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Учебное пособие 300061.doc
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  1. Найдите эквиваленты английским терминам в правой колонке:

  1. bodies of water

  1. цифра

  1. complete

  1. впадина, каньон

  1. figure

  1. менять

  1. trench

  1. водное пространство

  1. volcanic eruption

  1. визуальное изображение

  1. alter

  1. хорошо разбирающийся в технике

  1. visual images

  1. полный, законченный

  1. tech-savvy

  1. извержение вулкана

  1. Заполните пропуски словами, данными под чертой:

  1. Geodesists study such phenomena as underground trenches, formation of new volcanoes and, and even the melting of … .

  2. To perform effectively geodesists need to obtain skills in applied mathematics, physics, computer programming, and even in … .

  3. With the help of … keeping an eye on any changes on the landscape is easier.

  4. One of the equipment used in the work of geodesist are … .

  5. To get complete picture of the Earth geodesists analyze and … large sections of land areas.

  6. Such phenomena as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions can seriously … the appearance of the Earth.

  7. Studying the … of the ground gives vital information for residents living nearby.

land markers, 24 satellites, movement, glaciers, measure, clerical work, alter

  1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What is the science of geodesy concerned with?

  2. Where can the data obtained by geodesist be applied?

  3. What other data may geodesist study?

  4. What can help to adapt to the new changes on the Earth?

  5. How can geodesist identify the point of origin of the earthquake?

  6. How do geodesists keep an eye on any changes on the landscape?

  7. What can installing land markers require?

  8. What other skills must geodesists obtain?

  9. Should geodesists be tech-savvy?

  10. What do you think about the profession of geodesist?

  1. Опровергните указанные утверждения, используйте фразы, данные ниже:

I don`t agree with that. – Я не согласен с этим.

As far as I know it is not quite right. – Насколько мне известно, это не совсем так.

I don` think so. – Я не согласен.

I really don’t see it that way. – У меня иной взгляд на это.

That`s not what I think. – Я так не думаю.

  1. The science of geodesy is only concerned with travelling and animated computing.

  2. It is impossible to alter the topography of Earth.

  3. Tech-savvy are people whose task is usually to keep their equipment in safe place.

  4. Geodesists visit the site for measurements only once.

  5. The skills in applied mathematics, physics, computer programming are not necessarily for a geodesist.

IX. Перескажите текст, опираясь на вопросы, данные в упражнении IX.

X. A) Познакомьтесь с фразами для похода в кафе/ресторан:

Do you have a reservation? – У вас забронирован столик?

Book a table – бронировать столик.

Would you like a table near window? - Вас устроит столик около окна?

Could you give us a menu? – Вы не могли бы принести нам меню?

Here you are. – Возьмите.

Are you ready to order? – Вы готовы сделать заказ?

What would you like? – Что бы вы хотели заказать?

Could we have some fruit, please? –Мы бы хотели немного фруктов.

Certainly, Sir. – Конечно, сэр.

We would like – Мы бы хотели.

Could we have a bill, please? –Принесите счет, пожалуйста.

Was everything all right? – Все ли вам понравилось?

b) Прочитайте и переведите следующий диалог:

Waiter: Good evening! Do you have a reservation?

Man: Good evening! Yes, we booked a table for two for 7 o`clock. The name is Williams.

Waiter: Thank you, sir. Would you like to sit at this table near the balcony?

Man: Yes, it will be lovely.

Woman: Could you give us a menu?

Waiter: Certainly, Madame. Here you are.

Several minutes later…

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Man: Yes, please. I will have roasted lamb and a salad with cheese.

Waiter: Ok. And you, Madam?

Woman: An onion soup and prawns with milk sauce, please.

Waiter: Anything to drink?

Man: Two cups of green tea with lemon, please.

Woman: Could we have some biscuits, please?

Waiter: Certainly, Madame.

An hour later…

Man: Could we have a bill, please?

Waiter: Here you are. Was everything all right?

Woman: Yes, it was delicious!

Man: Thank you very much.

Waiter: We will be glad to see you again.

XI. Составьте собственный диалог с однокурсником с использованием фраз из упражнения XII.

Урок 4

Фонетика: Повторение чтения буквосочетаний [ea], [ee].

Грамматика: Active and Passive Simple.

Текст: The Representation of International Boundaries