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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (32), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

The fragment of the 3rd stage text:

ЖИли – БЫли/ стаРИК/ со стаРУхой /У САмого/ СИнего/ МОря.

The phonetic analysis of the data, obtained from the auditors, was focused on the duration of rhythmic groups (i.e. the number of interpause syllables) and the frequency of stressed syllables. In the fragments of experimental texts, presented above, pauses are marked, and stressed syllables are highlighted with font size. The resulting markup was correlated with the data, obtained from reading the same texts by naive Russian language speakers, which, having no speech pathologies, are regarded as examples in this situation.

According to the data of phonetic analysis of audio records, the following conclusion can be drawn: in the speech nature of the testee D. the leading role is played by rhythmic parameters of texts, suggested for reading.

A literary text with an apparently expressed rhythmic pattern was the most problematic one. The text is a translation from English, which determined its rhythmic parameters. The number of pauses exceeds the similar parameters for «average» reading of Russian speakers. This also relates to the number of stresses in the text. The «extra» stresses in all texts are highlighted in bold. In the reading of D., these phenomena grew more intense towards the end of the text (i.e. in the last paragraph). At the beginning of certain words, halts are heard in pronunciation of the first syllable. These failures were not observed in lyrics. The rhythm of these texts was immediately perceived by D. and the reading almost completely followed the metre (measure) of the verse. It mainly concerned the stresses, and some of them were not typical for «average» reading of language speakers. However, as a whole, the reading was quite acceptable, with no articulatory halts.

The fairytale text turned out to be the most successful one in terms of perception. One could feel the ease of task performance, and the voice sounded fluently. The extra stresses were rare, and the record can be considered as similar to average text reading.

4.Corrective methods

Nowadays, speech therapy has a variety of corrective methods, based on the work toward the restoration of speech rhythm parameters. The goal is to attain the so-called smoothness of speech with a simultaneous effect upon the emotional sphere of a patient. For this purpose, the special techniques are developed, focused at formation of speech rhythm sensitization with the use of verbal and non-verbal stimuli.

The described techniques can be differentiated by the nature of scientific support, distinguishing various approaches, namely, psychophysiological, psychotherapeutic and purely didactic. All available techniques are based on rhythm, thus it is possible to observe the differences in understanding the essence of speech support in the aspect of correlation with the speech rhythm of the native language. In methodologies of psycholinguistic nature, we come across the attempts to distinguish a phase of speech pathology emergence at the stages of speech utterance generation [6].

In the course of speech psychotherapy for stuttering teenagers and adults, the interrelation of rhythm and emotions underlies the corrective techniques, developed and implemented by E.Y.Rau at the Chair of Speech Therapy of MPSU [7]. The purpose of such techniques is the development of a new non-stuttering speech program with simultaneous «erasure» of the old speech program. The feedback mechanism, the so-called reverse afferentation, is used. This approach proceeds from the patients’ ability to self-correct, resulting from evaluation of their own speech.

A number of techniques involve rhythmic hand movements, i.e. «clear rhythmic syllabic reading, following the hand beat, with gradual acceleration of the reading speed» [4]. Some authors (primarily, L.Z.Arutyunyan) use the movements of the dominant hand to practise the


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (32), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

rhythmic-intonation pattern of an uttered phrase [8, p. 10]. The variation of temporal phrase parameters is used, i.e. the technique of spelling a phrase, composed of separate elements [9].

With respect to the term «full style of pronunciation», often used in the special literature on speech correction, it should be explained that the concept of full style, from the phonetic point of view, refers to the phonetic style at the level of the orthoepic norm. The pronunciation norm, as well as phonostylistic variants of the Russian language, do not allow the absence of vowel reduction, hence, we can only speak about its degree.

In our view, the speech correction exercises must be based on parameters, inherent for speech in the native language (in this case, Russian) in their most prominent, characteristic manifestations. In the case of the Russian speech, it is necessary to devise corrective exercises in the «legato» rhythm, inherent in the Russian speech. We consider the creation of gesture elements for typical speech rhythmic structures of the native language as a new variant of corrective techniques. The reliance upon gesture elements is conventional in speech therapy. The methodology, developed by L.Z.Arutyunyan, was mentioned above. According to the data of psycholinguistic investigation of rhythmic parameters of the Russian speech in correlation with syntactic structures, the stock of rhythmic units and their syntactic counterparts has been identified. [10, pp.144 - 154]. Corrective exercises, based on this stock, can serve to help in creating the «way to speech». Here, gesture elements follow the «legato» rhythm of the Russian speech, with gradual increase in the number of syllables and the shift of the phrasal stress.


