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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

people's government. As reported in the published Memorandum, training at the joint University will be carried out in 12 directions on the basis of educational programs of MSU and the confirmation of professional qualification of graduates will be two diplomas: diploma of Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov and the joint diploma of the University. Classes will be conducted in three languages (Russian, Chinese and English). For this purpose, summer schools of the Russian language are organized for applicants and for students wishing to take a more in-depth study of the Russian language with elements of professional orientation. The fourth and final year of training will be held in Moscow state University in Moscow with a view to deeper learning Russian language and completion rates [5*].

Thus, taking into account all the above-mentioned facts, it can be said with certainty that the ongoing changes open up broad prospects for the return of the Russian language to China.


Summing up all the above, we would like to emphasize once again that it is important for Russian teachers to know about the processes taking place in the Russian language in China, as well as to understand the peculiarities of the learning process in Chinese schools and universities organization. This knowledge helps to establish personal contact with Chinese students, create an atmosphere of mutual trust and interest, on the one hand, and reiterate of the need to follow some formal and business rules in relations, on the other hand. Otherwise, Сhinese students, being in an unusual for them educational environment and not understanding the "rules of the game", can not build adequate tactics of behavior and organize their learning process, and as a result, reduce their discipline and stop studing.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the methods of working with Chinese students, which should differ significantly from the methods of working with other foreigners. We should rely on the usual for Chinese forms of work in the classroom, a familiar system of knowledge control, clear wording of tasks.

The fulfillment of these conditions will work for Chinese students’ better adaptation to the Russian educational system conditions and will help to improve the efficiency of their training.


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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

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/Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi tehnicheskii universitet imeni N.Je. Baumana, Associacija tehnicheskih universitetov Rossii i Kitaja, Harbinskii politehnicheskii universitet. — Moskva: MGTU im. N. Je. Baumana, 2017. S. 122-124.

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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

UDC 811.161.1


A.E. Massalova


Teacher, Department of foreign and Russian languages,

Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after the Marshal of the Engineer Troops A.I. Proshlyakova,

Postgraduate Student, Department of Intercultural Communication, Rhetoric and Russian as a Foreign Institute of Philology, Culturology and Intercultural Communication,

Ural State Pedagogical University (Ekaterinburg) Aleksandra Eduardovna Massalova

e-mail: massalova.alexandra@yandex.ru


Statement of the problem. The article analyzes the basic principles of teaching foreign students. The principles dominant in the training of foreign military personnel in the engineering field determine the success in the optimization of the educational process. The author describes the implementation of General didactic, particular and specific principles on specific examples in teaching.

Results. The implementation of the principles of foreign military personnel in the engineering field training is done by various methods: the implementation of the principle of consciousness is the formulation of the objectives of the lesson on the motivational stage of the lesson, the students pronunciation of the actions performed on the stage of the development of knowledge and skills, etc.; the principles of continuity, scientific, and communication are implemented in the selection of the educational material content upon the parameters of fundamental significance for the future academic and professional activities of foreign military personnel to the engineering profile; the principle of professional orientation is implemented in the selection of educational material (texts for reading, topics and situations of communication, professionally-oriented tasks and exercises). The principles listed in the paper are interrelated and interdependent, each of them complements each other defining the learning strategy as a whole.

Conclusion. The selection of teaching principles contributes to the organization of teaching Russian as a foreign language in accordance with its structure. Guided by the principles defined at the beginning of the training, the teacher will be able to choose the optimal content of the training material, adequate forms and methods of training to ensure the successful mastery of the language.

Key words: Russian as a foreign language, foreign military personnel, experimental training, dominant principles, general didactic principles, particular methodological principles, specific principles.

For citation: Massalova A.E. The basic principles of teaching the Russian language to foreign military personnel in the engineering field / A.E. Massalova // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Me- thodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2018. - №2 (21). – P. 56-66.


