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Chapter 1. Unit 2. Across the Atlantic

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


Write out the unknown words from the text in your vocabulary notebook and look up each word in the dictionary. Choose the words which make understanding difficult. Write out the translation of the word which corresponds to the context. Do one word at a time!



a)Explain the title of the text.

b)Make up a detailed plan of Text 2 in the form of questions.


Retell the text according to your plan.








Find answers to the following questions.

1.What are the branches of power in the USA?

2.What branch does the Congress represent? What role does it play?

3.What parts does it consist of? Which of them has more power?

4.Who leads the executive branch?

5.What role does the judicial branch play?

6.What are the major political parties in the USA?

7.How often are elections held? (the congress and presidential elections)


Compare your fi ndings with those of all the other students in your group.



Find answers to the following questions.

1.How does the system of checks and balances work?

2.How does the election system work?


Choose a partner/partners who did level 2 and compare your findings. Decide which of you will present them to the class. The speaker has 3–5 minutes for the presentation.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_the_United_States http://bensguide.gpo.gov/3-5/government/national/legislative.html http://bensguide.gpo.gov/3-5/government/branches.html http://library.thinkquest.org/5873/index.htm


D.K. Stevenson American Life and Institutions. Ernest Klett Verlag. 1993.


Ex. 1. Study the Vocabulary List and translate all the examples.


intend, v.

1) намереваться, планировать



intend to do smth / doing smth



Do you intend to bring / bringing the show to New York?



2) (usu. passive) предназначаться



The book is intended for teachers and students preparing for TOEFL.



3) подразумевать, иметь в виду



to intend (no) offence / disrespect / harm / insult, etc.



When I criticized your article, I honestly intended no offence.





intention, n.

намерение; умысел; стремление; цель



to announce / express / have one’s intentions



to have every intention of doing smth иметь сильное желание, твердое






to have no intention of doing smth не иметь никакого желания



что-л. делать



with the intention of doing smth



Jacques left France with the intention of exploring the ocean.



The road to hell is paved with good intentions = Дорога в ад вымощена



благими намерениями





suffer, v.

1) страдать



After they separated, she suffered a lot.



to suffer from a particular illness or physical problem (allergies, asthma,



headaches, depression)



to suffer from inflation/pollution, etc.



Many thinkers suffered for their views.



2) испытывать, подвергаться



to suffer losses / a defeat



to suffer the consequences отвечать за последствия



If you lie, you’ll have to suffer the consequences.





suffering, n.




great / mental / physical suffering



to cause / increase / reduce suffering(s)





survive, v.

1) остаться в живых, выжить, уцелеть



to survive an accident остаться в живых после аварии



Only one painting survived the fire.



to survive on smth



She could hardly survive on her small pension.




Chapter 1. Unit 2. Across the Atlantic


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I



survive, v.

2) продолжать существовать, сохраняться




The people of the Middle Ages used roads and bridges which had survived




from the Roman times.




3) пережить




His second wife survived him by eight months.







survivor, n.

оставшийся в живых, уцелевший



the only survivor of the earthquake










survival, n.





to fight for survival; a fight for survival



to threaten the survival of smb; a threat to the survival







Industrialization threatens the survival of wildlife.





divide, v.

1) делить(ся), разделять(ся) на части





to divide smth into parts / groups / pairs / etc.




Jack divided his money equally between his wife, his brother and his sisters.



2) вызывать разногласия, расхождения во мнении

1. Unit





The election divided the country. Выборы раскололи страну.






1) соглашение, договор




An agreement with China on co-operation in education was signed in




to conclude / to reach / to sign an agreement




The countries reached an agreement on imports of aluminium.




to break/to violate an agreement




Beijing on November 7.




to keep to an agreement




You haven’t kept to our agreement to inform me of the coming changes.




2) согласие (неисч.)




to arrive at / to come to / to reach agreement




The management has reached agreement with the trade union on wages.




full/mutual agreement on / about smth




to be in agreement with (fml.) соответствовать чему-л., совпадать с








The results of your research are in agreement with previous studies.







agree, v.

1) сходиться во мнении, соглашаться




I agree that his efforts should be rewarded.




to agree with smb on / about smth соглашаться с кем-л. по какому-то








2) дать согласие




to agree to do smth




to agree to smth соглашаться на что-л, принимать (предложение,




чьи-л. условия и т.д.)




I was surprised by how quickly he agreed to the proposal.








1) независимый, суверенный (о государствах)




Guyana became fully independent from Britain in 1966.




the Commonwealth of Independent States (the CIS)




2)самостоятельный, свободный (от чьего-л. воздействия /








to be / feel / become independent of smb / smth




In the USA, children often become financially independent of their parents




after finishing school.






Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I



независимость, самостоятельность



full / economic / political independence from smb / smth



to have / enjoy independence обладать независимостью, быть






to achieve / to gain independence from smb / smth



to lose independence



to declare independence



the Declaration of Independence, the War of Independence





average, n.

среднее число, средняя величина



A child born in Denmark lives an average of 75 years.



On average, a man spends 3,500 hours of his life shaving!



above / below average.



The service in the hotel was good, and the food was well above average.





average, adj.

средний, обыкновенный (Syn. ordinary)



average height / price / salary / person /age



According to the research, most students are of average ability.





stay, v.

1) оставаться, не уходить



He had to stay at home because of bronchitis.



2) пребывать, оставаться в каком-л. состоянии



The weather has stayed cold all summer.



to stay calm/quiet/young



to stay out of trouble/danger, etc. избегать неприятностей/опасности



и т.д.



3) останавливаться, гостить



Are you going to stay at a hotel or with your sister?





consist, v.

1) состоять (из чего-л.)



The examination will consist of seven assignments.



2) заключаться чем-л.)



to consist in smth / in doing smth



Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the



same one a second time.





Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct word. The fi rst letter is given to help you.

1.I managed to s_________ out of debt, but only by being careful.

2.He s_______ a mild heart attack after 20 years of athletics.

3.If a company can prove that someone violated the a_______, it may get the right for compensation for lost profits.

4.Men of some Indian tribes think they can s_______ young by living with young women.

5.On Jan. 7, the Prime Minister announced her i______ to take part in the presidential campaign.

6.The BBC started in 1946 with an a_______ of 28.5 hours a week, generally from 3:00–4:00 pm and 8:30–10:00 pm.

7.Jack and his wife separated by mutual a_______.

8.The politician told the News Hour that he had i_______ no offence, and “couldn’t understand the reaction to his comments”.

9.To win full political i_______, Lithuania had to wait until after the first World War when Russia started losing her authority.

Chapter 1. Unit 2. Across the Atlantic


Chapter 1. Unit 2. Across the Atlantic

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

10.Until the mid 20th century, our village c_______ of a single riverside street (Main Street) connected to a back lane by Town End Road.

11.When Clovis, the founder and king of the Frankish kingdom, died, the kingdom was d______

equally between his four s_______ (use -ing) sons.

12.A revolution led by Philippe Jean Bunau-Varilla, an organizer of the Panama Canal Company, declared Panama i_______ from Columbia.

13.The audience was pleased with the Prime Minister’s views on discrimination and a_______

with her on many points raised.

14.The immigration policy of the new government d_______ the nation.

Ex. 3. Bring out the difference in the meanings of the words in bold type. Translate the phrases using a dictionary when necessary.

A.1. I intend no disrespect for McFee when I ask: why call his book a collection of poetry?

2.The money raised is intended for the families of miners who suffered as a result of the strike.

3.Like everyone she knew, Alice intended to help the poor.

B.1. Farms mostly survived Hurricane Dennis, but experts fear forests may suffer serious losses from the wind.

2.When Susana died in 1931, she left all the money to her husband, who survived her by 10 years.

3.This park has trees which have survived from a time beyond imagining.

C.1. Scotland is divided into three main regions: the Highlands, the Midland Valley and the Southern Uplands.

2.Discussion on the introduction of new taxes divided the Committee, with strong arguments for and against the proposal from several members.

D. 1. A meeting of Ministers last month was once again unable to reach agreement on taxes.

2.The two countries signed a 10-year agreement on scientific and technological co-operation.

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the Active Vocabulary.

1.Amnesty International is independent of any government, economic interest, or religion.

2.As a teenager, she had every intention of becoming a vet.

3.In Cracow, sections of the city walls have survived from medieval times.

4.In spite of his promises to stay out of trouble he always managed to find it.

5.In the Third World, millions of people suffer from hunger.

6.Jane stayed with her sister’s family for three months and besides looking after their daughter she cleaned and cooked.

7.Many believe that man's happiness consists in wealth. But does it?

8.Officials from the United Kingdom and China meeting in Beijing in May failed to reach agreement on the construction of a new airport.

9.The government intends to reduce the budget of all ministries.

10.If a country does not have economic independence, it cannot have political independence.

11.There are no winners in wars, only losers. Both sides in any conflict suffer losses.

12.NATO members agreed to Russia’s participation in the military operation in Kosovo.

13.On average, people watch between 16 and 26 hours of television a week.

14.The management of the company is divided over what should be done to overcome the crisis.

