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Methodical pointing for work to the students on practical employment

Module №1

Thematic modul№1

Practical employment № 6

Theme: Organization of work in sterilization one. Preparation and sterilization of cutting, optical, general surgical instruments. Sterilization of stitch material.

Theoretical questions for the extra auditory independent study and discussion to practical employment № 6.

1. Structure and organization of work in sterilization one.

2. Classification of surgical tool

3. Preparation to sterilization of surgical instruments.

4. Tests on quality of the before sterilization cleaning of surgical instruments.

5. Sterilization of cutting, optical, general surgical instruments.

6. Classification of stitch material and requirement to him.

7. Methods of sterilization of stitch material.

ІІІ. Providing of initial level of knowledge - abilities


The basic literature:

  1. Butyrsky A. General surgery. – Simferopol. 2004.

  2. Schevchenko S.I. and others. Surgery. – Kharcov. 2004

The additional literature:

  1. Kushnir R. Lectures of General surgery. – 2005.

  2. Lyapis M.A. Methods of examination of a surgical patients. – 2004.

  3. Methodological recommendations on surgical patients care. – Vinnitsa medical national university. 2006.

Distributing of marks that students can get:

At mastering of theme № 6 from the thematic module № 1 of educational activity to the student the estimation for 4th is proposed by a ball (traditional) scale which is after converted in marks as follows:




6 marks

“4” (well)

4 marks


2 marks

“2” (negative)

0 marks

Module №1 Thematic modul№1 Practical employment № 6

Theme: Organization of work in sterilization one. Preparation and sterilization of cutting, optical, generalsurgical instruments. Sterilization of stitch material.

І. Actuality of theme

Among complications in surgery most often there are complications of infectious character. They can result in a fatal outcome, in spite of the brilliantly executed operative interference. Warning of such complications is main principle of surgery, in the basis of which an asepsis and antiseptic lie. For warning of contact infection of wound it is necessary to attain sterility of all that will get in with a wound. It is achieved by sterilization of operating linen, bandaging and stitch material, gloves, instruments, by treatment of hands of surgeon and operating field. Sterilization of stitch material, surgical tool is directed on a prophylaxis both contact, and implantation infection of wound.

ІІ. Purpose of employment:

1. To learn structure and organization of work in sterilization one.

2. To know classification of surgical tool

3. To be able to prepare surgical instruments of sterilisation.

4. To be able to conduct tests on quality of before sterilisation treatment of surgical instruments.

5. To be able sterilisation cutting, optical, generalsurgical instruments.

6. To know classification of stitch material and requirement of it.

7. To be able to conduct sterilization of stitch material.

ІІІ. Providing of initial level of knowledges-abilities

The basic literature:

  1. Butyrsky A. General surgery. – Simferopol. 2004.

  2. Schevchenko S.I. and others. Surgery. – Kharcov. 2004

The additional literature:

  1. Kushnir R. Lectures of General surgery. – 2005.

  2. Lyapis M.A. Methods of examination of a surgical patients. – 2004.

  3. Methodological recommendations on surgical patients care. – Vinnitsa medical national university. 2006.

Tests and tasks for verification of initial level of knowledges

1. What time takes the instruments in an autoclave at pressure of 2 atm and temperature 132oC are sterilized during?

а) 20 min (+);

b) 35 min;

c) 45 min;

d) a 1 hour;

e) a 1 hour and 30 min.

2. How is synthetic material sterilized?

а) boiling;

b) ferry under constraint(+);

c) wet in an alcohol;

d) wet in the Lugol solution;

e) by a dry heat.

3. Sowing for the control after efficiency of sterilization of stitch material needs to be conducted 1 times on:

а) 3 days;

b) 5 days;

c) 10 days(+);

d) 15 days;

e) 20 days.

4. For saving of sterile silk a bank of alcohol must be changed through each:

а) 3 days;

b) 5 days;

c) 10 days (+);

d) 15 days;

e) 20 days.

5. Which one from the methods of sterilization of surgical tool is most reliable and rapid in the conditions of surgical separation?

а) in an autoclave under constraint;

b) in an autoclave there is a ferry;

c) in a dry-heat closet (+);

d) by a bactericidal lamp;

e) gamut by the irradiation.

6. Which one from the methods of control after sterility of content of most reliable?

а) the Mikulich method;

b) temperature of melting of sulphur;

c) temperature of melting of sulphur and antipyrine;

d) bacteriological (+);

e) temperature of melting of sulphur and benzone acid.

7. By the pairs of formalin sterilize:

а) cutting instruments;

b) rubber gloves;

c) instruments with the optical systems (+);

d) dressing material ;

e) operating linen.

8. What is saved in the Lugol solution after sterilization?

а) silk;

b) catgut (+);

c) kapron;

d) lavsan ;

e) vikril.

9. At what minimum temperature spore bacteria perish at?

а) 60 oC;

b) 80 oC;

c) 100 oC;

d) 120 oC (+);

e) 140 oC.

10. At what temperature instruments are sterilized in a dry-heat closet?

а) 180 oC (+);

b) 150 oC;

c) 100 oC;

d) 120 oC;

e) 140 oC.

11. How is silk saved after sterilization on Kocher?

а) in 96% alcohol (+);

b) in solution of sulema 1:1000;

c) in the Lugol solution;

d) in a dry sterile jar ;

e) in pervomur.

12. By which method stitch material is sterilized in factory terms?

а) autoclave

b) by boiling

c) gamut by the irradiation (+);

d) in a dry-heat close;

e) wet in an alcohol

13. Disinfection of the used surgical tool can be conducted by the following methods:

а) immersion in a 10% solution of chloramin in 60 min.

b) immersion in a 10% solution of chloric lime in 60 min.

c) immersion in a 1% solution of chloramin in 60 min (+) .

d) immersion in a 6% solution hydrogen peroxide in 1 hour (+).

e) immersion in the distilled water at the temperature 100 oC on 30 min.

14. Disinfection of the used surgical tool can be conducted by the following methods:

а) immersion in a 2,4% solution of pervomur in 15 min (+).

b) immersion in the distilled water at the temperature 100 oC in 30 min.

c) immersion in 96% ethyl alcohol in 30 min.

d) immersion in a 10% solution of chloramin in 60 min.

e) immersion in a 0,2% solution of dezaktin in 1 hour (+).

15. Laparoscopy and Cystoscopy are needed to sterilize:

а) by boiling;

b) autoclave;

c) immersion in 96% ethyl alcohol in 30 min;

d) in a dry-heat close;

e) immersion in pervomur (+).

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