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The thematic module 4. Traumatism and damage Practical employment # 14

Theme: wounds and wound process. Prophylaxis of development of infection in a wound. Treatment of clean wounds

I. Actuality of theme.

Studies about a wound are major basis of theoretical and practical surgery. History of surgery is history of studies about a wound in which, as in a mirror, the level of development of medicine and biology is represented. The problem of wounds in modern terms remains extraordinarily actuality in connection with growth of number of complications, small efficiency of most general methods of treatment. Wounds are one of widespread types of surgical pathology. Therefore a study of this theme is especially important for the students of the third course, medical faculty.

II. Purpose of the lesson:

1. To know the features of surgical structure of wounds, which matters for motion, diagnostics and their treatment (=II);

2. To know classification of wounds (=II);

3. To know the clinical symptoms of wound (=II);

4.To know the diagnostic features of separate types of wounds (=II);

5. To know the modern phases of wound process and it diagnostic value (=II);

6. To know the method of anaesthetizing and method of primary surgical treatment for patients with clean wounds (=II).

7. To master of method of carrying for bandaging of clean wound (=III).

8. To master of method of care of drainage tubes (=III).

9. To master of method of remove of sutures from a clean wound (=III).

III. Providing of initial level of knowledge-abilities


  1. Butursky A. “General surgery”. (Simferopol 2004)

  2. S. I. Shevchenko; A. A. Tolkoglas and etc. “Surgery” (Kharkov 2004)

  3. Methodological Instruction.

Tests and tasks for verification of initial level of knowledge

1. For a fresh|esh| wound characteristically all, except for:

  1. +to the chylorrhea

  2. pain

  3. bleeding

  4. +cramps of muscles

  5. cleft (hiatus)

2. What the degree of gaping of wound is related to:

  1. in depth damage

  2. +by localization of wound

  3. by the damage of nervous barrels|trunk|

  4. by the damage of fascies

  5. by the damage of muscles and tendons

  6. +by direction of elastic fibres of skin

3. Microorganisms at the primary infecting get in a wound from:

  1. to pincers at bandaging, at debriding

  2. scalpel

  3. hands of surgeon

  4. +skins of injured

  5. surgical filaments

  6. +clothes of patient

4. What wounds heal over quick other:

  1. +cut wound

  2. chopped wound

  3. bitten wound

  4. hammered wound

  5. +scratch wound

  6. crush wound

5. In a wound many factors assist development of infection, except for:

  1. haematomas

  2. +damage of nerves

  3. blood loss

  4. shock

  5. exhaustion

  6. +to absence of foreign bodies

6. For the local signs of inflammation characteristically all, except for:

  1. edema

  2. +cyanosys

  3. increase of temperature

  4. +violation of sensitiveness of skin

  5. parafunction

  6. pain

7.In what wounds more reliable development of infection?

  1. cut

  2. +bitten

  3. chopped

  4. +firing

  5. placed on face

  6. scalped

8. There is a wound with the limited area of necrosis of edge of skin. What does need to be executed?

  1. +to conduct the urgent prophylaxis of tetenus

  2. to appoint UVCH to the wound

  3. to impose a bandage with hypertonic solution

  4. to impose a bandage with ointment of Vishnevskiy

  5. to drain a wound

  6. +to carve the dead area of skin

9.For I of phase of wound healing in a clean wound characteristically all, except for:

  1. to development of acidosis

  2. increase of quantity of hydrions

  3. +increase of ions of calcium

  4. increase of quantity of ions of kalium|

  5. increase of permeability of vessels

  6. +to development of alkalosis

10. There are different types of healing of wound, except for:

  1. primary

  2. +detained

  3. under a scab

  4. +repeated

  5. secondary

  6. deferred

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