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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Education of Khabarovsky Krai

Representative office of International Nonprofit Organization

«Winrock International» in Russia (Khabarovsk)

Winrock International’s Youth Advocacy and Social Networks Program «Lider» Non-Commercial Charity Organization «Rotary Club» (Khabarovsk)

«Lunny Svet», Ltd.

Student Tourist Agency «STAR Travel»

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

«Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law»

International Economic Relations Department

Debate Club of KSAEL


Materials of the International Youth Symposium

September 15 – 17, 2009

Khabarovsk 2010


Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Министерство образования Хабаровского края

Представительство Международной некоммерческой организации

«Winrock International» в РФ (г. Хабаровск)

Программа «Winrock International» по защите интересов молодёжи и формированию социальных связей «Лидер»

Общественная организация «Ротари клуб» г. Хабаровска Компания «Лунный свет»

Студенческое туристическое агентство России «STAR Travel»

Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права» Факультет «Международные экономические отношения» Дебат-клуб ХГАЭП


Материалы международного молодёжного симпозиума

15 – 17 сентября 2009 года

Хабаровск 2010

ББК У9 (2) 8

Х 12

Implementation of United Nations Third Millennium Goals: Action Plan : materials of the international youth symposium. September, 15-17, 2009. / under the scientific editorship of Professor Vladimir A. Likhobabin, PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Professor Marina I. Razumovskaya, Doctor of Economics; Associate Professor Tatiana S. Boiko, PhD in Technological Sciences — Khabarovsk: Editing and publishing centre, KSAEL, 2010. — 156 p.

ISBN 978-5-7823-0512-3



Irina G. Girina,

Natalia R. Maksimova,

Head, Department of Translation and Intercultural

Head, Department of Business English, of

Business Communication, Far Eastern State

Far Eastern State Transport University,

University of Humanities, Candidate of

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Conference proceedings contain presentations and speeches of the participants of the International Youth Symposium “Implementation of United Nations Third Millennium Goals: Action Plan”, which was held in September, 15-17, 2009 in Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law.

Symposium included Conference «Sustainability and Security of the World Community in Globalization» and Asian Pacific Model United Nations Debates.

The materials of Symposium can be used by teachers, researchers, postgraduate students, students and all those who are interested in the problems of economy, law and politics of the APR countries. The authors of the published articles are responsible for the authenticity of the given facts, quotations, statistics and other information and for publishing materials which are not subject to publication.

Реализация целей ООН третьего тысячелетия: от плана к действию : материалы международного молодёжного симпозиума. 15 – 17 сентября 2009 года / под науч. ред. канд. филос. наук, проф. В. А. Лихобабина, д-ра экон. наук, проф. М. И. Разумовской, канд. техн. наук, доцента Т.С. Бойко – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2010. – 156 с.


И.Г. Гирина, завкафедрой переводоведения и межкультурной коммуникации Дальневосточного государственного гуманитарного университета, канд. филолог. наук, доцент

Н.Р. Максимова, завкафедрой делового иностранного языка Дальневосточного государственного университета путей сообщения, канд. пед. наук, доцент

В сборник включены доклады и сообщения участников международного молодёжного симпозиума «Реализация целей ООН третьего тысячелетия: от плана к действию», состоявшегося в Хабаровской государственной академии экономики и права 15 – 17 сентября 2009 года. Мероприятия симпозиума включали в себя: конференцию-конкурс докладов «Устойчивость и безопасность мирового сообщества в условиях глобализации» и дебаты молодежных команд по модели ООН.

Материалы сборника могут быть использованы преподавателями, научными работниками, аспирантами, студентами, а также всеми, кто интересуется проблемами социально-экономического развития стран АТР, мировой экономикой и международными экономическими отношениями. Авторы опубликованных статей несут ответственность за подбор и точность приведённых фактов, цитат, статистических данных и прочих сведений, а также за то, что материалы не содержат данных, не подлежащих открытой публикации.

ISBN 978-5-7823-0512-3

© Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права, 2010


Welcome Notes

Dear guests and participants of the Symposium!

