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The coming to power of False Dmitry 1

- Refused to fulfill the promises to the Polish king and the Catholic Church → loss of support from external forces;

• Simplicity and elements of "Westernism" in views and behavior → did not find support in the political elite of Russian society;

"Spring 1606 - announced the call for service, preparation for the campaign to the Crimea→ dissatisfaction of service people;

• Withdrew the Cossack detachments from Moscow because of their growth, robberies, aspirations to privilege → weakening of their poses

• Serfdom persisted, heavy taxes; hisoriginality, violation of traditional norms of "earthly god""Tsar" shocked Muscovites with people's discontent

May 1606 - the wedding with Maria Mnishek-boyars stimulated popular discontent → as a result of the boyar conspiracy, False Dmitry I was killed.

Zemsky Cathedral - Vasily

Shuisky (1606-1610) - "crucifixion record" restriction of the royal power (not to execute without trial, not to take property from the relatives of the convicts). Remains of Tsarevich Dmitry

- Archangel Cathedral conversion of supporters impostor into heretics Rumors of Dmitry's new salvation

→ Shuisky's opponents are gathering again in the south-west of the country.

The beginning of the reign of V. Shuisky

Guided movement

I. I. Bolotnikova

June 1606 - the city of Putivl - movement to Moscow under the leadership of the governor G.P. Shtovsky and Great Voivode of Tsar Dmitry ”..I.Bolotnikova - <<

The army of the rebels (100 thousand people) - the fall of the siege of Moscow, fotryads from Ryazan and Tula, led by the nobles P. Lyapunov and I. Pashkov, but at the decisive moment they go over to the side of Shuisky → Dec 1606 - defeat of supporters in Tsar Dmitry ”.

Bolotnikov → Kaluga → May 1607 -Tula, + Cossack detachments of another Samovan-adzarevich Peter Fedorovich "(Ileika Muromets) - siege of Tula - September 1607. -the capture of Tula.

Slogan: “Beyboyar, take their lands, ranks, property and zhanna. NOT welding of orders but REPLACEMENT OF POWER of some owners with others.

fe 1609 – for fight against Tushin people Shuisky agreed to an agreement with Sweden. Swedish Russian troops under command M.V. Skopin-Shuisky inflicted a number of defeats on the Tushins. intervention Sweden → open intervention Sigismundll. Content of Swedish units = increase taxes → strengthening


reign of Shuisky.

Summer 1607 - south countries - False Dmitry II + support detachments of Polish gentry, remnants Bolotnikov troops.False Dmitry II went to Moscow, fortified in the village of Tushino ("Tushinsky thief"). V camp: "recognized"husband Maria Mnishek,some Moscow tsar for several once). Robbed population boyars and clerks ("Flights" - changed

False Dmitry II. Covert intervention

End of False Dmitry II. Polish and Swedish intervention

Swedish intervention. The Swedes, freed from treaty obligations after the overthrow of V. Shuisky, captured a significant part of the north of Russia.

Polish intervention. Continuing the siege of Smolensk, Sigismund II moved part troops to Moscow. With. Klushino near Mozhaisk, the Poles defeated the tsarist troops → undermining the prestige of Shuisky → overthrowing the tsar Boyar government (F.I. Sep 1610 Polish troops entered Moscow.

The central government of Russia was practically absent, there was no army → sep1609. - Polish troops under the banner of "Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich" besieged Smolensk → False Dmitry II fled to Kaluga, December 1610-killed by his bodyguard.