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  1. Find a statement or sentence in each paragraph that can be a

title to it.

  1. Answer questions to the text.

  1. Why will not flash replace spinning disk?

  2. What storage solution is growing in popularity?

  3. What does SaaS include?

  4. What does SaaS allow users to do?

  5. What do companies need to be careful about?

  6. What companies mostly use SDS?

  7. What can companies do with SDS?

  8. What is meant by converged infrastructures?

  9. What should you do for expanding storage layer?

  10. What will the expansion of storage layer result in?

  1. Write a summary of this text using expressions given


It gives a detailed analysis of…

It draws our attention to…

It is stressed that…

The article is of great help to …

The article is of interest to …


  1. mainstay

основа, поддержка

  1. to commit

связывать себя, быть приверженным

  1. cloud-based hub

облачный узел сети

  1. sensitive

конфиденциальная, секретная

  1. dubbed


  1. software-defined storage

программно-определяемое хранилище

  1. to follow a convergence path

идти по пути схождения, сведения в одну точку

  1. to converge

сходиться, сводиться в одну точку

  1. hypervisor

монитор виртуальных машин; программа управления операционными системам ; гипервизор

  1. to bundle


  1. to scale out

увеличиваться, расширяться

  1. storage layer

слой (уровень) памяти, хранилища

  1. to deduplicate


  1. ancillary


  1. stuff

вещи, предметы, устройства

  1. to wrap up

оформить, скомплектовать

Unit II

  1. Read two passages and tell what they are about. Communicate Now

Not long ago, the market predicted becoming a more flexible, empowered, and innovative company on the type of business the company was and the type of structure instilled in it. In the last three or four years it is being discovered that it’s not the structure that makes the difference, it’s the people that make the difference. In other words, what counts most is getting the right people, not getting people in the same place.

One result of this shift in many industries is that workforces are geographically dispersed, and companies are adopting collaboration-minded software and services to enable these employees to work as harmoniously as possible. The trick is unlocking and affording employees the opportunities to do what people do best, which is collaborate and work together to solve problems. To basically make their lives better and in doing so, make the company they’re working for better. Adopting solutions alone isn’t enough, however. Effectively prompting their usage and promoting their continued use is also key.

Look inward

Before implementing a collaboration solution companies should first look at their organizational structure and pinpoint any roadblocks that are preventing employees from communicating effectively, silos that are isolating some employees from others, and pain pointes that might exist within existing communication solutions or practices. This type of self-analysis will put companies in a better position to move forward in assessing what kind of solutions are available on the market that can make them the better company they envision themselves becoming.

For company owners and executives who question why initiating better collaboration and communication is worth the effort there is the benefit of saving travel costs via collaboration software that lessens the amount of time involved in moving people around.

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