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Job Interview Essential Vocabulary

A job interview собеседование

An interviewer интервьюер

An interviewee интервьюируемый

A candidate кандидат на должность

A letter of application письмо-заявление при

устройстве на работу

An applicant кандидат на должность

A graduate выпускник

A diploma диплом

To look for a job/ the right person искать работу/

подходящего человека

To apply for a job подавать заявление о приеме

на работу

CV= Curriculum Vitae резюме, краткая биография

To fill the vacancy занять должность

Skills/skilled навыки/ квалифицированный

Relevant соответствующий

Experience опыт

To be good at уметь что-то делать

Qualifications квалификации

Features of character черты характера

Lack of experience недостаток опыта

Training courses повышение квалификации

An employer работодатель

An employee наемный работник

A job interview is an interview to determine whether an applicant is suitable for a position of employment.

Tip: “The number 1 rule in preparing for a job interview is to research your target company before the interview.

The number 2 rule in preparing for a job interview is to research the competition of your target company before the interview.”

Carol Filipino, Recruitment Consultant

Task 5. Pairwork

A: Read the definitions for some features of character and decide which adjectives you can use to describe your personality.

realistic: someone who likes to do practical work

social: someone who can work with people

investigative: someone who likes to do research

enterprising: someone who has desire and ability to run

their own business

artistic: someone who is creative

conventional: someone who likes things as they are

B: When applying for a job, people often prepare a short personal statement to summarize their best qualities. Try to explain in your own words the meaning of the following adjectives using the pattern in A:

creative a good team player

dependable to like a challenge

energetic motivated

experienced skilled

hard-working well-organized

Task 6.

A: Read the job advert for Stage Technician given below and list the essential and desirable requirements for this job.