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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права» Кафедра иностранных языков и межкультурной коммуникации

Английский язык

Учебное пособие

для бакалаврантов направления 38.03.02 «Менеджмент» профиль «Менеджмент в туризме и гостиничном хозяйстве» заочной формы обучения (на базе СПО)

Хабаровск 2014


ББК Ш 143.21 Х 12

Английский язык : учеб. пособие для бакалаврантов направления 38.03.02 «Менеджмент», профиль «Менеджмент в туризме и гостиничном хозяйстве» заочной формы обучения (на базе СПО) / сост. Н. Ю. Павлова. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2014. – 100 с.

Рецензенты : И. Г. Гирина, доцент кафедры английской филологии и межкультурной коммуникации ДВГГУ, канд. филолог. наук; Т. Н. Лобанова, доцент кафедры лингвистики и межкультурной

коммуникации ТОГУ, канд. пед. наук

Утверждено издательско-библиотечным советом в качестве учебного пособия

Учебное издание

Английский язык

Учебное пособие для бакалаврантов направления 38.03.02 «Менеджмент» профиль «Менеджмент в туризме и гостиничном хозяйстве»

заочной формы обучения (на базе СПО)

Редактор Г.С. Одинцова

Подписано в печать

Формат 60х84/16.

Бумага писчая.

Печать цифровая. Усл. п. л. 5,8.

Уч.-изд. л. 4,2.

Тираж 15 экз.

Заказ №



680042, Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ © Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права, 2014



Учебное пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы бакалаврантов направления 38.03.02 «Менеджмент» профиля «Менеджмент в туризме и гостиничном хозяйстве» заочной формы обучения (на базе СПО), изучающих дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык», «Деловой иностранный язык», «Деловое общение на иностранном языке» и владеющих английским языком на среднем уровне.

Цель пособия – формирование навыков и умений устного и письменного общения для решения профессиональных задач общего характера (деловая переписка, общение по телефону).

Пособие включает в себя три раздела. Выбор тем обусловлен сферами деятельности, в которых необходимы навыки делового общения: приветствие, знакомство, общение по телефону, деловая переписка.

Пособие направлено на решение следующих задач:

введение необходимой профессиональной лексики;

формирование навыков письменного делового общения;

развитие навыков устного общения в пределах заданных тем.

Первый раздел обеспечивает дисциплину «Деловой иностранный язык», изучаемую на 3, 4-м курсах в объёме 324 часа (из них 26 часов практических занятий) и содержит тексты профессиональной направленности, а также задания к ним, включающие терминологическую лексику. Задания направлены на активизацию освоения профессиональных терминов. Второй раздел обеспечивает дисциплину «Профессиональный иностранный язык», изучаемую на 4, 5-м курсах в объёме 576 часов (из них 40 часов практических занятий). Данный раздел содержит необходимую информацию о правилах написания делового письма: основные части и их расположение, виды писем и оформление, список наиболее употребительных выражений, а также упражнения, направленные на развитие и закрепление навыков написания делового письма. Для обеспечения самостоятельной работы даны ключи к упражнениям. Третий раздел обеспечивает дисциплину «Деловое общение на иностранном языке», изучаемую на 4-м курсе в объёме 324 часа (из них 6 часов практических занятий). Информация, представленная в этом разделе, направлена на развитие умений и навыков общения по телефону.

Пособие может быть использовано как для самостоятельной работы студентов, так и для аудиторных занятий.

Данное пособие в достаточной степени обеспечивает возможность выполнения контрольных работ в пределах данного курса обучения.


Unit 1

Assignment 1

1. Read the article and translate it into Russian.

TOURISM TODAY Facts and challenges

Tourism is one of the biggest businesses in the world. There are nearly 800 million international tourist arrivals every year. It employs, directly or indirectly, one in fifteen of all workers worldwide, from A to Z, from airport cleaners to zookeepers and includes bar staff, flight attendants, tour guides and resort reps. It is a huge part of the economy of many countries – in countries such as the Bahamas, over 60% of the economy is based on tourism.

Tourism is a fast-growing business. When Thomas Cook organized his first excursion from Leicester to Loughborough in 1841, he probably didn’t know what he was starting.

Key developments in the last 150 years or so have led to the rise of mass tourism. There have been technological developments in transport, in particular the appearance of air travel and charter flights. There have been changes in working practices with workers getting paid holiday time and working shorter and more flexible hours.

In recent years we have seen the growth of the Internet and globalization, making the world seem a smaller but very fascinating place. The tourism industry grows faster and faster each year. In 1950, there were 25 million international tourist arrivals. In 2004, the figure was 760 million, and by 2020 it is predicted to be 1.6 billion.

But what are the challenges today? The tourism industry is affected by many different things: international events, economic change, changes in fashion. New concerns and worries appear every year, for example as people become more worried about security and international terrorism, or as the value of their currency changes. But new destinations and new sources of tourists also seem to emerge every year.

Tourism survives. It is powerful and sometimes dangerous force in the modern world. Tourism creates many good jobs and careers, but it also produces many poor and badly paid jobs. Tourism can also help to protect environments and animal life, but it can also damage them.

Tourism can save cultures and the local way of life, but it can also destroy them. Tourism can change countries – and people – for the better, but is can also change them for the worse.

Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world. It is perhaps also the most important.


2.Give English equivalents of the words and words partnerships used in the text.

Прибытие, по всему миру, курортный представитель, бортпроводник, ключевое развитие (событие), технологические разработки, приводить к, чартерный полёт (рейс), оплачиваемый отпуск, предсказывать, вызов (проблема), влиять, обеспокоенность, затруднения (опасения), безопасность (защищённость), валюта, место назначения (дестинация), появляться, плохо оплачиваемая работа, охранять окружающую среду, повреждать (причинять вред), изменять к лучшему, изменять к худшему.

3.Match the words with their definitions.




happening or existing in all parts of the world




the operation of a country’s money supply, commercial




activities and industries




that can be changed easily




a feeling of worry about something, especially one that




a lot of people have about an important issue




something new and difficult that forces you to make a




lot of effort




type of money that a particular country uses




the state of feeling safe and being free from worry

4.Answer and discuss the questions.

1.What d0 these numbers in paragraph 2 and 3 refer to?


b)25 million

c)760 million

d)1.6 billion

2.What are the four positive and four negative effects of tourism mentioned in the article?

3.Which of the key developments in tourism do you think were the most important?

4.Can you think of some recent international events that have affected the tourism industry?

5.Do you think tourism is a positive or negative influence in the world?


Assignment 2


1. Read the text and translate it into Russian.

People started travelling long ago. The first travellers were nomads and pilgrims, merchants and traders. They travelled along rivers, lakes and seas. The first travellers used simple means of travelling: boats and ferries on the water and camels in the desert.

The most famous travellers were explorers. Among them were Marco Polo from Venice in the 13th century, Afanasy Nikitin from Russia, Christopher Columbus and Vasco de Gama from Portugal in the 15th century, Magellan from Spain, Amerigo Vespucci from Italy in the 16th century, James Cook from England in the 18th century and other adventurers from Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, England and Holland. They made journeys to Asia, Africa and America.

Travel grew and developed as long as means of transport kept on growing.

With the 19th century the age of modern trains came. In the late 19th century the first motor-cars appeared.

The age of airplanes changed travel crucially. In the early 20th century jet planes emerged. They made air travel available to all people. Air travel is the fastest and the most convenient mode of travelling. No place in the world is more than 24 hours away by jet. Passengers eat, sleep, watch movies, listen to music on airplanes.

In the 19th century tourism was mainly for the rich. They had enough money and spare time for travelling. Not many working people in Europe had paid holidays.

Well-to-do people used to take tours to France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. They spent time at famous sea resorts in France. They went to health resorts and spas of Germany for recreation and treatment. They travelled to the resorts in the mountains of Switzerland and Austria.

In the early 19th century tourists used to travel by trains and steamships. In the first half of the 19th century steamships used to move within inland waterways only. But in the second half of the century they started covering longer distances. The steamships carried passengers on all oceans and seas of the world.

Thomas Cook Company is the oldest travel company in the world. As a matter of fact, Thomas Cook from England opened the age of organized tourism.

It started in 1841 when Thomas Cook arranged the first trip for 570 Englishmen by railway. In 1843 Thomas Cook organized the first group tour by train. This time he provided tourists with meals and tickets for the races. So it was the first package tour.


Later on Thomas Cook made arrangements for organized visits to the First International Industrial Exhibition. The Exhibition opened in London in 1851. The tourists came from different parts of England.

All those were domestic tours. However, Thomas Cook decided not to stick to domestic tourism within his country only. Four years later, in 1855 he arranged the first overseas trip. It was a tour to the Exhibition in Paris. After that regular tourist trips started to other countries of Europe.

Thomas Cook continued expanding his travel business. In 1866 he arranged the first trip of two groups of Englishmen to the USA. Thomas Cook set up the first travel agency.

By the end of the 19th century the company had its offices all over the world including Australia and New Zealand, selling millions of tickets and excursions.

The present-day name of the company is Thomas Cook Group PLC. It is still very active on the travel market. It is both a tour operator and a travel agency.

In the 18th century (1777) the first organized group of young men from noble families of Russia made the first trip abroad. They toured around Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. The purpose of the tour was to get familiar with local universities and art galleries.

In the same 18th century the first guide books for leisure travellers on Moscow and St. Petersburg were published. Those manuals gave details of sights and art collections in the old and the new capitals of Russia.

Thomas Cook Company was very well-known in Russia. But the country's first national travel agency emerged in St. Petersburg in 1885. It was founded by L. Lipson. The travel agency got the name of the «Enterprise for Public Travel to All Parts of the World».

In 1901 the Russian Tourist Society came into being. However, only well-off noble people were its members.

After the October Revolution tourism in Russia involved common people, too. In 1929 the Society of Proletarian Tourism was created.

As a matter of fact, our reputable «Intourist» Joint-Stock Company, which used

to deal with international

tourism during the Soviet period, was organized as

long ago as in 1929, too.


