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Unit V. The united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Part 1. The uk.


the United [juː'naɪtɪd] Kingdom ['kɪŋdəm] of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ['aɪələnd]

Scotland ['skɔtlənd]

Wales [weɪlz] (Welsh)

Northern Ireland (Irish) ['aɪrɪʃ]

Edinburgh ['edɪnbərə]

Cardiff ['kɑːdɪf]

Belfast ['belfɑːst]

the British Isles [aɪlz]

the Atlantic [ət'læntɪk] Ocean ['əuʃn]

the North [nɔːθ] Sea [siː]

the Irish Sea

the English Channel ['ʧænl]

the Straight [streɪt] of Dover ['dəuvə]

the Gulf Stream ['gʌlfˌstriːm]

surface ['sɜːfɪs]

to vary ['vɛərɪ]

Lowland ['loulənd] Britain  ['brɪtn]

Highland ['haɪlənd] Britain

the Pennines ['penainz]

the Lake District

the Cheviot ['ʧevɪət] Hills

the Severn ['sevən]

the Spey

densely ['denslɪ]  populated ['pɔpjəleɪtɪd]

Gaelic ['geɪlɪk]

the Union ['juːnjən] Jack

St. George

patron saint ['peɪtrən] [seɪnt]

St. Andrew

St. Patrick

Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии


Уэльс (уэльский)

Северная Ирландия (ирландский)




Британские острова

Атлантический океан

Северное море

Ирландское море

Английский канал (Ла-Манш)

пролив Па-де-Кале



разнообразить, менять(ся)

низменная часть Великобритании

гористая часть Великобритании

Пеннинские горы

Озёрный край


р. Северн

р. Спей

плотно населённый


гос. флаг Соединённого Королевства

св. Георгий


св. Андрей

св. Патрик

The uk.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state which includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.

The United Kingdom is an island state. It occupies the British Isles, which consist of two main islands – Great Britain and Ireland – and 5,500 small islands. It’s washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the north and north-west, the North Sea from the east, the Irish Sea from the west and the English Channel and the Strait of Dover from the south-east and south. The Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles, so it is mild all the year round.

The surface of Great Britain varies very much. Great Britain is divided into 2 main regions – Lowland Britain including southern and eastern England and Highland Britain including Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennines and the Lake District. England is separated from Scotland by the Cheviot Hills.

There are many rivers in Great Britain, but the Severn is the longest, the Thames is the busiest and most important, the Spey is the fastest. There are many lakes in Great Britain. In the north-west of England they make up the Lake District. In Scotland they are called lochs.

The United Kingdom is one of the world’s smaller countries. It has an area of 240,000 square km with a population of 57 mln people. It’s one of the most densely populated countries of the world.

English is the official language and it isn’t the only language spoken in the United Kingdom. Welsh is also spoken in Wales, Gaelic is spoken in Scotland and Irish is spoken in Ireland. The flag of the United Kingdom known as the Union Jack is made up of 3 crosses representing the crosses of St. George, the patron saint of England, St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland and St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: the official name of the state; to consist of two main islands; to be washed from the north; to influence the climate; the surface of Great Britain; the busiest and most important; in the north-west of England; densely populated country of the world.

Exercise 2. Find the equivalents of these expressions in the text:столица Великобритании; занимать британские острова; маленькие острова; тёплые воды Гольфстрима; весь год; мягкий климат; много рек; много озёр; одна из самый маленьких стран; официальный язык; покровитель.

Exercise 3. True or false?

    1. English is the official language of the UK and it is the only language spoken in the UK.

    2. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the state which includes England, Scotland, Belfast and Northern Ireland.

    3. The North Sea washes the UK from the north.

    4. Great Britain is divided into 2 main regions – Lowland Britain and Highland Britain.

    5. The Severn is the fastest river in Great Britain.

Exercise 4.Complete the following sentences in logical way:

  1. The UK is situated …

  2. Great Britain is washed by …

  3. The capitals of the UK are …

  4. Lowlands comprise …

  5. Highlands include …

  6. Many rivers are flowing through Great Britain, such as …

  7. The Severn is …

  8. The Spey is …

  9. The Thames is …

  10. The flag of the United Kingdom known as the Union Jack is made up of …

  11. The official language of the UK is English, but …

Exercise 5. Try to answer all the questions and compare two countries.


The UK


1. What territory does the country occupy?

2. What is the total area?

3. What is the country washed by?

4. What is the climate of the country?

5. What regions can the country be divided into?

6. What rivers are flowing through the country?

7. What is the longest river?

8. What is the population of the country?

9. What is the official language?

10. What does the flag of the country represent?

11. What is the capital of the country?

12. What are the famous places of the country?

13. Who is the head of the country?