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Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I





I read a book yesterday.

Вчера я читал книгу.







I was reading a book

Когда ты позвонил,



when you called.

я читал книгу.







I realized I had read the

Я понял, что уже читал



book before.

эту книгу.







I had been reading the

Я читал книгу два дня,

Процесс +


book for two days when

когда он попросил



he asked me to return it.

вернуть ее.






Ex. 30. Read the passage. Identify the tense forms of the underlined verbs and explain their use.

I remember clearly the day we bought our first car. When John pulled up in the Morris and gave two blasts of the horn, I was dressing our son Carl in the front room. I ran out and circled the car excitedly. We had been saving for years and we had finally found our perfect car. It was shining in the sunlight.

John took two weeks’ holiday and we went down to Norfolk in the Morris. It was on that holiday that we first met Stephen and Val Marples. They were staying at the Holiday Inn and we had dinner in their hotel one night. We were sitting at the same table and took to each other (liked each other) at once. They had just bought a similar car, so we had lots to talk about.

Ex. 31. Match a sentence from each set in A with the Russian translation in B.

A. 1. a) When he went back into the living room, the girl had poured coffee for both of them.

b)When he went back into the living room, the girl poured coffee for both of them.

2.a) When Sam walked into the house, the telephone was ringing.

b)When Sam walked into the house, the telephone had been ringing.

3.a) Over the past decade, Tony had built up a network of representatives who supplied him with clients.

b)Over the past decade, Tony had been building up a network of representatives who supplied him with clients.

4.a) He underwent all kinds of tests yesterday.

b)He was undergoing all kinds of tests yesterday.

5.a) By the time he returned to the village, the sun had set.

b)By the time he returned to the village, the sun was setting.

6.a) He was shocked to see that Jane had been crying.

b)He was shocked to see that Jane was crying.

7.a) I had finished the work when my boss called me into his office.

b)I was finishing the work when my boss called me into his office.

Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

B.1. Когда он вернулся в гостиную, девушка налила кофе им обоим.

2.Когда Сэм зашел в дом, телефон надрывался (уже долго звонил).

3.За последние десять лет Тони создал сеть своих представителей, которые поставляли ему клиентов.

4.Вчера он проходил разного рода тестирование.

5.К тому времени как он вернулся в деревню, солнце село.

6.Он был поражен, когда увидел, что Джейн плакала.

7.Я заканчивал работу, когда начальник вызвал меня в свой кабинет.

C.Translate the rest of the sentences into Russian.




S. Maugham’s fi rst novel appeared

Первый роман С. Моэма

действие или

in 1897.


появился в 1897 году.


Jane worked for the company for

Джейн проработала в этой



twenty years. She is retired now.

компании двадцать лет. Сейчас




она на пенсии.


In the late 19th century, Great

В конце XIX века Великобритания


Britain had a lot of colonies.

имела много колоний.





They finished breakfast and rose

Они закончили завтрак и встали


from the table.

из-за стола.








Регулярные или

He travelled to Paris twelve times

Он ездил в Париж двенадцать раз


a year.


в год.








* To describe states the following common verbs are used:


states of existence


be, exist, consist of, contain

mental states


think, realize, know, suppose, understand, doubt, expect,



agree, remember


states of possessing


have, belong, include, own, possess

states of feeling or wanting

like, love, dislike, despise, hate, prefer, want, wish

states of perception


hear, feel, smell, taste, sound, look, seem, appear

The state verbs are NOT usually used in the continuous tenses.


at 10 o’clock, in the morning / evening, at night yesterday, the day before yesterday, the night before last yesterday morning / afternoon / evening

last year / month / week / night

in 1990, in the 50s, in the 20th century some years / months / days ago; the other day


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Ex. 32. Group the sentences according to the use of the Past Simple:

a.single completed action

b.past action of some duration


d.repeated actions

e.sequence of actions

1.I saw you on television last night.

2.At five o’clock they went to the restaurant car to have tea and chatted a little.

3.Benjamin Franklin served his country for fifty years as inventor, philosopher, statesman and diplomat.

4.Whenever I was in London I saw Ferdy.

5.Did you know much about her at that time?

6.John took up exercise when he was 16.

7.Breakfast consisted of porridge, half a cup of milk and a dry biscuit.