Notes on the text



искатель приключений

to assist



доступный, имеющийся в наличии





to come into being

появляться, возникать

to expand

расширять, расширяться

to get familiar (with)


health resort

оздоровительный курорт

inland waterways

внутренние водные пути


постоялый двор, недорогая загородная



joint-stock company

акционерное общество



jet, jet plane

реактивный самолёт




знатный, титулованный




начало, зарождение

overseas trip

зарубежная поездка

paid holidays

оплачиваемый отпуск




скачки, бега






курорт на минеральных водах



to stick to (stuck, stuck)

придерживаться чего-либо



to tour, to take a tour

совершать путешествие




состоятельный, зажиточный


обеспеченный, состоятельный

2. Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations used in the text.

Кочевник, паломник, купец, торговец, паром, исследователь, искатель приключений, средства транспорта, кардинально изменить, появляться, состоятельные люди, передвигаться по внутренним водным путям, покрывать большие расстояния, перевозить пассажиров, организованный туризм, организовать поездку, обеспечивать кого-л. чем-л., турпакет, придерживаться


чего-л., расширять бизнес, продвигать туризм, познакомиться с, путеводитель, признанный, акционерная компания.

2. Match the terms with the definitions.


a raft

a) a person who travels to an important religious place


a caravansary

b) a place where mineral water comes out of the ground



and where people go to drink the water or to bathe in it


a nomad

c) a place that provides accommodation, food and



drinks for travelers


a spa

d) a large passenger boat powered by steam


a merchant

e) a large oriental inn with a court in the middle


a pilgrim

f) a flat boat made of pieces of wood or logs tied





a steamship

g) a person who has no permanent place of residence



and roams from place to place


an inn

h) a person who travels buying and selling goods

3. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.





jet planes

inland waterways




overseas trip

the rich






1.The only means of travelling in the early 19th century were trains and __________.

2.Thomas Cook arranged the first trip by ___________ in 1841.

3.When the first ____________ appeared, they changed travel crucially.

4.When ___________ emerged, they made air travel available to most people.

5.In the first half of the 19th century steamships carried passengers within


6.Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus and James Cook were world-famous _________.

7.Thomas Cook arranged the first _________ in 1855 to Paris.

8.Well-to-do Europeans used to go to health resorts and ___________ of Germany for recreation and ___________ .

10.The first travellers used simple boats on the water and __________ in the desert.

11.During the first group tour Thomas Cook provided his tourists with meals on the train and tickets for the ___________ .


12.The 19th century tourism was first and foremost for ___________ .

13.Well-to-do tourists used to travel to the __________ in the mountains of Austria and Switzerland.

14.Air travel is the fastest ___________ of travelling.

Assignment 3

1. Read and translate the text.


There are many types of tourism nowadays. They depend on the purpose of travelling people. Some of them are international and domestic tourism, in-coming and out-going tourism, recreational and business tourism. The more purposes travelers may have, the more types of tourism there are and will be. Some of the purposes of travelers are holidays, business, health, study, sports and many others. However there are a lot more types of tourism. We can also mention such types of tourism as cultural and educational tourism, ecological and adventure tourism, hiking and cycling, pilgrimage and special-interest tourism. There is a great deal of special-interest holidays popular with tourists all over the world. Special interest means hobby, for example, cookery, bird-watching, gambling, painting, motor racing, horse riding, botany and others. For instance, bird-watching involves fascinating tours where travelers watch birds in natural surroundings.

Some of the new types of tourism that will continue developing in future are the third-age and the fourth-age tourism. The third-age tourism concerns retired people and fourth-age tourism involves disabled people. Both terms “third” and “fourth” are devised for the sake of convenience and politeness towards these kinds of tourists.

Leisure tourism is also called pleasure tourism or holiday tourism. It is a type of tourism when a person goes on holiday and does not travel on business. Thus, the purpose of tourism in this case is recreation.

Leisure travellers look for sun, sea and sand. They want to go sunbathing, swimming and diving. So this kind of travellers goes to sea resorts or holiday camps and stay at resort hotels.


Sports tourism is a type of active holiday. The purpose of a sporting tour is to exercise and to keep physically fit. At the same time travellers enjoy natural surroundings, fresh air and clean water.

Travellers combine action and relaxation during a sporting holiday.

Tourist companies offer hiking, cycling, boating, rafting and other kinds of sporting tours. Within sports tourism there is water tourism, mountain tourism, mountaineering,

downhill skiing, horse riding and many more types. Sports tourism is popular with travellers all year round.

Business tourism is travel for business purposes. Business travellers are businessmen and government officials. They travel on different missions. They often travel to attend a convention. Convention tourism is a part of business tourism. It involves taking part in a conference or a seminar.

Business travellers often travel to attend an international exhibition or a trade fair. Incentive tourism means that a business company offers holiday tours to its

employees and covers all travel expenses.

On the one hand, the company does it as a reward or a bonus to a person for his successful work. On the other hand, the company does it as an incentive for the future. The company hopes that the employee will work even better in future and bring profit to the company.

Familiarization tourism is often called just FAM tourism. It means that a business company sends its staff on educational tours to its branches or other business companies in other cities and countries.

If a travel company sends its travel clerks on FAM tours, it means that they will have educational visits to a tourist destination. There they will get familiar with local facilities, hotels, restaurants, and attractions. Normally a tour operator arranges FAM trips for the travel clerks from the travel agencies, selling its tourist products. Most often a tour operator arranges such trips to new travel destinations.

The main purpose of travel clerks on a FAM tour is to get necessary knowledge from personal experience. When the travel clerks return home, they will know what to offer and what to explain to their customers about the destination.

Notes on the text


adventure tourism

приключенческий туризм


наблюдение за птицами в естественных






путешествие на лодке

convention tourism

конгрессный туризм



cruise tourism

круизный туризм


круизные путешествия

cultural tourism

культурно-познавательный туризм,


культурный туризм


велосипедный отдых, велосипедный туризм



domestic tourism

внутренний туризм

downhill skiing

горнолыжный туризм

familiarization (FAM) tourism

ознакомительный туризм

FAM trip

ознакомительный тур, рекламный тур

fourth-age tourism

туризм для лиц четвёртого возраста (для


людей с ограниченными возможностями)


азартные игры, игорный бизнес


пеший туризм


отдыхающий, отпускник

holiday tourism

каникулярный туризм

horse riding

верховая езда

incoming tourism,

въездной туризм

inbound tourism


incentive tourism

поощрительный туризм

international tourism

международный туризм

leisure tourism

досуговый туризм

motor racing



автотуризм, путешествия на автомобиле

mountain tourism

горный туризм



outgoing tourism,

выездной туризм

outbound tourism


pilgrimage tourism

паломнический туризм

pleasure tourism

каникулярный туризм, туризм с целью отдыха


сплав по рекам на плотах или резиновых



special-interest tourism

специализированный туризм





third-age tourism

туризм для лиц третьего возраста (для



travel expenses

дорожные расходы

2. Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations used in the text.

Образовательный туризм, паломнический туризм, международный туризм, выездной туризм, въездной туризм, экологический туризм, туризм для лиц пенсионеров (лиц третьего возраста), туризм для инвалидов (лиц четвёртого возраста), каникулярный туризм, пеший туризм, внутренний туризм, досуговый туризм, поощрительный туризм, ознакомительный туризм, конгрессный туризм, сплав по рекам на плотах, путешествие на лодке, круизные путешествия, горный туризм, альпинизм, горнолыжный туризм, ознакомительный тур, водный туризм, приключенческий туризм, наблюдение за птицами, деловой туризм, велосипедный туризм, культурно-познавательный туризм, верховая езда, специализированный туризм.

3. Match the terms with the definitions.

1) convention tourism

a) type of tourism which involves visits of travel agents


to travel destinations so that they get to know their


facilities well

2) incentive tourism

b) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for


disabled people

3) sports tourism

c) a type of tourism which involves journeys for people


who share the same hobby

4) leisure tourism

d) a type of tourism which involves holidays awarded to


staff members as a bonus and to encourage them to


work better

5) familiarization tourism

e) a type of tourism which involves holidays for


relaxation and entertainment purposes

6) third-age tourism

f) a type of tourism which involves taking part in


meetings, conferences and seminars

7) fourth-age tourism

g) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for


elderly and retired people

8) special-interest tourism

h) a type of tourism which involves tours with a lot of


physical training, exercising and keeping fit


4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

incentive tourism

leisure travelers

FAM tourism business travelers third-


sporting holiday

business services

personal experience recreation



special-interest tourism


1.Familiarization tourism is often called just ___________.

2.The examples of _____________ are bird-watching, gambling, painting, horseriding, motor racing, survival.

3.The ____________tourism concerns retired people.

4.The ____________ tourism involves disabled people.

5._______________ look for sun, sea and sand.

6.Travellers enjoy action and relaxation during a __________.

7.___________ are businessmen and government officials.

8.___________ means that a business company offers holiday tours to its employees and covers all travel expenses.

9.The purpose of leisure tourism is ____________.

10.The main purpose of travel clerks on a FAM tour is to get necessary knowledge from __________.

11.Some tourist companies provide such _____________ as fax, telephone communications, secretarial services, business meeting arrangements.

Assignment 4

1. Read and translate the text.

People in tourism

People working in tourism are tour operators and travel agents, booking agents and ticket agents, travel consultants and tourism managers, tour guides and guidesinterpreters, animators and travel writers and others.

The tour operator works in a tourist company. He develops tours also known as tour packages. Tour packages include transportation, accommodation, catering, transfers and other services.

In order to develop a tour package the tour operator works with transportation companies or carriers, hotels, restaurants, museums and other suppliers.

The tour operator is a wholesaler. He sells tour packages to travel agents wholesale and pays commission to them. Sometimes he sells tour packages direct to the public. Tour operators put together tours, so they are the main producers in the tourist industry.


The travel agent works in a travel company. The travel agent like the shop-assistant sells goods to customers. The goods which he offers are the tour operator's packages.

The travel agent is a retailer. He sells tour packages retail to consumers. He gets a commission from the tour operator. The commission is from 5 to 10 per cent of the tour cost.

The travel agent also sells separate services. They are flights, hotel rooms, sightseeing tours, car rentals, travel insurances and so on. The travel agent works directly with the public.

Travel agents sell tours, so they are the main sellers in the tourist industry.

The tourism manager works in a tourist company. He runs some tourist business. He supervises all kinds of operations in a tourist company. He also supervises the tourist company staff.

