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I. Make sure you know the pronunciation of the following words. Write them down and transcribe them.

sabre, khaki, broad, wound, sombrero, ragged, height, peso, condemned, staff, grotesque, creature, feature, kneel, gesture.

II. Prepare an expressive reading of the first paragraph of the story.

III. Scan the text to find the answers to the following questions. First read the questions, make sure you’ve got them well in mind and then start scanning. Stop reading the text the moment you have found the necessary information.

  1. Why did the narrator pay attention to the man?

  2. Where did the narrator meet the man with the scar?

  3. What did the man use to be?

  4. How many rebels were to be executed?

  5. Who attended the execution?

  6. What did the man do to the woman?

  7. What language did the narrator’s friend speak?

IV. Read the story carefully and write out sentences in which the following words and phrases are used. Memorize the words and phrases. Use them when discussing the story.

on account of

to speak of

to be caused by

to cause

to be sentenced to

to pass the time doing smth.

to give a cry

to give a gasp of surprise

now and then

to take (no) notice of

to be far from

to take part in

without delay

to try sb. by court

dead white

to draw smth. from

to seize

to make (no) attempt to do smth.


to suit

V. Paraphrase or explain the following sentences. Use the expressions listed below to open your sentences with:

In other words…

To put it another way…

Another way of saying it is…

Let me put it another way…

That’s to say…

If I can rephrase that…

What it means is…

  1. It doesn’t add to his beauty, does it?

  2. It was on account of the scar that I first noticed him.

  3. If his ammunition hadn’t given out, he’d have upset the government.

  4. He had small features.

VI. Pick out words and phrases which describe the appearance of:

1. the man with the scar;

2. the woman.

Describe their appearance using the words and phrases written out.

VII. Support or challenge the following statements. Make suitable quotations to prove your point of view. Begin with the following expressions:

I absolutely agree

I completely go along with that

I (quite) agree with you

I think so too

That’s just what I think

I agree with you in a way, but …

That may be true, but…

I shouldn’t say so

I don’t agree (with you) (there)

I’m afraid you’re mistaken

Nothing of the kind

On the contrary

I’m not sure but I think…

I’m afraid you’re wrong here

  1. The narrator was not interested in the man with the scar.

  2. The narrator’s acquaintance did not approve of the man with the scar.

  3. The man with the scar loved his wife very much.

  4. The man with the scar had become quite indifferent to life.

  5. The general was very much impressed by the man’s action.

  6. The soldiers did not think much of the woman’s appearance.

  7. The man with the scar was always neatly dressed.

VIII. Explain why the following happened (or not happened), was (or was not) done.

  1. The man with the scar was for the most part a little drunk.

  2. The execution of the rebels was delayed.

  3. The general swore when he saw the woman.

  4. The soldiers gave a cry of horror.

  5. The general stared at the man for a while in silence.

  6. The narrator did not change his friend’s rather high-flown language.

IX. Look through the story again and find answers to the following comprehension questions.

  1. What did the man with the scar do at the hotel?

  2. How did the people at the hotel treat the man?

  3. Under what circumstances were the general and his staff caught?

  4. What was the decision of court - martial?

  5. What was the man’s last wish?

  6. Why couldn’t the officers save the woman?

  7. Why did the man kill his wife?

  8. How did the general explain his decision to release the man?

  9. How did the man get the scar?

X. Comment on the narrator’s last remark about ginger ale: “I never liked it.”

How does it characterize the narrator’s attitude to the man with the scar?

XI. Opinion questions.

  1. Do you justify the man’s killing of his wife?

  2. The general called the man with the scar a brave man. Do you agree with him? What is your feeling about the man with the scar?

  3. What do you think the general’s decision proved to be for the man: a reward or a punishment?

  4. What are the various possible explanations for the man’s present dreadful condition?

XII. Tell the story as if you were:

  1. the man with the scar;

  2. the general.

XIII. Divide the story into logical parts. Entitle each.

XIV. Make up an outline of the story.

XV. Here is a summary of the story. Translate it into English and reproduce the translation from memory.

Действие рассказа «Человек со шрамом» происходит в Гватемале. Автор обратил внимание на человека, продающего лотерейные билеты в гостинице, из-за шрама на его лице. Однажды знакомый автора тепло приветствовал человека со шрамом и угостил его стаканом бренди. Позднее он рассказал автору, что этот человек в свое время возглавлял войска мятежников, которые хотели свергнуть правительство Гватемалы. Однако он сам и его штаб были арестованы, и военный суд приговорил их к расстрелу. Перед казнью генерал разрешил главарю мятежников попрощаться с женой. К ужасу окружающих арестованный убил жену, нанеся ей удар кинжалом. Он объяснил свой поступок тем, что очень любил свою жену. Генерал был настолько поражен этим, по его мнению, благородным поступком, что отменил казнь и отпустил арестованного. Что же касается шрама, то герой рассказа получил его, когда пытался открыть бутылку пива, и та взорвалась у него в руках.

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