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Gastroenterology / Тhe final lesson on the course of propaedeutics of internal diseases

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Department of propaedeutics of internal diseases


the final lesson on the course of propaedeutics of internal diseases, radiation diagnostics and their interpretation(demonstrate and interpret).

materials for preparation:

Ivashkin. Propaedeutics of internal diseases. Moscow, 2020

A.V. Strutynsky Fundamentals of semiotics of diseases of internal organs. Moscow 2017

Methodological manuals on PVB, LD prepared by the Department of PVB on the portal of distance learning.

Online lectures on the topic.

Other remote materials provided by the Department..

1.Scheme "Case histories"

2.Questioning and general examination of the patient

3.Basic anthropometric measurements

4.The main complaints in diseases of the respiratory tract, their details.

5.Examination of the chest

6.Palpation of the chest, succussion of the chest, determination of the Hippocratic splash noise

7.Comparative chest percussion (interpretation of percussion sounds)

8.Topographic percussion of the chest (determination of the height of the apices in front and behind, the width of the Krening fields, the lower border of the lungs, excursions of the lower border of the lungs).

9.Auscultation of the lungs (interpretation of breathing sounds).

10.Conducting functional tests used in the assessment of external respiration

11.Carrying out and interpretation of spirometry, peak flowmetry

12.Interpretation of sputum and pleural fluid analyzes

13.Pleural puncture, indications for conduct, method of implementation

1.Main complaints in diseases of the cardiovascular system, their details.

2.Examination of the heart area (detection of protrusion and deformity in the heart area, apical, cardiac shocks, as well as other pulsations and their assessment).

3.Palpation of the heart area (determination of the apical push, its characteristics; determination of the heart push, jugular and epigastric pulsation, pulsation of the main vessels, " cat purring»)

4.percussion of the heart (determining the boundaries of relative and absolute dullness of the heart, the width of the vascular bundle, the length, diameter, and configuration of the heart).

5.auscultation of the heart (determination of heart rate, heart rate, sonority and changes in 1 and 2 tones, detection of additional tones and noises).

6.Examination of arteries and veins

7.Palpation of arteries and veins

8.study of peripheral arterial pulse, determination of its characteristics.

9.Measurement of blood pressure by the Korotkov method on the brachial artery.

10.Measurement of venous pressure by inspection

11.ECG Recording in 12 leads

12.Interpretation of radiological and other radiation signs of the main clinical syndromes.

1.The main complaints in diseases of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, their details.

2.Examination of the oral cavity and abdomen

3.Superficial approximate and comparative palpation of the abdomen

4.Deep methodical palpation of the abdomen according to V.P. Obraztsov and N.D. Strazhesko

5.Abdominal percussion, definition of splash noise, abdominal auscultation

6.Determination of the lower border of the stomach

7.The main complaints in diseases of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas

8.Diagnosis of ascites (examination, percussion, fluctuation symptom)

9.Determination of the boundaries and sizes of the liver according to Kurlov

10.Palpation of the liver with different liver sizes and with ascites (symptom of "floating ice")

11.Palpation of the gallbladder.

12.Definition of cystic symptoms: McKenzie, Kera, Murphy, Mendel, Ortner-Grekov, MusseyGeorgievsky, Courvoisier-Terrier, Zakharyina, Vasilenko

13.Determination of the size of the spleen according to Kurlov

14.Palpation of the spleen

15.Palpation of the pancreas

16.Pain zones and points in diseases of the pancreas (Shofar zone, Desjardins point, Hubergritz-Skulsky zone and point, Mayo-Robson point.)

41.The main complaints in diseases of the urinary system, their details.

42.Identification of peripheral edema, the difference between renal and cardiac edema, endocrine and other origin

43.Revealing the symptom of tapping (kidney percussion)

44.Palpation of the kidneys in an upright position, lying on the back and on the side

45.Palpation of the ureteral points

46.Palpation, percussion of the bladder

47.The main complaints in diseases of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus.

48.Examination of the thyroid gland

49.Determination of the degree of enlargement of the thyroid gland according to WHO

50.Palpation of the thyroid gland

51.Identification of eye symptoms of thyrotoxicosis: exophthalmos, Graefe, Kocher, Shtelvag, Dahlrympl, Mobius, Rosenbach, Jellinek, Krause, Geoffroy

52.Clinical examination of lymph nodes

53.Revealing hemorrhagic syndrome (carrying out tests of Pinch, Rumpel-Leede-Konchalovsky, Duke, can test).

