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9. Negotiations and Complaints

Before you watch

1.Define the words.



2.Work with a partner. When you last complained, how was it dealt with? Explain what the complaint was about, what happened, how you were treated and how you reacted. Did you use the organization again?

3.In your country, which media are most frequently used for advertising holidays? Which of them do you use?

First viewing

1.Watch the whole episode.

2.Answer the questions.

1.What has happened and how is it going to affect the meeting with Stephanie Evans?

2.Who is Mike calling and what’s the call about?

3.What’s Sonia explaining to Joanna on the phone?

4.What aspect of the advertising campaign is Joanna explaining to Stephanie?

5.Why is everyone so pleased to see Sonia in the end of the Episode?

Section A

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.Is Stephanie satisfied with Bluestream’s work so far?

2.Why does Joanna call Ben?

3.What news does he give her?

4.How does Joanna react?

5.How does Stephanie react to the news?

6.What alternative does Joanna offer to deal with the problem?

3.What informal equivalents do Joanna and Stephanie use with these meanings?

a)to be satisfied with something

b)to telephone

c)to be delayed

d)to explain something to somebody

e)to speak to someone

f)to discuss something

Section B

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.What does Mike want Emma to do?

2.Where is the information Joanna needs for the rest of the meeting with Stephanie?

3.Where does Joanna invite Sonia to?


3. Look at these phrases. Are they from Emma’s conversation with Mike (1), or

Joanna’s conversation with Sonia (2)?

a. I’m really sorry about this, Joanna.

b. If you could just email me their number, I think I’ll have a word with

Dave Seaton myself. c. I’ll sort it out.

d. I’ll do it right now. e. It’s very good of you.

f. You mustn’t worry about it.

g. Thanks.

4.Which of the phrases above are used to: ask someone to do something promise to help

thank people when they offer to help

Section C

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.Was Dave expecting Mike’s call?

2.Who or what does Dave blame for the problem?

3.What does Dave promise to do for Mike in the end? Do you think Mike will do business with Print-o-matic again?

3.Mike wants to make sure that his complaint is taken seriously and the matter is sorted out to his satisfaction. What does he say?

a)… , it nearly caused us a lot of embarrassment.

b)… , Dave, I’m not at all happy about it.

c)… , I don’t think we should have to pay the full price for this work.

d)… , Dave, but I think if it did happen again, we’d have to stop using Print-o-matic.

4.Dave uses the phrases to handle Mike’s complaint.

Which ones does he use to:


b.Show he understands Mike’s concerns?

c.Reassure Mike that action will be taken?

5.Work in pairs and act out Mike and Dave’s phone call.

Section D

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer these questions.

1.What is the profile of the target market for Omni tour’s holidays?

2.What advertising channel is Bluestream suggesting for the campaign?

3.According to Joanna, what are the benefits of this form of advertising?

3.Joanna puts forward 2 recommendations for the advertising campaign. How does she introduce them?

We … the emerging market identified in the Marketing Intelligence report.


We … ads in glossy lifestyle magazines, magazines that reflect the leisure interests of our target market.

What form of the verb is used after the recommending verb?

Section E

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer these questions.

1.Has Mike had a good day at work?

2.Where are Joanna and Mike going?

3.Who does Mike invite on his way out?

4.Does this person accept the invitation?

5.As Sonia finally arrives, Mike makes a joke.

What’s it about?

6.How does Sonia react?

After you watch

1.These sentences all refer to the future. Match each sentence and its use.

a.Sonia’s going to take you through all the details of the new campaign.

b.Are you going to the pub?

c.I’ll see you down there in half an hour.

Making a decision or offer at the time of speaking.

Talking about a future intention.

Talking about a future plan.

2.Complete these sentences using the correct future from of the verbs in brackets.

a.Alex: What … (do) about Print-o-matic, Mike? Mike: I haven’t decided yet .

b.Joanna: When … (see) Ed Clark next?

Alex: Early next week. He … (ring) me tomorrow to confirm a day. As soon as I hear, I … (let, know).

c.Mike: I’d like a copy of the marketing report you gave to Stephanie. Joanna: No problem. I … (ask) Emma to make you a copy.

d.Joanna: Do you know what … (happen) about the Fraser campaign?

Sonia: As far as I know, we … (discuss) it at the meeting tomorrow. All the background information’s in this folder.

Joanna: Ok. I … (have) a look at it tonight.


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