According to the data of the phonetic analysis of audio records, the following conclusions can be drawn, observed during speech rhythm disruption:

1.In the speech nature of the testee D., the leading role is played by rhythmic parameters of texts, suggested for reading;

2.The exercises must clearly reflect the speech rhythm of the native language, highlighting its typical features;

3.It appears efficient to further develop the set of exercises on the basis of typical rhythmic structures of the native language, implemented with the help of the gesture stock.

The data of phonetics and psycholinguistics testify to the idea of «fitting» articulatory movements into the rhythmic matrix of words and phrases. The disorders in the implementation of this matrix make it possible to trace the behaviour of articulatory complexes in the case of a disturbed rhythmic base.

During stuttering, the syncretism (i.e. integrity) of a phrase is disrupted. The articulatory patterns, like beads, spill from the «necklace», i.e. the rhythmic model of a word or a phrase. This entails the necessity of working with suprasegmental means.


[1]Leonov, A.A., Lebedev, W.J. (1969): Der Mensch im Weltall. Leipzig Sinz, R. (1979): Zeitstrukturen und organismische Regulation. Berlin.

[2]Rau E.Ju., Kazbanova E.S. Ritm kak sredstvo rechevoj i jemocional'noj samoreguljacii (na modeli zaikanija)/E.Ju. Rau, E.S. Kazbanova// //Puti stanovlenija sub#ekta v informacionnom obshhestve. Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchnoj Internet-konferencii. Stavropol':

«Stavropol'skij gosudarstvennyj universitet», 2004. S. 4147.

[3]Zhinkin N.I. Mehanizmy zaikanija/N.I. Zhinkin//Voprosy patologii rechi. Har'kov, 1959, s.173-178.

[4]Hvatcev M.E. Logopedija/M.E. Hvatcev. – M.: Uchpedgiz, 1959. — 476 s.

[5]Shklovskij, V.M. Zaikanie/V.M. Shklovskij. – M., 1994. – 248 s.

[6]Abeleva I.Ju. i dr. V pomoshh' vzroslym zaikajushhimsja/I.Ju. Abeleva. – Izd-vo: Prosveshhenie, 1969 – 330 s.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (32), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

[7]Rau E.Ju. Vozmozhnosti pedagogicheskoj korrekcii narushenija obshhenija pri zaikanii uchiteljami obshheobrazovatel'noj shkoly / E.Ju. Rau. – Moskva // Logopedija. Zaikanie : hrestomatija : uchebnoe posobie : dlja studentov defektologicheskih fakul'tetov vysshih pedagogicheskih uchebnyh zavedenij / Sost. L.I. Beljakova, E.A. D'jakova. – Moskva : Akademija, 2003. – S. 299-301.

[8]Arutjunjan L.Z. Kak lechit' zaikanie: Metodika ustojchivoj normalizacii rechi / L. Z. Arutjunjan (Andronova). - M.: Jerebus, 1993 - 160 s.

[9]Sikorskij I. A. O zaikanii. (SPb., 1889.- S. 38-152)//Hrestomatija po logopedii (izvlechenija i teksty). Uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov vysshih i srednih uchebnyh zavedenij: V 2 tt. T.I / Pod red. L.S. Volkovoj i V.I. Seliverstova. - M.: Gumanit. izd. centr VLADOC, 1997.

[10]Stock, Eberhard und Ludmila Veličkova. Sprechrhythmus im Russischen und

Deutschen / Frankfurt a/Main und a. : Peter Lang, 2002 .— 206 S.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (32), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2021.32.1.006

UDC 811.111: 372.881.111.1


O.G. Nekhaeva


Voronezh State Technical University

Ph.D (Linguistics), Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation Department

Olga Georgievna Nekhaeva e-mail: nekhaeva1967@gmail.com


Statement of the problem. The article describes the method of the "business game", contributing to the formation of communicative competence which is so necessary in today's business intercultural communication. This study demonstrates how, in the course of learning English, such a method as a business game contributes to the formation of communicative competence, which is so necessary in the conditions of modern business intercultural communication. The article emphasizes that business games play a special role in the development of the English language by students of IT, economics and management majors. Creating situations that are close to the real future professional activity will help graduates of these areas of study in the future, since they are more often than others in a situation of international cooperation, where the opportunity to implement the acquired knowledge and competencies is quite high. The main task of this work was to develop a procedure for conducting pair and group work, to determine the scope of potential cross-cultural dissonance, and to propose specific educational situations presented in the form of business games.

