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Обучение чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Ракетная и импульсная техника» (120

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Московский государственный технический университет

имени Н.Э. Баумана

Л.С. Самсонова, А.И. Скубриева



Учебно методическое пособие

М о с к в а Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана


УДК 802.0 ББК 81.2 Англ.9923


Рецензент З.А. Заболотская

Самсонова Л.С.

С49 Обучение чтению литературы на английском языке по спе9 циальности «Ракетная и импульсная техника» : учеб.9метод. пособие / Л.С. Самсонова, А.И. Скубриева. — М. : Изд9во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2011. — 40 с. : ил.

Учебно9методическое пособие состоит из трех модульных блоков, в каждый из которых включены три технических текста и лексико9грам9 матические упражнения на развитие и закрепление навыков понима9 ния, осмысления и перевода оригинальных публикаций по изучаемой тематике, а также умения устного профессионального общения.

Для студентов старших курсов МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, обучаю9 щихся по специальности «Ракетная и импульсная техника».

УДК 802.0 ББК 81.2 Англ.9923

Учебное издание

Самсонова Лидия Сергеевна Скубриева Алла Ивановна



Корректор М.А. Василевская

Компьютерная верстка И.Д. Звягинцевой

Подписано в печать 20.12.2010. Формат 60х84/16. Усл. печ. л. 2,33. Тираж 100 экз. Изд. № 33. Заказ

Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Типография МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. 105005, Москва, 29я Бауманская ул., 5.

© МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2011



Учебно9методическое пособие, состоящее из трех модульных блоков и двух дополнительных текстов, содержит оригинальные тек9 сты (характеризующиеся постепенным нарастанием сложности содержания), взятые из английских и американских научно9техни9 ческих периодических изданий. Помимо текстов в пособие входят разнообразные лексико9грамматические упражнения на отработку конструкций, характерных для языка научно9технической литера9 туры, а также упражнения, направленные на развитие навыков го9 ворения и вербального взаимодействия с зарубежными коллегами; словари, содержащие активную лексику и специальную терминоло9 гию. Заключительные коммуникативные задания, имеющиеся в каждом модуле, помогут студентам готовить презентации, высту9 пать с сообщениями, участвовать в обсуждениях, отстаивать свои позиции в научных дискуссиях.

Материал, представленный в пособии, может использоваться сту9 дентами как во время аудиторных занятий под руководством препо9 давателя, так и для самостоятельной работы.

Пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, обучающихся по специальности «Ракетная и им9 пульсная техника».



Guns and Armor

1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Participles.

1.The rocket in its simplest form is a chamber enclosing a gas under pressure. 2. Our lab spent two weeks working on the project. 3. The big

120mm and 125 mm guns introduced by Russia and Britain in the 1970s became common in the 1980s. 4. The total number of AK947s (Avtomat Kalashnikova947) made worldwide during the last 50 years is estimated at over 90 million. 5. Knowing three important scientific principles now called Newton’s Laws of Motion, engineers have been able to construct modern giant rockets. 6. Objects in motion will stay in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. 7. Newton’s second law of motion is especially useful when designing efficient rockets. 8. Force is the pressure created by the controlled explosion taking place inside the rocket’s engines. 9. Newton’s second law of motion can be restated in the following way: the greater the mass of the rocket fuel burned, and the faster the gas produced can escape the engine, the greater the thrust of the rocket.

2.Translate the following sentences paying attention to different meanings of “as” and its combinations.

1.Kalashnikov is well known worldwide as a designer of his legendary AK. 2. Moving through the air causes friction, or as scientists call it, drag. As a result rockets work better in space than they do it in air. As the exhaust gas leaves the rocket engine, it must push away the surrounding air, this uses up some of energy of the rocket. 3. Acceleration of the rocket has to increase as its mass decreases. That is why a rocket starts off moving slowly and goes faster and faster as it climbs into space. 4. Our laboratory needs a metal as heavy as lead. 5. It is not as difficult as the students think it is.

6.No one else drives as fast as John. 7. My friend talks as if he knew all about nanotechnology. 8. Their team will travel by night as well as by day.

9.The lecturer explained the theory, and practice as well. 10. To attain space flight speeds, the engine must burn a large mass of fuel and push the resulting gas out of the engine as rapidly as possible. 11. The spacecraft will travel in a straight line when it is very far from any large gravity source such as Earth or the other planets and their moons.

3.Translate the following sentences with the word “time”.

1. Force is equal to mass times acceleration. 2. However, new times call for more sophisticated armaments. 3. Carbon nanotubes are 20 times


stronger than steel and at the same time they are 10 times lighter. 4. At present the best composites have 3 to 4 times the strength of steel. 5. Hand your test papers to the examiner two at a time.

4.Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of “the former, the latter”.

