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Text 6 the internet

Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions given below.

The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the US in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them. This technology is called packet switching. Due to this technology, if some computers on the network are knocked out, the information will just route around them.

Most of the Internet host computers (about 50%) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet.

The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages.

In many developing countries the Internet may provide businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunication systems of these countries. Commercial users can communicate cheaply over the Internet with the rest of the world. But people can not only save money, they can make money from the Internet. For example, some western architecture companies transmit their basic designs and concepts over the Internet into China, where they are reworked and refined by skilled and inexpensive Chinese specialists.

However, some problems remain. The most important is security. When you send an e-mail message to somebody, this message can travel through many different networks and computers. The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special routers-computer. So, it is possible to get into any of the computers along the route and intercept or change the data being sent over the Internet. But, if necessary, you can use some encoding programme.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions

1. What is the Internet?

2. What was the Internet originally designed for?

3. What country are most of the Internet host computers in?

4. What is the most popular Internet service?

5. What is the most important problem about the Internet? How can you avoid it?

6. Do you often use the Internet? What for?

Text 7 dialogue

Exercise 1. Read and translate the dialogue.

Four University students discuss advantages and disadvantages of television. Michael and Ann are Russian students, John is an American student and Ruth is an English student.

John: I think television is one of the worst inventions the man ever made. It occupies all our spare time. We rush home to be in time for this or that programme.

Ann: I can’t agree with you, John. Television made it possible for people who live far away from cultural centers to watch theatrical productions, concerts, music and drama competitions, international and national sports events and what not.

Ruth: I do agree with Ann in this. That’s an advantage the television has. Unfortunately children are the ones who suffer most.

John: Yes. Some American children spend more time in front of TV-sets than in front of the teacher. Too much television is bad for children.

Michael: Children should be taught what programmes to watch. Most of our educational programmes are really good and informative. I used to enjoy them when a child.

Ruth: We also have some very good educational programmes - especially the one called “Play School”. It teaches the alphabet and arithmetic so that it all seems like a game. That’s the way to teach young children. What I hate is violence which looks even more violent on color television.

John: Yes, that’s really awful. There’s always a film of violence on one of the channels. I think we begin feeling indifferent when people are killed.

Michael: I doubt that. Can’t your teachers do something about it?

John: They do protest. But television companies take no notice of them. These films sell well.

Exercise 2. Find in the dialogue English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. Он отнимает все наше свободное время. 2. Это одно из преимуществ телевидения. 3. Большинство наших учебных программ. 4. Им следует заявить протест против показа насилия по телевидению. 5. Не обращают на них внимания.

Exercise 3. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogue.

1. A. Do you happen to know what’s on after the news?

B. I believe it’s a documentary.

(B: a jazz concert, a football match, a discussion. the weather forecast)

2. A. Do you mind if I watch the documentary on BBC1?

B. As for me I wanted to see the play on BBC 2.

(B: the film, the hockey match, the show, part 3 of the serial)

3. A. Would you mind if I switched over to channel 4? There’s a film on.

B. I’d be only glad. I’ve been looking forward to it all evening.

(A. channel 2., BBC 1, channel 1)

Exercise 4. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Dramatize them.\

1. A. Would you mind if I switched over to channel 2?

Part 4 of the serial is on.

B. …

2. A. Will you switch on the radio, please? The football results are on Radio 1, aren’t they?

B …..

3. A. What are the advantages of the television educational programmes for children?

B …..

4. A. Do you agree that television occupies too much of our spare time?


5. A. Has television more advantages than disadvantages?


6. A. Should children be permitted to watch any television programmes?

B. ……….

7. A. Which of the educational programmes would you advise your younger brother (sister) to watch?

B. …

8. A. Have you ever watched programme “ABC “? What’s its purpose?

B. ………

9. A. Mr. Brown, do you let your children watch films of violence?


A. Why don’t parents and teachers protest against violence on TV?

B. ……..

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1.- Ты случайно не знаешь, что идет в восемь по седьмому каналу?

- Думаю, какой-нибудь детективный фильм.

- Жаль, а что идет по второму каналу?

- Кажется, пьеса. Не возражаешь, если я переключу на второй канал?

- Нет, конечно.

2.- Борис, насколько я знаю, по вашему телевидению детям не показывают фильмы об убийствах и ужасах.

- Мы стараемся такие фильмы не показывать и взрослым. Детективные (detective [ dí tektiv]) фильмы есть и у нас, но преступления и убийства рассматриваются в них как антигуманные и антисоциальные действия.

3 .-Насколько я помню, вы собирались проконсультироваться со своими коллегами об использовании учебных программ на занятиях по географии и биологии.

- Я советовался с ними, и мы намерены провести эксперимент в этом учебном году.

Exercise 7. Dramatize the situation.

1. Ask your sister, brother (wife, husband) what is on channel 1 (2,3) and say that you would like to see part 2 of the serial (the play, the film, etc.) that on another channel.

2. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of the Internet with a foreign colleague.

3. Imagine that you have to give an interview. Think of the subject you would like to give an interview on.

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