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Unit II. Studies. Part 1. My favourite teacher.


an attitude ['ætɪtjuːd]  to smth, smb

in most cases [keɪsiz]

to depend [dɪ'pend] on smth

a subtle ['sʌtl] sense [sens] of humour ['hjuːmə]

to look young [jʌŋ] (happy, sad)

to have a good taste in clothes [kləuðz]

to respect smb [rɪ'spekt]

both… and [bəuθ]

to be well-read [red]

to be strict

to be fair [fɛə]

to be sympathetic [ˌsɪmpə'θetɪk]

to be communicative [kə'mjuːnɪkətɪv]

to be easy-going ['iːzɪ'gəuɪŋ] 

to be well-educated

to be cheerful ['ʧɪəfəl]

to be full of life and energy

to need a piece [piːs] of advice [əd'vaɪs] 

to address smb [ə'dres]

to have a vast [vɑːst] knowledge ['nɔlɪʤ] of Mathematics [ˌmæθə'mætɪks]

to encourage [ɪn'kʌrɪʤ] smb in smth

a shortcoming[ˌʃɔːt'kʌmɪŋ]

отношение к чему-либо, кому-либо

в большинстве случаев

зависеть от чего-либо

тонкое чувство юмора

выглядеть молодым (счастливым, грустным)

иметь хороший вкус в одежде

уважать кого-либо

как… так и

быть начитанным

быть строгим

быть справедливым

быть доброжелательным

быть общительным

быть лёгким в общении

быть хорошо образованным

быть весёлым

быть радостным (быть в тонусе)

нуждаться в совете

обращаться к кому-либо

иметь глубокие знания по математике

поощрять кого-либо в чём-либо


My favourite teacher.

I study at school N4. My favourite subjects are Algebra and Geometry. I think that in most cases the pupils’ attitude to studying this or that subject depends on the teacher who teaches it. So I’d like to tell you about my favourite teacher. Her name is Elena Petrovna Ivanova. She is a teacher of Maths. She is a charming good-looking woman with pleasant manners and a subtle sense of humour. She looks very young because she goes in for skiing. She has a good taste in clothes.

Having worked at our school for fifteen years she proved to be a good teacher and a reliable friend. She is respected both by her colleagues and by the students she teaches.

Her lessons are very interesting. She is well-read and often tells us many interesting things about outstanding mathematicians and their theories. She is strict but fair. She is always cheerful and full of life and energy. But she is a woman of character. She is also a sympathetic woman and when we need a piece of advice we always address her.

We enjoy talking to her because she is a well-educated person. She is also a communicative and easy-going person. She has a vast knowledge not only of Maths, but also of Literature, Art and History. She is fond of travelling.

What amazes me in her is that she is never lazy to study, to learn something new. Our teacher knows how important it is to be well-educated and she always encourages us in our study. Of course, she has her shortcomings, but I hardly notice them.

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: in most cases; hardly notice something; to learn something new; an easy-going person; outstanding people; strict but fair; a charming good-looking woman; a subtle sense of humour; to be well-educated; to go in for skiing.

Exercise 2. Find the equivalents of these expressions in the text:учитель математики; иметь недостатки; женщина с характером; лень учиться; поощрять; быть полным энергии; общительный человек; увлекаться туризмом; верный друг; работать в школе 14 лет; отношение к учёбе; любимый предмет; я бы хотел рассказать; приятные манеры; иметь хороший вкус в одежде; нуждаться в совете; иметь глубокие знания по математике.

Exercise 3. Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words.

pre- invent -ion

in- relation -ship

un- express -able

comfort -ent

differ -ment

historic -er

Exercise 4. Read, translate and divide the words with different suffixes into three groups: nouns, adjectives, adverbs.

Secondary, manager, profession, properly, tasty, conversation, appearance, lately, fashion, comfortable, economic, early, condition, different, musical, recently, satisfaction, friendly.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions:

  1. Who is your favourite teacher?

  2. How long have you known her/him?

  3. What do you like in your teacher most?

  4. What is your teacher fond of?

  5. Would you like to be a teacher?

Exercise 6. Write all the possible questions to which the following sentence is the answer: His favourite teacher works at school No.29 and teaches History.

Exercise 7. Describe your favourite teacher using the vocabulary of the lesson.