Sometimes the tourism manager is just the head of some department in a large tourist company: a sales department, a marketing department, or a public relations department. In this case he reports to the general manager.

The tourism manager plans tourist business: operations, new products, profits. He controls the results.

The tour guide handles tour groups. He shows tourists round a city, a sight, or a museum. The tour guide conducts sightseeing tours or tours of museums and exhibitions. The tour guide is also called the tour conductor.

The tour guide accompanies tourists during a local tour or during the whole journey. He or she caters to the needs of tourists. During a journey the tour guide deals with all kinds of problems.

The tour guide speaks the language of the tourists perfectly well. He or she interprets and translates well from one language into another.

The tour guide knows a lot on history, geography, art and culture. He or she knows all the sights in a travel destination. The tour guide answers a lot of questions.

The tour guide is a friendly, easy-going and helpful person.

The animator organizes and provides entertainments for guests in a hotel or a holiday resort. He also organizes entertainment programmes for passengers on a cruise ship.

The animator organizes and conducts parties, shows, sports or arts contests, games for children and grown-ups. He involves guests in action: games and shows.

The chief animator manages the staff of animators. He is also called the social director. He communicates with guests a lot.


The animator usually speaks a few foreign languages. He communicates with guests in their native languages.

The animator is very artistic. He usually dances well, sings well and acts like an actor. The animator is an easy-going and cheerful person. He is a pretty good mixer.

The animator is the main entertainer in the tourist industry.

Notes on the text




to book


booking agent

агент по бронированию


перевозчик, автотранспортная компания


(общественное) питание

chief animator


to conduct

проводить (экскурсию)


экскурсовод, гид, групповод

to deal with

иметь дело с


лёгкий в общении

general manager

генеральный директор, главный управляющий

to handle

осуществлять, заниматься, работать с


готовый помочь


общительный человек

to report (to)

подчиняться, сообщать, докладывать

to run the company

управлять компанией, бизнесом

sales department

отдел сбыта, коммерческий отдел

to show smb round (a town)

показывать кому-л. город

social director

режиссёр социальных программ



ticket agent

билетный агент


опт, оптом



2. Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations used in the text.

Турпакет; перевозчик; продавать оптом; продавать в розницу; оптовик; розничный торговец; платить комиссионные; создавать тур; турагент; туроператор; страховка; аренда автомобиля; отчитываться перед кем-л.; отдел по связям с


общественностью; прибыль; контролировать результаты; шеф-аниматор; сопровождать туристов; режиссёр социальных программ; артистичный; лёгкий в общении; приветливый (дружелюбный); общительный человек; готовый помочь; персонал; обзорная экскурсия; иметь дело с; групповод; поставщик, работать с тургруппой, проводить творческие конкурсы.

3. Match the terms with the definitions.


a tour operator


a travel company staff member who sells tours




and separate services retail


a travel agent


a tourist professional who shows tourists




round a destination or a sight


a tourism manager


a tourist specialist who develops tour packages


a tour guide


a manager who supervises a staff of animators


an animator


a tourist professional who manages a travel




company or a department


a social director


a travel company staff member who issues and




sells tickets


a booking agent


a specialist who arranges entertainments for




hotel guests or cruise passengers


a ticket agent


a travel company staff member who arranges




ticket bookings

4. Fill in the blanks using the words given below.

a retailer

the tour guide

a wholesaler

a commission

the tour operator

the travel agent

the animator




the tourist manager


the social director



1.___________ supervises all operations in a tourist company and its staff.

2.___________ handles tour groups and conducts excursions.

3.___________sells tour packages and separate services to customers.

4.___________ provides entertainment for holiday-makers. He organizes and conducts

____________ programmes.

5.__________ develops tour packages. He is the main producer in the tourist industry.


6.The tour guide knows all sights in the ______________.

7.The tour guide conducts _____________tours.

9.The travel agent is ____________.

10.The tour operator is ____________. Не sells tour packages to travel agents wholesale and pays ____________ to them.

11.The chief animator is also called ______________.

12.The tour operator works with, hotels, museums and other ______________.

Assignment 5

The Role of Tour Operator

I. Read the article and find the answers.

1.Package holidays are created by tour operators and then sold through the chain of distribution.

a)What are the components of a typical package holiday?

b)Who else forms part of the chain of distribution?

c)How many different types of tour operator are there?

2.There are two other terms that mean the same as package holiday. What are they?

3.To buy in bulk means to buy something

a)on the Internet

b)in large quantities

c)in secret

d)a long time before you need to use it.

4.Why is it important to buy in bulk in tour operation?

5.Why do you think specialists prefer to sell direct to their clients?

6.If you could work for one of the types of tour operator, which would you choose?


Package holidays, which are also known as package tours, include all of the components necessary for a complete vacation:

-transport to and from the destination


-transfers between the airport / station / port and hotel

-food and accommodation at the destination

-other services such as a guide or holiday ‘rep’.

The professionals who bring these elements together to create a holiday are called tour operators. They buy in advance and in bulk from the principles: airlines, shipping lines, hoteliers, and so on. Because they buy hundreds of seats or rooms from the principle, they pay a much lower price from them than an ordinary member of the public. The tour operator then converts this bulk into individual packages known technically as inclusive tours (ITs). These are marketed to the customer through travel agents or by other systems.

In the past tour operators sold almost entirely through travel agents, but today they also use direct selling. This strategy eliminates the travel agents from the chain of distribution, and this reduces the final cost of the holiday package because direct sell operators do not have to pay commission to a travel agent. Many smaller our operators, for example, prefer to deal with their clients.

Not all tour operators sell the same type of holiday. The really bid operators, the mass market operators, produce low-cost holidays to traditional sea, sun, and sand destinations like Spain, Greece, or Turkey. Other operators limit their product to customers who want a very specific type of holiday. These special operators sell adventure holidays, holidays for single people, holidays for motor-racing fans, and so on. Domestic operators specialize in tours for people who want to holiday in their own country, whilst incoming tour operators are specialists in providing holiday package to visitors coming from abroad. For example, “Vastravel”, an Italian incoming tour operator, sells tours of Italy to people from the rest of the world.


Transportation + Transfers + Accommodation + Other services

Tour operator

Travel agent

Direct selling



II. Answer the questions.

1.Who are the biggest tour operators in your country or your region?

2.Which are the most popular destinations they offer?

3.Which are the new destinations this year?

4.Do tour operators in your country only sell through travel agents or do they sell direct?

5.Are there any specialist tour operators in your country?

6.What type of specialist holiday do they market?

Assignment 6

1. Read and translate the text.

People in hospitality

“Hospitality” involves hotel and restaurant services. It may involve all kinds of businesses which provide accommodation and catering for customers. The range of hospitality employees is great. The first person you see when you enter a hotel is the doorman. He helps the hotel guests in and out of cars and cabs. He opens and holds the door for them. The doorman wears a distinctive uniform. He shows the hotel guests to the reception desk. He gives directions and calls for cabs. As for luggage, the doorman may assist the guests with the luggage. However, this is not his function. The hotel has porters to do this job. They either carry luggage or move it on carts.

Another person providing services in a hotel is a bellboy. The bellboy gets the guest’s room key from the receptionist and escorts the guest to his room. He will show the guest how to unlock and lock the door and how to use the room appliances such as the air-conditioning, the hair-dryer, the teaand coffee-making facilities. The bellboy may assist the guest with his luggage. He must run errands for the guest.

Employees working in the restaurant are a waiter or waitress, a barman, a cook. The main person in the dining-hall is a maitre d’hôtel. He sits and greets the guests. Then the waiters and waitresses serve dishes while wine stewards recommend and serve beverages.

The receptionist works in the front office of a hotel.

The receptionist is in charge of the check-in. She meets and greets guests, registers guests and assigns rooms to them.

The receptionist must ensure that the check-in procedure is brief and convenient.


The receptionist must help guests do the hotel formalities. She takes the guest’s name. If the guest is a foreign visitor, the receptionist must take the guest’s passport number.

The concierge works at a hotel’s information desk. The concierge must speak a few languages because she has to help guests from other countries.

The concierge must help guests in all ways. She can give orientations in the city, arrange taxis and sightseeing tours. She can offer entertainment. She can make theatre bookings. She can recommend shops, restaurants or nightclubs.

Actually the concierge in a hotel can act as a travel agent: book flights, tours, visits. She may find a guide or a guide-interpreter for the guest.

The hotel manager is the head of a hotel. He may have the name of the general manager or the managing director.

The hotel manager may hold a management position in an individual hotel or he may work in a hotel chain. In a small hotel the manager may be the owner of the hotel. But in a large hotel he is just a professional hotelier.

For the hotel guests the hotel manager is the host who must offer hospitality to his guests. For the hotel staff the hotel manager is the person who must establish the policy of the hotel and its operations. The hotel manager has to plan and control the hotel business. He has to check up how different hotel departments carry out their functions. Often he has to deal with the hotel guests in person. He has to handle their problems and complaints.

There may be different management positions in a hotel: the assistant manager, the resident manager, the night manager.

The assistant manager helps the manager and manages the hotel when the manager is not present.

The resident manager is the manager who permanently lives in the hotel. The night manager is on duty during the night.

The chef works in a restaurant or in the food and beverage department of a hotel. A restaurant may have different chefs. At the head of them is the head chef.

The head chef is the kitchen supervisor. He manages the kitchen of a restaurant. He has to select menus and to plan the meals. He has to taste the dishes. He also manages the kitchen staff: the chefs, the cooks and the helpers.

The good name of a restaurant or a hotel’s kitchen may depend on its chef. The reputation of the chef may increase its business.


The restaurant manager is in charge of the restaurant policy and operations. He has to decide on the image of his restaurant. He has to plan its business. He has to decide on purchases and sales. He hires the restaurant staff and provides their training.

The restaurant manager has to meet the guests. He must see to it that the guests are happy with the service and have no complaints. The guests may often see the restaurant manager in the dining-hall.

In a large restaurant there are other management positions: the purchase manager, the sales manager, the production manager, the personnel manager and others. All these managers report to the general manager.