15.The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures (излечивает) the disease.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Ex. 5. a) Match the words in A with the words in B to make as many collocations as possible. Consult the Vocabulary List.

b) Use the phrases in situations of your own.





to intend

for one’s lack of discipline


to suffer

to a deal


to survive

no insult


to agree



to stay out of

on a teacher’s salary



the consequences



the tsunami



from depression





to lose

an agreement


to enjoy



to break

the survival of


to express

one’s intentions


to cause



to threaten


Ex. 6. Work in pairs. Exchange your opinions on the following and give your arguments. Where possible, use the Active Vocabulary.

1.Do people need to suffer in order to build a strong character?

2.At what age do you think children should become independent of their parents? What can such independence consist in?

3.Should students agree with their teachers on everything?

4.What can a person with average abilities do to succeed in life?

5.What challenges threaten the survival of humanity?

6.Give some tips on how to stay calm in an argument/to stay fit/to stay young.

Ex. 7. For each word / phrase given below fi nd at least three words / phrases from the box that can go with it. Can you continue the lists? Use the expressions in sentences of your own.

to declare





to gain

to enjoy





lack of self-esteem

to keep to

one’s curiosity

to break

to lose



chronic stress



to reach


one’s beliefs






suffer from














suffer for















Chapter 1. Unit 2. Across the Atlantic


Chapter 1. Unit 2. Across the Atlantic

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Ex. 8. Short Story Contest.

Make up a short story (10–12 sentences) with the Active Vocabulary words and present it in class. Don’t read when making your presentation. Choose the best story using the following criteria:

1.interest of the plot;

2.use of the Active Vocabulary (the number of words and their acceptability)

3.absence of mistakes.

Ex. 9. Translate the sentences using the Active Vocabulary (See the Vocabulary List).

1.«Унесенные ветром» (Gone With the Wind) повествует о жизни южной красавицы Скарлетт О'Харра (Scarlett O'Hara), которая борется за выживание во время Гражданской войны

2.1 июля 2003 ПиБиЭс (the PBS) была разделена на три независимые компании.

3.В 1970-е гг. две проблемы раскололи Австрию: права национальных меньшинств (ethnic minority rights) и защита окружающей среды.

4.Во многих странах сельские жители страдают от недостатка (lack of) информации.

5.В среднем женщины живут на шесть лет дольше мужчин.

6.Из скольких глав состоит последний роман этого популярного писателя?

7.Искусство лидера заключается в том, чтобы сплотить народ (to consolidate) против врага.

8.Постоянным (regular) клиентам не нужно подписывать новый договор.

9.Майкл сказал, что он не хотел причинить никакого вреда и извинился.

10.Популярность президента не зависит от рейтинга членов его администрации.

11.Скоро Аманда поняла, что не может прожить на жалование медсестры.

12.Почему любовь иногда причиняет столько страданий?

13.Учебники соответствуют европейским стандартам, определенным Болонской декларацией (set out in the Bologna declaration).

14.В среднем, мне требует около 30 минут, чтобы добраться до университета.

15.Элайза имела твердое намерение улучшить свое произношение.

16.Эта компьютерная программа предназначена для учеников старших классов.

17.Я принял предложение друга и согласился начать работу на следующей неделе.

18.Центр был создан с целью объединить молодых писателей.

19.Вы взрослый человек и должны быть готовы отвечать за последствия своих действий.

20.Спасатели (rescue teams) продолжают поиск выживших после урагана.

21.Венесуэла (Venezuela) — первая южноамериканская страна, получившая независимость от Испании.

22.Актерская игра в новом голливудском блокбастере (Hollywood blockbuster) ниже


23.Постарайся не попадать в неприятности.




1.What do you know about Russia’s exploration and settlement of North America?

2.What kind of difficulties do you think the Russians met with in North America?

Before you read the text do the task below.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


To read faster you have to learn to understand new words from context instead of looking them up in a dictionary


I. Read the passages and choose a Russian translation of each underlined word. If you already know the word, move on to the next one. The fi rst can be used as a model.

1.Spanish authorities were not happy to receive Rezanov, a Russian-American company official and the envoy of the Russian tzar. Spain's hold on its frontier province was fragile, and it did not wish to assist another power that might threaten (угрожать) its claim.





REASONING: the word power in the first and second meanings is uncountable; it cannot be used with another. Besides, according to the passage Spain was afraid (were not happy, might threaten) of Russia’s interest in Northern California; Russia was considered a great country, hence the meaning — держава.

2.His immediate mission was to try to buy supplies. Rezanov knew that he must succeed, or the colony at Sitka might starve.





3.In the midst of the negotiations, which seemed doomed (обреченный) to failure, the count announced that he had fallen in love with Dona Concepcion Arguello.