Results. The article analyzes the use of the communicative method in the study of the English language to form a certain level of communicative and socio-cultural competencies. The algorithm for preparing and conducting a business game is defined, and the main areas of possible cross-cultural misunderstandings are identified. The advantages of conducting a business game as a method of improving the language, speech and socio-cultural components of communicative competence are described. The business game for economics specialties is considered on the examples of business meetings devoted to the discussion of marketing strategies. For students of the IT sphere, the variants of the business game were used, aimed at obtaining the skills of conducting telephone conversations with the purpose of helping the client to resolve problems. An important result is the possibility to improve the level of proficiency of the necessary professional terminology in English, as well as the use of the proposed training situations in the classroom with students of the program of additional professional education "Translator in the field of professional communication".

Conclusion. The formation of communicative and socio-cultural skills in the situation of business intercultural communication is one of the most important strategies of modern teaching of any foreign language. The business game, aimed at creating situations that reflect the modern realities of life, namely, to develop the skills of conducting business meetings, discussions, negotiations and solving specific problems, promotes motivated professionaloriented language learning. The use of a business game in the process of mastering the English language helps to overcome the difficulties that specialists in various fields face in the course of their further professional activities.

Key words: communication skills, cross-cultural communication, socio-cultural competence, socio-psychological climate, business game, IT-sphere, marketing strategy.

For citation: Nekhaeva O.G. Business game in the process of learning English as a tool for developing communication skills / O.G. Nekhaeva // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. –

2021. - № 1 (32). – P. 57-65.


The development of information technologies, the emergence of Internet commerce, the introduction of common international standards in the business sphere, and the processes of business integration lead to the transnationalization of all spheres of the economy.


© Nekhaeva O.G., 2021


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (32), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

Russian companies are increasingly entering the international market, foreign investment is being attracted to the country, and cooperation with foreign companies or joint work with foreign partners has reached a huge scale. The expansion of business and personal contacts, which opens up new opportunities, also makes new tasks relevant, namely, overcoming linguistic and ethnic barriers to effective interaction with foreign partners. Specialists in the field of business and entrepreneurship should have a high communicative competence in the field of professional communication [1]. Since the language of international business is English, the need to learn business English with a focus on practical use is steadily growing. The emphasis is on the study and analysis of the economic vocabulary of English, features of business practices and negotiation style and presentation, as well as, peculiarities of contracts and business correspondence [2].

In the light of the modern paradigm of education in the countries of the European and international community, five basic competencies can be distinguished:

-socio-political or readiness to solve problems,

– informational,



-readiness for education through life.

The formation of the above-mentioned competencies ensures the readiness of university graduates to self-realization and adaptation in the conditions of the labor market of the information society of our time.

The purpose of this study is to develop a procedure for conducting pair or group work when learning English, which allows you to use the business game method as an effective tool for developing communication skills in the process of business intercultural communication. The objectives of the work are to create situations close to the real future professional activity that can further help graduates of such areas of study as economics, management and IT, since graduates of these specialties are more often involved in the processes of international cooperation.

The methodological basis is the works of A.A. Verbitsky, S.G. Ter-Minasova, T.S. Samokhina, E.N. Solovova, E.I. Passov, and others, which consider the problems associated with the acquisition of communication skills used in a variety of situations of intercultural communication.

Research results.

In the Russian methodology, the definition of communicative competence as a set of language, speech and socio-cultural components is firmly established [3]. This competence is absolutely necessary for successful professional activity and career growth in almost any field of activity. It is important to note that this requirement of modern times applies not only to the native language, but also to at least one foreign language. In the XXI century, the trend towards mastering several foreign languages is becoming more and more relevant. Increasingly, sociocultural competence is being taken out of the scope of communicative competence, since it is not so much related to communication skills in a foreign language, but rather to the willingness and ability to interact with representatives of the multicultural world. We can say with a high degree of confidence that “the features of the formation of this competence and intercultural communication in oral and written speech are based on the following points:

1.The ability to distinguish the general and culturally specific in the development models of different countries and civilizations, different historical stages of the same country, and social strata of society.

