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A VI System of teaching tasks for verification of eventual level of knowledges


Situation tasks for verification of eventual level of knowledges.

  1. What operation can be executed to the patient, if at him close from the place of future cut a furuncle is disposed?

1) deleting of grows like a weed lipomi;

2) appendektomiyu at chronic appendicitis;

3) the plastic arts of tendon of the sgibatelya second finger of brush;

4) taking of probodnoy gastric ulcer in; (+)

5) resection of stomach at narrowing of privratnika.

  1. Indicate the most rational sequence of conducting of operations (by the numbers 1-5) in one operating-room during one operating day?

1)operation concerning a piles; (4)

2)operation concerning inguinal hernia; (1)

3)operation concerning chronic appendicitis; (2)

4) operation concerning paraproktita; (5)

5) osteosintez at the closed break of collar-bone. (3)

  1. Dress a sterile dressing-gown single-handed?

  2. Nakroyte large instrumental table?

  3. What value have instruments – doublers?

1)the third row of instruments on operating table it is instruments which use not often ;

2)it is instruments for determination of basic instruments;

3)instruments which use when the basic are muddy (+)

  1. What dinner-wagon of “mute sister”?

1) a sister lays out instruments on table, and other sister gives them;

2)a surgeon works unassisted sister;

3)a surgeon takes that he needs on motion of operation. (+)

  1. Dress a sterile dressing-gown on a surgeon?

  2. Tell about the rules of transmission of instruments to the surgeon?

1)not to injure a surgeon;

2) to give an instrument, so that a surgeon could at once to use him;

3) to know the sequence of serve of instruments;

4) not to touch by the hand of that part of instrument, which will contact by an organ.(+)

  1. Show the serve of scalpel to the surgeon?

1)holding a scalpel a handle to the surgeon on a neck; (+)

2)by a blade to the surgeon;

3)lets takes.

  1. Wear sterile gloves for work of surgeon?

  2. Show the serve to the surgeon of wadding marbles, serviettes and tampons?

    1. marbles, serviettes, to give tampons by pincers;

    2. bandaging material of not logit on a sheet;

    3. at a small wound and small bleeding to give little marbles, at large – large.

  1. Show the serve to the surgeon of needleholder with the ligature put on?

  2. Transfer possible errors at the transmission of instruments and way of their overcoming?

  1. It easy, to give slowly, but it is correct.

  2. At the serve of short filament, to the surgeon it is heavy to string her, and dlinaya is easily tangled.

  3. At the serve of thick filament on a thin needle the fabric is injured, and after conducting of stitch, it is heavy to take needle off from a filament.

  4. Serve of filament of unchecked on durability.

  5. Serve of not suiting instrument (cutting needle in place of round one, surgical pincers in place of anatomic ones).

  6. Inattentive control after a quantity and state of instruments, bandaging material.

A VII Method of conducting of employment and organizational structure of employment

Distributing of marks, that students can get.

At mastering of theme №31 from the thematic module №3 for educational activity to the student the estimation for 4th is proposed by a ball (traditional) scale which is after converted in marks as follows.



“5” it is fine

6 marks

“4” it is well

4 marks

“3” satisfactorily

2 marks

“2” unsatisfactorily

0 marks

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