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King Alfred the Great of Wessex (849-901)

A Saxon Village

St. Augustine of

St. Columba, apostle


to the Picts

A modern representation of a Viking an his ship

Normans as represented on the Bayoux tapestry

Norman King

William the

Conqueror (1066)

HWÆT, WE GAR-DEna in geardagum þeodcyninga þrym gefrunon,

hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon!

Initial lines from the

Old English poem “Beowulf

Alliterative Poetry Features

1) each line was made up of two half-lines, separated by

a pause (caesura);


oft Scyld Scefing

sceaþena þreatum,

2) each half-line consisted of two ‘feet’ (each foot has a stressed syllable (X) and a number on unstressed ones

(x)); oft Scyld Scefing

sceaþena þreatum

x X

X x

X x X x X x x

3) the two half-lines are joined by alliteration -- the same consonant of the stressed syllable;

oft Scyld Scefing

sceaþena þreatum

x X

X x

X x X x X x x

4) a word beginning with a vowel alliterated with any other word beginning the any other vowel.

Old English kennings

“sea”: seġl-rād “sail-road” swan-rād “swan-road” hwæl-weġ “whale-way”

“the sun” heofon-candel “sky-candle” heofones ġim “sky’s jewel”

Anglo-Saxon Runic Alphabet

Соседние файлы в папке англ.лит 06-09-2013_00-14-32