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Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

e)1. A typical British meal for dinner is ___ meat and ___ vegetables.

2.A gravy (подливка) covers ___ meat, and one of ___ vegetables is almost always __ potatoes.

f)1. ___ hockey is very popular in Russia.

2.___ hockey in the second division is not so interesting to watch.

g)1. ___ English has the largest vocabulary of the world languages.

2.___ English of Shakespeare is very different form ___ English of Sydney Sheldon.

h)1. “Those are the old stone quarries. ___ stone used to be shipped away from here to other parts of England”.

2.Most houses in those parts were built of ___ stone, not of ___ timber.

i)1. ___ pride goes before a fall.

2.You should have seen __ pride in his face when he talked about his daughter’s successful career.

j)1. The doctor said Nancy had ___ glandular fever (mononucleosis) and was quite ill. She would have to spend a week in bed.

2.I was allowed to see her when she was better. __ fever left her feeling so weak that she tired easily.

Ex. 62. Decide on the articles to be used with the nouns in bold type.

Vikings loved fighting and war, they praised strength and courage. But they loved fun, too. Vikings enjoyed going to parties and banquets. Great long halls in which banquets took place often had embroidered tapestries on wooden walls. Long tables were loaded with metal bowls and knives, drinking horns, spoons made of horn or wood and, of course, enormous quantities of food and drink.

Vikings ate large amounts of soup, porridge, cheese, fruit, bread, different kinds of meat and fish, all at one meal. They drank cup after cup of mead, beer and imported wine.

After banquet was over, there were many kinds of entertainments. There was singing and dancing and juggling and wrestling. Vikings liked outdoor entertainment as well. They had snowball fights and they loved skiing, skating and sledging.

Ex. 63. The writer was economical with articles when he prepared this information for his web site. Finish his job and add a / an or the where necessary.

Eating Etiquette in England (UK)

Things you should do:

1.If you are guest, it is polite to wait until your host(ess) starts eating or indicates you should do so. It shows consideration.

Always chew and swallow all food in your mouth before taking more or taking drink.

You may eat chicken and pizza with your fingers if you are at barbecue, finger buffet or very informal setting. Otherwise always use knife and fork.

2.Always say thank you when served something. It shows appreciation.

When eating rolls, break off piece of bread before buttering. Eating it whole looks tacky (“common”).

When eating soup, tip the bowl away from you and scoop soup up with your spoon.

3.If you are eating at formal dinner party, you will come across many knives and forks. Start with utensils on the outside and work your way inward with each subsequent course.

The fork is held, with prongs (зубцы) facing down, in left hand, and the knife in right. When eating in formal situations, rest fork and knife on plate between mouthfuls, or for a break for conversation.

When you have finished eating, and to let others know that you have, place your knife and folk together, with prongs on fork facing upwards, on your plate.

4.In restaurant, it is normal to pay for your food by putting your money on the plate bill comes on.

Chapter 2. Unit 3. Land of Promise?


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Chapter 2. Unit 3. Land of Promise?

Things you should not do:

5.It is impolite to start eating before everyone has been served. Never chew with your mouth open.

It is impolite to have your elbows on the table while you are eating.

Don't reach over someone's plate for something, ask for item to be passed. Never talk with food in your mouth.

It is impolite to put too much food in your mouth.

Never use your fingers to push food onto your spoon or fork. It is impolite to eat noisily.

Never blow your nose on napkin (serviette). Napkins are for dabbing (to dab — слегка прикасаться) your lips and only for that.

Never take food from your neighbour’s plate.

Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails.

Things that are ok to do:

6.It is ok to eat and drink something while walking down the street, unless you want to seem posh.

It is ok to pour your own drink when eating with other people, but it is more polite to offer to pour drinks to people sitting on either side of you.

It is ok to put milk and sugar in your tea and coffee or to drink them both without either.