Currently, in the conditions of active development of international relations, a large number of foreign citizens arrive on the territory of the Russian Federation annually for the purpose of education. Especially in the last decade there has been an increase in the number of foreign students (cadets) coming to military universities in Russia, which is associated with the high level of development in the country of military affairs. The program of training of foreign military personnel in the engineering university provides for the study of the Russian language and special disciplines corresponding to the profile of students in this language. In this regard, the question of organizing a professionally-oriented teaching of Russian as a foreign language for students coming to Russian universities is important, that is, the creation of such a system of training that will contribute to the successful achievement of the learning goal.


© Massalova A.E., 2018


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

The basis of the study of all disciplines are the principles governing the organization of the educational process at different levels. They define requirements to the system of training in general and its separate components (the purposes, the contents, forms, methods, means).

The principles of education reflect the needs of the educational policy of modern society and in accordance with its requirements and progress in the study of the laws of learning they tend to change, complement, and improve. Therefore, organizing the educational process, the teacher needs to focus on existing modern approaches to learning, without denying the traditional ones.

As it was noted earlier, the educational process is based on certain principles that determine its result. Among all the diversity of these principles there are principles applicable to all disciplines, and principles related directly to the study of the Russian language. In the context of vocational training, specific practical guidance is needed that is incorporated into principles that are not contained in the learning patterns. The selection and description of the principles in this structure will allow to solve by means of certain techniques issues related to the characteristics of the character, abilities of students, understanding the content of foreign language, awareness of its units, ways to use them, understanding the input material, maintaining motivation, etc., will create a basis for building a competent and effective learning process.

Methodology of the research.

It should be noted that the principles of learning are also one of the most controversial areas of didactics, psychology and methodology, since there are conflicting opinions in the understanding of this category [1]. The description, the wording and the classification of the learning principles are discussed in detail in the works by M. A. Danilov, E. N. Shiyanov, M. N. Skadina, I. E. Passov, V. G. Kostomarov, O. D. Mitrofanova, etc. The importance of the role of principles in teaching is noted by E. I. Passov in the work "Communicative method of teaching foreign language speaking": "Not any problem – selection and organization of material, choice of exercises and the construction of their system, the choice of methods of work, etc. – can be solved without a clear understanding of the principles of learning" [2, p. 17].

The purpose of this work is to define and describe the implementation of the dominant principles underlying the training of foreign military engineering profile students.

By dominant we mean the principles prevailing in this specificity of training (profession- ally-oriented), having the strongest, or the main influence on the structure of the process as a whole. Their dominance is determined by the social, ethnopsychological, age, language, professional characteristics of the contingent of students.

The basic principles inherent in the study of a foreign language included by methodologists are the following: linguistic, psychological, didactic and methodological. These principles are closely related to each other and form a single system that provides a successful learning as a whole. However, when working with a particular contingent, in this case, foreign objects in the engineering field, it is necessary to designate the dominant principles (including basic and specific).

Research methods: scientific method of observation (literature on the research problem), the method of comparison (comparison of existing viewpoints on the problem), method of analysis and synthesis (analysis and synthesis of literature on the research problem, the analysis and synthesis of the existing literature in the pedagogical learning principles), method of induction and deduction (in the pilot study and the processing, description of the results), generalization (generalization of the experience of researchers in this issue, summarizing the results of the study), method of ordering (systematizing theoretical positions on the issue, systematization of learning principles), description method (description of the essence of learning principles), experimental method (testing the effectiveness of the described principles empirically, in practice), etc.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Research results.

The basis of the organization of teaching Russian as a foreign military engineering profile are the principles arising from the objectives of training and psychological characteristics of teaching specialized subjects in a non-native language for students.

In addition to the basic (traditional) principles (inherent in the teaching of Russian as a foreign language) allocated by methodologists, especially the training of foreign students determine the existence of specific principles, such as those that are relevant to a narrow sphere, inherent in the system of training of foreign military engineering profile: the principle of professional orientation, the principle of taking into account the level of proficiency in the language, the principle of taking into account national and cultural characteristics, the principle of accounting for adaptation processes, etc.