4.She spoke up for him, and the authorities of church and state, including her father, were won over. Rezanov was furnished with the goods he needed.

furnished: to furnish




5.But the marriage had to wait. Rezanov sailed for Sitka with his cargo of supplies, promising to return to his betrothed as soon as possible.



2)герлфренд (informal)


Chapter 1. Unit 2. Across the Atlantic


Chapter 1. Unit 2. Across the Atlantic

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

6.Not knowing of his death Concepcion waited, watching the sea for his ship to return, hoping, loving. She turned down many suitors. She never married.





7.Writers have made much of the star-crossed (несчастный) romance. In many accounts, Dona Concepcion grieves her lost love; her life thereafter is desperate and empty.





8.Far from wasting away in later life, Dona Concepcion, according to one historian, "became a stout and rather jolly woman who found much pleasure in acts of kindness and charity".





Read the text fast to fi nd out:

1.what were the aims and results of Rezanov’s mission (student A),

2.whether the affair described was a matter of economics or romance (student B).

Russians in Northern California

In 1812 the Russians founded Fort Ross in Northern California, the farthest reach of their eastward expansion. The advance to the Pacific started in 1582 when the renegade cossack Ermak captured Isker, the capital of Western Siberian Khakanate. In 1741 the Russians reached Alaska, which remained Russian territory till 1867.

Сount Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, a Russian-American company(1) official, was dispatched in 1806 to Spain's northern province of California. His immediate mission was to try to buy supplies, but he was also to investigate prospects for the fur trade.

Spanish authorities were not happy to receive Rezanov. Spain's hold on its frontier province was fragile, and it did not wish to assist another power that might threaten its claim. Besides, trade with the Russians was illegal.

Rezanov knew that he must succeed, or the colony at Sitka(2) might starve. In the midst of the negotiations, which seemed doomed to failure, the count announced that he had fallen in love with Dona Concepcion Arguello. It was no coincidence that she was the daughter of the commandant of the San Francisco Presidio(3). The fifteen-year-old Dona Concepcion, fell for the gallant count, who was thirty-five years her senior. She spoke up for him, and the authorities of church and state, including her father, were won over. Rezanov was furnished with the goods he needed.

But the marriage had to wait. Dona Concepcion, a Roman Catholic, needed permission from Rome, and Rezanov had to ask for the Tzar’s consent to the marriage. Rezanov sailed for Sitka with his cargo of supplies, promising to return to his betrothed as soon as possible.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Alas, he was never seen again in California. Rezanov died tragically enroute to Russia. Years went by. Not knowing of his death Concepcion waited, watching the sea for his ship to return, hoping, loving. She turned down many suitors. Dona Concepcion learned of Rezanove’s death only after years of waiting. She never married.

Writers have made much of the star-crossed(4) romance. In many accounts, Dona Concepcion grieves her lost love; her life thereafter is desperate and empty. The evidence suggests a more commonplace affair. Rezanov might have intended to marry her, but his proposal probably was more a matter of expedience (практическая целесообразность) than love. Far from wasting away in later life, Dona Concepcion, according to one historian, “became a stout and rather jolly woman who found much pleasure in acts of kindness and charity”. Rezanov brought back two ideas from his venture into Spanish California — the desire to establish permanent trade relations, and the wish to found a trading base on what the Russians referred to as the “New Albion” coast north of Spanish territory. Six years after his death this wish became a reality.


1.Russian-American Company — a trading and fur trapping firm whose primary aim was to explore and settle new territories in North America and the Far East;

set up in 1799 by Paul I; main shareholders were members of the Tzarist family. 2. Sitka — a town in Alaska; founded in 1799 by the Russian-American Company.

In 1804–1867 its name was New Archangelsk.

3.San Francisco Presidio — a military base set up by the Spanish in 1776; one of the oldest in the USA.

4.Star-crossed (romance) — continuously affected by bad luck (from Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet).


1.Do you think the story can be made into an exciting / romantic novel / poem? Have you read any? Is it similar to the story above?

2.Read the extract from the beautiful poem “Concepcion de Arguello” by Bret Harte* on the next page. Is it consistent with the facts given in the text? How do

you understand the words“And by Love was consummated what Diplomacy begun”?

3.What is your opinion of Rezanov’s diplomatic skills?

4.Do you think the loss of Russia’s possessions in North America was inevitable?


*Bret Harte (1836–1902) — an American writer best known for a collection of short stories The Luck of Roaring Camp (1870).


… Listen to the simple story of a woman’s love and trust.


Count von Resanoff, the Russian, envoy of the mighty Czar,

Stood beside the deep embrasures, where the brazen cannon are.

He with grave provincial magnates long had held serene debate

On the Treaty of Alliance and the high affairs of state;

Chapter 1. Unit 2. Across the Atlantic


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