How to eat pudding (desserts)

7.To eat dessert, break dessert with the spoon (at the top of your plate will be dessert spoon and dessert fork), one bite at a time. Push food with fork into the spoon. Eat from spoon. (Fork in left hand; spoon in right.)

How to use a napkin or serviette

8.The golden rule is that napkin should never be used to blow your nose on. This is a definite no-no. Napkins should be placed across lap — tucking them into your clothing may be considered “common”.

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


1. Complete the chart. Give descriptions of the situations and supply the missing examples.






repeated/regular actions






Will hates football, he also hates people who



play it.





action in progress at the moment



of speaking






India and Seychelles are discussing possibilities




for signing a comprehensive trade agreement.


repeated actions causing the speaker’s
















The two sides have signed an agreement on



economic cooperation.


action or state that started in the past



and сontinues up to the present












The parties have been negotiating for nearly



two years now.


action which began in the past and has



just finished but has some visible result



in the present






2. Work in pairs. Translate the following word combinations without consulting the Vocabulary List.

to fit a description strained relations in a way

to win recognition respected organization to establish relations with to get over a disease

так или иначе отличать факт от мнения

a decisive role to lose one’s way

to face discrimination to decide for oneself

out of respect for her father to feel superior to

to get through with work

достичь превосходства добиваться признания


Chapter 2. Unit 3. Land of Promise?

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

принять решение подробно описывать поездку официально признать что-л.

выбирать между карьерой и учебой мне никогда не приходило в голову, что разорвать дипломатические отношения выйти из автобуса

не иметь отношения к делу взаимное уважение обладать превосходством в спорте государственная компания распространенное явление проявлять уважение к кому-л. дозвониться до гостиницы

3. Match the nouns in A with categories in B. What are the rules for the use of articles with these nouns?



















Abstract idea




Area of study / Language




Food and drink













4.Choose the correct alternative in italics.

1.The company achieved / has achieved a / 0 superiority over its competitors in many areas.

2.The man had / was having a girl on every / each arm and looked happy.

3.The negotiations are failing because one side is/is being unreasonable.

4.I have always been / was always respectful of the great religions, but I remain an agnostic.

5.Jim looks pale because he suffered / has suffered food poisoning last night.

6.Mr Robinson is tasting / tastes 0 / the new wine.

7.Every student has / have his / their own learning style and an area where he /they does / do well.

8.I owned / have owned a number of different cameras over the years.

9.The / 0 Ancient History is the study of the / 0 written past from the beginning of 0 / the human

history until the Early Middle Ages.

10.Mary stays / has stayed in bed since she went /has gone down with the flu.

11.It’s the first time I have seen / see 0 / the Westminster Abbey.

12.Mr Khan is in hospital and his wife visited / has visited him twice this week.

13.0 / the real milk is not pasteurized. It comes from old-fashioned cows that feed on the / 0 grass.

14.It’s the best show I have ever seen / ever saw on the BBC.

15.All girls / all the girls are natural scientists and mathematicians when they are young.

16.I collect / have been collecting sports cards all my / my all life.

17.0 / the love is making / makes the world go ‘round’.

18.My family has been having / has had problems with immigrants ever since they have come / came to this country.

19.African countries are making / make 0 / a progress in fighting the / 0 corruption.

20.Alex is constantly telling / constantly tells lies to everyone. I hate it!

5.Fill in the gaps and give an appropriate response.

1.A: ___________________. How can I get to the British Museum? B:

2.A: What a nice party! ________________________?



Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

3.A: I’ve booked a room at your hotel online. My name is ______________________. B:

4.A: _______________________. Could I exchange this jacket for a bigger one? B:

5.A: What ________________________! You look absolutely gorgeous! B:

6.Complete the sentences with tag questions and give short answers.

1.You’ve never been to Brazil, ….

2.There’re a lot of faculties in our university, ….

3.You have no classes on Saturday, ….