Notes on the text


to assign

закреплять, выделять, отводить

assistant manager

заместитель директора, управляющего



to be in charge of

отвечать за, нести ответственность за



to complain





консьерж, портье



to escort


to do formalities

выполнять формальности

front office

отделы бронирования, приёма и размещения и


расчётов с гостями отеля


хозяин или управляющий гостиницы

managing director


maitre d’hôtel, maitre d’


night manager

ночной управляющий

personnel manager

управляющий персоналом

production manager

управляющий производством, заведующий



purchase manager

управляющий по снабжению

reception desk

стойка службы приёма и размещения гостиницы


работник, администратор службы приёма и





resident manager

управляющий, проживающий в отеле

to run errands

выполнять поручения

sales manager

управляющий по сбыту, коммерческий директор

wine steward

сомелье, официант по винам

2.Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations used in the text.

Работник службы приёма и размещения; отдел бронирования, приёма и размещения и расчётов с гостями отеля; быть ответственным за что-л.; регистрация; приветствовать гостей; закреплять номера (в отеле); выполнять формальности; кассир; консьерж (портье); организовать обзорную экскурсию; управляющий отелем; управленческая должность; гостиничная цепь; хозяин или управляющий гостиницы; гостеприимство; устанавливать политику гостиницы; отдел; разбираться с жалобами; управляющий, проживающий в отеле; ночной управляющий; заместитель директора, управляющего; шеф-повар; персонал (штат); управляющий ресторана; управляющий по снабжению; управляющий по сбыту; управляющий производством; управляющий персоналом; подчиняться кому-л. (отчитываться перед кем-л.); генеральный директор.

3.Match the terms with the definitions.



a) a




hotel who

provides personal



services for a guest, such as tours and tickets


a bellboy

b) a person in a hotel who meets guests, handles the



check-in procedure and assigns rooms to them


a concierge

c) a person in a restaurant who manages the kitchen and



the kitchen staff





a wine steward

d) a person in a restaurant who meets and seats customers



in a dining-room





a chef

e) a person in a hotel who shows guests to their rooms



and runs errands for them



a maid

f) a





who recommends



and serves wine to customers



a receptionist

g) a person in a restaurant who takes orders and brings



food to customers




a maitre d’hotel

h)a person in a hotel who cleans guestrooms and changes



bed and bath linen




4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

a travel agent



the resident manager

the check-in

the concierge

the assistant manager

the chef

the receptionist

the restaurant manager



1. _________ works at a hotel’s information desk.





2. The hotel manager may work in a hotel

___________ or in an individual hotel.

3.___________ is the hotel manager who permanently lives in the hotel.

4.___________ registers hotel guests and assigns rooms to them.

5.In a large hotel the hotel manager is a professional _____________.

6.____________ is in charge of the restaurant policy and operations.

7.The receptionist is in charge of ____________.

8.The concierge can act as _____________.

9.__________ works in the food and beverage department of a hotel.

10.__________ manages the hotel when the general manager is not present.

11. In an individual restaurant the restaurant manager decides on the type of__________.

Assignment 7

1. Read and translate the text.

Hotel services

The hotel services are divided into the front of the house and the back of the house. The front of the house includes departments which deal with administration and customer contact services. They are the front office, the information desk, the bell service, the accounting department, and the hotel management. The back of the house departments don’t have contact or have a very limited contact with hotel guests. They provide invisible services. Those are housekeeping, the engineering, the maintenance, the food and beverage, the personnel departments, the laundry service, the valet service and others. Personnel department, for example deals with hiring and firing. The personnel manager deals with recruitment and replacement of staff members. He arranges job interviews for job applicants. Sales department is one of the most important departments for the successful hotel operation. The main product hotels sell is hospitality. Hospitality


is a combination of tangible and intangible goods: a comfortable bed, a hot shower, a tasty meal, an attentive waiter, a helpful porter, a friendly receptionist.

When hotel guests arrive, they expect the front office clerks to offer them a nice welcome. They will want someone to help them with checking-in.

The front office is in the lobby of a hotel. It consists of the reservation department and the reception desk or the front desk.

The reservation department provides booking of the hotel rooms.

The front desk provides sales of rooms, guest registration, message and mail service, guest accounts.

The receptionist or the room clerk will help the guest to check in. When the receptionist watches the guest arrive, he meets and greets him. The receptionist asks the guest to fill in a registration form and assigns a room to him. Before the receptionist assigns a room, he or she will check the guest's booking and the available accommodations. Most hotels offer single, double and twin-bedded rooms. There are also some fine suites. A guest may ask the receptionist to provide an extra bed in a double room for his family member.

When hotel guests check in, they expect someone to show them to their rooms. They also want someone to help them with their luggage. Often guests would like some employee to run errands for them. These are duties of the bell service.

At the head of the bell service is the bell captain. The bell captain's post is next to the front desk. The bell captain directs bellmen.

When guests stay at the hotel they expect somebody to clean their rooms. The housekeeping department does it.

At the head of the housekeeping service is the housekeeper. He supervises the chambermaids. Chambermaids prepare the rooms before the guests check in.

When guests check out, the housekeeper inspects the rooms. The housekeeper informs the front desk if everything is in order. He also informs which rooms are occupied and which rooms are vacant.

When guests stay at the hotel, they expect someone to protect them.

The hotel security department must protect the guests from all dangers: robbery and burglary, fire or flood. At the head of the hotel security department is the security officer.

The guests may keep their valuables in a safe-deposit box. The security department is in charge of it. The security department employees are prepared to protect the guests in case of any crime.

Often the guests lose their stuff in the hotel. The security department is in charge of the lost and found office.



Notes on the text


accounting department


back of the house

неконтактные службы гостиницы

bell man


bell captain

старший посыльный, заведующий службой



bell service

служба посыльных



to check out

выезжать из гостиницы, рассчитаться с



double room

двухместный номер с одной двуспальной



front desk

стойка отдела приёма и размещения


гостиницы, рецепция, администраторская

front of the house

контактные службы гостиницы


заведующий службой горничных, этажной



housekeeping service

служба горничных, этажная служба

lost and found office

бюро находок, стол находок

maintenance department

отдел материально-технического снабжения

personnel department

отдел кадров

reservation department

отдел бронирования

security department

отдел безопасности

security officer

начальник отдела (службы) безопасности

single room

одноместный номер


номер «люкс»

twin-bedded room

двухместный номер с двумя односпальными



valet service

гостиничная услуга по чистке и глажке (утюжке)

2. Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations used in the text.

Отдел бронирования; стойка отдела приёма и размещения гостиницы; бронирование номеров отеля; места размещения, имеющиеся в наличии;


одноместный номер; двухместный номер с одной двуспальной кроватью; двухместный номер с двумя односпальными кроватями; номер «люкс»; выезжать из гостиницы; служба посыльных; выполнять поручения; посыльный; старший посыльный; носильщик; служба горничных; заведующий службой горничных; горничная; занятый номер; свободный номер; безопасность; отдел безопасности; начальник службы безопасности; бюро находок.

3. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

the room clerk

the maid







the front office

the reservation


the front desk

the housekeeper



1.Hotel guests wish bellmen to run ________ for them.

2.Most hotels provide single rooms, double rooms and _________.

3.Before _________ registers a guest, she will check his booking and available accommodations.

4._________consists of the reservation department and the reception desk.

5.The hotel security department staff must protect hotel guests in ________.

6.The housekeeping department provides guests with extra bedding and

_________ for their family members.

7.When guests check out, they expect the cashier to help them with ________.

8.___________ general cleans or makes up the hotel rooms.

9.__________ department provides the hotel bookings.

10.Guests can deposit ____________ with the manager for safe-keeping.

11.The bellman explains guests how to use room _____________.

12._________ asks the maids to scrub down the bathrooms or to change the linen.

13.___________ provides sale of hotel rooms and guest registration.

14.Hospitality is a combination of __________ and ____________ goods such as a comfortable bed, a tasty meal, an attentive waiter, a friendly receptionist.


Assignment 8

1. Read and translate the text.

Types of hotels

There are different types of accommodation. On the one hand, all the hotels are rated according to the purpose of travelers. On the other hand, they are rated according to the range of services and quality of comforts. It means that there are a few different classifications. According to the purpose of travelling people the hotels are rated as commercial hotels, convention hotels, resort hotels and residential hotels.

The commercial hotel is for business travelers. Most commercial hotels are big city hotels. The convention hotel is for convention participants. Convention hotels have a lot of convention facilities like meeting rooms and exhibit areas. The resort hotel is for holidaymakers. Resort hotels have a lot of recreational facilities like swimming pools, fitness centres, sports grounds. The residential hotel is for long-term or permanent residents.

To grade the hotels according to the range of services and quality of comforts, the star system is used. It is also known as the French or European system. The more stars, the higher the quality and the wider the range of services. There are also national grading systems like the crown system in Great Britain, the key system in Sweden or the letter system in Greece. In the USA the hotels are graded as super deluxe, deluxe, expensive, moderate and inexpensive.

An inn is, as a rule, a countryside hotel. Such hotels are often located in pleasant sceneries. They provide comfortable but informal accommodation. However, the word ‘inn’ has come from early days of travel.

A motel offers accommodation to travelers and provide parking lots for their cars opposite to their motel rooms.

“All-in” hotels offer all-in rates for full board and half board stays. Full board is bed, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Half board is bed, breakfast, lunch or dinner.

There are also some different types of accommodation, for example, boatels at the beachfront with moorage for the guests’ boats and yachts. There are also floatels, i.e. floating hotels on water.

Another type of accommodation is condo. It is a condominium where the apartments are owned by individuals. Condos are situated in resort areas and used as second homes for recreation.


Camping sites are also considered to be a type of accommodation. Some people prefer travelling by car or van and staying in their tent or van overnight. In this case they will park and stay in a camping or caravanning site with special facilities.

There is also a marina for people who travel on boats and use them for accommodation.

Notes on the text


all-in, all-inclusive

«всё включено», инклюзивный


ботель, гостиница на берегу с причалом для лодок


и яхт постояльцев

budget hotel

бюджетная гостиница

camping site

кемпинг, лагерь для автопутешественников

caravan, van


caravanning site

лагерь для автотуристов

condo, condominium

кондоминиум, жилой дом, квартиры которого


находятся в частной собственности отдельных


владельцев, а места общего пользования – в общей


собственности владельцев, использующих свои


квартиры в период отпусков

convention hotel

конгрессный отель

deluxe hotel

гостиница класса «люкс»


плавучий отель

to grade

делить на группы, классы, классифицировать

grading system

система классификации


гостиничный номер


оборудованная пристань для лодок и яхт

moderate hotel

гостиница среднего класса


причал для лодок и яхт, место стоянки лодок и яхт



to rate

классифицировать, присваивать категорию

recreational facilities

условия для отдыха, возможности для организации



residential hotel

стационарная гостиница

superdeluxe hotel

гостиница класса «суперлюкс», гостиница высшей




2.Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations used in the text.