On behalf of the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, administration, and the Symposium Coordination Committee I welcome all the participants and guests of the of the International Youth Symposium «Implementation of United Nations Third Millennium Goals: Action Plan». Symposium include Conference «Sustainability and Security of the World Community in Globalization» and Asian Pacific Model United Nations Debates (APMUNC 2009). The title of the Symposium reflects the processes which take place in the society and the changes in global environment.

In the process of globalization extending to a greater number of regions, mankind realizes more clearly that the future of each country depends on its leaders in economics, politics and law. Having been initiated by the Debate club of the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law Model United Nations debates will represent a unique event this year. Delegates, following the decisions taken at Kyoto International Youth Conference in Japan, will work out action plans in their committees in order to implement the decisions put forward in committee resolutions.

There is no doubt that the coordinators of the Symposium and its participants will ensure the execution of the task that the Symposium is faced with. It will become a noticeable event in the youth scientific and cultural community. It will suggest ways of problem solving in such areas as global regional and national economic sustainability and security, democratization and humanization of APR social and political systems.

The Aim of this Symposium is to share experience, to make plans for future cooperation, to support the youth leadership movement in the region. I hope the Symposium will help participants to enrich their knowledge and experience of interaction and cooperation with other countries as well as learn to implement their decisions.

On behalf of the Symposium Coordination Committee I‘d like express my deep gratitude to Bazilevsky A.A., Minister of Education of the Khabarovsky Krai; Mr. Tosio Kaitani, Consul-General of Japan in Khabarovsk; Mr. Tetsushi Horikawa, President of Kyoto University of Foreign Studies; Professor Craig Smith, the head of a student delegation from Kyoto University of Foreign Studies; Minakir P.A, Director of Economic Research Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Tchetinina O.P., Director of Representative office of International

Nonprofit Organization «Winrock International» in Russia; Professor Polichka N.P., Director of Far Eastern Center of Local Self-government; Khleborodov S.B., President of NonCommercial Charity Organization «Rotary Club», Khabarovsk; Stepanov S.V., Chief of «Lunny Svet», Ltd., Bratukhina A.A., General Manager of Student Tourist Agency «STAR Travel», for their contribution in organization and coordination of the Symposium as well as financial support.

I wish the participants of the Symposium successful work and hope that it will become a significant event both in your personal lives and history of Model United Nations movement!

Rector of KSAEL

Vladimir A. Likhobabin


Уважаемые участники и гости симпозиума!

От имени коллектива и руководства Хабаровской государственной академии экономики и права я рад приветствовать вас на мероприятиях Международного молодежного симпозиума «Реализация целей ООН третьего тысячелетия: от плана к действию». Мероприятия симпозиума включают в себя конференцию-конкурс докладов «Устойчивость и безопасность мирового сообщества в условиях глобализации» и дебаты молодёжных команд по модели ООН.

Выбор темы симпозиума не случаен и отражает процессы, происходящие в обществе во всём мире. В процессе глобализации, которая оказывает влияние на большинство стран мира, человечество всё яснее осознаёт, что будущее каждой страны зависит от лидеров в экономике, политике и праве, от их готовности принять трудные решения, а самое главное – умения реализовать их.

В этом году дебаты по Модели ООН, инициированные Дебат-клубом ХГАЭП, будут уникальным событием. Впервые делегаты в России, используя опыт участия в Международном симпозиуме по Модели ООН в г. Киото (Япония), выработают планы – действия по реализации на практике решений, которые будут приняты делегатами симпозиума в каждом комитете.

Нет сомнений, что проблематика симпозиума, круг его организаторов и участников являются залогом выполнения стоящих перед ним задач, что он станет заметным событием в молодёжном научном и культурном сообществе, даст ответы на вопросы о том, как молодое поколение видит пути решения глобальной, региональной и национальной экономической устойчивости и безопасности, демократизации и гуманизации социальнополитических систем в АТР.

Целью нашего симпозиума является обмен опытом, установление молодёжных контактов для дальнейшего сотрудничества, в том числе по реализации ваших будущих планов-действий. Таким образом, вы вместе будете учиться воплощать в жизнь те решения, которые принимаете сегодня.

