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Is correct for platform it's executed on.

See also fullfile, path, tempdir, prefdir.

Reference page in Help browser

doc matlabroot

<mexext> - MEX filename extension for this platform.

MEXEXT MEX filename extension for this platform, or all platforms.

EXT = MEXEXT returns the MEX-file name extension for the current


ALLEXT = MEXEXT('all') returns a struct with fields 'arch' and 'ext'

describing MEX-file name extensions for all platforms.

There is a script named mexext.bat on Windows and mexext.sh on UNIX

that is intended to be used outside MATLAB in makefiles or scripts. Use

that script instead of explicitly specifying the MEX-file extension in

a makefile or script. The script is located in $MATLAB\bin.

See also mex, mexdebug.

Reference page in Help browser

doc mexext

<partialpath> - Partial pathnames.

PARTIALPATH Partial pathnames.

A partial pathname is a MATLABPATH relative pathname that is used to

locate private and method files which are usually hidden or to

restrict the search for files when more than one file with the given

name exists.

A partial pathname contains the last component, or last several

components, of the full pathname separated by '/'. For example,

"matfun/trace", "private/children", "inline/formula", and

"demos/clown.mat" are valid partial pathnames. Specifying the

"@" in method directory names is optional so "funfun/inline/formula"

Is also a valid partial pathname.

Many commands accept partial pathnames instead of a full pathname.

Here's a (partial) list of such commands



Partial pathnames make it easy to find toolbox or MATLAB relative

files on your path in a portable way that is independent of

where MATLAB is installed.

<pathsep> - Path separator for this platform.

PATHSEP Path separator for this platform.

F = PATHSEP returns the path separator character for this platform.

The path separator is the character that separates directories in

the MATLABPATH variable.

See also path, filesep, fullfile.

Reference page in Help browser

doc pathsep

<prefdir> - Preference directory name.

PREFDIR Preference directory name.

D = PREFDIR returns the name of the directory containing preferences

for MATLAB and related products, the command history file, the MATLAB

shortcuts, and the MATLAB desktop layout files. The existence of the

directory is not ensured.

D = PREFDIR(1) creates the directory if it does not exist.

See also getpref, setpref.

Reference page in Help browser

doc prefdir

<tempdir> - Get temporary directory.

TEMPDIR Get temporary directory.

TEMPDIR returns the name of the temporary directory if one exists. A

file separator is appended at the end.

See also tempname, fullfile.

Reference page in Help browser

doc tempdir

<tempname> - Get temporary file.

TEMPNAME Get temporary file.

TEMPNAME returns a unique name, starting with the directory returned by

TEMPDIR, suitable for use as a temporary file.

TMP_NAME = TEMPNAME(DIRNAME) uses DIRNAME as the directory instead of


Note: When running MATLAB without the JVM, the filename that tempname

generates is not guaranteed to be absolutely unique.

See also tempdir.

Reference page in Help browser

doc tempname

XML file handling

<xmlread> - Parse an XML document and return a Document Object Model node.

XMLREAD Parse an XML document and return a Document Object Model node.

DOMNODE = XMLREAD(FILENAME) reads a URL or file name in the

string input argument FILENAME. The function returns DOMNODE,

a Document Object Model (DOM) node representing the parsed document.

The node can be manipulated by using standard DOM functions.

Note: A properly parsed document will display to the screen as

>> xDoc = xmlread(...)

xDoc =

[#document: null]

Example 1: All XML files have a single root element. Some XML

files declare a preferred schema file as an attribute of this element.

xDoc = xmlread(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox/matlab/general/info.xml'));

xRoot = xDoc.getDocumentElement;

schemaURL = char(xRoot.getAttribute('xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation'))

Example 2: Each info.xml file on the MATLAB path contains

several <listitem> elements with a <label> and <callback> element. This

script finds the callback that corresponds to the label 'Plot Tools'.

infoLabel = 'Plot Tools'; infoCbk = ''; itemFound = false;

xDoc = xmlread(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox/matlab/general/info.xml'));

% Find a deep list of all <listitem> elements.

allListItems = xDoc.getElementsByTagName('listitem');

%Note that the item list index is zero-based.

for i=0:allListItems.getLength-1

thisListItem = allListItems.item(i);

childNode = thisListItem.getFirstChild;

while ~isempty(childNode)

%Filter out text, comments, and processing instructions.

if childNode.getNodeType == childNode.ELEMENT_NODE

%Assume that each element has a single org.w3c.dom.Text child

childText = char(childNode.getFirstChild.getData);

switch char(childNode.getTagName)

case 'label' ; itemFound = strcmp(childText,infoLabel);

case 'callback' ; infoCbk = childText;



childNode = childNode.getNextSibling;


if itemFound break; else infoCbk = ''; end


disp(sprintf('Item "%s" has a callback of "%s".',infoLabel,infoCbk))

See also xmlwrite, xslt.

Reference page in Help browser

doc xmlread

<xmlwrite> - Serialize an XML Document Object Model node.

XMLWRITE Serialize an XML Document Object Model node.


S = XMLWRITE(DOMNODE) returns the node tree as a string.


% Create a sample XML document.

docNode = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument('root_element')

docRootNode = docNode.getDocumentElement;


for i=1:20

thisElement = docNode.createElement('child_node');




docNode.appendChild(docNode.createComment('this is a comment'));

% Save the sample XML document.

xmlFileName = [tempname,'.xml'];



See also xmlread, xslt.

Reference page in Help browser

doc xmlwrite

< xslt> - Transform an XML document using an XSLT engine.

XSLT Transform an XML document using an XSLT engine.

RESULT = XSLT(SOURCE,STYLE,DEST) transforms an XML document using

a stylesheet and returns the resulting document's URL. The

function uses these inputs, the first of which is required:

SOURCE is the filename or URL of the source XML file. SOURCE

can also be a DOM node.

STYLE is the filename or URL of an XSL stylesheet

DEST is the filename or URL of the desired output document; if

DEST is absent or empty, the function uses a temporary filename.

If DEST is '-tostring', the output document will be returned

as a MATLAB string.

[RESULT,STYLE] = XSLT(...) returns a processed stylesheet

appropriate for passing to subsequent XLST calls as STYLE.

This prevents costly repeated processing of the stylesheet.

XSLT(...,'-web') displays the resulting document in a

Web Browser.


This will convert a file "info.xml" to a temporary file

using the stylesheet "info.xsl" and launch the result

in the help browser. MATLAB has several info.xml files

which are used by the Start Button.

xslt info.xml info.xsl -web

See also xmlread, xmlwrite.

Reference page in Help browser

doc xslt

Соседние файлы в папке Библиотеки Matlab