8.They had tea, they talked, and they drove home again.

9.They suffered for a long time due to the political instability in the country.

10.When did you last go out of the house?

11.Every year the Indians went far away, even one thousand miles, to hunt buffalo.

12.All his life Newton studied books on humanistic learning.

13.Everybody liked him for his kindness and generosity.

14.He reached inside his pocket and came out with a business card.

15.Every time the two little girls saw Colin they giggled.

Ex. 33. Work in pairs.

Student A reads Texts 1 and 3; Student B reads Texts 2 and 4.

A. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

1.Why is a mess or confusion called a ‘pretty kettle of fish’?

The Scots (know) how to throw a picnic. In the 18th century, the picnic season (start) at the begin-

ning of the salmon [] run (миграция лосося) each year. Salmon (be) plentiful, but they (not know) how to prepare the fish. They (cook) their catches in large kettles and (try) to eat their hot boiled salmon with their fingers. It (be) a mess.

The word “pretty“ preceding “kettle of fish” has always been ironic.

2.Why is a book of maps called an atlas?

The Flemish geographer Mercator, a pioneer map maker, (publish) his first collection of maps in

1595. Mercator (draw) a figure of Atlas4, supporting the world on his shoulders on the title pages. He (not provide) any explanation for the drawing of Atlas. Although Mercator’s opus (not be) the first published collection of maps, it (be) the first to be called an atlas. Mercator later (follow) with his most famous collection: Atlas; or a Geographic Description of the World.

3.The London ‘bobby’ (get) his name from a real Bobby?

Yes — Bobby, or rather, Sir Robert Peel, who (establish) the London Metropolitan Police in 1829.

British police officers are still sometimes called bobbies, the short form of Robert. They (be) once also called peelers.

4 Atlas — in Greek mythology, one of the Titans (= the first gods who ruled the universe). After the titans were defeated by Zeus [zju:s], Atlas was forced to hold the sky on his shoulders forever.

Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

4. Why is Scotland Yard in England?

The original Scotland Yard (be placed) on the site of the former palace where Scottish kings and queens (reside) when they (visit) England to conduct affairs of state or to pay tribute (отдать дань уважения) to English royalty. Scotland Yard (become) known as the name of the street as well as the palace.

Although the Criminal Investigation Department of the Metropolitan (London) Police later (move) to the Thames Embankment and then to the Victoria area of London, it still retains the name of its original site.

B. Ask each other questions on the texts.


Действие в развитии

At eleven o’clock, I was working

В одиннадцать часов я работал

в определенный

in the garden.

в саду.

момент или период



в прошлом

When I left school,* they were

Когда я окончил школу, всё


still arguing about whether

ещё спорили о том, следует


they should allow calculators in

ли разрешить пользоваться



калькулятором на экзаменах.




Note: The particular time or period of time in the past when a certain action was in

progress can be indicated in the sentence with the help of another action expressed


in the Past Simple.



at that time / moment still

at 8 o’clock, from fi ve till seven

Ex. 34. Make up sentences according to the model.

Model: The war / start; he work / on a farm. →

When the war started, he was working on a farm.

1.He / get home; his mother / watch children’s cartoons.

2.They / arrive; Suzie / wait in the living room.

3.She / come back from the hospital; Marcus / still / sit at the kitchen table.

4.The Minister / return; a young stenographer / wait in his office.

5.The bell / ring; the students / still / sit in their seats.

6.The storm / break; he / write at his desk.

7.The lights / go out; they / surf the net.

8.The police / arrive; the young people / take things out of the shop.

9.Frank / open his eyes; she / study his face.

10.He / come to; they / throw cold water on him.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I




Past Continuous

Past Simple






for another action*

Sam was shaving when the


Describes a longer action


which serves as a “background”

telephone rang.








Describes a shorter action which


Sam was shaving when the


happened in the middle of the


telephone rang.


longer action








Describes parallel actions (while)

I was laying the table while

I laid the table while she



she was cooking dinner.




(emphasizes duration)

(states a fact)






Describes two actions that


As demand grew, prices rose,


develop or change together

All that year he was studying

what had cost £ 5 now cost £ 10.