Классифицировать; перечень услуг; качество удобств; коммерческая гостиница; конгрессный отель; стационарная гостиница; отдыхающий, отпускник; долгосрочный; система классификаций; система звёзд; система корон; гостиница высшей категории; гостиница класса «люкс»; небольшая загородная гостиница; парковка; гостиница, работающая по тарифному плану «всё включено»; полный пансион; полупансион; на береговой линии; ботель; плавучий отель; кондоминиум; оборудованная пристань для лодок и яхт; кемпинг.

3.Match the terms with the definitions.


a budget hotel

a) a harbour fit for tying up a large number of



pleasure boats


a conventional hotel

b) a rating system, a system of classifying hotels or



restaurants into different levels of quality


a residential hotel

c) a low-priced hotel providing basic accommodation


a condominium

d) a hotel which caters for long-term guests, usually



with full-board arrangements


a marina

e) an apartment house with individually owned





a grading system

f) a hotel providing a set of meeting rooms and



exhibit areas together with bedrooms and



restrooms, built for holding large meetings

4. Read the extract from the brochure and fill in the gaps with the following words. The first one has been done for you.














Tradewinds is 1 situated in 2 _____________ grounds on the south coast at Diani, just over twenty miles from the city of Mombasa and within easy reach of some shops. It 3____________ on a spectacular white-sand beach fringed by palm trees.


The main building is 4___________ is in style, with a thatched roof in the local African manner, and the hotel’s 5____________ include a restaurant, bar, hairdresser, and a shop. By the swimming-pool is an 6_____________ snack bar and a smaller pool for children. Evening 7____________ is provided by live bands or a disco.

The modestly 8_____________ rooms have a balcony or terrace, are fully 9____________, and have a telephone and shower.

Opinion: In a superb 10___________, this is a simple, medium-class hotel offering outstanding 11____________ for money, and an ideal place to unwind and 12___________ before going on safari.

Assignment 9

Promotion and marketing in tourism


1.Look at the statements on marketing. Decide if they are true or false.

1)Marketing is the same as advertising.

2)Marketing means knowing what the customers want.

3)Marketing is what you do before the product is sold.

4)Marketing is done by both public and private organizations.

2.Now read about marketing process and find out if you were right.

3.Which stage are these marketing activities part of




4.Which stage of marketing

-is the most expensive?

-needs most creativity?

5.Which part of the marketing process do you think you would be good at? Why?

The marketing process in travel and tourism

Every day of our lives we can see examples of travel and tourism marketing around us – adverts on TV, adverts in newspapers and magazines, brochures in travel agencies, internet pages, posters in stations, etc. This is because all tourism businesses


need to market their products if they hope to be successful. But marketing is not just advertising; it is about researching and identifying the needs of a specific group of customers, and then creating a product that satisfies them.

A large hotel chain, for example, will spend a lot of time and money finding out what its guests want – what kind of services and facilities they need most, which location they prefer, or how much they are prepared to pay. It will then develop a new product, taking care to gear it to the customers’ needs. Then, once the company has the right product, it will use different promotional techniques to let its clients know about it.

Private companies are not the only ones that use marketing. Tourist boards and other public sector organizations also have products, and it is important that their customers are aware that these exist. From a museum in a county village to the multiple attractions of a major city like Sydney, all travel and tourism products need good marketing.

The marketing process does not end after a product has been sold, however.

Customers might not be happy with it, and of course people’s tastes change with time.

Because of this, it is essential to evaluate how customers feel about a product. With the results of the evaluation, it is then possible to improve your product, and in this way continue to meet your customers’ expectations.

6. Marketing Terminology. Match 1-9 with a-i to produce nine marketing tips.


Monitor …

a … and wants are the first thing you must find out.





Advertise …

b … your customers’ preferences by using market








Research …

с … the effectiveness of your advertising and



promotional techniques.





Knowledge …

d … uses questionnaires to find out what people want.





Evaluate …

e … of what your clients want is essential in marketing.





Tastes …

f … the market carefully before you create your product.





Identify …

g … your product in the places where your customers



will see it.





Needs …

h … your product towards your clients.





Gear …

i … change with time so products must change too.





Where in the world?

1.Look at the photos of Newcastle and Gateshead. What sort of cities are they? What sort of tourism will they attract? What sort of things will tourists be able to do there?

2.Read about tourism in NewcastleGateshead. As you read, link the names in the text to the photos.

3.Which three attractions appeal to you most?

NewcastleGateshead’s Tourist Top 10

There is an ultimate list of the top 10 ‘must see’ sights in NewcastleGateshead (in no particular order!), to make sure you get the most out of a visit to the city

1.Newcastle Quayside and Gateshead Quays – some the city’s most contemporary and stylish cultural and leisure attractions can be found along the River Tyne. You shouldn’t miss the curved building of the Sage Gateshead music centre designed by the architect Sir Norman Foster.

2.Gateshead Millennium Bridge – the world’s first tilting bridge situated on the banks of the River Tyne, linking Newcastle Quayside and Gateshead Quays.


3.Newcastle Castle Keep – the side of the ‘New Castle’ built in 1080 which gave the city its name and was founded by Robert Curthose, eldest son of William the Conqueror.

4.The Biscuit Factory – the biggest commercial arts space in Europe based in a beautifully restored Victorian building that was once a biscuit factory.

5.The Angel of the North – a multiaward winning sculpture created by artist Antony Gormley. Standing 20 m high, it is seen by more than 33 million people every year.

6.Grey Street – in the heart of Newcastle’s historic Grainger Town and voted the

Best Street in Britain by listeners of national station Radio-4.

7.BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art – one of Europe’s largest centres for contemporary art. An art factory based in a converted 1950s grain warehouse on Gateshead Quays. Entry is free.

8.Centre for Life – a wildly exciting visitor attraction for all the family. Discover just how truly extraordinary life is – meet your four-billion-year-old family, explore what makes us all different, and test your brainpower.

9.MetroCentre, Gateshead – once again the largest indoor shopping centre in Europe following completion of the new Red Mall. MetroCentre offers a huge array of department stores and specialty shops – all under one roof.

10.Laing Art Gallery – renowned for its stunning array of watercolours, costume, silver, glass, pottery, and sculpture and home to major works by leading preRaphaelite artists. The gallery also hosts stunning touring exhibitions in the newly refurbished gallery space.

Analyzing your product

1.A SWOT analysis is a basic technique in marketing. The ‘S’ means ‘Strengths’.

Do you know what the other three letters mean?

2.Jean Stewart is the leisure Product Manager for the NewcastleGateshead Initiative. Read the conversation in which she talks about NewcastleGateshead. In what order does she discuss each of the four aspects of the SWOT analysis?

I – Interviewer, J – Jean

I Jean, what would you say the strengths of the NewcastleGateshead product are?

J I would say we have three main strengths, the strongest of which is the people that live here. They’re very proud of their origins, and of the North-east, and they show it


to the visitors. Another strength is the place because we’re surrounded by wonderful countryside and areas that are wonderful countryside and areas that are very beautiful.

IAnd your third strength?

JA third strength is that we’ve also got two very vibrant cities. We’ve got the old parts of Newcastle – the castle and the area around Grey Street, and on the Gateshead side we’ve got some fabulous new attractions such as the Gateshead Millennium

Bridge and the Baltic. An excellent product showing the old and new together.

IAnd you’ve got the Sage, of course.

JWe’ve got the new Sage Gateshead, which is a home to music, musical discovery, and education, too.

IOK, fantastic. How about opportunities for the city? For the cities?

JFor the cities. Well, we call NewcastleGateshead a destination. Our airport has grown massively over the last eighteen months. That gives us many opportunities to speak to new markets, to bring people from outside the UK into NewcastleGateshead.

IA threat?

JWe have a threat with regard to the perception that people have of the North-east.

They see the area as quite an industrial place, which in reality it isn’t at all, so we do have to change that perception.


JSo the perception in the UK, I would say is our main threat.

IA major weakness?

JA major weakness? Well, all the other cities in the UK, such as Bristol and Birmingham and Manchester, all these cities are using the same product concept, which is the vibrant European city. And it’s all very much the same offer, so that’s a major weakness.

IAnd other weaknesses?

JAnother weakness would be the number of hotel rooms we have. If you think about the city of Glasgow in Scotland, they have got fifteen thousand bedrooms in the city.

We have just over five thousand, so it’s very difficult because sometimes the hotels are full, so that’s a difficult problem for us.

IBut that’s a weakness which is the result of so many people wanting to visit NewcastleGateshead, isn’t it? I mean, it’s a weakness because of your success in marketing, surely?

JYes, it is really.

IWell, that’s a nice weakness.


3. Tick the features that she mentions in the table below.




1 the local people

1 other UK cities with a similar product


the beauty of the surrounding

2 poor communications with London


3 the quality of the hotel bedrooms

3 the quality of the local food

4 the shortage of hotel rooms


the combination of old and new






1 the opening of the Gateshead Sage

1 Bristol, Birmingham, and Manchester

2 the perception people have of the North-

2 the perception people have of the North-



3 the increasing number of flights to and

3 the contamination of the River Tyne

from Newcastle airport


4.What sort of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats do cities have? Make a list. Think about

transport and access


restaurants, etc.

local food

nightlife and clubbing

museums and art galleries

activities for families

the weather

marketing potential

marketing strategy

current advertising

5.Think of a city you know well and decide what you think its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are. Tell the class about the city.

II. Promotion in tourism.

1. Look at the diagram about marketing and promotion. Do you understand any of the terms? Can you fill in any of the gaps?


2. Read the conversation in which Jean Stewart is talking about promotion and complete the diagram.

I – Interviewer, J – Jean

IJean, can you tell me more about the connection between marketing and promotion?

JWell, promotion is one of the four Ps of what we call the marketing mix.