2.Willingness to represent your country and its culture, taking into account possible misunderstandings on the part of the listener, choosing appropriate means of speech interaction. These include the selection of original and / or equivalent metaphors, the creation of vivid images through the comparison of cultural realities, and the use of translation-interpretation.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (32), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

3.Recognition of the right to the existence of different cultural models, and hence the ideas/norms of life/ beliefs formed on their basis, etc.

4.Willingness to constructively defend their own positions, without humiliating others and without becoming dependent on other people's priorities” [4, p.5].

Taking into account all these points, it is possible to solve the most urgent problem of teaching foreign languages as a means of communication between representatives of different peoples and cultures – “languages should be studied in inseparable unity with the world and culture of the peoples who speak these languages” [5, p.28].

The game as a way of obtaining and testing knowledge and skills to apply them in practice has been known since ancient times. A game is a form of activity in conditional situations, aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, fixed in socially fixed ways of implementing objective actions, in the subjects of science and culture.

The business game is defined as a form of recreating the subject and social content of professional activity, modeling the systems of relations characteristic of this type of practice. [1**, p. 127].

As a tool for developing the skill of cross-cultural communication, the business game meets the tasks of developing, first of all, communicative and socio-cultural competencies. However, it contributes to the development and socio-political competence, which is manifested in the willingness to solve a particular problem, because in a situation of a business game students must overcome passivity, psychological unwillingness to respond to the situation or the circumstances and find a solution or a way out of controversy or dispute, using both your own knowledge and experience.

Being effective forms of training of specialists, business games introduce students to the sphere of professional activity, develop their ability to find solutions and are a powerful incentive to motivate and activate the independent work of students to acquire professional knowledge and skills.

The form of training based on the business game models both the subject and social aspects of the content of professional activity, working out professional skills and abilities.

Educational game activity during the study of a foreign language allows students to maintain a high interest in the content of the course, activates their independent activity, forms and strengthens practical skills. It is especially important that the language, in particular English, in this situation is both the means and the goal of learning.

In these conditions the absorption of new knowledge is superimposed on the outline of future professional activity; learning becomes collaborative, collective nature; the development of professional identity is a result of the subordination of the two types of norms: norms of competent subject actions and norms of social relations team. Motivation, interest and emotional status of the participants of the business game are determined by the wide opportunities for goal-setting and goal-fulfillment, dialogical communication based on the material of the prob- lem-presented content of the business game [1**, p.128].

An important condition for conducting a business game is the creation of a favorable so- cio-psychological climate, which is "the qualitative side of interpersonal relations, manifested in the form of a set of psychological conditions that promote or hinder productive joint activities" [1**, p. 162].

Using the method of conducting a business game, the teacher thereby contributes to the development of socio-psychological competence, that is, the ability of an individual to effectively interact with the people around him in the system of interpersonal relations. The sociopsychological competence includes the ability to navigate in social situations, to correctly determine the personal characteristics and emotional states of other people, to choose appropriate ways of dealing with them and to implement these ways in the process of interaction [1**, p. 375].


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (32), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

Thus, the use of business games in the learning of a foreign language contributes to the realization of the most important requirements of a communicative technique – to present process of mastering by language as comprehension of live foreign-language culture, individualized learning and development of motivation of speech activity of students.

Of particular importance is the educational function of the business game, since "the business game allows you to set the subject and social contexts of future professional activity in training and thereby simulate more adequate conditions for the formation of a specialist's personality in comparison with traditional training" [6, p.128].

To successfully carry out this technique you need to prepare carefully and think through all the steps to determine the theme, time, participants, goals of each participant, to summarize and analyze the results. One of the possible variants of the business game can be working in pairs or in small groups (3-4 people). Let's look at the main points of such work.

Pair work is, first of all, a type of interaction in the classroom, which provides an opportunity not only for language and speech practice, but also for the development of teamwork and cooperation skills. The teacher should encourage students to work with different partners from class to class.

Timing is important in pair and group work. It is important to determine the time period required for the business game. In many cases, ten to fifteen minutes is enough. It should be remembered that it will take at least five minutes to implement the feedback. Thus, without careful time management, too much of the lesson may be spent playing the business game.

A basic procedure for pairwork is as follows:

1.Present a game condition and read the relevant input data to test students ' understanding of their communication roles and the challenges they face. Pre-introduce new vocabulary to students, if any, and provide any grammatical or speech patterns that you expect students to use.

