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Гордость и предубеждение / Section 5-6 решение.docx
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  1. Leave-taking - прощание

As Mr. Collins was to begin his journey too early on the morrow to see any of the family, the ceremony of leave-taking was performed when the ladies moved for the night; and Mrs. Bennet, with great politeness and cordiality, said how happy they should be to see him at Longbourn again, whenever his engagements might allow him to visit them.

  1. To pay addresses to smb. – обратить внимание на кого-то

Mrs. Bennet wished to understand by it that he thought of paying his addresses to one of her younger girls, and Mary might have been prevailed on to accept him.


    1. The next day opened a new scene at Longbourn. Mr. Collins made his declaration in form. = made the proposal of marriage according to all the rules.

    1. Before Elizabeth had time for anything but a blush of surprise, Mrs. Bennet answered instantly = Elizabeth flushed with surprise.

    1. You can hardly doubt the purport of my discourse, however your natural delicacy may lead you to dissemble; my attentions have been too marked to be mistaken. = too obvious to go unnoticed.

    1. Choose properly, choose a gentlewoman for MY sake; and for your OWN, let her be an active, useful sort of person, not brought up high, but able to make a small income go a good way. = not pampered, but able to save money even with a small income.

    1. Nay, were your friend Lady Catherine to know me, I am persuaded she would find me in every respect ill qualified for the situation.’ = wouldn’t consider me a suitable wife for you.

    1. Charlotte’s reply was spared by the entrance of Jane and Elizabeth.

The entrance of Jane and Elizabeth saved Charlotte from answering.

    1. I shall not be able to keep you—and so I warn you. I have done with you from this very day. = I’ve had enough of you.

    1. I told you in the library, you know, that I should never speak to you again, and you will find me as good as my word = I’ll keep my word.

    1. … were transferred for the rest of the day to Miss Lucas, whose civility in listening to him was a seasonable relief to them all, and especially to her friend. = great service

    2. The younger girls formed hopes of coming out a year or two sooner than they might otherwise have done … = of going to balls


  1. She then read the first sentence aloud ... in the enjoyment of his.’

Она прочла вслух первую фразу, из которой следовало, что они сию минуту решили немедля последовать за своим братом в Лондон и намерены пообедать в доме мистера Хэрста на Гросвенор-стрит. Затем следовало: «Не стану притворяться, будто мне жаль расстаться с Недерфилдом, если не считать вашего общества, милый бесценный друг; но мы уповаем, что когда-нибудь у нас будет еще много повторений наших приятных бесед, а пока боль разлуки ведь можно смягчить, изливая мысли и чувства в частых подробных письмах. Надеюсь, вы не обманете моего ожидания». Элизабет выслушала эти заверения с равнодушием полного к ним недоверия. Хотя внезапность их отъезда ее удивила, ничего вызывающего сожаления она в нем не нашла. Оснований полагать, что их отсутствие в Недерфилде помешает мистеру Бингли жить там, не было никаких. A что до их общества, она не сомневалась, что Джейн скоро перестанет думать о них, наслаждаясь обществом их брата.

  1. When my brother left us ... in we shall deprive you.’

Покидая нас вчера, брат полагал, что дело, которое призвало его в Лондон, можно будет завершить в два-три дня, но по нашему мнению оно потребует гораздо больше времени, да к тому же мы не сомневаемся, что, оказавшись в столице, Чарльз не захочет скоро ее покинуть; поэтому мы решили отправиться вслед за ним туда, чтобы он не был вынужден проводить часы досуга в гостинице, где некому будет позаботиться о его удобствах. Многие мои знакомые уже приехали в столицу на зиму; с какой радостью, милый друг, я узнала бы, что и вы оказались в их числе, но, боюсь, на это нет надежды. Искренне уповаю, что Рождество в Хартфордшире окажется полно развлечений, обычных для этого праздника, и что у вас не будет отбоя от кавалеров, и вы не заметите отсутствия тех трех, которых мы вас лишили.