IThe four Ps?

JYes, the four Ps, Product, in other words, what you’re offering. Price, which is how much it’s going to cost. Place, which is more about where you show the product to the client than about where the holiday itself actually happens. And number four, promotion.

IWhich is your area, if I’m not mistaken?

JThat’s right.

ISo, tell us a little bit about promotions, then.

JWell, the idea of promotion is to sell your product. But the interesting part is, ‘How do we do this?’, and the answer begins with awareness, with making the customers aware that the product exists.

ISo promotion is making customers aware?

JYes, but it’s also about creating a demand. And then of course, another use of promotion is to make customers understand that your product is better than other similar products.


ISo we know why we use promotion, but how does promotion work? How do you create a demand, for example?

JWell, creating a demand is a question of promotional techniques.

IYou mean advertising?

JYes. Advertising is one of the things that we do in promotion, but it’s not the only techniques. A part from advertising – you know, magazines, TV, the media in general

– there’s also PR. That’s short for Public Relations. This could be an article in a newspaper or magazine. An article is free publicity, though it’s never really free!

ISo we’ve got advertising and PR. Is there anything else?

JYes, there is what we call direct marketing.

IYou mean going straight to the customers?

JYes. The provider – that could be a tour operator with a package holiday, or an airline with a special offer – the provider contacts the customer directly, usually by mailing information and news directly to the customers on their database.

IAnd is that emailing, or do you use normal post?

JA lot of small tour operators use email, but for most big companies, direct mailing is letters through your doors.

IAny other promotional techniques?

JThere’s also personal selling. Now that does need an intermediary, because personal selling is a travel agent sitting with a client. And it’s knowing who you spoke to last week and what they want. Personal selling is your smile. It’s human touch.

3. Read the statements and decide whether they are true or false.

1)The marketing mix is made up of product, place, and promotion.

2)promotion and advertising are the same.

3)Small operators use email for direct mailing.

4)Personal selling is about going from house to house knocking on doors.

3.Which of the following ideas about promotion does Jean mention directly?

1.To create a demand for a product.

2.To explain why a product is better than a competitor’s product?

3.To make customers aware of a product?

4.To remind customers about an existing product.


4.State whether the following statements are true or false.

1.The marketing mix is made up of a product, place, and promotion.

2.Promotion and advertising are the same.

3.Small operators use email for direct marketing.

4.Personal selling is about going from house to house knocking on doors.

Assignment 10

Tourist motivation

1. Read and translate the text into Russian.

Inside tourism: reasons for travel

People travel for many different reasons. In the tourism industry we divide the reasons for travel into three main categories: leisure tourism, business tourism, and visiting friends and relatives (usually abbreviated to VFR).

Leisure tourism can mean anything from excursions, day trips, and weekend breaks to package holidays, pleasure cruises, and longer independent trips such as hillwalking or treks in the mountains. It also includes cultural trips (for example, to music festivals), educational trips (for example, study tours), and religious trips (for example, pilgrims on a walking tour to a holy place).

Business tourism includes any travel away from one’s main place of residence, for such events as meetings, conferences, and trade fairs. It also includes special trips when workers are given a reward or a ‘thank you’ for good work (this is known as an incentive tour).

Travel in order to visit friends or family relatives is also regarded as part of the tourism industry. This could be for a special family party, such as a reunion or a wedding, or a regular trip made every year.

2. Match the words with their definitions.



a) a long hard walk lasting several days or weeks,



usually in the mountains


trade fair

b) tour or excursion that leaves in the morning and



returns the same evening



3) study tour

c) visiting the famous place in a city or town

4) trek

d) trip, often to a city or countryside hotel, that


includes Saturday and Sunday

5) conference

e) religious or artistic celebration that comes at the


same time every year

6) wedding

f) large official meeting, often lasting several days,


for members of an organization or company to


discuss subjects related to their work

7) pilgrimage

g) large exhibition and meeting for advertising and


selling a product

8) day trip

h) visit organized by an airline or tourist resort, etc.


where tour operators and journalists can get to know


the facilities and services offered

9) festival

i) trip to a country or an area that includes visits,


lectures , and classes

10) weekend break

j) journey or holiday given to a worker or group of


workers as a reward for good work

11) familiarization (or ’fam’)

k) travel to an important religious place



12) incentive tour

l) ceremony where two people get married

3. Read and translate the text into Russian.

Old and new tourism

In the 1980s and early 1990s, when Africans first realized that tourism could be a way out of their poverty, they built very large concrete hotels on the beaches of Kenya, South Africa, and other countries. For a time the charter flights poured in from Germany and Italy. The tourists hoped to see lions, but also wanted to lie by the pool and to eat food from their own country and enjoy the other comforts of home. The revenue from tourism rose sharply, but most of it went to international tour operators.

That was then. Fortunately, a new kind of travel is now in fashion. Today’s tourists are leaving the high-rise hotels and European comforts. Instead they are looking for more authentic experiences. On the wild coast of South Africa, young tourists ride


horses on unspoilt beaches and make their way through hills of subtropical vegetation. In the evening they sit round the fire and eat a traditional Xhosa meal of meat and vegetables; they listen to local Xhosa people tell folk stories, before going to bed in simple tents and lodges. The experience is not offered by an international tour operator but by the Xhosa themselves. The Xhosa tour guides are paid two and a half times the average rate of pay.

The change from ‘old tourism’ to ‘new tourism’ did not happen suddenly. Interest in the traditional two-week sun and sea package holiday fell gradually towards the end of the last century. Individual tailor-made or independent holidays – such as fly-drive –have steadily become more popular. Nowadays people are taking shorter yet more diverse holidays. Long-haul flights are increasing and are making faraway places easier to get to.

More and more tourists are looking for adventure, activity and authenticity. Adventure travel, ecotourism, cultural tours, and sports vacations are taking people to more exotic destinations: China, the Maldives, Botswana, Vanuatu.

4. Use information from the text to complete these tables.

In Africa

Old tourism

New tourism




1. What do tourists want to









2. What do tourists want to









3. Where do tourists stay?






4. Who are the tourism










In general


Old tourism

New tourism







Types of holiday










Length of holiday










Types of activities

























Business letter writing

Деловые письма на английском языке – это уровень обстоятельного делового общения, на который невозможно выходить, не усвоив особенностей этикета этой сферы. Слог и манера деловых или коммерческих писем отличается стилистически от личной корреспонденции и переписки, поскольку существует строго установленный формат соответствия.

Такие письма в сфере бизнеса – это всегда официальные сообщения, и приступая к их написанию, следует помнить, что от того, насколько правильно организовано и сформировано содержание и корректна их форма, будет зависеть непосредственно успех решения вопросов.

Важным условием является логичность и последовательность, которые достигаются за счёт дробления текста на сегменты и смысловые абзацы. Позаботьтесь о том, чтобы официальное сообщение не было излишне перегруженным информативно, то есть длинным, излагайте свои суждения и формулируйте предложения чётко, лаконично. Письма на английском языке требуют подбора особенных языковых средств и специальных клише, соответствующих нормам стиля и содержащих те профессиональные термины, которые понятны адресату.

Золотое правило коммерческой и официально-деловой корреспонденции – учтивость, корректность, тактичность и аргументированная обоснованность. Не зависимо от содержания, стиль письма должен носить дружелюбный, партнерский характер, в котором бы объединялись этические нормы позитивных взаимоотношений и интересы дела, а также, не подчёркивались значимость и первостепенность собственного служебного положения.

Letter format

1. Координаты отправителя письма

Если вы пишете на чистом листе бумаги, а не на бланке организации, то составление письма начинается с вашего обратного адреса (return address), который пишется в правом верхнем углу страницы. При этом соблюдается обратный по сравнению с русским порядок написания:



Номер дома Улица Город

Почтовый индекс Страна

Если вы хотите получить ответ на своё письмо, то соблюдайте указанную последовательность и точно указывайте свои координаты. В случае, когда письмо печатается на бланке организации, то адрес, как и другие реквизиты, там бывают уже указаны.

2.Дата составления письма

Под адресом, также справа, указывается дата (date) подготовки письма.

Имеются различия в британском и в американском варианте написания даты, а именно: в британском варианте сначала указывается число, потом месяц и год, например, 7th January 1995, которое сокращается иногда до 7 Jan’ 95. Другие месяцы также могут иметь сокращённые формы, например, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec. В цифрах это выглядит как 7/1/95.

В американском варианте сначала указывается месяц, потом число и год, например, та же дата будет написана следующим образом – January 7, 1995, а в цифрах 1.7.95. Можно использовать любой вариант, но всё же хотелось бы посоветовать писать месяц не цифрами, а буквами.

3. Координаты получателя письма

Далее в письме слева пишутся имя, должность получателя (addressee) и адрес компании или организации, в которую вы обращаетесь, адрес указывается также в обратном порядке (см.п.1).

4 – 5. Ссылка на предыдущую переписку и тема письма

Ниже следует указать и подчеркнуть ссылку (reference), если вы отвечаете на письмо, и предмет (subject), о котором пойдёт речь в письме. Здесь указывается самая суть, чтобы читающий смог понять по нескольким словам главное, с чем к нему обращаются.

6. Приветствие

Приветствие (salutation) также содержит ряд тонкостей. Неправильное обращение может сыграть плохую шутку, а может невольно обидеть человека, поэтому лучше подумать, прежде чем написать так называемый «титул» (title). Здесь существуют правила, которые нужно запомнить сразу:


- если вы пишете в компанию или организацию в целом, а не конкретному человеку, то обращаетесь «Уважаемые господа» – Dear Sirs;

-если вы пишете человеку, который занимает определённую должность, но не знаете его или ее фамилию, то обращаетесь «Уважаемый сэр (мадам)» –

Dear Sir/Madam;

-если вы знаете фамилию адресата, то обращаетесь «Уважаемый господин (госпожа) Тетбари» – Dear Mr/Mrs. Tetbury. Обратите внимание, что фамилию

нужно указывать обязательно. Нельзя написать Mr.

