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Chapter 3 Be Principled

Figure 3-6.  Via an interface, a Switch can control different classes for electrical devices

Attention to loose coupling can provide a high degree of autonomy for individual modules of a system. The principle can be effective at different levels: both at the smallest modules, as well as on the system’s architecture level for large components. High cohesion fosters loose coupling, because a module with a clearly defined responsibility usually depends on fewer collaborators.

Be Careful with Optimizations

“Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.”

—Donald E. Knuth, American computer scientist [Knuth74]

I’ve seen developers starting time-wasting optimizations just with vague ideas of overhead, but not really knowing where the performance is lost. They often fiddled with individual instructions or tried to optimize small, local loops, to squeeze out even the last drop of performance. Just as a footnote, one of these programmers I’m talking about was me.

The success of these activities is generally marginal. The expected performance advantages usually do not arise. In the end it’s just a waste of precious time. On the contrary, often the understandability and maintainability of the allegedly optimized


Chapter 3 Be Principled

code suffers drastically. Particularly bad is that sometimes it even happens that bugs are subtly slipped into the code during such optimization measures. My advice is this: As long as there are no explicit performance requirements to satisfy, keep your hands off optimizations.

The comprehensibility and maintainability of our code should be our first goal. And as I explain in the section “But the Call Time Overhead!” in Chapter 4, compilers are nowadays very good at optimizing code. Whenever you feel a desire to optimize something, think about YAGNI.

You should spring into action only when explicit performance requirements (requested by a stakeholder) are not satisfied. First carefully analyze where the performance gets lost. Don’t make any optimizations on the basis of a gut feeling. For instance, you can use a profiler to find out where the bottlenecks are. After using such a tool, developers are often surprised to find that the performance gets lost at a completely different location than where they assumed it to be.

Note  A profiler is a tool for dynamic program analysis. It measures, among other metrics, the frequency and duration of function calls. The gathered profiling information can be used to aid program optimization.

Principle of Least Astonishment (PLA)

The principle of least astonishment (POLA/PLA), also known as the principle of least surprise (POLS), is well known in user interface design and ergonomics. The principle states that the user should not be surprised by unexpected responses of the user interface. The user should not be puzzled by appearing or disappearing controls, confusing error messages, unusual reactions on established keystroke sequences or other unexpected behavior. For example, Ctrl+C is the de facto standard for the Copy command on Windows operating systems, and not to exit a program.

This principle can also be well transferred to API design in software development. Calling a function should not surprise the caller with unexpected behavior or mysterious side effects. A function should do exactly what its function name implies (see the section entitled “Function Naming” in Chapter 4). For instance, calling a getter on an instance of a class should not modify the internal state of that object.