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Family life. Урок 5 класс

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Класс: 5

Учитель: Сидорова Екатерина Игоревна

Тема: Family life

Проблема: Different kinds of families

Цели и задачи:

учебные: СЛНГ

познавательные: знакомство с разными типами семей

развивающие: развитие слуха, логики высказывания

Языковой и речевой материал: лексика по теме «Семья», раздаточный материал

Оснащение: раздаточный материал – листы с заданиями, ноутбук

План урока


Режим работы

Содержание деятельности


  1. Речевая подготовка

Good afternoon, guys. My name is Ekaterina Igorevna. Today I am your teacher. And first of all let me know something about you.

What’s your name? – N1… How old are you? – N1… How are you today? – N1…

And what about you? What’s your name? – N2 What do you like to do? – N2

May I ask your name? – N3 How old are you? – N3 Do you have you a hobby? – N3 And you, what is your name? – N4 What do you like to do? – N4 How are you today? – N4

You know when people want to know more about each other they ask about a family. I can tell you a little about my family. There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my brother and I. So I have got a typical Russian family. But the world is full of people. There are different kinds of families. Let’s get to know about them. I know that you have read some information about family life. You have read about families of Ana, Lucy and Amfana. Today we’ll return to these stories. But before I want to check you if you know the words in bold. So, I name you a word in English and you answer in Russian. Let’s start!

full of – полный

the same – одинаковый, такой же

different – сложный

wonderful – прекрасный

shades – оттенки

as well – также, тоже

place – место

live – жить

work – работать

lots of – множество

play – играть

village – деревня

to be called – называться

Good for your! I see you know these words very well. ( I see you have forgotten some words, but know I think you have remembered them. Yes? Good)

  1. Упражнения

I I ask my nephew Peter to read these stories about different kinds of families and answer some questions. But Peter speaks English not very well. That’s why I’m afraid he answered correctly. Let’s check Peter.

I think you don’t remember the stories in details. Let’s listen them again.

Now, let’s check my nephew Peter.

Is the following information true or false? Prove.

Read the questions by turn.

  1. Ana has got a big family.

  2. Lucy likes to play with her cousins.

  3. There are three people in Lucy’s family.

  4. Amfana hasn’t got any relatives.

  5. Amfana lives in a big city.

Well done! Good for you! I see my nephew knows English not very well. I advise him to come here and to study with you.

II Well, you have got acquainted with different kinds of families from all the world and now I offer you to know about a family of a Russian boy.

My name is Sasha. I'm from Moscow, Russia. I’m ten years old. There are six people in my family: my father, my mother, my grandparents, my sister and I. My mother is thirty seven years old. She is of medium height and slim. She has got short blonde hair and green eyes. She is a teacher and she’s very clever. My father is forty years old. He is tall and thin. He’s got short dark hair and blue eyes. He is a doctor. My grandparents are sixty one years old. They don’t work. I love them because they are very kind. But most of all I love my sister. She is fifteen years old. She is tall and slim. She’s got long curly blonde hair. Her eyes are blue. She’s very pretty. My sister is friendly, merry and clever. She plays tennis. I love my family very much! And what about your family? Do you love your brothers or sisters?

Every child Ana, Lucy, Amfana and Sasha in their stories pay attention to different details. Ana pays attention to a place where her family lives, Lucy – that she hasn’t got any brothers or sisters, about Amfana we have known many interesting things. And Sasha pays attention to appearance of his relatives. Now try to collect all the information about our characters in a table.





Special because



Are you ready? Please, tell about each family. The first is Ana’s family. Who wants to tell us about it? (Tell us where is she from, what family has she got)

The second is Lucy’s family…

Then Amfana’s family…

The family of Sasha…

Perfect! Now you know that there are small families, families with an only child and big families. But what do you know about your classmates’ families? Have they got small or big families? Have they got brothers or sisters?

Imagine that you are journalists. And you must interview. Ask your classmate about his/her family. This table will help you.

Are you ready? Ok, journalists, what have you learned about your classmates’ families? Who want to start? (Any volunteers?)

Реагировать на реплики. Please to meet you. Nice to meet you. That's great! I see. Good. Fine.

Раздать листочки с заданием “True or false. Prove”

Прочитать про Ana. Включить запись про Lucy и Amfana. C1-03-22 (1:29)

Is it true or false? How does she tell about it? Where is it written?

Раздать тексты

Текст читают дети

Раздать таблицы. См. ниже

Реагировать на ответы.

  1. Homework

Our lesson is over. And your homework is to write a story about your classmate’s family. Clear? And please next time bring a photo of your family. Thank you for the lesson! I was nice to meet you.








Is like




Your feelings

Beginning phrases


Family There are… people in his/her family.

Age He/she is



Hair He/she has got


Is like (What does he/she look like?) She is pretty/…

Character kind/clever/friendly/merry…

Hobby He likes dancing/swimming/…


Your feelings I like …’s family

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