Mrs. без фамилии. Кроме

того, встречается обращение к незамужней женщине

Miss или к женщине, чьё

семейное положение Вам неизвестно,

Ms., но фамилия всё равно должна быть




- если вы хорошо знакомы с

человеком, находитесь с ним (ней) в

приятельских отношениях и при личной встрече обращаетесь друг к другу по имени, то такое же обращение допускается и в письме, например, Dear Elton. Только следует иметь в виду, что в деловом письме, затрагивающем принципиально служебные вопросы, всё-таки лучше сохранять официальный стиль и писать Dear Mr. Simpson (Dear colleague);

- если в визитной карточке партнёра рядом с фамилией написаны какиенибудь научные или иные титулы, например, Dr (Professor), значит, они должны стоять перед фамилией.

7. Основное содержание

Суть проблемы (problem) или основное содержание письма находятся визуально

всередине письма.

8.Заключительная часть

Заключительная часть (closing) может содержать такие стандартные фразы как

«Благодарю Вас за сотрудничество» – Thank you for your cooperation, «Жду ответа от Вас» – Looking forward to hearing from you.

9. Конец письма

Конец письма может включать фразы «Искренне Ваш (Ваша)» – Yours sincerely, если Вы знаете фамилию адресата и «С совершенным почтением» – Yours faithfully, если фамилия адресата Вам неизвестна. Письмо можно также закончить фразой «С наилучшими пожеланиями» – With best wishes.

10.Подпись отправителя

11.Должность отправителя

12.Приложения к письму (если есть)


16 Bellview Road


West Yorkshire


3 March 2013

The Manager

Marlborough Hotel



CN31 4DX

Dear Sir:

I have seen your advertisement in the Where to Stay Guide and would be grateful if you would send me more information about hotel, including room rates from July this year.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

J.D. Donald

Существуют стандартные выражения, часто употребляемые в деловой переписке на английском языке, использование которых придаст вежливый и официальный тон вашему посланию.

1. Обращение

Dear Sirs, Dear Sir or Madam

(если вам не известно имя адресата)



Dear Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms

(если вам известно имя адресата; в том


случае когда вы не знаете семейное


положение женщины, следует писать







использование фразы “Mrs or Miss”)



Dear Frank,

(В обращении к знакомому человеку)






2. Вступление, предыдущее общение.







Thank you for your e-mail of (date)…

Спасибо за ваше письмо от (числа)











Further to your last e-mail…


Отвечая на ваше письмо…



Я прошу прощения, что до сих пор не

I apologise for not getting in contact with


написал вам…

you before now…



Thank you for your letter of the 5th of


Спасибо за ваше письмо от 5 Марта




With reference to your letter of 23rd


Относительно вашего письма от 23




With reference to your advertisement in


Относительно вашей рекламы в Таймс

«The Times»



3. Указание причин написания письма






I am writing to enquire about


Я пишу вам, чтобы узнать…




I am writing to apologise for


Я пишу вам, чтобы извиниться за…

I am writing to confirm


Я пишу вам, что бы подтвердить…

I am writing in connection with


Я пишу вам в связи с …

We would like to point out that…


Мы хотели бы обратить ваше внимание



на ...

4. Просьба






Could you possibly…


Не могли бы вы…

I would be grateful if you could …


Я был бы признателен вам, если бы вы




I would like to receive


Я бы хотел получить……

Please could you send me…


Не могли бы вы выслать мне…




5. Соглашение с условиями.






I would be delighted to …


Я был бы рад ...

I would be happy to


Я был бы счастлив…

I would be glad to


Я был бы рад…

6. Сообщение плохих новостей






Unfortunately …


К сожалению…

I am afraid that …


Боюсь, что…

I am sorry to inform you that


Мне тяжело сообщать вам, но …

We regret to inform you that…


К сожалению, мы вынуждены сообщить



вам о…

7. Приложение к письму дополнительных материалов




We are pleased to enclose ...


Мы с удовольствием вкладываем…

Attached you will find ...


В прикреплённом файле вы найдёте...

We enclose ...


Мы прилагаем…






Please find attached (for e-mails)


Вы найдёте прикреплённый файл…

8. Высказывание благодарности за проявленный интерес.




Thank you for your letter of


Спасибо за ваше письмо

Thank you for enquiring


Спасибо за проявленный интерес…

We would like to thank you for your letter


Мы хотели бы поблагодарить вас за…

of ...



9. Переход к другой теме.






We would also like to inform you ...


Мы так же хотели бы сообщить вам




Regarding your question about ...


Относительно вашего вопроса о…

In answer to your question (enquiry)


В ответ на ваш вопрос о…

about ...



I also wonder if…


Меня также интересует…

10. Дополнительные вопросы.






I am a little unsure about…


Я немного не уверен в …

I do not fully understand what…


Я не до конца понял…

Could you possibly explain…


Не могли бы вы объяснить…

11. Передача информации






I’m writing to let you know that…


Я пишу, чтобы сообщить о …

We are able to confirm to you…


Мы можем подтвердить …

I am delighted to tell you that…


Мы с удовольствие сообщаем о …

We regret to inform you that…


К сожалению, мы вынуждены



сообщить вам о…

12. Предложение своей помощи






Would you like me to…?


Могу ли я (сделать)…?

If you wish, I would be happy to…


Если хотите, я с радостью…

Let me know whether you would like me


Сообщите, если вам понадобится моя




13. Напоминание о намеченной встрече или ожидание ответа




I look forward to ...


Я с нетерпением жду,

hearing from you soon


когда смогу снова услышать вас

meeting you next Tuesday


встречи с вами в следующий вторник

seeing you next Thursday


встречи с вами в четверг

14. Подпись



Kind regards,


С уважением…

Yours faithfully,


Искренне Ваш (если имя человека Вам



не известно)

Yours sincerely,


(если имя Вам известно)


Exercise 1. Arrange the parts of the letter so that everything is in the right place. Check your answers with the keys.

(1)Heather McSweeney (Mrs)

(2)30 October 2013

(3)I would be grateful if you could send me a brochure on special interest golfing holidays, together with details of transport, accommodation and any special out- of-season offers.

(4)Skyways Holidays Publications Manager Atlantic House Hazelwick Avenue West Sussex

HH10 1NP

(5)Dear Sir or Madam

(6)As an enthusiastic golfer I am very interested in combining a holiday abroad with the opportunity to receive expert tuition and improve my handicap.

(7)Yours faithfully

(8)Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

(9)44 Cedar Avenue London

N3 1SR


Inquiries and replies

Письмо-запрос информации (Inquiry Letter) отправляется, когда необходимо получить более подробную информацию об интересующем вас товаре или услуге.

В начале письма следует поместить название и адрес вашей компании, ниже должно идти название компании, в которую вы обращаетесь. Составить текст письма вы можете с помощью следующих стандартных выражений.

1.Официальное обращение, поскольку с адресатом вы не знакомы.

Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Sirs

2.Указание источника информации о компании

With reference to your advertisement (ad)

Относительно вашей рекламы в





Regarding your advertisement (ad) in ...

Касательно вашей рекламы в …



3. Просьба выслать необходимые данные



Сould you please send me ...

Не могли бы вы выслать мне



I would be grateful if you could…

Я был бы благодарен, если вы…



Can you give me some information

Можете ли вы дать мне информацию





Could you send me more details…

Могли бы вы выслать мне подробную





4. Дополнительные вопросы




I would also like to know ...

Я бы также хотел узнать…



Could you tell me whether ...

Скажите, пожалуйста, …



5. Подпись




Yours faithfully,

Искренне Ваш, (если имя Вам не





Yours sincerely,

(если имя Вам известно)




Пример письма-запроса

Kenneth Beare

2520 Visita Avenue

Olympia, WA 98501

Jackson Brothers

3487 23rd Street

New York, NY 12009

September 12, 2000

Dear Sirs,

With reference to your advertisement in yesterday's «New York Times», could you please send me a copy of your latest catalogue. I would also like to know if it is possible to make purchases online.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature) Kenneth Beare

Administrative Director English Learners & Company

Когда компания получает письмо-запрос (Inquiry Letter) с просьбой выслать подробную информацию о её продукции, товаре или услуге, в ответном письме очень важно произвести благоприятное впечатление на потенциального клиента или партнёра. Вежливый, грамотно составленный ответ обязательно будет способствовать созданию подобного впечатления.

Структура письма-запроса


Dear Mr, Ms

2.Благодарность за оказанное внимание

Thank you for your letter of

Спасибо за ваше письмо…



We would like to thank you for enquiring

Мы хотели бы поблагодарить вас за

about ...

проявленный интерес…



3. Предоставление требуемой информации



We are pleased to enclose ...

Мы с удовольствием вкладываем…



Enclosed you will find ...

В прикреплённом файле вы найдёте...



We enclose ...

Мы прилагаем…







4. Ответ на дополнительные вопросы




We would also like to inform you ...


Мы также хотели бы сообщить вам о…




Regarding your question about ...


Относительно вашего вопроса о…




In answer to your question (enquiry)


Отвечая на ваш вопрос…

about ...






5. Высказывание надежды на дальнейшее плодотворное сотрудничество

We look forward to ...

Мы надеемся …



hearing from you

услышать вас снова



receiving your order

получить от вас заказ.



welcoming you as our client (customer)

что вы станете нашим клиентом



6. Подпись

Помните, когда вы обращаетесь к человеку, имя которого вам не известно, следует писать “Yours faithfully” и, когда имя известно, – “Yours sincerel”',

Пример ответа на запрос информации

Jackson Brothers

3487 23rd Street

New York, NY 12009

Kenneth Beare

Administrative Director

English Learners & Company

2520 Visita Avenue

Olympia, WA 98501

September 12, 2000

Dear Mr Beare,

Thank you for your enquiry of 12 September asking for the latest edition of our catalogue.

We are pleased to enclose our latest brochure. We would also like to inform you that it is possible to make purchases online at http://jacksonbros.com.

We look forward to welcoming you as our customer.

Yours sincerely,




Reservations and replies to them

Study the following letters of reservations. Translate them into Russian.


Great West Road

London W25

15th July, 2013

The Manager

Date Palm Hotel

45 Arrow Avenue

Omaha NE 68104


Dear Sir,

Our Sales Manager, Mr John Martin, will be in Omaha on business for ten days. We would like to reserve for him a single room, with bath, from 30th October to 9th November inclusive.

We should be glad if you would confirm this booking as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Sally Langley

Secretary to J.Martin


Dear Mr Clark

I shall be arriving in Moscow on Wednesday 14th, and would be grateful if you could book accommodation at the Rossiya Hotel. Could you also reserve a return ticket for me for Tuesday 20th.