За активное содействие в организации и проведении симпозиума, финансовую помощь в формировании призового фонда от имени организационного комитета и себя лично выражаю слова глубокой благодарности министру образования Хабаровского края Базилевскому Андрею Александровичу, генеральному консулу Японии в г. Хабаровске господину Тосио Каитани, Президенту Киотского государственного университета международных отношений господину Тетсуши Хорикава и руководителю делегации студентов Киотского государственного университета международных отношений профессору Крейгу Смиту, директору Института экономических исследований ДВО РАН, академику РАН Минакиру Павлу Александровичу, директору представительства международной некоммерческой организации «Winrock International» в России Щетининой Ольге Петровне, директору «Дальневосточного центра местного самоуправления», профессору Поличке Нине Петровне, президенту Общественной организации «Ротари клуб» г. Хабаровска в 2009-2010 гг. Хлебородову Сергею Владимировичу, генеральному директору компании «Лунный свет» Степанову Сергею Владимировичу, руководителю Хабаровского обособленного структурного подразделения студенческого туристического агентства «STAR Travel» Братухиной Ангелине Александровне.

Надеюсь, что симпозиум станет яркой страницей вашей личной биографии и карьеры, позволит вам приобрести новых друзей и партнёров по совместным турнирам не только в России, но и за рубежом.

Желаю Международному молодёжному симпозиуму успехов в работе!

Ректор Хабаровской государственной академии экономики и права В.А. Лихобабин


Dear participants,

Welcome to the Asian Pacific Model United Nations Debates!

This year we are holding quite a unique conference. Apart from debating the issues of global importance, the delegates will try to offer Action plan, the document offering particular plan in order to solve the debated issues as well as describing particular procedure of implementing such a plan!

At the debates we are trying to bring the young leaders from various universities throughout Russia who are not indifferent to numerous problems the world is facing today, who are prepared to work together and along with The United Nations Organization to try to find ways to solve the problems. And the problems are too important to ignore. Poverty is widespread, fears of terrorism are ever-present, and human rights abuses are all too frequent in both developed and developing nations.

I hope that this week’s activities will give you greater awareness of the problems and stronger motivation to find Your role in solving them, be it just a place, where you live or the university you are representing. KSAEL Debate Club has an excellent experience in transforming theoretical principles into practice and our members will be glad to share their experience with you. I am also sure that taking part in debates and cooperating closely with other delegates you will be able to make new friends not only in other universities of the city, but also in other cities and towns of our Motherland.


Alexey Sobolev,

KSAEL Debate Club Coordinator

Dear Delegates,

Welcome to Asian Pacific Model United Nations Debates!

Firstly let me tell a little bit about myself. My name is Alisa Yushchenko and I`m more than excited to be your Secretary General. I`m a fifth year student at KSAEL. My major is international accounting. I`ve been a member of debate club at KSAEL since my 1st year of studies, in March 2008 – May 2009 I`ve been the president of the Debate Club. I like studying foreign languages, enjoy jogging, skiing and watching movies.

I hope that our Debate Club team can make your MUN experience as fun and interesting as possible. I have no doubt that we all will benefit greatly from the debates and discussions in the committees as well as making and carrying out action plans. I hope that this MUN will give you better under-standing of how the world works.

I enjoyed working on preparation of APMUNC 2009 and I`m looking forward to September 2009 when conference begins. I hope we all will have great time working in the conference.


Alisa Yushchenko

Secretary General APMUNC 2009

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law


About Asian Pacific Model United Nations Debates 2009

Dear participants and guests of APMUNC 2009!

We welcome you to the 2nd Asian Pacific Model United Nations Debates being held in frames of the International Youth Symposium «Implementation of United Nations Third

Millenium Goals: Action Plan».

Asian Pacific Model United Nations Debates - Action Plan Model United Nations Conference 2009 (APMUNC 2009) is an initiative of Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law to foster Model United Nations activities in the Asia Pacific Region and encourage multilateral student projects that actively contribute to achieving UN Millennium Development Goals.

