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1. (to) back up

резервировать, дублировать; резервное копирование данных

2. latency

задержка отклика от сервера

3. hosting application

хостинг приложение; приложение главной ЭВМ производственной системы

4. hosting

программно-аппаратный комплекс

5. disaster recovery

ликвидация сбоя

6. to stand up

сохранить, оставить

7. scale-out storage

система, позволяющая организовывать «облачную» среду хранения данных и хранить петабайты данных

8. white box

не марочной сборки

9. mode

метод, режим

10. resilient

устойчивый, гибкий

11. commodity


12. scalable

расширяемый, наращиваемый

13. holder


  1. Read the text and say what it is about.

Flash storage

Another type of storage is flash storage, employed in SSDs (solid state drives). Flash storage is lauded for its high capacity, high speed, and overall excellent performance relative to other physical media, but it’s also much more expensive on a capacity basis. For that reason, some solutions are built as all-flash arrays and in server-attached forms, but flash isn’t typically seen as a pure replacement for spinning disks or HDDs. Flash storage is commonly used for caching or auto-tiering purposes.

Some vendors offer SSDs as a tier of storage in an array in combination with automatic tiering capabilities that move hot data from spinning disk up to flash and cold data back to spinning disk. Others use SSDs or other flash devices as a cache to maintain a copy of that data on fast storage, while a primary copy of the data is maintained on disk. From a buyer’s perspective, these are really just different approaches to the same problem. At the end of the day, there are some advantages of each approach, but both will meet the needs of most organizations.

When companies move some active input/output to flash they may well get an economic benefit for the entire system. Companies are also sidestepping the need for additional spinning disks and using solid state for extra bandwidth instead. In the end, it’s important to learn up front what uses are best for solid state in order to get the best ROI.

  1. Suggest a suitable title for each paragraph of the text.

  2. Answer questions to the text.

  1. What are the advantages of flash storage?

  2. Why are some solutions built as all-flash arrays?

  3. What other purposes is flash storage commonly used for?

  4. What is the first approach to using SSDs?

  5. What is the second approach to using SSDs?

  6. Will both approaches meet the needs of most companies?

  7. Why do some companies replace spinning disks by solid state?

  8. What should companies do first to get the best ROI?

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