As specific ones in this research are understood the principles following from the purposes and tasks of professionally-oriented teaching of Russian as a foreign language and specifying its specificity. The allocation of these principles is determined by the reflection of the essential features of the system of teaching Russian to foreign military engineering profile students.

When designing the learning process, the following general and specific principles were taken into account: functionality, continuity, consistency and systematicity, consciousness, activity, individualization, clarity, strength, accessibility and feasibility, intercultural interaction.

Let's consider them in more detail.

In the communicative approach of teaching, the teaching of Russian as a foreign language should be focused on the functional arrangement and presentation of the material, and not on the linear-step approach, as in traditional grammar (sequential study of phonetics, morphology, grammar, syntax, etc.). That is, all the facts of the language should be considered and evaluated in terms of importance for communication (receiving and transmitting information). Thus, the principle of functionality implies that students are aware of the practical application of the knowledge within the chosen topic and use them in cognitive and developmental aspects. Presentation of the facts of the language is carried out from sense to form.

The scientific principle is expressed in accordance with the content of teaching the modern scientific paradigm, that is, the modern level of development of the science of language, taking into account the achievements of linguistic and cultural studies and cognitive linguistics. In the course of experimental teaching the Russian language to foreign servicemen scientific principle is complemented by the principle of availability is expressed in the knowledge of foreign troops on core engineering disciplines and proficiency of the students of the contingent of the skills of verbal communication in accordance with the stage of language teaching, as well as in the dosage of the material being studied and the selection of optimal methods and techniques of academic work.

The implementation of the principle of continuity is the connection between the stages of training, that is, taking into account the previously acquired knowledge at the preparatory faculty and building a new one. The previous stage in this case is considered as a transitional stage to the forthcoming training in the Russian language with a focus on the profile (military engineering) and future professional activities.

The principles of continuity, science and communication formed the basis for the selection of the content of the training material on the parameters of fundamental importance for the future training and professional activities of foreign servicemen of engineering profile.

Principles such as consistency and systematicity were taken into account when creating different types of exercises and tasks, as well as the development of a test control system.

The didactic principles include such principles as: consciousness, activity, systematic, visibility, strength, accessibility.

Since these principles formed the basis of the experimental study, we consider them in more detail.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

The principle of consciousness is a fundamental didactic principle in teaching Russian as a foreign language. The principle involves the students ' understanding of language material (units of language and how to use them), awareness of the content of the statement. The implementation of the principle in the experimental training involves awareness of the features of language units by the new cadets, and then, as a result of training, the development of automatism of their use in speech. The techniques that contribute to the implementation of these tasks include: the formulation and setting of the tasks of the lesson at the motivational stage of the lesson, speaking at the stage of improving the knowledge and skills of students to perform actions, self-generalization of the studied material.

In accordance with this principle, it is assumed that the student understands the content of foreign language speech, understands its units and how to use these units. The realization of the principle of consciousness, during the experiment, involves the awareness of the features of new language units by the cadets, and then, as a result of training, the development of automatism of their use in speech. This is facilitated by the following methods: setting the tasks of the lesson at the motivational stage of the lesson, pronouncing the actions performed by students at the stage of improving knowledge and skills, self-generalization of the studied material by students, assessment of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. An example of training new language units can be a job:

Form nouns from verbs. Make a sample phrase, and then offer.

Sample: to conduct combat operations – combat operations – the conduct of hostilities on the night of the artillery units in addition to fire tasks of defeat the purpose perform the task of lighting the area.

(To complete the rout, to carry out the maneuver, hold your position, use fire, perform the task, to create conditions to hit the target).

The principle of consciousness is of great importance in teaching Russian as a foreign language, since it is the conscious use of language units in speech that ensures their strong consolidation in the minds of the students and the subsequent implementation of communication with an understanding of the value of the operated structures. This principle also includes a conscious attitude to the learning process itself, the motives of learning activities, which is facilitated in the experimental training conversations with the teacher, based on the results of testing in order to study the educational motivation of the students.

