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Part 2. Halloween.


to take place

originally [ə'rɪʤənəlɪ]

All [ɔːl] Hallows’ [hæ'ləu] (Saints’) Eve [iːv] 

a custom ['kʌstəm]

to date back to smth

a ghost [gəust]

an evil ['iːvəl] spirit

an earthly ['ɜːθlɪ] home

to dress up

to resemble smb [rɪ'zembl]

the souls [səulz] of the dead

to make smb do smth

to beg

trick or treat


a cookie

a silhouette [ˌsɪlu'et]

a jack-o’-lantern [dʒækəʹlæntən]

to light (lit, lit) [laɪt]

a lighted candle ['kændl]

to frighten ['fraɪtən]

to enter Heaven (Hell)

greedy ['griːdɪ]

a pumpkin ['pʌmpkɪn] lantern [ʹlæntən]

происходить, иметь место


канун дня Всех Святых

обычай, традиция

относиться, уходить корнями


злой дух

земной дом


напоминать кого-либо

души умерших

заставлять кого-либо что-либо делать

попрошайничать, просить милостыню

угощай или мы тебя проучим




фонарь из тыквы


зажжённая свеча

пугать кого-либо

попасть в рай (ад)


фонарь из тыквы


Halloween is a holiday that takes place on October 31. This day was originally called “All Hallows’ Eve” (All Saints’ Eve) but was later shortened to Halloween.

Halloween customs date back to a time when people believed in devils, ghosts and witches. People thought that on this night these evil spirits return to their earthly homes, so the people dressed up and tried to resemble the souls of the dead to make the evil spirits go away.

Now October 31 is a nice holiday, mostly for children who dress up in costumes of evil spirits and go out into the streets to beg. They go from house to house saying “Trick or treat”. People give them candy, cookies and apples.

Black is a traditional colour for Halloween, perhaps because celebrations take place at night. Americans decorate windows of houses and schools with silhouettes of witches. A favourite custom is to make a jack-o’-lantern. Children take out the middle of the pumpkin, cut the holes for the eyes, nose and mouth in its side and put a lighted candle inside to frighten their friends. This custom refers to a man named Jack who couldn’t enter Heaven because he was very greedy and he couldn’t enter Hell because he had played tricks on the Devil, so he still goes around the earth lighting his way with a pumpkin lantern.

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: a traditional colour for Halloween; to take place at night; evil spirits; a jack-o’-lantern; to date back to smth; a lighted candle; decorate windows of houses and schools with silhouettes of witches; trick or treat; to frighten their friends; very greedy; Halloween customs; to return to earthly homes; to go from house to house; take out the middle of the pumpkin.

Exercise 2. Translate into English: вырезать дырки для глаз, носа и рта; человек по имени Джек; освещая путь фонарём из тыквы; первоначально назывался; напоминать души умерших людей; празднования; леденцы, печенье и яблоки; заставить злых духов уйти; любимый обычай; главным образом для детей; наряжаться в костюмы злых духов.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions:

    1. When is Halloween celebrated?

    2. What is this holiday connected with?

    3. What do people dress up on this night?

    4. What do people do with pumpkins?

    5. What game do children play?

    6. What tricks do children play on the people who don’t give them a treat?

Exercise 4. Write the interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences:

  1. Black is a traditional colour for Halloween.

  2. This day was originally called “All Hallows’ Eve”.

  3. Children take out the middle of the pumpkin.

  4. Halloween customs date back to a time when people believed in devils.

  5. He couldn’t enter Hell because he had played tricks on the Devil.