  1. Mr. Darcy is impatient to ... the happiness of so many.’

Мистер Дарси в нетерпении увидеть свою сестрицу, и, признаюсь, мы почти не уступаем ему в желании вновь насладиться ее обществом. Право, не думаю, что хоть кто-нибудь может сравниться с Джорджианой Дарси красотой, изысканностью манер и совершенством талантов; дружба же, которую мы с Луизой питаем к ней, растет еще и благодаря надежде, которую мы смеем питать, что со временем она станет нашей сестрой. Не помню, говорила ли я вам когда-нибудь об этих моих упованиях, но не хочу уехать, не разделив их с вами, и надеюсь, что вы не сочтете их слишком неразумными. Братец уже весьма ею восхищается, а теперь у него часто будет случай встречаться с ней в тесном дружеском кругу. Ее родственники желают этого союза не менее, чем наши; и полагаю, пристрастие сестры не вводит меня в заблуждение, если я скажу, что Чарльз может пробудить нежность в сердце любой женщины. Когда все обстоятельства благоприятствуют рождению нежного чувства и ничто ему не препятствует, неужели, моя милая Джейн, я слишком поспешна в моих надеждах на событие, которое сделает счастливыми столь многих?



    1. Mr. Collins was going to marry Elizabeth after her father and mother’s death.

F Mr. Collins was going to marry her right now.

    1. Mr. Collins claimed his interest on Eliza’s dower.

F Mr. Collins said Elizabeth: “To fortune I am perfectly indifferent, and shall make no demand of that nature on your father”

    1. A young lady should reject a marriage proposal two or three times even if she is ready to accept it.

F Mr. Collins thought so, but if a young lady is ready to accept a marriage proposal, she should accept it. Otherwise she may lose her happiness.

    1. Small portion can erase the effects of young lady’s amiable qualifications and loveliness.

F Mr. Collins thought so, but I believe, that if a man really loves a woman, small dowry wouldn’t prevent him from marrying her.

    1. In case of Eliza’s refusal to marry Mr. Collins Mr. Bennet made up his mind not to see his daughter again.

F Mr. Bennet approved of his daughter’s decision, but Mrs. Bennet made up his mind not to talk to her daughter again.

    1. Mr. Bingley wasn’t going to come back to Netherfield that winter.

F I think that Caroline Bingley didn’t want her brother to come back to Netherfield that winter.

    1. Caroline Bingley didn’t wish Jane to be her sister.

T Caroline Bingley wanted to marry Mr. Darcy, that’s why she wanted her brother to marry Miss Darcy to connect their families. The marriage of her brother and Jane wouldn’t have been profitable for her.

    1. Caroline Bingley was going to order her wedding clothes.

F Could she have seen half as much love in Mr. Darcy for herself,

she would have ordered her wedding clothes. But she understood that Mr. Darcy didn’t love her.

    1. Sir William Lucas enthusiastically made suggestions concerning the length of Mr. Bennet’s life.

F Lady Lucas began directly to calculate, with more interest than the matter had ever excited before, how many years longer Mr. Bennet was likely to live.

    1. Marriage is the main object for every young educated woman of small fortune.

T Marriage was the only provision for well-educated young women of small fortune, and however uncertain of giving happiness, must be their pleasantest preservative from want.

    1. Mr. Bennet heartily invited Mr. Collins to visit them again.

F Mr. Bennet didn’t want Mr. Collins to come back soon.

    1. Charlotte Lucas was a perfect match for William Collins.

F William Collins was a perfect match for Charlotte Lucas. Mr. Collins’s present circumstances made it a most eligible match for daughter of Sir William and Lady Lucas, to whom they could give little fortune.


    1. Why was Elizabeth against a tete-a-tete conversation with Mr. Collins?

Elizabeth was against a tete-a-tete conversation with Mr. Collins because she suspected that he wanted to propose marriage to her.

    1. What were Mr. Collins’s reasons to get married?

Mr. Collins’s reasons for marrying were, first, that he thought it a right thing for every clergyman in easy circumstances to set the example of matrimony in his parish; secondly, he was convinced that it would add very greatly to his happiness; and thirdly that it was the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom he has the honour of calling patroness.

    1. How did the Bennets accept Elizabeth’ refusal to marry Mr. Collins?

Mr. Bennet approved of his daughter’s decision, but Mrs. Bennet made up his mind not to talk to her daughter again.

    1. How did Elizabeth explain the meaning of Miss Bingley’s letter to Jane?

Elizabeth explained that Caroline Bingley wanted to marry Mr. Darcy, that’s why she wanted her brother to marry Miss Darcy to connect their families. The marriage of her brother and Jane wouldn’t have been profitable for her. But she was well aware that her brother and Jane loved each other.

    1. Speak on Charlotte Lucas’s scheme.

Charlotte assured her friend of her satisfaction in being useful, and that it amply repaid her for the little sacrifice of her time. This was very amiable, but Charlotte’s kindness extended farther than Elizabeth had any conception of; its object was nothing else than to secure her from any return of Mr. Collins’s addresses, by engaging them towards herself. Such was Miss Lucas’s scheme.

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