With time expressions such as

I studied hard all weekend for

(as — по мере того как)




all day long, all that year, the

hard for his fi nal exam.

a tough Physics test.


whole morning, etc.

(emphasizes that the activity

(states a fact)




was happening at every








moment during the specified















Describes a completed


I did a crossword puzzle while





waiting. (решил)






Describes an action in progress,

I was doing a crossword



at some time between its

puzzle while waiting. (решал)



beginning and its end















* The “background” action can be introduced by when, (just) as, while:


Just as they were leaving (background) she noticed (main action) some friends from school.



While they were having dinner (background) I went (main action) over to their table



to chat.




Ex. 35. Group the sentences according to the use of the Past Continuous:

a.action in progress at a particular past time or specified period of time

b.“background action”

c.two parallel actions

1.I met the Colonel’s wife while I was waiting for my friend outside the church one sunny afternoon.

2.While the water was heating, Mrs. Parker was sweeping the floor.

3.At one o’clock this afternoon I was having lunch with a federal prosecutor named Renee Rogers.

4.She came by just as I was packing up.

5.While the Europeans were looking for a passage to Asia through the Arctic Ocean, the Russians were trying to find out if Siberia was linked to North America.

6.When he turned up, I was writing in my diary.


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

7.All that year the golfer was playing at his very best.

8.While I was waiting in the car, Alan suddenly appeared at the window.

9.He was walking down Holloway Road while everyone else at school was eating their lunch.

10.At that time the nation as a whole was suffering from a period of deep depression.

11.Just as we were preparing to leave our boss entered the staff room.

12.It was a warm golden evening and a blackbird was singing in the trees behind the house.

Ex. 36. Say what you think the people were doing when the following happened:


Helen cut her finger. →


I think Helen was cooking dinner when she cut her fi nger.

1.John’s car broke down.

2.Alice lost her wallet.

3.Tom ran into a friend of his.

4.Mrs. Thompson broke a vase.

5.Jane and Sam quarrelled.

6.The Peregrines visited the British Museum.

7.The little girl got lost.

8.Mr. Parker learned the news.

9.Emily found the long lost photo.

10.Columbus discovered America.

11.They spent a week at one of Northern Ireland's most popular seaside resorts.

12.The kid fell off his bike.

Ex. 37. Put the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense form.


Remember that the conjunction as can introduce a clause with a verb:

in the Past Simple to describe two actions that develop or change together

in the Past Continuous to describe a “background” action.

1.The family feared the worst. As the weeks (go) by Victor (grow) weaker.

2.As he (leave) the hotel he (pause) abruptly in the entrance.

3.As I (recover), Hannah, the housekeeper, (come) to sit with me, and (tell) me all about the family.

4.As she (become) more irritated with herself, she (become) sharper (резкий) with her companion.

5.Just as our romantic dinner (come) to a close, the kitchen door (flow) open.

6.The argument was continuous and as it (develop) both sides (change) their position.

7.As they (return), Joe (grow) quiet and thoughtful.

8.As the months (become) years she (can) no longer hide her feelings.

9.As she (grow) older her school-friends sometimes (express) envy at her adventurous lifestyle.

10.As years (pass) his enthusiasm for stamp collecting (increase).

11.Just as we (wait) for the lift, Elsie Ferguson — she’s a friend of mine — (come) hurrying down the stairs.

12.As London (grow), its citizens (want) more freedom and less taxation.

13.As we (walk) through the open-air lobby on our way to the beach, we (draw) a lot of curious looks from the other guests at the resort.

14.As industry (grow), more and more water was needed for heating and cooling.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


Действие или ряд действий,



которые совершились:




раньше другого

When I called, he had

Когда я позвонил, он уже ушел.


действия в прошлом,

already left.



выраженного формой




Past Simple

Yesterday I met Jane. Since

Вчера я встретил Джейн. С тех



we left school*, we had often

пор, как мы окончили школу,



written to each other.

мы часто писали друг другу.


к определённому

By June (that time, etc.) I had

К июню (к тому времени


моменту в прошлом

completed the research.

и т. д.) я уже закончил это








Состояние, длившееся

The call didn’t surprise him.

Её звонок не удивил его.

некоторое время до

He had known Laurie for

Он знал Лори более четырех

определенного момента

more than four years as

лет по совместной работе.

