пересказ про МТУСИ
.docxI study in Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.
It was founded in 1921 as Moscow Institute of Electrical Engineering and National Communications.
The teaching stuff of the university consists of professors, assistant professors and lecturers.
MTUCI has multilevel training providing the probation for Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and engineers.
The academic structure of the university comprises educational administration, 6 faculties, 45 departments, 60 laboratories and new research testing ground for educational and scientific purposes.
The university collaborates with secondary schools in Moscow and Moscow region. It also has 2 branches: in Rostov-on-the-Don and Nizhny Novgorod and one collage.
MTUCI holds many conferences and competitions so students are able to participate in them.
I am currently in the process of getting my master’s degree in computer science and engineering.
My special subject is analysis of deep learning methods for anomaly detection in big data. I do my work in the field of machine learning and neural networks.
This branch of knowledge has been rapidly developing over the last decade. I combine scientific research of these methods with their practical implementation via coding.
My scientific advisor is Kalfa A.A. He is a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.
If I encounter any difficulties, I consult with my advisor and we try to overcome them. I have no published papers at this moment but one is about to be published.