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Assignments № 9 -10.

pp. 204-238

I. Vocabulary:

  1. despicable (p. 203)

  2. to keep out of somebody’s way (p.203)

  3. to be taken by surprise (p.206)

  4. to make amends to somebody /9p.206)

  5. to misjudge somebody (p.207)

  6. weary (p.212)

  7. to be hard on somebody (p.214)

  8. compunction (p. 216)

  9. to take precautions (p. 216)

  10. to cut oneself off completely from the past (p. 221)

  11. broadminded (p.224)

  12. to have a sigh of relief (p.224)

  13. humiliation (p. 226)

  14. to neglect (p.231)

  15. to feign (p.231)

  16. to take for granted (p. 233)

  17. to sacrifice oneself (p.235)

  18. to stand on one's own feet (p.236)

  19. compassion (p. 237)

  20. vain (p. 238)

II. Retell the contents using your vocabulary (dividing the contents into two parts).

III. Questions and Topic to Discuss:

1. Speak about all the new events that awaited Kitty after her coming from Hong Kong.

2. How should you account for Kitty's fall in the house of the Townsends?

3. What was Kitty's idea of the future of her child and her own future?

4. Did Kitty find Tao for herself eventually?

Учебно-методическая разработка по домашнему чтению по произведению У.С. Моэма «Разрисованный занавес» для студентов-бакалавров исторического факультета, обучающихся по специальности «История и иностранный язык»



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