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Part 4. Christmas.


to mark a holiday

to come from smth.

Christ’s [kraɪstы] Mass [mæs]

the birth [bɜːθ] of Jesus [ˈdʒiːzəs] Christ

little by little

a public holiday

to make merry

to be connected with smth.

the Middle Ages [eɪʤiz]

an evergreen ['evəgriːn]  plant [plɑːnt]

to worship ['wɜːʃɪp] smth.

eternal [ɪ'tɜːnl] life

a Christian ['krɪsʧən] saint [seɪnt]

St. Nicholas

to go back to

Roman times

a Christmas card

a Christmas carol ['kærəl]

for charity ['ʧærɪtɪ]

colourful ['kʌləfl]

Boxing Day

отмечать праздник

происходить от чего-либо

месса, обедня в честь Христа

рождение Иисуса Христа


общественный праздник


быть связанным с чем-либо

средние века

вечнозелёное растение

почитать, поклоняться чему-либо

вечная жизнь

христианский святой

святой Николай

восходить, уходить корнями

времена древнего Рима

рождественская открытка

рождественская песня религиозного содержания

на благотворительные цели

красочный, яркий

второй день Рождества, день рождественских подарков


Christmas is marked on December the 25th. The word Christmas comes from “Christ’s Mass” held to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. For many centuries it was a church holiday but little by little it became a public holiday when people had a feast and made merry.

There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas, some of them are old and some are new. The Christmas tree came from Germany where in the Middle Ages an evergreen plant decorated with apples was worshipped as a symbol of eternal life.

On Christmas all children wait for Santa Claus to give them presents. The name of Santa Claus comes from the name of a Christian saint – St. Nicholas who was famous for his kindness to children and the poor. But the tradition of giving presents goes back to Roman times.

The custom of giving Christmas cards isn’t old. In England they appeared in the middle of the 19th century. Usually they show the pictures of Christ’s birth, Santa Claus, Christmas tree, etc.

There is a special Christmas music, Christmas carols. In England they were first sung in the 14-15th centuries. Now before Christmas groups of people sing carols to collect money for charity.

Christmas is the most popular and colourful holiday, but above all it’s a family holiday. On Christmas Eve stations, trains and buses are full of people going home to join their families for the holiday. Streets and shops are wonderfully decorated in red and green, the traditional Christmas colours.

After Christmas Day comes Boxing Day, also a public holiday. It’s called so because until recently servants were given “boxes” with money as a Christmas present on that day.

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ; the most popular and colourful holiday; all children wait for Santa Claus; an evergreen plant; a church holiday; little by little; the custom of giving Christmas cards; to sing carols to collect money for charity; sing carols to collect money for charity; a family holiday; to be full of people; as a Christmas present.

Exercise 2. Translate into English: быть связанным с чем-либо; день рождественских подарков; символ вечной жизни; отмечать праздник; общественный праздник; средние века; времена древнего Рима; уходить корнями; рождественская ёлка; в канун Рождества; переполненный людьми; прекрасно украшенный; до недавнего времени; традиция дарить подарки; многие столетия; веселиться; быть знаменитым; доброта к детям; в середине 19 века.

Exercise 3. Make up the questions covering the content of one of the texts for your fellow-students to answer them.

Exercise 4. True or false?

  1. The word Christmas comes from “Christ’s Mass” held to celebrate the rebirth of Jesus Christ.

  2. The tradition of giving presents goes back to the 14-15th centuries.

  3. The custom of giving Christmas cards is very old.

  4. Red and green are the traditional Christmas colours.

  5. Christmas was always a public holiday.

  6. The Christmas tree came from Germany.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences in a logical way.

  1. The word Christmas …

  2. The Christmas tree came from …

  3. The name of Santa Claus comes from …

  4. Christmas cards appeared …

  5. Streets and shops are …

  6. Boxing Day is called so because …