4.It’s not easy to be a first-year student, ….

5.Nobody likes to be offended, ….

6.There’s no racism in this country, ….

7.You can speak Spanish, ….

8.Everybody wants to rule the world, ….

9.Russia has always been a multiethnic country, ….

10. You’re no longer children, ….

Chapter 2. Unit 3. Land of Promise?



Chapter 2. Unit 4. Born Equal?

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I



to ask for and give opinion

expressions of quantity

to ask for information (indirect questions)

articles with proper nouns

to describe and compare people and things

else, other, another

using expressions of quantity

phrasal verb “look”’

to read faster


to look for information





Read the statements. Decide which word is the Tonic. e.g. If you be lieve discrimination exists, it will.

1.“After all, there is one race — humanity” (George Moore).

2.No individual is free of prejudice.

3.All people are born equal.

4.Discrimination has existed in every culture throughout history.

5.Certain racial groups are more intelligent than others.

6.Blacks tend to be better athletes than whites.

7.Education is the best way to combat discrimination.

8.Discrimination tends to increase during difficult economic times.

9.There is little discrimination of any kind in Russian culture.

10.In most cultures men occupy positions of economic and political power.

11.It’s often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by discrimination half a block from home (Carl Rowan).


I think …

I’m fairly certain…

I believe …

It’s my opinion that …

I feel …

I’m pretty sure that …


A. Choose a statement with which you agree most, state it as your opinion using a phrase from the list above and explain why.


Statement: It’s often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by discrimination half a block from home.

Opinion: I think/ It is my opinion that it’s often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by discrimination half a block from home.

Thanks to television we now know more about events in different parts of the world than about the life of people in our neighbourhood. Television makes these events so real that we are emotionally involved. When we see injustice in the Middle East or in the Baltic republics we get angry and indignant. What’s more, this is much easier than fighting against injustice, for example, discrimination, next door. If we notice that people next door are discriminated against, it may demand action on our part. We may not be prepared to take this action. So it is safer and easier not to notice or pretend not to notice this injustice.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

B. Read the extract from Mariah Carey’s interview. Retell it in English, paying attention to intonation. Give your opinion about her childhood.

Моя мама — белая, а папа — черный, а я получилась ни то, ни се. Когда я гостила у своей двоюродной сестры в Южном Бронксе, ребята в округе говорили: “Это не твоя сестра. Она белая”. Когда я проводила время со своим отцом (родители Марайи развелись, когда ей было 10 лет), всегда находился кто-то, кто презрительно усмехался (to sneer) или старался показать свое отвращение (disgust). В то же время я не выглядела достаточно белой для белых людей, чтобы они признавали меня за свою.


Complete the sentences with tag questions and answer them. Work in pairs.

1.Affirmative action is a form of discrimination,….

2.In the Southern states black children could not attend the same schools as white children, ….

3.Russia has always been home of many ethnic groups,….

4.Parents are not always aware of their children’s extremist beliefs, ….

5.There is no racism on the Net, ….

6.Tolerance is characteristic of the British society, ….

7.The disintegration of the Soviet Union was a painful process, ….

8.There is nothing wrong with giving privileges to ethnic minorities, ….

9.Practice makes perfect, ….

10.You can’t learn to speak a foreign language unless you practise a lot, ….

11.Nobody likes to ask for a favour, ….

12.When driving a car you shouldn’t talk over the mobile,….

13.Technology allows us to do ten things at once, ….

14.We have had enough of tag questions, ….


We sometimes ask indirect questions (when we want to sound more polite).


























































an empire?




























Do you know





Great Britian



I'd like to


if / whether







links with
















England in the
















16th century.

Opening phrases:
















I’d like to know








Could you find out





Do you know








Do you happen to know


Could you tell me








I wonder






Chapter 2. Unit 4. Born Equal?


Chapter 2. Unit 4. Born Equal?

