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II. Analyze the following Letter of Application. Then choose the appropriate phrase from each pair in the box to complete it.

As regards


At the end



would like

look forward





With reference

In addition


ul. Garbarska 75

90112 Lodz



377 West Main Street

Boston, MA 02116


16 March

Dear Sir or Madam,

………………………to your recent advertisement on our Internet, I………………………….to apply for the position of Sales Manager for Central and Eastern Europe.

I have been working as Fast-Track Regional Manager for the south of Poland for five years. During this period, I focused on developing sales, so that they increased by 12 %.

……………………….., I also gained extensive experience of sales and of managing teams in a wide variety of industries in Poland and in neighbouring countries.

………………………… my academic background, I have a degree in financial engineering from the University of Krakow.

………………………….., I am bilingual in Polish and English and I know the region extremely well, as I have traveled frequently throughout Poland and other central European countries.

I believe that this combination of practical experience and qualifications makes me an ideal candidate for the Warsaw post.

I …………………………… to hearing from you.


T. Vaida

T. Vaida

Transcription to exercise VII, Unit 2.

Speaker 1: I make model aeroplanes. I’ve been doing it for about five years now, and I think I’m beginning to understand it! You have to make a lot of bad models before you make a good one. You learn from your mistakes, though, and practice makes perfect, as they say. It’s important not to give up, but just keep on trying until you get it right.

Speaker 2: There’s nothing like the feeling you get when you’ve got a fish on the end of your line. I first went fishing with my Uncle Derek when I was very young. I loved it from the start. It’s good to learn a new skill from someone who knows you so well because you don’t mind making mistakes. He taught me the basics, but I was soon going out to the river on my own or with my friends.

Speaker 3: Karate. That’s my hobby. It looks like it could be dangerous, but it’s not really. The biggest risk is hurting yourself you’re not fit enough to do it. It’s not a good idea to do karate if you aren’t already in good shape. Get some exercise and then try karate. That’s what I tell people. Once you’re ready to try it, though, it can be a really enjoyable hobby.

Speaker 4: My hobby is walking in the countryside. There are lots of walks to go on in this area, and you always find someone to chat to. People are usually very friendly when they are out walking, and we talk about weather, or the beautiful views. It’s interesting to hear about all the places they’ve been walking in.

Speaker 5: Stamp collecting is great! It’s a bit like traveling the world. I’ve got stamps from over a hundred different countries, and some of them are actually quite valuable. The best thing is when you buy a stamp that you know is worth a lot more money than they’re asking for it. Sometimes, I sell stamps for a bit more than I paid for them. Than way, I have a little extra money to spend on more stamps.

Методические указания для бакалавров всех факультетов по закреплению навыков устной речи по теме: «О себе, своей семье, увлечениях и родном городе»

Составители: Филатова Марина Вячеславовна

Абросимова Ирина Николаевна

Редактор Н.Н. Ярцева

Подписано в печать 2012. Формат 60х84/16

Печать плоская. Усл.печ. л. 2,79 Тираж 50 экз.

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