или другого действия

a colleague.


в прошлом**






В предложениях с союзами

He had hardly / scarcely

Едва он начал говорить, как

hardly / scarcely ... when; no

begun his speech when he

его прервали.

sooner ... than

was interrupted.




We had no sooner driven

Не успели мы проехать и мили,



a mile than the car broke

как машина сломалась.










*In time clauses introduced by since the Past Simple is commonly used


though the Past Perfect is quite possible.


See the list of state verbs at the beginning of the unit.


by the time / before / after / when

since + a point of time (since 1910, since he came) for + a period of time (for 5 years, for over an hour) how long

already, just, never

Ex. 38. Group the sentences according to the use of the Past Perfect:

a.action completed before another action or a particular time in the past

b.actions which took place before another action or a particular time in the past

c.state which existed before a particular time or action in the past

1.I slept without dreaming for twelve hours and woke with the sun streaming into the room. I hadn’t slept that well since I was a small boy.

2.I had not seen him for five years and was shocked when I saw him come into the bar. I was sure Henry knew the changes that had taken place in him were apparent and that I was trying to hide my reaction to them.

Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

3.I had known the Blands a long time before I discovered they had any connection with Ferdy.

4.Nick had made a few attempts to arrange a tour before we set off on this crazy adventure.

5.She was glad to see John again. She had met him several times and sent him letters when she had problems.

6.The French were very successful, and by 1697 had captured all of Hudson’s Bay Company forts except for one: Fort Albany.

7.By the time they arrived, they had walked hundreds of miles, searching for safety.

8.The victims of the bear attack had visited the forest several times before the accident.

9.She had been tense (в напряжённом состоянии) since she had arrived, and she knew perfectly well where the tension was coming from.

10.As I ate and drank my beer, I read the evening paper. A policeman had been shot in Harlem that morning. The Rangers had won the night before. A judge had come out against pornographic films.

11.Dorian began to understand things about himself that he had never understood before.

12.She was still in love with Mike though they had been separated for years.

Ex. 39. Explain why the following happened.


Jeremy was late for work (oversleep) →


Jeremy was late for work because he had overslept.

1.The student failed the exam. (not revise)

2.Malcolm lost his job. (argue with the boss)

3.Bill was taken to hospital. (have an accident)

4.Mr. Jackson went bankrupt. (invest in the wrong business)

5.They didn’t like the excursion. (expect it to be more interesting)

6.He got promotion. (…)

7.The student didn’t complete the project. (…)

8.She went on a diet. (…)

9.The car ran out of petrol. (…)

10.Susan was fined. (…)

11.The professor got angry. (…)

12.Sally was embarrassed. (…)

Ex. 40. A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.


It was the second time in three weeks (that) the police (visit) him.→


It was the second time in three weeks ( that) the police had visited him.

1.It was the third time that year he (fall) asleep driving at night.

2.This was only the fourth time in my life that I (taste) caviar.

3.It was the first time in his 75 years that he ever (be) a hospital patient.

4.It was the second time in only a few minutes that Carol (hear) those words.

5.It was the first time she (be) out to celebrate her son’s birth, and it was the last time she (leave) little Bradley with a baby-sitter.

6.It was the first time he (speak) her name and it sounded good.

7.It was the fourth time in three months that the car (break down).

B.Complete the sentences using the correct tense form of the verb and the right word.

1.The thought no sooner (pass) through his mind _______ the decision was taken.

2.He scarcely (settle) to work _______ his stepmother came in followed by a sad-eyed spaniel who immediately began exploring the corners of the room.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

3.We hardly (go) half the way _______ it started to rain and we had to run.

4.He scarcely (finish) his remark _______ there was a storm of applause.

5.Food was a joy to them, and they no sooner (finish) one meal _______ they were enthusiastically discussing the next.

6.She hardly (take) a couple of steps ________ she was surrounded by her fans.

7.He no sooner (put) the phone down ________ there was a knock on the door.

Ex. 41. Make up sentences with hardly / scarcely … when and no sooner … than.


The debate / begin; people / start to leave the hall.→


The debate had hardly begun when the people started to leave the hall.


The debate had no sooner begun than the people started to leave


the hall.

