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handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, use, dispensing, and









4. A barrier from oxygen, water vapor, dust, etc., is often


required. Permeation is a critical factor in design. Modified



atmospheres or controlled atmospheres are also maintained in



some food packages. Keeping the contents clean, fresh, sterile



and safe for the intended shelf life is a primary function.






5. Single serving or single dosage packaging has a precise



amount of contents to control usage.






6. Packages and labels communicate how to use, transport,



recycle, or dispose of the package or product. With



pharmaceuticals, food, medical, and chemical products, some



types of information are required by governments. Some



packages and labels also are used for track and trace purposes.






7. The objects enclosed in the package may require protection



from, among other things, mechanical shock, vibration,



electrostatic discharge, compression, temperature, etc.





Portion control

8. Packaging can play an important role in reducing the



security risks of shipment. Packages can be engineered to help



reduce the risks of package pilferage. Packages may use



security printing to help indicate that the package and contents



are not counterfeit. Packages also can include anti-theft. Using



packaging in this way is a means of loss prevention.




VIII. Agree or disagree with a statement and give your reasons for it; give examples, if possible.

1.Packaging is the science and art of protecting products.

2.A good advertisement is enough for increasing the sale of the product.

3.If the cost of raw materials increases, the price of the goods will be low.

4.Modern packaging sometimes can cause injury.

5.The best packaging is glass because of its chemical stability.

6.Tin cans are widely used for packaging of pasteurized and sterilized food.

7.Packaging made of plastics present new advantages.

8.Packaging has become ever more resistant to fingers, nails and even teeth because the manufacturers just want to save their money.


IX. Choose the correct answer:

1.Packaging is …

a)any written, electronic, or graphic communications on a separate but associated label.

b)a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use.

c)the material that first envelops the product and holds it.

2.“Wrap rage” is …

a)an attempt to open the package

b)the feeling of anger

c)the irritation and loss of self-control experienced when struggling to open wrapping.

3.Why has packaging become more resistant to fingers and even teeth?

a)the manufacturers use a low-quality material

b)the manufacturers use toxic elements

c)the manufacturers use a high-quality material

4.What are the most common triggers of wrap rage?

a)processed cheese packages

b)tightly wrapped CDs

c)ring-pull cans

d)all of the above

5.Customer profile is …

a)the public image

b)a position or reputation that gets you a lot of attention

c)the description of the person who will buy a product

6.If the product is not selling well, the company …

a)should start to launch a new product

b)need to change the marketing strategy

c)must reduce the price of the product


7.Advertising can …

a)motivate the market to buy

b)inform people about the products features

c)all of the above

8). A good advertisement must …

a)concentrate on the product

b)concentrate on the target customer

c)describe the features of the product

d)all of the above

X. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1.Когда продаёшь товар, очень важно предоставить покупателю всю необходимую информацию о характеристиках этого товара и подчеркнуть его преимущества.

2.Британские фирмы отклонили предложение изобретателя, поэтому он вынужден был уехать в США и обратиться за поддержкой в американскую фирму.

3.Все изобретатели являются новаторами, так как они создают что-то новое.

4.Его компания выиграла главную награду в конкурсе, обойдя достаточно серьёзных конкурентов.

5.Мы вынуждены изменить нашу маркетинговую стратегию.

6.Выбор рекламного объявления зависит от товара, который вы намереваетесь продать.

7.Если возрастает цена на сырьё, то, следовательно, возрастёт цена на товар, который был создан из этого сырья.

8.Если товар плохо покупают, то нужно изменить маркетинговую стратегию.

9.Спрос на товар будет невысоким, если цена завышена.

10.Реклама является важным инструментом привлечения потребителей к товару. Она может убеждать, мотивировать купить товар, всё зависит от самого товара.

11.Реклама товаров длительного пользования, например, телевизора или стиральной машины, будет отличаться от рекламы товаров быстрого потребления, например, шоколада.


12.Чтобы продавать успешно машины, рекламодателю следует ориентироваться на совсем иную целевую аудиторию.

13.Именно рекламные агентства решают, какие виды рекламы использовать для того или иного товара, так как они являются связующим звеном между производителями товаров и потребителями.

14.Когда покупатель выбирает товар, то первым делом он обращает внимание на упаковку.

15.Как показывают опросы, современные виды упаковок продуктов вызывают огромное разочарование и раздражение, особенно среди людей старшего поколения.

16.В последнее время производители вынуждены создавать такие упаковки, чтобы сохранить сам продукт свежим, чтобы дети не могли открыть упаковки с бытовой химией, чтобы защитить товар во время его транспортировки, и в то же время установить минимальную цену.

17.В результате, такую упаковку очень трудно открыть.