2.Give students the opportunity to choose a partner to work in pairs. If the number of students in the group is odd, the teacher can become a partner for one of the students or make up a group of three people.

3.If there is a preparatory phase before the class, decide whether to gather all Students A and Students B separately, or whether to allow students to prepare independently. In this case, the teacher may ask the students to make a decision.

4.During the class itself, move around the audience and monitor the activity of the students. Make notes about the correct or incorrect use of vocabulary and speech structures. In the process, the teacher can write down examples of language constructions on the blackboard.

5.The next step may be suggesting a change of roles. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the time so that both participants of the pair work get equal chances to implement the communication task.

6.After the work is done, as a rule, students report back. The form of the report will depend on the nature of the activity. You can summarize the results on a problem or question for the group as a whole (or ask students to do so). If the students were determined to solve the problem, find out which solution was preferred and why. This may lead to a longer discussion, so the issue of compliance with the time frame remains important.

7.You can always offer to demonstrate the business game in front of other members of the group to different pairs of students. It is also necessary to encourage listeners to constructively criticize these speeches.

8.As the first stage of the survey, ask students what aspects of the work caused them the greatest difficulties.

9.Then, it is important for the teacher to provide students with feedback about the work of pairs in general. There should be a balance between feedback on the language and communication aspects of the activity.

10.Summarize the main speech structures that students should pay more attention to and


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (32), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

remember. Invite them to write them down.

11. Ask students to evaluate the usefulness of the work done in pairs.

During the business game, students can be divided not only into pairs, but also work in groups of three or four, and one or two students can play the role of observers. One student can provide feedback to a group, the other can provide language feedback to a couple (to a group of three or four students) after they complete the communication process.

Conducting a business game is an effective method among students of any specialties, but this method is of particular importance among students of economic specialties and IT-sphere specialties, since they are the ones who find themselves more often in situations of international cooperation in the future. Quite often, specialists go on foreign business trips to partner companies, where they have to adapt to unfamiliar situations, both culturally and in business. It is worth noting that the development of various aspects of the English language and the mastery of all the above-mentioned competencies must be considered in comparison with the peculiarities of the native language and culture, which will allow future specialists to bypass the most difficult areas of intercultural communication [7, p. 4]. Before conducting a business game in English, students should be familiar with a certain set of rules for cross-cultural communication, at least in English-speaking countries in Europe and North America. Among them, an important role is played by the distance between managers and employees, which varies in different countries, as well as the appeal to the interlocutor, depending on the degree of proximity to the person. For example, the English pronoun ‘you’, which is used when referring to any person, does not mean familiarity, and distance can be expressed in another way – using a first or last name with a title, for example, Mr. or Ms. [mizz]. The latter is most acceptable in business in addressing a woman, since it does not disclose the marital status.

Students should also be familiar with other areas of potential cross-cultural misunderstandings:

-distance during a conversation between people: what is the most comfortable distance?

-eye contact: how long do people look directly into each other's eyes?

-gestures: how many people use facial gestures (mime)? How much do they gesture?

-greetings/goodbyes: do they shake hands? Are there fixed phrases for these purposes?

-humor: is it a good way to relax people? Or is it inappropriate in a certain context?

– physical contact: do people touch each other?

-gifts: when to give them? When to open them? What to say when receiving gifts?

-rules of conversation and the role of silence: how long can people remain silent before they feel uncomfortable? Is it acceptable to interrupt speakers?

After discussing these issues, you can proceed to conduct a business game, which can be devoted to such a type of conversation as small talk (a casual conversation on general topics that are not related to the purpose of the visit). The following phrases will be useful for studying and further use:

It's my pleasure to welcome you!

If the partner has traveled a long way from another country, you need to ask how his trip


Is this your first visit to... or – Did you have a good journey?

It would be good to ask if the interlocutor has been in the country or in the organization before: You have been here before, haven’t you?

To clarify the possibility of a guided tour of an object or organization, phrases such as I'll give you the guided tour or Perhaps I could show you around later/now/ after the meeting are used.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (32), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

Simple polite phrases will help to create a pleasant social and psychological climate for further communication and to win the favor of a business partner.

The need to ask questions or explain in English how something works will not cause difficulties if students master phrases like:

How does it work? What is that? Would you mind explaining that again? Which material do you use? How is it powered? How old is it? And what are sales like? Could you repeat that, please?