The teacher uses various techniques in the course of training to help comprehend the input educational material and actions with it (rules, instructions, explanation, translation), while avoiding verbose explanations and translation without the need.

The principle of activity acquires an important role in teaching Russian as a foreign language, since the successful acquisition of the language is possible when the student is an active participant in the educational process, feels the need to study the subject. Speech activity provokes the tension of mental processes in the activities of students (attention, thinking, memory, the formulation of thoughts by means of the language). The main sources of activity in the educational process are goals, motives, desires and interests. To maintain intellectual activity effective is the introduction of problematic tasks (problem questions), for emotional and speech – role-playing, means of visualization, the use of different modes of work (for example, group, collective tasks); a combination of speech and thinking. It should be noted that the intensity of educational activity depends on the awareness and understanding of the educational task by the students, its importance for the participants of the educational process.

The principle of independence (autonomy), according to didacts, is expressed in the need to think, the ability to navigate the new situation, the development of creative imagination [3], initiative and independence in the acquisition of the skills. The stimulating effect on the need to


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

think independently in the process of experimental training is provided by problematic issues, discussions, topics. Here are examples of such questions and tasks:

Why do you think the massive use of hand-to-hand combat in modern warfare is unlike-


Often, in foreign cinema, we see a person stepping on a mine is not undermined, and removing the leg, there is an explosion. Are there such mines in the Russian army? If so, are they directed against infantry?

Mine ТМ62м is the transfer charge and the intermediate detonator (in many other mines of the intermediate detonator is missing). The creators of this mine believe that it will be better. What do you think?

In a series of min-MES, only one mine has and a cylindrical and ball fragments, in the other – cylindrical. Assume, for what purpose is this done? Was the goal of saving not pursued?

The average height of a man 160 cm Meena Mont explodes at the height of the hip. How do you think correctly decided manufacturers, creating a mine, and why?

Build a statement by including the following speech tools:

I think…

I am absolutely convinced that… In my opinion …

From my point of view…

Find out the opinion of groupmates regarding the described problem. Ask them to comment on their point of view, to make arguments. Pay attention to the wording of the questions that contain a request for information about the opinion of the interlocutor:

What do you think, … As you consider, … Do you think that… Don't you think…

Express your opinion on the problem…

Verbs for the formulation of the answer: to be intended, to be used, to be used, to include, to conclude, to make, to possess, to be reached.

Application of the described principles (activity and independence) in the pilot training means the attraction of the students to work independently in the implementation of training actions, which include both traditional activities (exercises, reading educational literature, working with a dictionary), and independent production of educational texts in the target language, development of schemes, tables based on the text of the textbook [4].

The next principle – individualization, taken into account in the process of experimental learning, involves the adaptation of the learning process to the capabilities of the students, that is, correlation with the personal properties of the students. In accordance with this principle, the following features were taken into account: the nature, abilities of students, the level of motivation development. Implementation of the principle of individualization was carried out using the technology of full assimilation (in the organization of consultations on the Russian language in the hours of self-study for students who did not learn the training material). Those who fully learned the material were also involved in the consultations. In explaining the material, the students used their native language to explain misunderstandings related to learning a foreign language.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

The realization of the principle of visualization as one of the leading in the process of motivation formation is important in the course of the research, its necessity is justified by "dialectics of the transition from sensory perception to abstract thinking in the process of cognition" [5].

This principle has two forms of expression – language (verbal and speech) and nonlinguistic (subject-graphic). The first form plays an important role in the educational process. During the experiment, we were guided by the following methods:

-the use of sound recording, listening (in the preparation and reading of reports on problematic topics carried out recording on the recorder, in order to correct the above)

-the use of visual resources (natural presentation), these include training symbols ("Map of military operations", "Crossings", etc.), movies ("Officers", "Hot snow") and movies ("Machines of engineering armament", "Blasting"), table. The main purpose of these funds is a visual semantics and recreation of the communication situation (military etiquette, teams).