1.Susan / sat down; there / be another knocking on the door.

2.They / set out; Anna and David / have a big argument.

3.Jonathan / say the words; he / regret them.

4.I / arrive home; it / be time to dress up and head back to the theatre.

5.She / get off the train; the guard / blow the whistle and the train started and she had to run for it.

6.He / come back; he / leave Diana and the children again, and went to Italy on a week’s painting holiday.

7.They / reach the place; Gloria / announce, “We can’t stay down here any more.”

8.Jenny / cross a small bridge near the farm; the storm / resume with greater intensity.

9.Kylie Minogue / mention the word overseas; the press / begin to report that she was about to emigrate to the United States.

10.We / get into the country; it / begin to rain.



Past Perfect

Past Simple




Makes a sequence

Describes the earlier action

Describes past events in the order

of events clear


they happened


When we reached the airport, the

When we reached the airport, the


plane had taken off.

plane took off.





1. The plane took off.

1. We reached the airport.


2. We reached the airport.

2. The plane took off.




In time clauses

Shows that the second action took


after when, after,

place only after the first one was


as soon as




After he had given the police his name

Soon after he returned to Japan


and address, he was allowed to go.

he began to write a textbook.




Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Ex. 42. Combine the sentences in one using the conjunction in brackets. Use the Past Perfect where appropriate.


He left. She felt lonely. (after) → After he had left she felt lonely.

1.The train started. I drew a long breath of relief. (as soon as )

2.The police arrived. Oliver left. (when)

3.I found out about the meeting. They already made a decision. (when)

4.Hannah completed her schooling. She applied to universities in America and England to study languages. (after)

5.They ate their lunch in the dining room. They withdrew to their room for a siesta. (when)

6.The politicians signed the agreement. They became nervous about it. (as soon as)

7.He came home from fishing. His wife made him his favourite pie for dinner. (when)

8.They talked for a while. He showed the young visitors out. (after)

9.He carried out a few successful assignments. More business came his way. (as soon as)

10.They turned the corner. They headed for the row of pay phones that lined the wall. (when)

11.The skies were clear. The storm subsided. (as soon as)

12.She settled herself against the pillows. She heard a knock on the door. (after)

Ex. 43. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Perfect.

1.At the end of the war he (retire) and (settle) down to the life of a country gentleman.

2.When they (decide) to separate, they (be) married for four years, and they (not be) very happy.

3.By the end of the 19th century it (become) clear that England (be) no longer as powerful as it (be) earlier.

4.The Anglo-Norman aristocracy (speak) French among themselves and (write) to each other in that language long after they (come) to regard themselves as Englishmen.

5.By the late 1500s, a great demand for fur (develop) in Europe.This demand (encourage) further exploration of North America.

6.When Oliver Cromwell (come) to power he (forbid) people to celebrate Christmas and Easter, or to play games on a Sunday.

7.By 1714 the Stuarts (be) kings and queens of Scotland and England for over 300 years.

8.In 1648, the Cossack Semyon Ivanovitch Dezhnev (conduct) a first expedition which (go) around the point (мыс) of Siberia and (prove) that the two continents were separate.

9.He (get) home in time for dinner, and after Evie (go) to bed he (go) into his study and (look) for his diary.

10.When Margaret Thatcher (resign) in 1991, she (serve) as prime minister for twelve years.

Ex. 44. Translate the sentences into English.

1.К концу дня министры подписали договор о сотрудничестве в области образования.

2.Я познакомился с ней в прошлом году на Рождество, но знал ее в лицо (know by sight) с 2002 года.

3.На следующее утро Скотт проснулся в 6.30, встал и прочитал утреннюю газету.

4.К концу недели Фрэнк потратил несколько сотен долларов на книги.

5.Когда Генри ответил на все мои вопросы, я понял, что он говорит правду.

6.Он не видел Молли пять лет и едва узнал ее, когда она вошла в комнату.

7.Николь молчала, хотя Адам задал ей несколько вопросов.

8.Когда правительство начало реформы, страна уже два десятилетия была в упадке.

9.До поступления в колледж он намеревался изучать химию, но потом его планы изменились.

10.Когда Ирландия получила независимость от Великобритании, власти этой католической страны (уже) запретили (ban) развод.


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