Let me explain. Let me clarify. I’ll try to explain it simpler. We do that like this…

Look at this for instance. Well, you just (do, press, wind up, etc.).

To create a pleasant social and psychological environment, the following expressions will help: Can I get you a cup of tea or something?/ Please have/ take a seat./ Thanks for coming in.

Then you can move on to the business game, in which students play the role of a guest of the company and an employee explaining how something works. The task may look like this:

Choose a useful item in an office or a workshop. Student A has come to your company for a business trip and Student B is explaining how that item works.

The discussion of any issues related to marketing also serves as a fertile ground for the practice of communicative and socio-cultural competencies in English. The theme for a business game can be, for example, 'Launching a new product'. The goal of this game is a communication practice, during which students in groups of three or four people discuss and compare various marketing ideas. The task may sound like this:

You and your team have €200, 000 to spend on marketing a new monthly magazine called ‘Soft life’, for young IT-professionals. Look at the ideas below and do the task in the following order:

1.Decide which ideas are worth and which are not so good.

2.Choose a set of ideas that won’t cost more than the budget you have.

3.Compare your opinions with another group. Are they similar?

Make cold calls to offices of businesses in major cities in Europe and Asia. (€20,000)

Organize a TV advertising campaign on news channels. (€100,000)

Advertise in in-flight magazines for leading European airlines (€25,000)

Pay for train station, airport and street advertising in main cities of Europe and Asia.


Use direct mailing to companies in European and Asian capital cities. (€75,000)

Advertise on internet platforms. (€50,000)

Deliver sample copies to colleges educating future It-specialists and offices of ITcompanies. (€70,000)

Offer free copies with food purchase exceeding €100. (€20,000)

Hand out free samples to young people in the street. (€40,000)

Not forgetting that English in this situation is not only the means of developing communication skills, but also the goal of learning, it is necessary to offer such learning situations that contribute to the assimilation of new vocabulary and the expansion of vocabulary. One of these tasks may be the assignment of one of the roles and further work on the search for business vocabulary corresponding to the definitions given in the task. The example below shows possible answers (written in italics) to questions from the managing director:


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 1 (32), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

The Marketing Manager and the Managing Director of XYZoft, a computer company, are discussing the marketing of a new program. Find the words in the conversation which fit the definitions below the dialogue. The first one has been done for you as an example.

How are you going to promote Construct-X?

Well, first of all we'll include it in the new catalogue.

OK. What about advertising?

We’re going to run a campaign in the press, but only in specialist publications. This is a niche product.

Right. Are you going to do a mailing?

Yes, just a flier to our regular customers.

Will you offer them any kind of giveaway?

No, but there will be a discount on orders in the first thirty days.

Sounds good.

Well. We’ll see.

Do you think we should focus mainly on the domestic market or go for overseas sales right at the beginning?

I think domestic to start with. That way we don’t have to worry about distribution problems until later.

I think I agree. What about pricing?

Well, this is unique product, there’s no real competition, so it’s going to be fairly high-priced. Don’t you think?

Well, sounds fair. Any thoughts about the package?

Standard – a hard case containing the discs and the manual. Technical drawings on the outside to give a precise, professional image.

Are you going to have any point-of-sale displays in the computer shops?

Just a poster, using the same image as the packaging.

Well, it sounds very good.

You’ll find all details in this report.

1.A place where a product is sold ………….. (point-of-sale)

2.Giving a price to a product ………….

3.Market in the company where a company is based ……………

4.Thing which is given as a free gift when another item is bought ………..

5.Sending by post ………….

6.Attractive material used to wrap goods for display ………..

7.To advertise ………….

8.Foreign countries …………. [8, p. 32]

An important type of professional activity of many IT-sphere specialists is providing support to clients from different countries, and the ability to correctly conduct a telephone conversation is one of the necessary skills. For paired work on the phone, you can invite students to sit back to back. You can start learning the skill of conducting a telephone conversation of this kind with tasks to build the correct order of phrases belonging to the participants of the conversation, where the first phrase is already specified. For example:

The lines in this telephone conversation is in the wrong order. Work out the correct order and write the sequence in front of each phrase. The first line has been marked for you as an example.

Do you get an error message when you try?


I can’t boot up the system.

I see. Can you give me your name and number? I’ll get a technician to call you.

I’m sorry to hear that.