-formation of skills and abilities of independent work with the use of technical means, for example, making a presentation when working with the features of the scientific style of speech on the theme "History of military maps".

The principle of strength involves strengthening the assimilation of the material due to its availability, skillful presentation of the material, without breaking the integrity, logic, the original meaning. At the same time, the material, or rather, the use of a variety of exercises should provide an emotional impact on the students. This principle provides memorization of educational material and its application in various situations. It seems evident, that it is firmly remembered what it is clear and meaningful, so the principle of strength is closely related to the principle of consciousness, which was mentioned above.

In the process of experimental training, the introduction of new material was taken into account:

-associative links from different fields of activity, providing interest;

-a variety of exercises (for the introduction, consolidation of vocabulary, grammar prac-


-materials that help in solving communication problems in various communication situations. Here is an example of an excerpt from the text for self-reading:

-Comrade Colonel, - suddenly I heard the voice Volodya Asilica. – May I ask a ques-


-Yes, of course, Sokolov answered, still not believing that this low, shy cadet will touch a question which excites all.

-It seems to me that we pay excessive attention to combined arms disciplines: drill, physical training. What would it be? There is so much to study, but all the same: the rise of the coup, jumping over a horse, endless approaches and waste to the head, drill techniques with weapons and without weapons... When will be the real thing?

-Clear, - said Sokolov. - Any more questions? (Zenkovich N.A. There was such an army: the book-the epitaph [6]).

-obligatory control of mastering of the passed material.

The principle of accessibility and affordability is realized by the selection of educational material taking into account age, intellectual abilities of the cadets and methodical work with them. As a rule, the volume of material should correspond to the allotted time and the pace of progress in the curriculum. When planning the course of the lesson the orientation of different groups of students (strong, medium, weak) is taken into account.

The principle of intercultural interaction is ensured by taking into account national and cultural characteristics in the process of educational activities. The impact of this fact has an important role, and therefore some methodologists (e.g., A.I. Surygin) single it out as an inde-


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

pendent didactic principle. At the basic courses in the military university there is a mixture of national groups in the field (builders, mechanics, electricians). Often, the group consists of 3-4 nationalities (Arabs, Afghans, Turkmens, Laotians, etc.). For example, Arab students in preparing for exams are based on memorization of the material (mechanical memorization), without its understanding, this type of memorization provides techniques such as reading-retelling and multiple rewriting of the material. Laotians also are educated by listening and memorizing the information on the finished samples. In this connection, the preferred activities in the classroom when teaching Russian as a foreign language and forms of control were determined by the results of the test "Motivation".

Let us dwell in more detail on the system of specific principles. In the work "Fundamentals of the theory of teaching a non-native language for students" by A.I. Surygin [7] a complete and comprehensive, in our opinion, system of specific principles and their characteristics are given. Based on the analysis of the features of the vocational training system, the researcher identified the characteristic patterns of training foreign students in a foreign language environment. A. I. Surygin highlights such principles as:

The principle of interrelation of components of learning objectives. The purpose of training is achievable with the mutual communication of components (language, general scientific, adaptation) of the general goal of training.

The principle of professional orientation of training. The learning process should be based on the importance for the future professional activity of students.

The principle of communication. For the formation of communicative competence of students in a foreign language environment, it is necessary to create optimal conditions in all aspects of education (in the socio-cultural, linguistic, educational and scientific environment).

The principle of accounting proficiency in language learning. The learning process must be built in accordance with the stage of language learning (with regard to the linguistic and methodological design of classes and textbooks).

The principle of accounting for adaptation processes. The process of training and education should be built in accordance with the level of social and psychological, including academic (pedagogical), and physiological adaptability of students.

Taking into account national cultural characteristics. The process of education and upbringing of students in a foreign language environment should be built taking into account the peculiarities of intercultural interaction and national and cultural specifics (national education system, teaching, didactic traditions) of students, creating favorable conditions for training and education.