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Note: if or whether is used to introduce a general question. NB Model: Direct question: Is it easy to become a British citizen?

Indirect question: I wonder if it is easy to become a British citizen.

Practise asking indirect general questions. Use a suitable opening phrase from the list above.

A: practical matters

1.Are shops open on Sunday in London ?

2.Can you get from Heathrow to the centre of London by the tube?

3.Have they changed the immigration laws in Great Britain recently?

4.Must a traveller buy an insurance before entering Great Britain?

5.Do you need a visa to go to Ireland from Great Britain?

6.Do they drive on the left in any other countries besides Britain?

7.Are there many regional differences in British English?

8.Does Scotland have its own money?

9.Is it possible to travel from London to Paris by train?

10.Have the British decided to accept the euro?

B: a bit of history

1.Was Winston Churchill the British Prime Minister when the Second World War began?

2.Did any Russian tsar ever visit London?

3.Were there any wars in which the English fought against the Russians?

4.Did the Russians reach Alaska before the English?

5.Did the Russian government sell Alaska to the USA?

6.Were the first settlers of Australia different from those of America?

7.Has the American government offered apologies to the Indians?

8.Did France support the Americans’ War of Independence?

9.Was the Russian emperor Nicholas II a relation of the British king?

10.Was America in the war before Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour?


Find out more about English-speaking countries. Student A asks indirect questions using the prompts below. Student B answers them using a card with a fact fi le (to be found in Appendix if necessary).

Set 1. The Commonwealth: British and the CIS

1.when / to establish

2.to change the name

3.to leave, reenter the Commonwealth

4.to have the automatic right to work and live in Great Britain

5.rich / poor countries, to include

6. which / the Queen, Head of State

7. kind of organisation

8. Ireland, a member

9. when / why / Commonwealth of Independent States

10. which / the original members


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Set 2. British English vs American English

1.spelling, more phonetic

2.to spell -er instead of -re in the words like centre

3.to spell the past form of the verbs like “travel”, e.g. traveled

4.mail / post

5.ending -ise / -ize

6.gas / petrol

7.bill / banknote

8.politically correct (pc) words / to appear first

9.to spell, defence / defense

10. Benjamin Franklin, Noah Webster, to reform the spelling


Match the English and Russian proverbs. Illustrate one of them with a short story.

1.Birds of a feather flock together.

2.Every bird likes its own nest.

3.Each bird loves to hear himself sing.

4.Fine feathers make fine birds.

5.Every dog has his day.

6.It’s an ill bird that fouls its own nest.

a.Будет и на нашей улице праздник.

b.Всякая лиса свой хвост хвалит.

c.Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.

d.Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит.

e.Из избы сор не выносят.

f.Одежда красит.


Find out more about Canada and its ethnic communities. Ask each other wh-questions to fi ll in information gaps in your text (A or B). Student A begins.

Text A (Text B is given in Appendix).

In 1) _______ if you don't speak English or French it is most likely that you speak Chinese. According to the statistics Chinese has become a № 3 language used in Canada and the number of people who speak Chinese is increasing.

2) _______ lives in British Columbia and Ontario; particularly in Vancouver and Toronto. Now in Vancouver and Toronto people can live quite easily even though they only speak Chinese instead of English.

Here you can enjoy 3) _______ of various styles. Some people even say that if you really want to meet a master chef you should go to Vancouver instead of China. The reality is that a great many well-educated Chinese are coming to Canada from China's mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. These are called "tigers who've crossed the river".

There is about 4) _______ Chinese in Canada — about 3 per cent out of 31.4 million of the population in Canada. However, in 5) _______ the Chinese language became a subject for higher examination. During Chinese Spring Festival officials ranging from the Prime Minister to provincial governors and mayors of Vancouver and Toronto all dress up in Chinese style suit, join in Lion Dances and congratulate each other on happy Lunar New Year.

Chapter 2. Unit 4. Born Equal?


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