget, to hear, to be told (в значении «знать», «помнить»).

I forget your telephone number, (забыла, не помню)

We are told she is leaving soon, (нам сказали, мы знаем)

I hear you are doing well, («слышал», «знаю»)

NB: видовременная форма Present Simple также часто встречается в газетных заголовках:

Краткая теоретическая информация