The main objective of APMUNC 2009 is to develop a network of young people from all around the Russian Federation and some other countries with the capacity to create and carry out efficient Action Plans, multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary projects that contribute to solving global problems on the local level.

Among the other APMUNC 2009 objectives are:

-to encourage experience, ideas sharing, including cultural, political, economic and social views through involvement of youth from different backgrounds and countries;

-to facilitate cooperation between youth, academia, non-governmental organizations, policy-makers, community and private sector;

-to promote the values of the United Nations;

-to educate young potential leaders of Asia Pacific Region and the whole global community to become effective social activists, responsible and creative professionals.

APMUN 2009 is the second Action Plan MUN conference following Imagine Peace Action Plan Model United Nations conference held from 26 to 28 October, 2007 at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto, Japan. First Action Plan MUN conference was an innovative initiative of Japanese academia and youth from Kyoto University of Foreign Studies having brought together international participants from Japan, Russia, Germany and the United States.

Action Plan MUN is the first international MUN conference to move from resolution writing to carrying out real projects within international teams. APMUNC 2009 is unique conference that encourages global MUN movement to show the international youth their capacities and support their cooperation in carrying out doable projects in alliance with communities, private sector, policy-makers and NGOs.

The expected results of APMUNC 2009 are the effective and rational Action Plans (one for each of 5 Conference Committees) created by international student teams during the conference and carried out within the following year by the mentioned above teams with the use of established networks and with support of NGOs, communities, private sector and policy-makers. Each action plan will have a purpose to solve existing global problems on the local level and therefore contribute to local development and achieving Millennium Development Goals.

Also distinguished professionals in different fields relates to conference agenda, representatives of governmental authorities, non-governmental organizations, members of diplomatic missions and for supervision and consultation purposes.


About MUN debates

The main activity of KSAEL Debate Club is Model United Nations debates. Debate sessions are held twice a week on a regular basis. Session rules are based on Harvard Model United Nations procedures. Topics on the agenda are determined for every session in advance. Participants put forward their suggestions on the topics for debates and after discussion, by voting choose the most acutest and interesting one.

Every member of Debate Club represent one of the UN member country. Delegates represent an official policy of the countries they chose acting as real diplomats.

The session starts with the roll call when chairperson calls every country in the list and checks if its delegate is present or not. The chairperson is a Director in the Committee who is responsible for observance of the rules and discipline in the committee (decorum).

The chairperson opens the speakers list with the names of the countries wishing to speak one topic. Every delegate is given an opportunity to give a speech and express position of his/her country as well as to make proposals for solution of the problem being discussed. Representatives of the countries are also allowed to ask each other questions, clarify some details and dispute over some questions.

The final goal of debate session is writing a resolution, a final paper that reflects the committee decision on the agenda topic.

This document emphasizes the importance and relevance of the discussed problem and states ways and methods for its solution. The resolution is guided by the existing documents on the given issue including resolutions adopted earlier. It also considers successes and reasons of difficulties in implementation of the ideas embedded in preceding resolutions. There can be several resolutions in the committee by the end of the debate session. Final variant of the paper is determined by voting.

It usually takes several sessions for discussion one topic and writing a resolution.


1st Committee - Environmental Sustainability

Agenda: «Ensuring environmental sustainability: problem of climate change»

Chairperson – Ksenia Pekar, 3rd year student, International Economic Relations Department, Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

Working Language: English

Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the International Youth Symposium «Implementation of United Nations Third Millenium Goals: Action Plan»! My name is Ksenia Pekar I’m delighted to be directing 1st Committee, and I hope that you’re excited to be participating in this totally unique experience. The topic of ecological situation and environmental sustainability is very important. There is no secret than every year the world’s industry pollutes the atmosphere with millions tons of dust and other harmful substances. It goes without saying that we, who are living in big cities, are badly effected by harmful discharge from plants and city transport and by the increasing noise level which is as bad for human health as lack of fresh air and clean water. I really believe that each individual has an impact on his or her environment. Writing the active plan we can really think about measures that we can do to help adapt to climate change and we can do to help slow it down.