I would appreciate if you could arrange for a visit to the Bolshoi Theatre. Would it be also possible to include a visit to the Pushkin Museum into our itinerary.

Your cooperation would be most appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Norman Gotsby



To: Mr Chen, the Blue Laguna Hotel

From:Frank Ticoll, Co-Director, Digital World

Date:22 May, 200...

Dear Mr Chen,

I would like to reserve a double room from 1June 200...to 6June 200... inclusive for my wife and myself.

Could you make sure that the room is overlooking the ocean, as the room I was given last year, overlooking the main street was very noisy.

We shall be arriving at approximately 19.00. Please confirm by return.

Yours sincerely,

p.p. F.Ticoll Co-Director

Exercise 2. Complete the letter with phrases from the box. Check your answers with the keys. Translate the letter into Russian.

you can call our booking office

we send you

to welcome you

Thank you for your letter



Great Eastern Hotel

Toleraz str., Berlin

Dear Mrs Adams

__________________1and your interest in our hotel. Enclosed _____________2our hotel brochure with the price list.

The Great Eastern Hotel is situated at the famous corner Toleranz str., and Unter den Linden near the Branderburg Gate. We have 320 rooms, one restaurant, three meeting rooms for up to 45 persons and a lobby bar.

For your reservation________________3 by phone 6743281 or you can send a fax to the number 6743678.

We would be happy _______________ 4in our hotel.

Yours sincerely

Morgan Althaus

Sales Manager


Exercise 3. Translate from Russian into English.

Уважаемый господин…!

Название вашей гостиницы я узнал в … ассоциации гостиниц, и я был бы вам очень обязан, если бы вы сообщили мне, не располагаете ли вы свободными номерами на 3 недели с 15 июля: один двухместный номер, если возможно с ванной, и один одноместный номер.

Если вы можете предоставить номера в указанный период, сообщите мне ваши расценки или пришлите брошюру, где бы включались и условия полного питания.

Exercise 4. Read the extract from a letter. Then write a suitable reply to Mr. Winfield along the following lines:

-Thank the client for his letter and request.

-Say that you cannot provide the accommodation the client requests for these dates ( Unfortunately we are unable…)

-Offer an alternative (e.g. different type of room, or a room in a different part of the hotel, or the type of room requested but for different dates)

Dear Sir

I am writing to find out if it would be possible to reserve accommodation at your hotel for four nights, from 3rd to 7th July for my wife, our 11 year-old daughter and myself. We stayed at the hotel some years ago in a very pleasant triple-bed room on the first floor, at the back of the hotel, overlooking the swimming pool. We found this room very convenient and if possible we would like to book it again.

Yours sincerely



Complaints and replies

Письмо, содержащее жалобу или претензии по качеству приобретённого товара и оказанных услуг, называется Letter of Complaint. Основная цель такого письма – передать полную информацию по возникшей проблеме. Письмо также может выступать в качестве официального документа, уведомляющего о необходимости проведения проверки и устранения неполадок.

Письмо должно содержать всю необходимую информацию, касающуюся данной услуги или товара. Напишите полное название и описания товара, дату приобретения или указания услуги и т.д. Ваша цель – объяснить все детали, но не перегружать письмо ненужными подробностями. Кроме того, необходимо указать ваши пожелания, условия и сроки устранения проблем.

Особенности письма-жалобы

При подготовке письма-жалобы следует иметь в виду следующие особенности:

-по объёму письмо не должно превышать одну страницу,

-важным элементом письма должны стать значимые подробности, мелкие детали лучше всего опустить,

-стиль языка должен быть твёрдым, лаконичным и деловым, без подчёркнутого раздражения или агрессивности.

Необходимо помнить, что в большинстве случаев возникшие проблемы не являются следствием чьего-то злого умысла, они могли возникнуть случайно. Практически любая компания заинтересована в скорейшем разрешении конфликта и сохранении позитивного имиджа у клиентов. К письму обязательно нужно приложить копии всех документов, имеющихся в наличии (чеков, квитанций и пр.).

Структура письма-жалобы

1. Вступление

Name of Contact Person

Полное имя адресата ( если известно)

Title, if available




Company Name

Название компании



Consumer Complaint Division

Отдел по работе с клиентами




Адрес компании






Dear (Contact Person):






2. Введение, содержащее информацию приобретённом товаре либо услуге.

On (the 1st of July), I (bought, leased,

1 июля я (приобрёл, сдал в наём,

rented, or had repaired) a (name of the

арендовал, отремонтировал) (полное

product, with serial or model number or

название товара с серийным номером

service performed) at (location and other

или вид услуги) по адресу … (далее

important details of the transaction).






информация о совершённой сделке)



I am writing to draw your attention to a

Я пишу, чтобы привлечь ваше

problem in your customer service section.

внимание к проблеме в отделе по


работе с клиентами




I wish to complaint in the strongest

Я бы хотел выразить претензии к

possible terms about the treatment I





received from a member of your staff.







I am writing to express my strong

Я пишу, чтобы выразить недовольство

dissatisfaction with the goods I received




this morning.







I am writing to complain about the quality

Я пишу, чтобы выразить недовольство

of the product I purchased on-line from

качеством продуктов, заказанных на

your website.

вашем сайте




I am writing in connection with the

Я пишу в связи с негативным

negative attitude of a member of your

отношением члена вашей компании











3. Описание возникшей проблемы







Unfortunately, your product (or service) has

К сожалению, ваш товар ( услуга) не

not performed well (or the service was

отвечает необходимым требованиям ,

inadequate) because (state the problem). I

так как (указывается проблема). Я

am disappointed because (explain the

разочарован, поскольку (объясняется

problem: for example, the product does not

ситуация: например, прибор плохо

work properly, the service was not




performed correctly, I was billed the wrong



сумму к

amount, something was not disclosed

оплате, что-то не было объяснено)

clearly or was misrepresented, etc.).







The equipment I ordered has still not been

Заказанное оборудование всё ещё не

delivered, despite my phone call to you

доставлено, несмотря на то, что я уже

last week to say that it was needed

звонил вам на прошлой неделе и























To resolve the problem, I would

Для решения проблемы я был бы

appreciate it if you could (state the






specific action you want—money back,





charge card credit, repair, exchange, etc.).

вернули деньги, кредит, провели

Enclosed are copies of my records

ремонт, произвели обмен и т.д.) Копии

(include copies of receipts, guarantees,




warranties, cancelled checks, contracts,

копии квитанции, гарантийный талон,

model and serial numbers, and any other

аннулированные чеки, контракты и


другие документы)







I look forward to your reply and the

Я жду вашего ответа с решением по

resolution of my problem, and will wait

моей проблеме

и буду



until (set a time limit) before seeking help

(указывается крайний срок) прежде

from a consumer protection agency or the

чем обратиться за помощью в

Better Business Bureau. Please contact





me at the above address or by phone at

потребителей. Свяжитесь со мной по

(home and/or office numbers with area






(указывается адрес и номер телефона)



Please deal with this matter urgently. I

Пожалуйста, решите эту проблему

expect a reply from you by tomorrow

немедленно. Я жду вашего ответа не

morning at the latest.

позднее завтрашнего утра






I insist on a full refund otherwise I will be

Я настаиваю на полном возмещении

forced to take the matter further.

расходов, иначе я буду вынужден …




Unless I receive the goods by the end of

Если я не получу данный товар до


this week, I will have no choice but to

конца недели, у меня не будет другого

cancel my order.

выбора, кроме как аннулировать заказ




I hope that you will deal with this matter

Я надеюсь, вы разберётесь с этим


promptly as it is causing me considerable

делом немедленно, поскольку это



доставляет мне серьёзные неудобства









4. Окончание письма
















Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully
















Your name

















Образец письма-жалобы

Dear Sir,

I must complain in writing about the service at the Hotel International last month. I stayed at the hotel for a fortnight, and this was my fifth visit.

There were a number of things wrong. First, the new self-service arrangement at lunch was not what I expected. Secondly, the service at dinner was very slow. Thirdly, the general standard of service in the hotel was very poor. The receptionist always seemed extremely busy; the hotel porter was never available; and I thought that the floor waiter was rather rood.

I do not usually complain but, as an old customer, I am sure you will be interested in my comments.

Yours faithfully,

John Crewe

Reply to a letter of complaint (Ответ на претензию)

Письмо с извинениями (Apology Letter) отправляется в ответ на письмо-жалобу (Letter of Complaint). Начать следует с выражения сожаления, личной обеспокоенности сложившейся ситуацией. Необходимо объяснить, какие шаги будут (были) предприняты, чтобы устранить проблему и избежать её повторения


До того, как начать писать ответ на претензию, нужно собрать всю

документацию от организаций или частных лиц, которая имеет отношение к проблеме и может помочь в разрешении разногласий с клиентом. По структуре начало ответа будет таким же, как и сама жалоба.

1. Выражение признательности за сообщение о сложившейся ситуации






Спасибо, что сообщили нам об этом

matter/issue/problem to our attention.


деле (проблеме)



I appreciated your advising me of this

Для меня очень важно ваше сообщение
















2.Выражение сожаления.








We are very sorry to hear that…


Нам тяжело слышать об этом




I am very sorry for this situation…


Я очень сожалею о сложившейся










3. Извинение








We apologise for…


Мы просим прощения за …




Please accept our apologies for…


Примите наши извинения …






4. Объяснение действий компании








Please be assured that we will…


Будьте уверены, что мы …





You have my assurance that …


Я гарантирую вам…







To compensate for the inconvenience







неудобств …





We are doing everything we can do to


Мы делаем всё возможное для решения

resolve the issue.





I can assure you that this will not happen


Обещаю, что это впредь это не





I am trying to sort it out/sort the problem


Я пытаюсь разобраться с этим/ решить

out as a matter of urgency.


эту проблему немедленно





Please return the faulty goods, and we


Пожалуйста, верните


will refund you/repair them/replace them


товар и мы возместим ваши затраты



(произведем ремонт, обменяем его)



5. Напоминание о большой важности для совместного сотрудничества




We value our cooperation highly


Для нас очень важно сотрудничество с






Your satisfaction is our priority










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