18.Только в Великобритании пострадали около 60 тысяч человек за последний год.

19.Производители стараются прислушиваться к жалобам покупателей.

20.Даже попытки удалить ценник с подарка могут поднять давление.

21.Если производители не будут реагировать на жалобы покупателей, то они рискуют снизить свои продажи, так как люди просто перестанут покупать продукты с упаковкой, которую им трудно открыть.


XI. Product Information

Student A: You need to purchase six new computers for your office. Call JA's Computer World and ask for the following information:

Current special offers on computers


Possibility of discount for an order of six computers

Student B: You work in at JA's Computer World answer student A's questions using the following information:


Two special offers: Multimedia Monster - with latest Pentium CPU, 256 RAM, 40 GB Hard Drive, Monitor included - $2,500 AND Office Taskmaster - cheaper CPU, 64 RAM, 10 GB Hard Drive, Monitor not included - $1,200

1 Year guarantee on all computers

Discount of 5% for orders of more than five computers

XII. Read the following advice.


Packaging plays a large role in whether your product is purchased. It needs to stand out from your competitors' products and entice consumers to make a purchase. Before you roll out a new product, you need to decide a great way to package that new product so that it is eye catching and exciting. While consumers judge a book by its cover, they also judge a product by its packaging. There are plenty of ways that you can package your new product so that it stands out and is appealing.

1.Don't put off thinking about product packaging because the task seems enormous. Packaging is the third largest industry in the country. In fact, there are more than 10,000 packaging manufacturers in the U.S. alone. The proliferation of material choices and vendors is extensive.

2.Go green. Green or reusable packaging materials are especially appealing to our environmentally conscious society. Choosing to package your new product in materials that can be repurposed can give you an extra edge against your competitors.

3.Add something extra to your packaging that will make it stand out as new and exciting. Even something as simple as a ribbon around a jar may make it more noticeable among shelves of other products.

4.Package your product to market to a specific target. For instance, a new product

just for babies might be best when packaged in something softer with more subdued colors. A new product just to be used by men might be more eye-catching when dark colors and rugged packaging is used.


5.Use packaging that is convenient. Consumers may be more likely to purchase a product that is easy to open or reseal. Time is money, so if you streamline your packaging to be easy to use, you may find increased sale.

6.Try packaging that is completely different from your market competitors. Go to a store that carries competitors' products and take notes on what their packaging looks like. Use colors, textures and packaging that is completely different, therefore making your new product stand out.

7.Be informational. The more a consumer can learn about your product just by looking at its packaging the more apt they are to buy it. Information helps consumers to make effective decisions. Instructions on how to use a product or ingredients are all things that should be included on the packaging.

- Are all these instructions very important for high-quality and attractive packaging? Which of them do you consider to be not very essential? Can you add some more advice how to package a product?

XIII. Presentation

You have invented a new children’s toy, an electronic rabbit which dances, talks and plays children’s favorite songs. In small groups, discuss how you will package it.

Think about the questions below.

1.What different materials could you use? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

2.What design elements will you incorporate Think about the shape, color, photos, logos and text.

3.How will your packaging make your product look different from other electronic toys?

Present your packaging solution to the class.



Pre-reading activities

1.Have you ever had a job? How did you get it? What training or skills were required?

2.Have you ever had the experience of being motivated to do smth? Describe this experience and say what reasons made you change your attitude to the work done and do it with satisfaction.

In your answer you may use the following word-expressions and phrases:

I’ve experienced, to do exercises, to lose weight, to enter the university, to attend courses, to be motivated, to result in, after finishing (graduation from), to get a wellpaid job, to get some useful knowledge, to praise, to be praised, to be promoted.


Read the text and say why motivation is really important for employers and employees and what a person can do to be motivated to work and show good results.


Motivation is the force that makes us do things: this is a result of our individual needs being satisfied so that we have inspiration to complete the task. Depending on how motivated we are, it may further determine the effort we put into our work and therefore increase the standard of the output.

Nationwide studies have shown that up to 80% of employees are not engaged by their work. When we suggest factors that determine the motivation of employees in the workplace, almost everyone would immediately think of a high salary. This answer is correct for the reason that some employees will be motivated by money, but mostly wrong for the reason that it does not satisfy others.

The National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago found that employees rank salary as only the third most important factor in how much they like their jobs: The opportunity to do "important work that gives a feeling of accomplishment" ranks No. 1.

Nowadays there is financial or non-financial incentive in most companies.


Financial Incentives

Increasing motivation through financial rewards is a method that is most common when businesses rely on the quantity of the output of employees. For those employees involved in production, a piece rate system can be issued where they are paid for each individual product they produce. In which case, they would be motivated to produce as much as possible in order to achieve a high pay. Also a commission payment scheme could be introduced.

