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Методические указания к видеокурсу

Хабаровск 2010

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования "Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права"

Кафедра Иностранных языков

«Big City»

Методические указания к видеокурсу для студентов 2-3 курсов очной формы

обучения всех специальностей.

Хабаровск 2010



«Big City» : метод. указания к видеокурсу / сост. И. А. Власова. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2010. – 32 с.

Рецензент: Н. А. Соловьева, канд. педагог. наук, доцент кафедры английского как второго иностранного факультета Восточных языков ДВГГУ

Власова Ирина Анатольевна

«Big City»

Методические указания

Редактор Г. С. Одинцова


Подписано к печати __.__.10. Формат 60х84/16. Бумага писчая. Печать офсетная. Усл.п.л. ___. Уч.-изд.л. ___ Тираж __ экз. Заказ № ___

680042, г. Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ

© Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права, 2010


Методические указания к практическим занятиям по видеокурсу “Big City” для студентов 2-3 курсов очной формы обучения всех специальностей.


Методические указания предназначены для аудиторных занятий. Лексический материал определяется поурочной тематикой видеокурса, но не содержит текст видеокурса.

Цель методических указаний – помочь студентам овладеть лексикой по темам, указанным в видеокурсе, понять и интерпретировать текст видеокурса, развить навыки разных видов диалогической речи. Методические указания учат различным видам обработки информации, высказыванию по темам видеокурса.

Методические указания состоят из 9 уроков, которые соответствуют 9 темам видеокурса. Структура уроков одинакова: ключевые слова и выражения по заданной теме, упражнения на понимание соответствующего эпизода, упражнения для составления диалогов, лексико-грамматические упражнения по заданной теме урока; предлагаются творческие задания, направленные на понимание и интерпретацию информации урока; в уроках содержится культуроспецифическая информация, содействующая развитию у студентов навыков межкультурной коммуникации.


1. A New Day






Before you watch


1. Define the following words:






to schedule / schedule

job title

to be involved

to deliver



1.In small groups discuss a typical working day at the office for: director, company receptionist, secretarial support staff,… . Complete the survey:

Name: __________

Job title: __________

Starting time: __________

Tasks on arrival: __________

Amount of time spent in meetings: __________

Number of e-mails / phone calls dealt with: __________

Leaving time: __________

3. What are your associations with:






office work

While you watch:





First viewing






Watch the whole episode.





What’s the name of the company?





Which words best describe the atmosphere at the office? Give comments.




























Two meetings scheduled at Bluestream for today.




1. Who is due to attend? Tick the names (Joanna, Mike, Stephanie, Ed, Clark, Alex, Sonia).



What time are meetings scheduled for?





What other events are taking place? Who is involved?





What are the unexpected changes to the arrangements?



Section A

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions:

1.Who is the first person to arrive at work?


2. Who are the messages from? Write in the name.

message client supplier colleague



3.What are they about?

4.Ben opens an e-mail /. Who sent it and what is it about?

5.Why does Bon call Emma?

6.There’s another document on Bon’s desk. What do you think it is?

3.These phrases are from the answer phone messages. Are they from message 1 or 2?


Could you ask Emma Randle to call me back, please?


Thanks. Bye.


This is David Seaton from Print-o-matic calling at 8.20 on Thursday morning.


Can you book me a taxi for 11.45?


Good morning.


This is Sonia.


Many thanks. Goodbye.


And could you let Mike and Joanna know, please?


Hi Ben.

Which message sounds more formal?

Section B

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.What do you think Mike is looking for when Emma comes in?

2.What does his body language tell you about his feelings? (stressed, irritated, calm, worried, furious, fed up).

3.What bad news does Emma give him?

4.Which words best describe his reaction? (angry, annoyed, emotional, shocked, surprised, calm, rational).

5.What alternative solution does he finally come up with to the problem?

3.Mike and Emma use the Present Perfect tense when she updates him on the problem with the advertising material. Complete the extracts.

Mike: … that Wodehouse material… from the printers?

Emma: I … on the phone to Print-o-matic, and they can’t deliver it until tomorrow. In which of the sentences above is the Present Perfect used to:

a)explain something that happened very recently?

b)check progress with a project?


Section C

1.Watch the section

2.Answer the questions.

1.Who is Ben calling at the beginning? (Sonia, London City airport, a taxi company).

2.Are these sentences about the call true of false?

a)The call is from Stephanie Evans of Omnitour.

b)Stephanie hasn’t spoken to Ben before.

c)She’s going to be late for the meeting.

d)She has been delayed at her office.

e)She’ll be at Blue stream’s office at about 10.30.

3.These phrases are from Ben and Stephanie’s call. Put them in the right order.

Could I leave a message for Joanna please? We’ll see you later.

I have a meeting with her at 9.30 today, but I think I’ll be about half an hour late. Yes, no problem.

Ben Morrison.

It’s Stephanie Evans, from Omnitour. Yes, of course.

