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Лексикология английского языка. Теория и практика. Лукина Л.В.docx
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Вопросы к зачету по курсу «Лексикология английского языка»

  1. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. Its aims and tasks.

  2. The connection of Lexicology with other branches of linguistics.

  3. Lexical units. The word as a fundamental unit of the language.

  4. Borrowings in English. Classification of borrowings.

  5. Branches of lexicology. Semantics, its aims and tasks.

  6. The word and its characteristics.

  7. The morpheme as the smallest meaningful language unit. A morpheme and a word. Types of morphemes.

  8. Word and meaning. Different approaches to meaning. Denotational and connotational meanings of a word.

  9. Types and nature of semantic change.

  10. Polysemy in English.

  11. The semantic structure of words: polysemantic and mono-semantic words.

  12. Classifications of meanings of the polysemantic word.

  13. Types of polysemy.

  14. Homonyms. Classifications of homonyms.

  15. Synonymy and synonymic patterns in the English language. Ideographic and stylistic synonyms. Euphemisms.

  16. Antonyms and parts of speech. Classification of antonyms.

  17. General characteristics of the English vocabulary.

  18. Standard English. Nonstandard English.

  19. Formal style. The properties of formal English and the field of its application.

  20. Terminology. Neologisms: ways of forming, groups of neologisms. Archaisms.

  21. What is a word combination? Types of word combinations. Classifications of word-groups.

  22. Phraseology. A phraseological unit. Types of phraseological units in Modern English.

  23. A free word combination and a phraseological word combination.

  24. Word-formation. Classification of word-formation.

  25. Structural types of words in English. Affixation. Classification of affixes.

  26. Conversion. Semantic groups of converted lexical units.

  27. Composition. Types of composition.

  28. Ways of forming compounds. Classification of compound words.

  29. Back-formation, abbreviation, clipping, blending.

  30. The major differences between British and American English in spelling, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

  31. Lexicography as a branch of linguistics. The classification of dictionaries.

  32. Linguistic dictionaries of the English language.

Final test English Lexicology

  1. The central problem of lexicology is:

a) word

b) word-group

c) sentence

d) meaning

  1. Archaisms are words which:

a) ousted some new words

b) are no longer used in everyday speech

c) are used to express unimportance

d) are used instead of new meanings

  1. Semantic borrowings are such units when:

a) a new meaning of the unit existing in the language is borrowed

b) word-for-word (morpheme-for-morpheme) is translated

c) words are borrowed with their spelling, pronunciation, meaning

d) borrowings are fully assimilated in English

  1. Morpheme is:

a) the main unit of lexicl system

b) it is the smallest language unit which can stand alone as a

complete utterance

c) the smallest meaningful language unit

d) a group of words that exists in the language as a ready-made unit.

  1. Seme is:

a) the biggest element of the lexical meaning

b) the grammatical characteristics

c) a suffix of some nouns

d) the smallest element of lexical meaning

  1. Find an example of a free word-group:

a) to read books

b) to cry for the moon

c) to fall in love

d) to fly into a rage

  1. Write the American English equivalents for these British

English words:

1) holiday, n

2) lift, n

3) flat, n

4) sweets, n

5) autumn, n

6) petrol, n

7) tin, n

8) post, n

  1. English is:

a) a Germanic language

b) a Scandinavian language

c) a Romanic-Germanic language

d) a Romanic language

  1. English is:

    1. a synthetic language

    2. an analytical language

    3. a mixed language

    4. an artificial language

10. Lexicography is a science dealing with:

a) studying words

b) word formation

c) communication

d) compiling dictionaries

11. Affixation is:

a) a way of word-building consisting in adding an affix to the root of a

definite part of speech

b) a way of word-building consisting in adding an affix to the root of a


c) shortening of words

d) a type of morphological analysis

12. Phrasiological units are structurally and semantically:

a) formal

b) unstable

c) semi-free

d) stable

13. The words from the basic stock are usually:

a) monosemantic

b) pollysemantic

c) nonstandard

d) formal

14. A synonym is a word:

a) similar in sound but of different meaning

b) similar in grammatical form

c) different in sound but of identical meaning

d) different in context

15. The word “homonymy” means:

a) a word has two or more meaning

b) the sameness of form combined with the difference in meaning

c) a change of meaning based on the association of similarity

d) the process of semantic development

16. The word “polysemy” means:

a) secondary meaning of a word

b) connotational meaning

c) plurality of meanings

d) the process of semantic development

17. Metaphor is a transfer of the meaning on the basis of:

a) comparison

b) contiguity

c) similarity

d) oppositions

18. Metonymy is a transfer of the meaning on the basis of:

a) comparison

b) contiguity

c) similarity

d) oppositions

19. Semantics is the study of:

a) grammar

b) word meanings

c) phonetics

d) styles

20. Instead of the term “word” can be used the term:

a) utterance

b) meaning

c) lexeme

d) morpheme

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