The businesses may even introduce fringe benefits instead of increasing wages or salaries such as company cars, private health, or interest-free loans from the business, more training, travel. These benefits are often valued higher than wage increases and can be less expensive for the business to provide. Another financial incentive is the offer of a share of the company profits, say, 5%, which is split between the employees.

Non-financial Incentives

For whatever reason you decide that non-financial incentives are more effective in your business, there are many forms in which they can be given.

Motivation can be increased by giving employees more responsibility so that they feel their contribution is more valuable to the business and that their role is of higher importance. Further, you can promise the chance of promotion if they reach a certain standard or target.

Managers sometimes forget to do "the simple things that cost nothing: letting employees know how much you appreciate what they're doing on an individual basis. That can be very motivating. Very often a more flexible schedule can be offered.

Without motivation in the workplace, the business will suffer from the lack of efficiency that the people may fail to apply. This is because they have no incentive to perform tasks to a high standard or complete them on time.

Everyone is motivated by different things and a majority of these factors are not money orientated: instead they react more effectively to incentives that offer personal recognition and achievement.

There is a fine line between factors that motivate people and factors that prevent job dissatisfaction. In other words, some things do increase the level of efficiency in employees by reducing job dissatisfaction but are not motivators themselves. This is because people need to eliminate unhappiness in their job before they can begin to be motivated and this usually, and some say must, begin with an *acceptable* wage that they can live on.


Vocabulary notes:

to be engaged by smth. – to be involved in doing smth.

accomplishment – something difficult that you succeed in doing, especially after working hard over a period of time.

incentive – something that makes you want to do something or to work harder, because you know that you will benefit by doing this.

piece rate system – a rate of pay by which you get a particular amount of money for each piece of work that you complete rather than for the amount of time it takes to do it.

commission – an extra amount of money that you have to pay to a bank or other organization when they provide a service for you.

fringe benefit – something that you get in addition to your salary, for example, a car; any extra thing that you get unexpectedly.

recognition – praise, respect or admiration; agreement that something is true or important.

to eliminate – to get rid of something that is not wanted or needed.


1.What is job dissatisfaction?

2.Why can’t high wages be an important stimulus for better productivity and job satisfaction? Why do you think a lot of people rank money only the third factor? What can be placed the first? Why?

3.What incentives are there in many companies and enterprises?

4.When do many businesses mostly use financial rewards? What financial benefits can be offered by the employers? Could you add more benefits to this list?

5.What reasons can be for using non-financial incentives? Give possible examples of

“without money” motivation.

6.What can make you be motivated in your work or studies?


I. Give English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.

Удовлетворение от работы, достижение, продвижение (по службе), плата (выплата, зарплата), продвигать (содействовать), иметь вдохновение, быть


мотивированным, усилия, вкладываемые в работу, исследования по всей стране, быть неудовлетворенным чем-то, мотивация, стимулирующие выплаты, финансовые стимулирующие выплаты, поощрение, полагаться на что-то, быть вовлечённым во что-то, система оплаты за единицу производства, схема оплаты с процентами, повышать зарплату, беспроцентные займы, делить что-то между кем-то, предоставлять большую ответственность, ценный вклад во что-либо, возможность продвижения по карьерной лестнице, достигнуть определённого уровня, гибкий график работы, отсутствие эффективности, личное признание, приемлемый уровень зарплаты.

II. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.

Job satisfaction, motivation, social interaction, accomplishment, high productivity, to be inspired, to be motivated, to take professional qualifications, to have a position of responsibility, to work overtime, to develop skills, to make decisions, personal achievement, collaborate with, to prioritise more, to set deadlines, nationwide studies, to be engaged by smth., to rank smth. as, financial incentive, non-financial incentive, financial reward, to rely on, a piece rate system, a commission payment scheme, fringe benefit, interest-free loan, contribution, to appreciate, flexible schedule, lack of efficiency, personal recognition, acceptable wage.

III. Match the word and its definition.

1) motivation

a) smth. that you do that helps to achieve smth or to make it



2) achievement

b) progress in your career; progress in society, science, human



3) incentive

c) smth. that you get in addition to your salary, for ex. a car.

4) reward

d) money that you receive for doing your job.

5) flexible schedule

e) smth. that makes you want to do smth. or to work harder,


because you know that you will benefit by doing this.

6) contribution

f) a sudden feeling of enthusiasm or a new idea that helps you


to do or create smth.

7) fringe benefits

g) an extra amount of money that you have to pay to a bank or


other organization when they provide a service for you.

8) commission

h) a feeling of enthusiasm or interest that makes you

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