Oh, hello, Ben.

Could you give her my apologies?

Which phrases from the conversation are used to: identification, making requests, agreeing to requests?

Section D

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.What does the courier hand to the receptionist? What does he ask her to do?

2.Which of the Bluestream team hasn’t Ed Clark met before?

3.Match the greetings with the names.


Hello, Ed.


Hello, I’m Ed Clark from Wodehouse Hotels.


Good morning.


Good to see you. Hello.




Pleased to meet you.



Which of these phrases can be used to greet:

a)someone who delivers something at your workplace?

b)a visitor you’ve never met before?

c)a visitor with whom you have a good working relationship?


After you watch

1. Prepare a voice mail for your partner. Follow the steps in this chart. Identify yourself and give the time of call.

Give your message

Ask for any action

End the message

2. Complete these sentences using the Present Perfect tense and yet or just. Use the words in brackets.

1) Ben: Sonia… just … (ring). She asked me to book a taxi to pick her up at London City airport.

Joanna: Fine… you… it yet? (do) Ben: No, I … … time (have not)

2)Mike: Emma, … you … (speak) to Dave Seaton about getting back the artwork? Emma: Yes, I… just … (phone) him, and he’s sending it round straightaway.


Good, oh, one other thing. … you … (prepare) the meeting room?


No, I … (do not) it yet. It’s next on my list.

2. Responding to change


Before you watch

1. Translate the following words and word-combinations.

1) beneficial

11) outside deck

2) detrimental

12) embarkation

3) ferry operator

13) disembarkation

4) hovercraft

14) exhilarating method

5) abandon

15) coach

6) to link

16) freight

7) freight vehicles

17) rival

8) challenge

18) to drive off

9) in favour of

19) high seas

10) capacity

20) to cancel

2.Do you know any ways to cross the English Channel? (use the map).

3.Which would be the best way to cross the Channel in these situations? Give your reasons.

1.A couple taking a weekend in Paris

2.A family with 2 children going on a camping holiday


3.A freight company delivering goods around Europe

4.A business person with meetings in Dieppe (possible solutions):

a)by road through a tunnel

b)by high speed inter-city train through a tunnel

c)by rail link for vehicles through a tunnel

d)by ferry

e)by hovercraft

f)by plane

While you watch

First viewing

1.Watch the whole report.

2.Circle the correct word to complete this statement. Overall, the building of the Channel Tunnel had a beneficial / detrimental effect on business for ferry operators like Hoverspeed.

3.Who is Hoverspeed’s competitor?

How does the Hoverspeed service compare with the service offered by its competitors?

4.Which is the correct statement?

a)Hoverspeed no longer offers a winter service.

b)Hoverspeed’s service in winter is unreliable.

c)Hoverspeed’s service is much more reliable than it used to be.

Section A

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer these questions:

1.What do these dates and figures refer to?

30 km

30 minutes


2.How did Hoverspeed respond to competition from the Channel Tunnel?

3.What are the main advantages of Hoverspeed’s new Seacat ferries over the hovercraft?

less expensive to run


able to carry more people and cars


more comfortable

more reliable

3.The narrator describes some events that led to the introduction of Hoverspeed’s

Seacat ferries. Complete the extract using these verbs.




open be







a)Until 1994, crossing on the shortest route, from Dover to Calais, … only possible by ferry or the faster hovercraft service.

b)In 1994, Britain … permanently linked to Continental Europe when the Channel Tunnel… . This … a rail link for passengers, cars and freight vehicles. The ferry and hovercraft companies … a huge challenge.


c) Hoverspeed the hovercraft company, … hovercraft in favour of high-speed ships known as Seacats.

Section B

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer these question.

1.Which is the Hoverspeed’s main competitor?

2.Why do these companies compete?

3.According to Nick Stevens, the number of passengers crossing the English Channel by ferry today is:


b)still going up

c)now falling

3.Complete the extracts using the verbs in appropriate tenses.

be open increase

Our main competitor … the Channel Tunnel and … since the Tunnel …. in


a)… the overall market … in fact … , which … good news for all ferry operators, but especially Hoverspeed.

Section C

1.Watch the section without sound.

2.What features would you look for on a short 35 minute ferry service? Look through the list and add other points. Then rank the 5 most important features.

quality passenger service high-speed crossing frequent service

travel comfort

use of bars and shops freedom to walk around

freedom to go to an outside deck smart and clean ferries

efficient and quick check-in

quick embarkation and disembarkation procedures.

Which features does Hoverspeed’s Seacat service offer its customers?

3.Watch the section with sound and check.

4.What is the main difference for car passengers between traveling through the

Channel Tunnel and Hoverspeed’s service?

5.Listen to Nick’s explanations of Hoverspeed’s competitive advantages over its rival the Channel Tunnel.

Complete these sentences to explain what gives your company a competitive advantage over competitors.

Our main advantage over … is that … but also… We are far more …

Compared to …


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