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2 семестр / Работа № 4 / Вариант 9

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Вариант 9

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно


It is a well-known fact that every building needs permanent stability. In order to have stability, buildings should have foundations. We know that the function of a foundation is to transfer the loads of a building into the soil. Foundations keep the walls and the floors of buildings from direct contact with the soil. They guard the walls and the floors against the ac­tion of the weather - rain, snow, and wind. They also guard buildings against sinking that may cause cracks in the walls. Foundation design is very spe­cial. It may be both rather complex or very simple. It is a common practice that for very small buildings foundation design is usually much simpler than for large ones. Why is it so? Firstly, because foundations loads of small buildings are usually low.

What kinds of loads are supported by foundations? A foundation may support different kinds of loads. Among them there are dead loads and live loads. The dead load of a building includes the weights of the ceilings, the frame, the floor, roofs and the walls. Besides, every modern building is known to have water, electricity, heating, ventilation and dispose of waste systems and, accordingly, their equipment. The dead load also includes the weights of this electrical and mechanical equipment and the weight of the foundation itself. As to the live load, it includes the sum of the weights of the people and other living beings, the furnishings, and equipment they use. The live load also includes snow, ice, and water of the roof.

2. Выпишите из текста термины, дайте транскрипцию и перевод

3. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What parts does dead load (live load) include?

  2. When foundation design can be rather simple?

4. Выберите более грамотный вариант:

1. We_________ hurry. We've got enough time.

A) don't have to; B) have got to; C) need to.

2. You ________ come if you don't want to but I hope you will!

A) mustn't; B) must; C) needn't.

3. We haven't got much time. We _________ hurry.

A) haven't got to; B) needn't; C) must.

5. Выберите более грамотный вариант:

1. Why did you worry about me? - You _________.

A) must have been injured; B) could have been in­jured.

2. Do you think we ___________ ask before we borrow the car?

A) ought to; B) could.

3. Mary's children ___ watch the film on TV last night.

A) could; B) were allowed to.

4 ____try this on?

A) Am / allowed to; B) Can I.

6. Дополните предложения глаголами can, can't, could or couldn't, to be able to.

  1. The box was so heavy that he ____________ lift it.

  2. I ___________ play the piano since I was 5.

7. Дополните предложения модальными глаголами can, can't, could or couldn't.

Пример: It was a huge hall and we were at the back, so we couldn't hear very well.

  1. When Mason was 7, he_________ swim like a fish,

  2. We_____________ all read and write.

8. Дополните предложения нужной формой оборота be able to.

Пример: Our baby will be able to walk in a few weeks.

  1. He _________ work since his illness.

  2. Unfortunately we ________ get the tickets for the match yesterday.

9. Выразите разрешение. Перепишите предложения, начиная их с данных слов

Пример: You're allowed to do whatever you like. => You can do whatever you like.

  1. You may park in this street. You are allowed .

  2. You are allowed to stay out till midnight. You can ___________ ___________ ______________________ .

10. Измените предложения, попросите разрешение, используя глагол can.

Пример: Is it all right if I go to a disco? => Can I go to a disco?

  1. Do you mind if I come in?


  1. Do you mind if I have a look at your magazine?


11. Дополните предложения глаголами have (got) to или must. Используйте нужную видовременную, утвердительную, вопросительную или отрицательную форму.

Пример: I have (got) to/must stop smoking. I'm sorry, you mustn't smoke here.

  1. You __________ stand up and walk around when the plane is taking off.

2. I've got a terrible toothache. I really_________ go to the dentist.

12. Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола need.

Пример: The teacher says we needn't go to school tomorrow, (negative)

Do I need to have a license to drive a car in this country? (question)

You've got a terrible cough. You need to see a doctor, (positive)

1. My mother says that I _________ work harder, (positive)

2. _________ he phone you before he comes to see you? (question)

3. You can go home now, you _________ stay any longer. (negative)

4. How much money _________ we _________ save up for the trip? (question)

5. She is a gifted architect, but she _________ study. (positive)

13. Дополните предложения глаголами should/ought to и предложенными в скобках словами.

Пример: These windows are dirty, (you/clean them/more often).

  • You should clean them more often.

  1. It's going to be a cold day. (you/wear/an overcoat)


  1. Julie looks run down, (she/not go/to bed late every day)


14. Дополните предложения, используя выражение shall I и наиболее подходящий из следующих глаголов:

paint, invite, get, tell, say, put

Пример:: Whom shall I invite to my party?

  1. Where ___________ all these dirty plates?

  2. What do you think? _________ my friends what has hap­pened?

  3. What__________ if someone asks for you?

15. Дополните предложения, используя глагол can и наиболее подходящий из следующих глаголов:

cause, ski, make, live, reach, survive

Пример: In some cases this can cause difficulty.

  1. You ………………………on the hills.

  2. Temperatures near the South Pole ………………………… minus 43 de­grees centigrade.

  3. Camels…………………….. for up to 17 weeks in the desert without water.

16. Измените предложения, выразите возможность с помощью глаголов may/might/ could

Пример: Perhaps my parents will be at home tomorrow. - My parents may/might/could be at home tomorrow.

  1. Perhaps she will be working today.


  1. Perhaps Liz will help us if we give her a ring.


  1. Perhaps I'll see him on Monday.


17. Измените предложения, выразите возможность с помощью глаголов may /might/ сould

Пример: They have left already.

-They may/might/could have left already.

  1. The secretary forgot about us.


  1. She got up early.


18. Дополните предложения глаголами may/might/ could, так чтобы выразить возможность в прошлом. Используйте слова из скобок.

Пример: Where was Sally last night? — (she/be/at the cine­ma) - She may/might/could have been at the cinema.

  1. What has Sally had for breakfast? (she/have/bacon and eggs and a cup of tea)


  1. What did that car cost? (it/$5,000)


19. Измените каждое предложение, так чтобы оно содержало глаголы must, can't or couldn't.

Пример: I'm sure that Jack feels really lonely.

  • Jack must feel really lonely.

  1. I'm sure it's not nine o'clock.


  1. I'm sure that he is not the thief.


20. Измените каждое предложение, так чтобы оно содержало глаголы must/can't/ couldn't и выражало уверенность в событиях прошлого

Пример : Obviously it was a long journey. –

It must have been a long journey.

  1. I'm sure the bus has left.


  1. Obviously he was waiting for you outside the cinema.


21. Дополните каждое предложение глаголом must, can't или couldn't.

  1. Those shoes you bought are very nice. They ___________ _have been expensive.

2. You've been working very hard all day. You ____________ feeling very tired.

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