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test weather

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1st year, second term, interpreting department

Grammar test on the topic “Weather. Climate”

I. Insert the proper prepositions.

  1. It was almost time _ spring to come

  2. Don’t walk _ the sun, it’s harmful _ your health.

  3. We were caught _ the rain and got wet _ the skin.

  4. Going to the forest _ such rainy weather is _ _ question.

  5. I don’t like to be _ _doors _ such bad weather.

II. Insert the right articles.

  1. What sort of _ weather are we going to have?

  2. What does _ thermometer say?

  3. Look, _ sun is trying to penetrate through _ clouds.

  4. I think we are in for _ spell of wet weather.

  5. It’s very cold in _ North in _ winter.

III. Render in English.

  1. Погода стоит чудесная. Начинает таять снег.

  2. Я очень люблю загорать, хотя и знаю, что это вредно.

  3. Небо покрыто тёмными тучами. Слышны отдельные раскаты грома.

Надвигается гроза.

  1. Было 27 градусов мороза.

  2. Какая сегодня погода? – Хуже, чем вчера: гораздо холоднее и идёт дождь.

  3. Стоит невыносимая жара. Очень душно.

  4. Посмотрите, какая красивая радуга!

  5. Завтра на дорогах будет скользко.

  6. Какой прогноз погоды на следующую неделю?

10) Где же бабье лето? Дождь льёт как из ведра!

IV. Open the brackets.

  1. Are you glad that spring (to come)?

  2. We (to have) a severe winter this year.

  3. …..n’t the month (to be) awfully hot?

  4. You (to hear) the weather forecast? – Yes it (to be) rainy and stormy next week.

  5. Why are you so wet? What you (to do)?

  6. Look, the weather is marvellous!

The sun (to shine) brightly and the birds (to sing).

  1. Before we (to go) outside, we (to need) to know the temperature.

  2. What sort of summer we (to have) last year?

  3. You (to be) to Volga embankment these last days?

10) When it (to rain) hard, I (to take) an umbrella with me.

V. Insert modal verbs and their equivalents.

  1. My uncle _ have left for a sanatorium.

  2. Before my parents returned, I _ to pick flowers.

  3. My friend _ to take un umbrella with him because it was raining heavily.

  4. Winter _ be frosty in your region.

  5. The boy’s mother _ have bought a pair of skates last winter, but she didn’t.

  6. It _ rain tomorrow or not.

  7. People _ wear warm clothes in winter.

  8. Many people _ stand hot weather in summer.

  9. It is so pleasant to swim! You _ go out of town and bathe and swim in the river on hot summer days.

10) If you dislike the heat, you _ like the cold.

VI. Transform the sentences into reported speech.

  1. What fine weather we’re having today.

I say, Ann. Let us go for a walk!

2) When I was at my aunt’s we often went to the forest. However, winter is my

favourite season.

  1. These children have gathered a lot of mushrooms in the forest.

  2. My sister bought this silk umbrella last week.

  3. My friends will spend the summer in the country.

  4. What nice berries you had gathered by the time I met you.

  5. I believe everybody likes summer for one thing – the days are so sunny, warm and bright and for another – most people have their vacation in summer.

  6. - Will it rain?

- Have a look at the cloudless sky, and you will at once know it can’t rain.

9) Summer is coming. I am ever so glad of it.

10) I can’t stand the heat. The air is not fresh and there is a lot of dust at that.

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