1.As contrasted with the former, the latter means the second of two things or persons already mentioned. 2. Of these two devices the former is more efficient than the latter. 3. Of these alternatives the specialists prefer the former, i.e. the first mentioned of two. 4. Artillery fire is more effective if a large number of units is concentrated on single targets so that the latter could be struck immediately and by as many shells as possible in as short a time as possible.

5.Memorize the following words and word combinations:

to rate – определять, устанавливать, оценивать to match – подходить, соответствовать commonly – обычно

common – общепринятый, распространенный

rather than – скорее, предпочтительнее, охотнее, лучше, а не along with – вместе, наряду с

to grip – схватывать, сжать pattern – структура, форма

obsolete – вышедший из строя, устаревший instead – вместо, взамен

built9in – встроенный

to arm – вооружаться, взводить time – раз

one at a time – по одному many times – многократно bin – бункер

spare – запасной to shoot – стрелять

to pull – вытягивать, тянуть

to misfire – промахнуться, не попасть в цель

6A. Look through Text 1A and find the answer for the question: “What countries design guns that are most commonly used worldwide?”


6B. Read and translate the text.

Text 1A

Modern Weaponry

Size Ratings

Modern guns are rated by their bore diameter (the diameter of the inside of the barrel, which matches the diameter of the shell or bullet). Rifles are commonly 5.56 mm or 7.62 mm, machine9guns are 7.62 mm to 14.5 mm, automatic cannons are 20 mm to 30 mm, light cannons are 75 mm to 100 mm, heavy cannons are 105 mm to 125 mm, and artillery is 152 mm to 203 mm.

Some guns are still rated in “calibers”. This is the bore diameter as measured in inches, rather than millimeters. A “caliber.50” weapon is 0.5" wide, or 12.7 mm.

Heavy Cannons

Heavy cannons are the classic weapons of tanks and artillery. In WWII some tanks carried low velocity artillery9type cannons, while others had higher velocity armor piercing cannons. The latter were invariably more effective. All modern tanks now use large caliber, high velocity guns. Sizes: Light tanks and heavy armored cars commonly use 75 mm or 90 mm guns, along with old medium tanks from the 1950s. Medium tanks of the 1960s and 70s used 100 mm, 105 mm and 115 mm guns. The big 120 mm and 125 mm guns were introduced by Britain and Russia in the 1970s, then became common in the 1980s.

Rifled Guns

These weapons are designed like traditional rifles: they have barrel grooves that “grip” the base of a shell. The grooves have a spiral pattern, causing the shell to rotate as it moves down the barrel. This rotation gives the shell stability in flight, which improves accuracy. The main rifled guns used today are British and Russian designs. The British 105 mm gun was standardized for NATO in the 1960s and is still commonly found. The other common rifled weapon is the Russian 100 mm used in the now obsolete T955 series.


Smoothbore Guns

These weapons have no grooves in the barrel. Instead, the ammunition has built9in fins that provide stability in flight. The USSR was the first to popularize this type of weapon, making smoothbores their standard tank gun in the 1960s.

There are three main smoothbore weapons used today. The German Rheinmetall 120 mm smoothbore is used by the Leopard 2 and the Ml Al, with a variant planned for the new French Leclerc. An older Russian 115 mm smoothbore is used in T962s. The newer Russian 125 mm smoothbore arms the T964, T972, T974 and T980. It is finding its way abroad in the T972.

Auto Cannons

Large cannons must be loaded one shell at a time. Loading can take 5 to 10 seconds depending on the size of shell and the position of the ammunition and loader in relation to the breech, for a rate of fire of 6 to 12 rounds a minute.

Auto9cannons reload automatically, using a belt or clip like a machine9 gun. This increases their rate of fire to hundreds of rounds per minute. Of course, autocannons are limited to smaller sizes, and even then the loading mechanisms and ammunition bins can be huge. For example, the American M163A2 PIVADS has a six9barrelled 20 mm autocannon mounted on its roof. It has an 11009round linkless belt feed attached to the gun, and a spare 10009round belt carried inside. This massive amount of ammo is sufficient for just 42 seconds of firing against aircraft, since in its designed role as AA gun the 20 mm shoots 3000 rounds per minute!

Chain Guns

Traditional auto9cannons reload from the recoil or blowback of the previous round, just like a machine9gun. And just like a machine9gun, if a round is a dud or misfires, there isn’t sufficient recoil or gas to clear the shell and reload the gun, causing a jam. The “chain gun” was created to solve this problem. Chain guns use a separate electric motor to pull the ammunition belt through the gun breech. If a shell doesn’t fire, no problem, the motor just pulls that round out and pulls a new one in. Jams are still possible, but the frequency is greatly reduced. Chain guns cannot fire as fast as traditional automatic weapons, but the lower rate of fire is sometimes


an advantage in conserving ammo. The US Army uses a 25 mm Chain Gun in the turret of its M2 and M3 vehicles, and a 30 mm gun on its AH9 64A attack helicopter.