I do hope you will enjoy yourself, but also come away from the conference with a sense of having learnt something new, with new ideas and plans to do something good for YOUR country and YOUR society. Thank you for your participation!

Sincerely, Ksenia Pekar


2nd Committee - Achieve Universal Primary Education

Agenda: «Promoting Education to mentally and physically challenged people»

Chairperson – Kanami Iwata, 3rd year student, Department of British and American Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan

Co-chair – Hazuki Ito, 3rd year student, Department of British and American Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan

Working Language: Japanese

Hello everyone! I’m Kanami Iwata, a chairman of the second committee and came from

Japan, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity.

By the way, what is your turning point of your life? My life-turning point was ‘Imagine Peace’, was held at KUFS two years ago. I was really impressed by those who face up to reality of our world and stand up to stop those harsh situations. It revives my impression of the event that was lyrics of the main song of the event.

We are not superman. We don’t have a power to change the world. But there should be something we can make a peace. I believe there should be something we can do like this song.

In three days, I want to think about it with you. And I’ll do my best to make our event your turning point of your life.

Sincerely, Kanami Iwata

3rd Committee - Youth Problems

Agenda: «Preventing alcoholism, smoking and drug abuse»

Chairperson – Marianna Sidorenko, 3rd year student, International Economic Relations Department, Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

Co-chair – Shiho Munakata, 3rd year student, Department of British and American Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan

Working Language: English

Dear the future global leaders,

It’s humbling privilege to welcome you to APMUNC 2009 and to direct the 3rd

Committee! The topic of the Committee deals with problems, which are mostly faced by the young generation. Action Plan is a unique opportunity for the youth to make some changes in the society, to implement new ideas to reality and to disclose it’s potential. That is why, participating in APMUNC, as well as being a marvelous opportunity, brings with it substantial responsibility. I deeply hope, that you will enjoy working in a team, cooperating and making an Action Plan, as being able to respect differences of opinion, compromise, build consensus and negotiate are important skills that you can acquire and practice during our debates. I am quite convinced, that participating in the APMUNC will be an unforgettable experience, which will inspire you to remain passionate and committed to making a positive contribution to humanity.

Sincerely, Marianna Sidorenko


4th Committee – Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases

Agenda: «Preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and reducing its impact»

Chairperson – Anna Malinovskaya, 2nd year student, International Economic Relations Department, Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

Working Language: English

Dear delegates,

Welcome to the International Youth Symposium «Implementation of United Nations Third Millenium Goals: Action Plan and welcome to the 4th Committee. My name is Anna Malinovskaya, and I’m delighted to be the chair madam of this very special 4th committee.

I’m more than thrilled to be assisting you in drawing your action plans. I believe Action

Plan is an excellent opportunity for you, future global leaders, to contribute to solving the global problem of HIV/AIDS on the local level and so make a positive difference in your communities. This conference gives you the chance to unite your efforts with like-minded peers, work together towards a common goal, and come up with a practical durable solution to one of the most urgent problems in our society. I wish you good luck in preparing for the debates. I’m sure you will find a creative solution that will really work!

Sincerely, Anna Malinovskaya

5th Committee – Youth Development

Agenda: «Street Children and Orphans»

Chairperson – Anna Kuzminskaya, 2nd year student, International Economic Relations Department, Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

Co-chair – Yana Gladchenko, 2nd year student, International Economic Relations Department, Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

Working Language: Russian

Проблема уличных детей и сирот – одна из главных во всем мире в настоящее время. Я надеюсь, что общими усилиями всех делегатов мы создадим и впоследствии осуществим наш План Действий, который будет способствовать решению данной проблемы, а так же объединит заинтересованных молодых делегатов в одну организацию.

На нашей планете много людей, которым не безразлично будущее маленьких детишек, которые готовы прийти им на помощь и сделать их мир ярче, поэтому План Действий - это шанс показать себя, осуществить свои идеи и замысли по улучшению жизни бездомных детей и сирот.

«Наши дети – это наша старость. Правильное воспитание – это наша счастливая старость, плохое воспитание – это наше будущее горе, это наши слезы, это наша вина перед другими людьми» ( А.С. Макаренко).

Анна Кузьминская

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