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1 сем маг / SUMMARY

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Scientists at the University of Cambridge talk about graphene. On the mechanical side, it is the strongest material on earth, on the electrical side, it is the most flexible and electrically conductive element at the same time. At the same time, graphene is the only material that interacts with light of any color along the spectrum.

Krzysztof Koziol studies carbon nanomaterials, graphene tubes, their synthesis and formation, as well as their use in production. At the moment, he and his team are studying graphene conductors, what they can transfer.

The functional heater that they are currently working on has tremendous applications in both manufacturing and home use. Special inks are also used, with which you can create a PCB Network.

Clare Gray and his team are concerned with batteries and supercapacitors, how they change when charged and discharged. At the graphene research center, they are exploring how the material itself can contribute to their research. They are now paying special attention to the study of lithium-oxygen batteries. Such a battery has an energy density of 5-10 times that of a lithium-ion battery. Such a battery has great potential for future use in technology. Now they are studying what new hierarchical structure of graphene can be invented on their basis.

Mete Atature and his team are trying to use graphene in physical systems. They are trying to use graphene as one of the two-dimensional materials in the parameterization of quantum quantities. Along with this, they are engaged in the construction of a quantum network. The bottom line is that materials emit a single photon, all together they form a set of nodes that are connected by light. This network is very similar to the existing fiber-optic network, but based on the principles of quantum mechanics. The advantages include security and greater computing power.

In conclusion, Andrea Ferrari says that the study of graphene is in full swing. They are getting closer and closer to the practical use of it everywhere, both alone and in the interaction of these materials with each other.

In my opinion, moving forward is always good. Even if you fail to invent something completely new, you can always modify the old one that works well. This research center has been working (at the moment) for 7 years already, from some small ideas to large implementations.

I liked the Clare Gray team the most. The development of new types of batteries can greatly affect the mobility and autonomy of many devices. If it is possible to create a new power source, then it will be possible to try to send them into space for long-term use without the possibility of recharging.

The Krzysztof Koziol team and their graphene inks are pretty impressive too. I think that not all the possibilities of this invention have been revealed yet. But even at that time, the result was excellent.

The Mete Atature team with their quantum networks will allow information to be transmitted over cables in an instant. Considering that fiber-optic connections are now the best, he says this invention will surpass this development as well.

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