The principle of linguomethodic and multicultural competence of teachers. The purpose of training is achievable with the ability of the teacher to build the learning process in a foreign-language audience in terms of interaction of cultures.

Consideration of these principles when constructing a model of training foreign military personnel to the engineering profile of the Russian language due to the fact that in the formulation of the principles by A. I. Surygin were taken into account the specific features of the learning process in a foreign language in a foreign language (non-native) environment. Highlighted by the author as a specific feature is the dependence of the efficiency of the training from focus on the learning goal achievement in mutual relation of language, scientific and adaptive components, in our opinion, is not specific to the process of training foreign military personnel in the engineering field, rather peculiar is the structure of these purposes and not the focus of the process on the achievement of learning goals.

Considering the principle of taking into account the level of language proficiency of the students, it should be noted that it is closely related to the general didactic principle of accessibility of presentation of educational material and individualization, only when learning, for ex-


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 2 (21), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

ample, in the native language, this principle in terms of level of language proficiency is not considered. Accordingly, it can be highlighted as specific.

In the course of experimental training, all types of speech activity are based on the principle of taking into account the level of knowledge of foreign students of the Russian language. Thus, the level of language proficiency corresponds to the selection of training, the content of communicative competence for the Second certification level (TRKI-2 / B-2) (lexical minimum), the coordination of general professional, special disciplines and the course of the Russian language at the subject and language level, which is reflected in the materials of the textbook [8], used in the learning process.

Following the principle of learning – the principle of communicativeness is the leading technique. It suggests the direction in which the purpose of learning (the acquisition of language as a communication tool), and means (speech activities) closely interact. According to the ideas by E. I. Passov and other representatives of the Lipetsk methodological schools, the principle of communication includes the following features: motivation (speech act motivation, utterance internal motivation), focus (mindfulness students’ purpose for any speech act), personal meaning (the knowledge by the students of the purpose of the communication and the vision of motivated nature for this goal), individual relations (the expression of individuality of the student in relation to what is discussed in class and happening in the world), the activity of the intellect (students’ intellect tasks solving related to product statements in accordance with the task set by the teacher), cooperation (trust-based cooperation of the student with the teacher in the learning process), rapport (emotional, semantic, subject), situational (correlation of the presented statements with the situation of communication), informational content (including in educational process of information, interesting for the appropriate age categories and sensitive to intellectual abilities), novelty (learning content and techniques, used in the presentation of the material), heuristic (ensuring spontaneity and creativity), functionality (selection and provision of language units, in accordance with their functions), problem (use of problematic situations in the selection and introduction of the educational material).

It should be noted that the principle of communication is closely related to the concept of communicative competence. Communicative competence, which consists of language and speech competence, implies the ability of the student to carry out speech activities in various fields of communication (socio-cultural, educational and scientific). Language competence in this case includes the practical use of knowledge about the language system (understanding and production, in accordance with the norms of the language, of the sentences with the help of the studied language signs and the rules of their connection). To the speech ability is related adequate formulating and perceiving thoughts in the language being studied, that is, to perform speech actions. The final goal of the Russian language as a foreign language is the formation of communicative competence, including the listed components. The creation of optimal conditions for the formation of communicative competence, as a specific principle, should be carried out both in the classroom in Russian and in the classroom for special engineering disciplines, as well as during the hours of extracurricular (independent) work.

The development of communicative competence of foreign students is carried out in the performance of oral (speaking, listening) and written (writing, reading) types of speech activities. The ability to perceive the given information in Russian is developing progressively, in two stages. In the process of learning there is a transition from visual and auditory perception of information when using conditional visual presentation to listening lectures (dynamic visualization) from hearing. Improving the ability to formulate thoughts is carried out in the process of speech communication with teachers and comrades (oral and written presentation of educational material, conversations).

The development of communicative competence is also carried out during exercises and tasks in the course of which students are required to read and understand simple authentic texts, and during the introduction of a new word, phrase or grammatical phenomenon, the teacher se-