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Bocharova Nastya Sections 3-4 Chapters 10-18

Section 3 Chapters 10-15

  1. Translate the following word-combinations into russian, and reproduce the contexts in which they occur:

  1. to join the party – присоединиться (к вечеринке)

Mrs. Hurst and Miss Bingley had spent some hours of the morning with the invalid, who continued, though slowly, to mend; and in the evening Elizabeth joined their party in the drawing-room.

  1. to call off one’s attention – отвлекать внимание

Mr. Darcy was writing, and Miss Bingley, seated near him, was watching the progress of his letter and repeatedly calling off his attention by messages to his sister.

  1. to fall to one's lot – пасть на долю

Darcy noticed that it is fortunate, that letters fall to his lot instead of Miss Bingley.

  1. to long to do smth. – желать сделать что-то

Miss Bingley longs to see Darcy’s sister.

  1. to be in raptures with/over smth. – быть в восторге

  2. to give smb. leave to do smth. – позволить отложить что-то

Miss Bingley was quite in raptures with beautiful little design of Darcy's sister for a table, but Darcy asked to give him leave to defer her raptures till new letter.

  1. to check one’s laugh – сдерживать улыбку

Mr. Darcy smiled; but Elizabeth thought she could perceive that he was rather offended, and therefore checked her laugh.

  1. to seize an opportunity – воспользоваться случаем

Darcy proposed Lizzy to seize an opportunity of dancing a reel.

  1. in the desperation of smth. – в отчаянии

In the desperation of her feelings, Miss resolved on one effort more for draw attention of Darcy.

  1. to be in one’s confidence – доверять

  2. to be in one's way – быть на пути, быть помехой

Darcy assumed that ladies were in each other's confidence and had secret affairs to discuss. He could be completely in them way.

  1. professions of concern – всеобщее беспокойство

The communication excited many professions of concern; and enough was said of wishing them to stay at least till the following day to work on Jane; and till the morrow their going was deferred.

  1. in the whole course of smth. – за весь период

Mr. Bennet was waiting for a man he had never seen in the whole course of his life.

  1. beyond the reach of reason – быть за пределами понимания

The nature of an entail was a subject on which Mrs. Bennet was beyond the reach of reason, and she continued to rail bitterly against the cruelty of settling an estate away from a family of five daughters, in favour of a man whom nobody cared anything about.

  1. to heal the breach – устранить пропасть

  2. to be on good terms with – быть в хороших отношениях

  3. to be at variance – противоречить/находиться в размолвке

The disagreement always gave him much uneasiness, and since he had had the misfortune to lose him, he had frequently wished to heal the breach, but for some time he was kept back by his own doubts, fearing lest it might seem disrespectful to his memory for him to be on good terms with anyone with whom it had always pleased him to be at variance.

  1. well-wisher – доброжелатель

In the letter he signed himself well-wisher and friend.

  1. to make smb. out – понять

The girls couldn't make their brother out.

  1. in any degree – никакого/ни в какой степени

To Catherine and Lydia, neither the letter nor its writer were in any degree interesting.

  1. mortifying supposition – оскорбительное предложение

The hall, the dining-room, and all its furniture, were examined and praised; and his commendation of everything would have touched Mrs. Bennet's heart, but for the mortifying supposition of his viewing it all as his own future property.

  1. with discretion – со всей осмотрительностью

She had even condescended to advise him to marry as soon as he could, provided he chose with discretion.

  1. to be better off – быть в лучшем положении

The heiress of Rosings is better off than many girls.

  1. at court – при дворе

Her name wasn’t on the list of the ladies at court.

  1. (to be) bound to do smth. – быть обязанным

These are the kind of little things which please her ladyship, and it is a sort of attention which I conceive myself peculiarly bound to pay. (Guest)

  1. to hold one’s tongue – придержать язык

Lydia was bid by her two eldest sisters to hold her tongue.

  1. ill-will – враждебнось/неприязнь

Mr. Collins, after assuring them that he bore his young cousin no ill-will, and should never resent her behaviour as any affront, seated himself at another table with Mr. Bennet, and prepared for backgammon

  1. to mingle with – смешивать

The respect which he felt for her high rank, and his veneration for her as his patroness, mingling with a very good opinion of himself, of his authority as a clergyman, and his right as a rector, made him altogether a mixture of pride and obsequiousness, self-importance and humility.

  1. to be arrested by the sight – быть прикованным взглядом

Mr. Darcy corroborated it with a bow, and was beginning to determine not to fix his eyes on Elizabeth, when they were suddenly arrested by the sight of the stranger.


    1. He wisely resolved to be particularly careful that no sign of admiration should NOW escape him. for avoid showing your admiration

    2. ‘Why, indeed; he does seem to have had some filial scruples on that head, as you will hear.’ to have a commitment

    3. … and that the circumstance of my being next in the entail of Longbourn estate will be kindly overlooked on your side, and not lead you to reject the offered olive-branch. the offer of a truce

    4. … and therefore started a subject in which he expected him to shine, by observing that he seemed very fortunate in his patroness. he was lucky with the patroness

    5. … said he had heard much of their beauty, but that in this instance fame had fallen short of the truth. fame was not equal to words

    6. ‘… and it is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy.’ you know how to flatter gently

    7. she must just mention—she felt it incumbent on her to hint, was likely to be very soon engaged. she felt she had to say

    8. Miss Bennet’s lovely face confirmed his views, and established all his strictest notions of what was due to seniority; and for the first evening SHE was his settled choice. chosen one

    9. Mrs. Bennet treasured up the hint, and trusted that she might soon have two daughters married. appreciated this opinion

    10. Bingley was the principal spokesman, and Miss Bennet the principal object. the main speaker/ the main object of his speech


“In consequence of an agreement ... she felt herself to be right.”

По договоренности между сестрами Элизабет на следующее утро написала их матери, умоляя прислать за ними экипаж в течение дня. Но миссис Беннет, рассчитывавшая, что ее дочери останутся в Незерфилде до следующего вторника, что будет неделей для Джейн, не могла заставить себя принять их раньше. Поэтому ее ответ не был благоприятным, по крайней мере для Элизабет, так как ей не терпелось вернуться домой. Миссис Беннет послала им записку, что они не смогут получить экипаж раньше вторника; а в постскриптуме она добавила, что если мистер Бингли и его сестра заставят их остаться подольше, то она вполне может обойтись без них. Однако Элизабет твердо решила не задерживаться дольше—да она и не ожидала, что ее об этом попросят, и опасаясь, как бы ее не сочли излишне назойливой, она уговорила Джейн немедленно одолжить экипаж мистера Бингли, и в конце концов было решено, что их намерение покинуть Незерфилд сегодня же утром будет упомянуто. Это сообщение вызвало всеобщее волнение; и было сказано о том, что они могли бы остаться хотя бы до следующего дня, чтобы Джейн поправилась; и до завтрашнего дня их отъезд был отложен. Мисс Бингли тут же пожалела, что предложила эту отсрочку, так как ее ревность и неприязнь к одной сестре намного превосходили ее привязанность к другой.

Хозяин дома с искренним огорчением узнал, что они уезжают так скоро, и несколько раз пытался убедить Мисс Беннет, что это будет небезопасно для нее, что она еще недостаточно оправилась, но Джейн была тверда в том, где считала, что она права.

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