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Tastes differ.docx
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  1. A flat or a cottage? What is better?

  • It depends on a person what to choose.

  • if you have a big family

  • flat costs less than a cottage

  • it takes less effort and money to maintain

  • you can live

  • everything at my fingertips

  • noisy neighbors

  • you can get stuck in the elevator

  • It’s big. So it’s great for families with kids

  • There is a lot of space

  • You can keep almost any animal you want

  1. Why can’t we do without doctors?

  • Some people think that you can’t trust doctors

  • They don’t care about people

  • When we have a running nose and a cough we know what medicine to take

  • But when we have something serious we can’t do without doctors

  • They have studied to get this profession for years

  • Obviously they know a lot of things

  • Also, you can be allergic to some medicine. You can take it and you will not understand what’s wrong with you unless you are a doctor

  • From my own experience I can say that I usually go to doctors because of my allergy.

  • They were the one who did some tests and told me what I was allergic to.

  • They prescribed me some medicine that really helped me

  • I would never be able to that myself

  • So it proves that we can’t do without doctors

  1. Every country has its customs

  2. A new flat is a happy event

  • When you move, you start a new life

  • We are always happy when we buy something you, so it’s the same

  • It’s an opportunity to start a new life, to refresh something

  • It takes much time and effort to decorate your new flat

  • But once you have finished. It feels great to have a flat of your own

  1. The season you like best of all.

  • Summer

  • The main reason – I can do anything I want

  • I also enjoy weather

  • I don’t like when it’s hot outside

  • The weather becomes sultry and the air gets stifling

  • So its hard to fall asleep at night

  • When it’s unbearably hot I feel like doing nothing. I just watch a TV and it’s not the best pastime

  • I enjoy periods of showers

  • When the sky is suddenly overcast with black low clouds

  • Distant peals of thunder indicate the approaching of a thunderstorm

  • Flashes of lightning are followed by a clap of thunder

  • It pours with rain

  • The air is remarkably fresh

  • In my town there are a lot of trees, bushes and flowers. Everything looks magnificent.

  1. The best time of the year for a holiday

  • The main reason I think summer is the best time for a holiday because people usually have more free time at this time of the year. So they can do whatever they want

  • You can go to picnics, you can swim, spend time in a cottage.

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your present home?

  2. What do you think of big families in which there are more than 4 children?

  3. Are you good at cooking?

  • I’m not good at cooking

  • My grandmother lives with us. So when my parents are at work she always cooks.

  • When I came home from school I didn’t have to cook anything

  • I never had a chance

  • Of course, I made some salads. And I helped my mother to cook different cakes.

  • But when I moved to the hostel, it was obvious that I would have to learn to cook and I did

  • I’m still not great at cooking.

  1. Are you subject to colds?

  • Nowadays may people are subject to colds because we have a weak immune system

  • We eat unhealthy food, we breathe polluted air

  • Personally, I’m not subject to colds

  1. Have you already made up your mind about how to spend your summer holidays?

  2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

  3. Choosing a birthday present is no easy matter

  4. The climate of Great Britain

  5. Learning a foreign language is no easy matter

  6. Does English come easily to you?

  7. My groupmates

  8. Good health is above wealth

  9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a country house?

  10. Fruit and vegetables are an indispensable part of a diet

  11. My favorite writer and his books

James Baldwin was born on the 2th of August in 1924 in Harlem. He grew up in poverty and had a troubled relationship with his strict religious stepfather. Despite his difficult relationship with his stepfather his followed his footsteps. He was a preacher for 2 years and then served as a youth minister. However, at the age of 17 he got disappointed with religion. But this experience with the church influenced his writing.

Baldwin developed a passion for reading at an early age. His writing career began when he was twelve. That was when his story was published in a local church's newspaper. However, it was only after graduating high school that Baldwin really became a professional writer.

After finishing high school he had to find a job to support his family. He took whatever work he could find. During this time, Baldwin often encountered discrimination, being turned away from restaurants, bars, and other establishments because he was African-American.

Also, during his teenage years he began to recognize his own homosexuality.

In 1943 Baldwin started getting essays and short stories published in national periodicals.

In 1948 he left the United States and departed to Paris. He flied in order to see himself and his writing beyond an African American context. His work started to be published in literary anthologies.

Baldwin had his first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain, published in 1953. The autobiographical tale focused on the life of a young man growing up in Harlem grappling with father issues and his religion.

In his novels he touched upon different social and racial issues. He also wrote essays that explored how it was to live as a black person in the US.

Baldwin was involved in the Civil Rights movement both as an activist and writer. He explored black-white relationships in a collection of short stories entitled "Nobody Knows My Name."

After the assassinations of his friends Medgar Evers, Martin Luther King, Jr. Baldwin returned to France where he worked on a book about the disillusionment of the times, If Beale Street Could Talk

Baldwin finished his career as a professor at the University of Massachusetts. He taught Afro-American studies

On December 1, 1987 Baldwin died from stomach cancer in France

The book focuses on the events in the life of an American man living in Paris and his feelings and frustrations with his relationships with other men in his life, particularly an Italian bartender named Giovanni who he meets at a Parisian gay bar.

semi-autobiographical novel by James Baldwin. The novel examines the role of the Christian Church in the lives of African-Americans, both as a source of repression and moral hypocrisy and as a source of inspiration and community. It also, more subtly, examines racism in the United States.

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