- •Table of Content
- •Module 1 Theme 1.1
- •Theme 1.2
- •Theme 1.3
- •Theme 1.4
- •Themes 1.5-1.6
- •Theme 1.7
- •Theme 1.8
- •Theme 1.9
- •Theme 1.10
- •Module 2 Theme 2.1
- •Theme 2.2
- •Theme 2.3
- •Theme 2.4
- •Instructions
- •Themes 2.5-2.6
- •The Escape by s. Maugham
- •Theme 2.7
- •Theme 2.8
- •2. Reformulate.
- •Theme 2.9
- •Theme 2.10
- •Module 3 Theme 3.1
- •Theme 3.2
- •Theme 3.3
- •Theme 3.4
- •Themes 3.5-3.6
- •A Public School Drama, With 'Detachment' At Its Core http://www.Npr.Org/2012/03/15/148595402/a-public-school-drama-with-detachment-at-its-core
- •Theme 3.7
- •Theme 3.9
- •Theme 3.10
Table of Content
“Up the Dawn Staircase by B. Kaufman………..
Text Interpretation. General Outline. Review…………..
Cultural background of the novel ..……….………….
Patterns and Phrases used in the text……………………...
Writing an outline. Review………………………………………
Text interpretation and analysis: theme, message, plot structure, type of conflicts, narrative types…...……........................................
Text interpretation and analysis: system of images, artistic devices. Writing an essay. Review.............................…….……………….
Essential and additional vocabulary analysis…………………….
Contextual use and synonyms in the vocabulary…………………
Домашнє читання: E. O’Neil “Long Day’s Journey into the Night”…
Індивідуальне читання ‘Why is it important to read?”
“THE ESCAPE” BY S. MAUGHAM ……………………………………
2.1. Text Interpretation. General Outline. Review…………..
2.2. Cultural background of the story ..……….………….
2.3. Patterns and Phrases used in the text……………………...
2.4. Writing a blurb. Basics and essentials ……………………………
2.5. Text interpretation and analysis: theme, message, plot structure, type of conflicts, narrative types…...……........................................
2.6. Text interpretation and analysis: system of images, artistic devices. Writing a dicto-comp. Basic principles…………………………………..…….
2.7. Essential and additional vocabulary analysis…………………….
2.8. Contextual use and synonyms in the vocabulary…………………
2.9. Домашнє читання: L. Hellmann “The Autumn Garden”
2.10. Індивідуальне читання ‘Why read complicated books?’
3.1. Text Interpretation. General Outline. Review…………..
3.2. Cultural background of the novel ..……….………….
3.3. Patterns and Phrases used in the text……………………...
3.4. Writing annotations. Basics and essentials ……………………………………
3.5. Text interpretation and analysis: theme, message, plot structure, type of conflicts, narrative types…...……........................................
3.6. Text interpretation and analysis: system of images, artistic devices…….
3.7. Essential and additional vocabulary analysis…………………….
3.8. Contextual use and synonyms in the vocabulary…………………
3.9. Домашнє читання: T. Williams “Orpheus Descending”
3.10. Індивідуальне читання ‘Where to find free online books’
APPENDICES ………………………………………………………
А. Active Vocabulary …………………………..…………………...
B. Test Samples ……………….………………………………..…...
Module 1 Theme 1.1
I. These are some terms used when talking about the genre and its types in literature. Match them with the definitions below.
historical prose b) genre c) thriller d) fiction e) whodunnit
f) blood freezer g) fairy
tale h) parable i) legend j) ballad k) belles-lettres l) political
prose m) tear squeezer n) memoirs
o) sceince fiction p)
romance q) pulp fiction r) myth s) utopia t)
surrealism u) poem v) rhyme w) detective story
documentary prose y)play z) script
1. |
a short story which teaches moral or religious lesson |
2. |
writings of poor quality about sex and violence |
3. |
the written form of play, film, performance, etc. |
4. |
a distinctive type or category of literary composition, such as the epic, tragedy, comedy, novel, and short story. |
5. |
literature presenting political issues in fictitious form |
6. |
20th century literature in which the writer connects unrelated images and objects in a strange way |
7. |
kind of writing that gives information about some real events |
8. |
story that a lot of people believe, but which is not true |
9. |
an account written by someone, especially a famous person, about their life and experiences |
10. |
books or stories about imaginary people and events |
11. |
prose describing historic events in the form of fiction |
12. |
kind of writing in which imaginary future developments in science and their effect on life are described |
13. |
a piece of writing performed in a theatre or on television or radio, consisting of speeches and conversations between several characters |
14. |
a short story in the form of a poem |
15. |
a fiction telling horrible nightmarish stories about werewolves, live deads, etc. |
16. |
kind of writing about an imaginary perfect world where everyone is happy (ant. antiutopia) |
17. |
a book which tells an exciting story about a crime or a murder |
18. |
love story |
19. |
a short poem or song, especially for children, using words that rhyme |
20. |
a book about a murder case, in which you do not find out who did the murder until the end |
21. |
an old, well-known story, often about brave people, adventures, or magical events |
22. |
a piece of writing arranged in patterns of lines and of sounds which often rhyme, expressing thoughts, emotions and experiences in words that excite your imagination |
23. |
a story about a crime, often a murder, and a detective who tries to find out who did it |
24. |
a children's story in which magical things happen |
25. |
literature or writings about literary subjects |
26. |
type of a "soap" in fiction |
Match the following literary terms and their definitions:
1. plot
2. style
3. character
4. imagery
5. narration
6. subject
7. subplot
8. message
9. context
10. allusion
A form in which a story is told by relating events in a sequence of time.
A hint of something, presumably known to the reader, frequently from literature or mythology.
Figurative language intended to evoke a picture or idea in the mind of the reader; figures of speech collectively
One accompanying and often paralleling the main action of a novel or play.
One of the persons in a play or novel
Text units that precede and follow a passage and throw light upon its meaning.
The distinctive manner of the expression of thought peculiar to an author. May be terse or diffuse, pithy or pointless, obscure or perspicuous, explicit or vague, simple or rhetorical, light or ponderous, etc.
The main idea of a literary piece. It is carried by a literary work not in a straightforward way but through the character, events and the author’s conception.
The matter of a literary work to be dealt with; the basic theme which the writer intends to defend or attack in his work.
The plan of literary composition comprising a series of incidents which are gradually unfolded.