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6. In pairs discuss the following questions.

  1. Is the use of figurative language one of the ways to conceal the true meaning of words?

  2. Do you agree that in politics choice of the end covers choice of the means? Why? Why not?

  3. Is there any difference between doublespeak and a lie? Why? Why not? Should politicians and mass media be charged for not telling the truth and misleading the public?

PROJECT: Language of Politics

In this project you are going to analyse the language politicians use.

  1. First find a partner to work with on this project.

  2. Choose a politician whose political speeches (e.g. US president or presidential candidates; UK Prime Minister, etc.) you would like to analyse.

  3. Search the web and find 2-3 political speeches made by the politician you have chosen.

  4. Make a list of euphemisms, metaphors, similes, word pictures and figures of speech s/he uses.

  5. Find out what they mean and make a glossary of these words and expressions.

  6. Present your findings to the class.

Useful links:

Presidential News and Speeches http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/

USA Votes 2008 http://www.voanews.com/english/US_Election_News.cfm

Republican Party http://www.democrats.org/index.html

US Democratic Party http://www.rnc.org/

LISTENING 2. Language Police

1. Before you listen discuss the questions in pairs.

  • What kind of information is / should be published textbooks?

  • Are textbooks sensored? Why? Why not?

  • Are there any language restrictions concerning textbooks? Why? Why not?


2. You will hear an interview with Diane Ravitch, the author of the book: "The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn." As you listen make brief notes on the answers to the following questions:

  1. What is Diane Ravitch?

  2. What are "bias and sensitivity guidelines” that publishers develop?

  3. What is Diane Ravitch’s position on these guidelines?

  4. Give the reasons why you are supposed not to use the following words:

  • 'cult', 'fanatic', 'extremist', 'dogma'

  • 'The Founding Fathers'

  • 'manpower’, 'businessman

  1. Comment on the following: “Conservatives get upset about ideas and liberals get upset about words.”

  2. What topics or words are conservatives / liberals eager to ban? Why?

  3. What kind of impression would a student of English as a foreign language get if they were to read a history or a literature textbook written for an American audience? Why?

  4. How does Diane Ravitch explain the situation with textbook adoptions?

Discuss your answers.

3. Reproduce the interview using the questions and responses given below (aa - Avi Arditti; rs - Rosanne Skirble):

AA: Through her work, Diane Ravitch learned that publishers develop what are known as "bias and sensitivity guidelines.” Her position is that publishers use these guidelines to censor and sanitize tests and textbooks.


AA: "I read from your book that 'slave' is no longer an acceptable word."


AA: "I've heard it said that conservatives get upset about ideas and liberals get upset about words."


RS: "If a student of English as a foreign language were to read a history or a literature textbook written for an American audience, what kind of impression would he or she come out with?"


RS: "Is this because we can't sell textbooks or we can't make tests that can be approved by a committee?"


(From VOA Wordmaster http://www.voanews.com/specialenglish/)

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