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Хірургія.методички / ТЕМА_4 / Aнтисептика 4 англ.doc
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Methodical development for practical employment №4 Module №1 Semantic module №1.

Theme: Antiseptic. Care of patients with festering pathology

I. Actuality of theme

Antiseptic belongs to the mighty and enough widespread methods of prophylaxis and medical treatment of local infectious diseases and sepsis. In 80-90 years of we age interest to antiseptic and scales of its use were considerably multiplied. It follows to underline that terms and way of life of people changed in the second half of ХХ age, medicare to the population got subsequent development, the rates of evolution of conditional-pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms, that cause the disease at a man were multiplied. By the most important display of processes, that take place, it follows to count reduction of distribution of general and increase of absolute quantity of local infectious diseases. On local infectious diseases now there is the bulk of diseases, the concerned beds in permanent establishments, policlinic visits, charges on medical service.

For a prophylaxis and medical treatment of local infectious diseases and concomitant to them septicopiemii from old times used facilities antiseptic. To the modern surgeon it is heavy to present a before antiseptic period, when a lot of sick died from an infection. M.I.Pirogov marked still, that greater part of injury died not so much from the damages, as from a hospital contagion. In the past on the basis of empiric experience, and afterwards on the basis of scientific researches by surgeons various facilities for a prophylaxis and medical treatment of surgical infection were used. Scales of their application from times I.F.Zemelveys, Dg. Lister, M.I.Pirogov, began D.C.Zabolotny to grow. In the first half of ХХ age of antiseptic became one of the most widespread facilities of prophylaxis and medical treatment of infectious diseases.

Antiseptic has extraordinarily the large value for surgery. Development of antiseptic as method opened a new era in surgery, gave possibility for development of new surgical directions – cardiac surgery, microsurgery, transplantations of organs, and others like that.

ІІ. Whole employments

  1. To have imagination about history of development of antiseptic (α=І).

  2. To know classification and machineries of action of different methods of modern antiseptic (α=ІІ).

  3. To master classification of antibiotics, mechanism of their action, principles of application (α=ІІ).

  4. To know organization of work in the festering bandaging one, methods of utilization of the used bandaging material (α=ІІ).

  5. To be able to choose a mean antiseptic depending on the variety of festering-septic surgical pathology (α=ІІІ).

  6. To be able to prepare and apply chemical facilities antiseptic (α=ІІІ).

  7. To be able to organize examination and mode of stay in the separation of patient with an anaerobic infection (α=ІІІ).

III. Providing of initial level of knowledge-abilities


The basic literature:

  1. Butyrsky A. General surgery. – Simferopol. 2004.

  2. Schevchenko S.I. and others. Surgery. – Kharcov. 2004

The additional literature:

  1. Kushnir R. Lectures of General surgery. – 2005.

  2. Lyapis M.A. Methods of examination of a surgical patients. – 2004.

  3. Methodological recommendations on surgical patients care. – Vinnitsa medical national university. 2006.

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