6C. Try to memorize as many key terms as possible: bore – канал ствола, калибр оружия smoothbore – гладкоствольный (об оружии) barrel – ствол, дуло (оружия)

rate of fire – скорострельность bullet – пуля

machine9gun – пулемет armor9piercing – бронебойный rifle – нарез, винтовка rifled9gun – нарезное орудие groove – нарез, паз, вырез

fin – стабилизатор ammunition – боеприпасы breech – казенная часть ствола

clip – захват, зажим, звено пулеметной ленты shell – снаряд

to clear – разрядить оружие, удалить снаряд link – звено

linkless belt – патронная лента без звеньев bin – бункер

round – выстрел, комплект выстрела, патрон, снаряд dud – неразорвавшийся снаряд

recoil = blowback – откат, отдача jam – заклинивание

chain gun – автоматическая скорострельная авиационная пушка (с цепным электроприводом)

turret – башня

to load – зарядить loader – заряжающий

cannon – артиллерийское орудие

automatic cannon – малокалиберная автоматическая пушка feed – подача (патронов)

belt feed – ленточная подача патронов weapon – оружие, вооружение


7. Answer the following questions.

1. What types of guns do you know? 2. What does the term “caliber” mean? 3. Is there any difference in loading large cannons and auto cannon? What is it? 4. Which of the guns is most efficient? Why? 5. What is the principal difference of smoothbore guns from other types of guns? 6. When are smoothbore guns commonly used? 7. How does the chain gun operate? 8. Is a chain gun more efficient than a traditional automatic weapon? What makes it more efficient?

8A. Replace the prepositional phrases by word combinations.

For example:

the grooves of (in) the barrel the barrel grooves; the stability of flight the flight stability;

the stability of a shell in flight the shell flight stability;

a round which is capable of piercing armor an armour piercing round; the firing range which is preferred the preferred firing range;

a 20 mm autocannon equipped with six barrels a six barrelled 20 mm autocannon.

The variations of temperature ; the bins of (with) ammunition ; the tube of a gun ; the support by means of fire ; the strength of the armour of the tank .

8B. Translate the following word combinations.

Ammunition belt; hot expanding gas; heavy armored cars; gun breech strength; enemy rocket launchers; infantry anti9armor weapon; low velocity artillery9type cannon; large9caliber high velocity guns; modern high velocity tank guns; an 11009round linkless belt feed.

9A. Translate the following words paying attention to suffixes.

Simple, simplicity, simplify, simplification; military, militarist, militarism; effect, effective, effectiveness; numerical, numerous, numerate, numeration; common, commonly, commonality; rely, reliable, reliability; possible, possibility; measure, measurable, measurably, measurement; previous, previously, prevision; extreme, extremely, extremist, extremity; total, totally, totality; legend, legendary; form, formal, formality, formation; product, production, productivity, productive; introduce, introduction, introductory.


9B. Use the words on the right to form a word that fits in the space.

Use a proper suffix.


The Kalashnikov assault rifle, also known under


the (1) … name of AK, is the most prolific small


arm of the 2nd half of the XX century. It had been


and still is (in more or less modified (2) …)


manufactured in dozens of countries and used in


hundreds of conflicts since its (3) … . The (4) …


number of AK9type rifles made worldwide during


the last 50 years is estimated at over 90 million. This

extremely, simple

is a true (5) … weapon known for its (6) …

reliable, possibility

ruggedness, (7) … of operation and maintenance,

product, militarist

unsurpassed (8) … even in the worst conditions (9)


… and suitability for mass (10) … . It is used not only


as a (11) … weapon, but also as a basis for (12) …

effect, effective

sporting civilian rifles and shotguns. The AK


incorporated many of (13) … known features and


solutions, combined in the most (14) … way. The


(15) .., however, depends on the criteria used to


(16) … it.


9C. Translate the above text without a dictionary.

10A. Read and translate Text 1B. The words to help you: to degrade – ослаблять, снижать, разрушать

to sneak up – подкрадываться, подбираться vulnerable – уязвимый

to wobble – колебаться, вихлять, вилять

to miss – промахиваться, не достигать цели to prefer – предпочитать

range – расстояние, дальность, диапазон escort – охрана, конвой, прикрытие

to lack – не иметь, испытывать недостаток portable – переносной, передвижной

to penetrate – проникать вовнутрь, проходить сквозь to eliminate – устранять, исключать

to button up – закрыть(ся), запереть(ся)

team – команда; экипаж; группа (боевая); бригада


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