54.Interpretation of ECG (hypertrophy of the heart, extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, blockade of the legs of the Hisa, atrioventricular block, signs of myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction).

55.Interpretation of general and biochemical blood tests in myocardial infarction, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys.

56.Evaluation and interpretation of coprogram, analysis of feces for occult blood.

57.Interpretation of urine tests (general, according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky).

58.Evaluation of the Rehberg sample

59.Interpretation of the glucose tolerance test

60.Interpretation of blood tests in diseases of the thyroid gland.

61.Evaluation of a coagulogram

62.Evaluation of blood tests for anemia, acute and chronic leukemia

63.Interpretation of X-ray and other radiation signs of the main clinical syndromes for the entire course of study. (pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterology, nephrology, endocrinology, hematology, rheumatology).


1.Syndrome of compaction of lung tissue

2.Syndrome of increased airiness of the lung tissue (emphysema)

3.Lung cavity syndrome

4.Broncho-obstructive syndrome

5.Syndrome of fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity

6.Syndrome of air congestion in the pleural cavity

7.Syndrome of bronchiectasis

8.Lung atelectasis syndrome

9.Syndrome of dry pleurisy

10.Respiratory failure syndromes

11.Syndrome of arterial hypertension

12.Syndromes of coronary insufficiency (angina, myocardial infarction).

13.Syndrome of myocardial damage

14.Dressler Syndrome

15.The syndrome of mitral insufficiency

16.The syndrome of mitral stenosis

17.Syndrome aortic insufficiency

18.Syndrome aortic stenosis

19.Syndromes of acute left ventricular and right ventricular heart failure.

20.The syndrome of acute vascular insufficiency

21.The syndrome of chronic heart failure

22.resorption-necrotic Syndrome in myocardial infarction

23.Syndromes of disorders of rhythm and conduction.

24.Syndrome of dysphagia

25.Syndrome of gastroduodenal pain

26.Syndrome of gastric hypersecretion

27.Hyposecretory syndrome of gastric dysfunction

28.Syndrome of violation of gastric evacuation

29.Syndrome of functional dyspepsia

30.Syndrome of bleeding from the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract (esophagealgastrointestinal and intestinal)

31.Syndrome "acute abdomen"

32.Dyspeptic syndrome

33.Syndrome of malobsorption.

34.Intestinal colic syndrome

35.Irritable bowel syndrome

36.Syndrome of biliary colic

37.Subhepatic jaundice (mechanical)

38.Hepatic jaundice (parenchymal)

39.Suprahepatic jaundice (hemolytic)

40.Cholestatic syndrome

41.Hepatosplenomegaly syndrome

42.Hypersplenism syndrome

43.Syndrome of portal hypertension

44.Edematous-ascitic syndrome

45.Liver failure syndrome

46.Syndrome of cytolysis (cytolytic syndrome)

47.Mesenchymal-inflammatory syndrome

48.Pancreatic pain syndrome

49.Lack of exocrine pancreatic function

50.Syndrome of impaired formation and urinary excretion

51.52. Acute and chronic nephritic syndromes

52.53. Nephrotic syndrome

53.54. Acute renal failure syndrome

54.55. Chronic renal failure syndrome

55.56. Ecclampsia

56.57. Renal colic syndrome

57.58. Syndrome of impaired formation and urinary excretion

58.59. Hyperthyroidism syndrome

59.60. Hypothyroidism syndrome

60.61. Insulin deficiency syndrome

61.62. Anemic syndrome

62.63. Sideropenic syndrome

63.64. Iron deficiency, B-12, folate-dependent, hemolytic anemia.

64.65. Hemorrhagic syndrome

65.66. Hyperplastic syndrome

66.67. Neurological syndrome in blood diseases

67.68. Immunodeficiency syndrome in leukemia

68.69. Syndrome infectious-inflammatory with leukemia

69.70. Acute leukemic syndrome (acute leukemia)

70.71. Chronic myeloproliferative syndrome

71.72. Chronic lymphoproliferative syndrome

72.73. Urticaria syndrome

73.74. Quincke's edema

74.75. Anaphylactic shock

75.76. Articular syndrome