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Федеральное агентство по образованию

Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия (СибАДИ)

Кафедра иностранных языков


Ч. 5. Сослагательное наклонение

сборник упражнений

по грамматике английского языка

Составитель М.В. Цыгулева

Омск Издательство СибАДИ



УДК 42

ББК 81.432.1

Рецензент доктор филологических наук, зав. каф. русского языка ОМГУ Л.О. Бутакова

Работа одобрена редакционно-издательским советом академии в качестве сборника упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов специальности «Переводчик в сфере профессиональных коммуникаций».

Грамматика в упражнениях. Ч. 5. Сослагательное наклонение: Сборник уп-

ражнений по грамматике английского языка / Сост. М. В. Цыгулева. – Омск: Изд-во СибАДИ, 2007. – 16 с.

Сборник содержит упражнения по одному из основных разделов английской грамматики: сослагательному наклонению. Упражнения способствуют овладению грамматически правильной английской речью.

Библиогр.: 9 назв.

Составитель М. В. Цыгулева, 2007


Учебное издание


Ч. 5. Сослагательное наклонение

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка

Составитель Маргарита Викторовна Цыгулева

Редактор Н.И. Косенкова

Подписано к печати 10.05.2007 Формат 60x90 1/16. Бумага писчая Оперативный способ печати Гарнитура Таймс Усл. п. л. 1,0, уч.-изд. л. 1,0 Тираж 100 экз.

Заказ . Цена договорная

Издательство СибАДИ 644099, г. Омск, ул. П. Некрасова, 10

Отпечатано в ПЦ издательства СибАДИ 644099, г. Омск, ул. П. Некрасова, 10


Грамматика в упражнениях



Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка



1. Match the parts of the sentences, then identify the type of conditionals.


If Paul enters the competition,

a)it wouldn't have been stolen.


She won't go to work,

b)if he had been on time.


If he had locked his car,

c)unless she's better.


I would buy that vase

d)he'll win.


He wouldn't have missed the meeting

e) if I had enough money.

2. Complete the sentences using words in brackets.

If you put liquid in a fridge...


If you mix red and white...


If you cut your hand...


If you don’t water flowers...


If a cat catches a mouse...


If you heat an iron thing...


If you don’t learn yourself...

(can be taught)



If you eat chocolate...


If you don’t do your homework...

(get a bad mark)

If you come to me...

(show you my collection of stamps)

If you get a salary...

(go to the restaurant)

Go to the Zoo if...

(be nervous)

Buy a dog or a cat if...

(be alone)

Read English books, write English let-

(know English)

ters, listen to Englishmen, speak Eng-


lish if...




If I had $10...

(the poor)

If I had $100...


If I had $1000...

(a car)

If I had $1000000...


If I were a cosmonaut...

(the Moon)

If I were a doctor...

(set up a nursing home)

If I could speak Chinese...

(work in China)



If I had entered another institution...

(meet you)

If I had read the story...

(translate it easily)

If he had come...

(take him to the concert)

If I had saved my money...

(buy a computer)

If you had asked me...

(bring an exercise book)

If he had met her earlier...


If I hadn’t missed my classes...

(pass the test in time)


3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Bob was getting very bored of lying in his hospital bed, so he was quite happy to see his Uncle Hamish come into the room. 'Hello Bobby!" shouted Hamish. "How are you?" "I'd be better if I 1) ...weren't lying... (not/lie) in this

hospital," grumbled Bob. 'Oh, cheer up!" said

Hamish. "You 2)

................................. (never/get) better if you have such a negative attitude."

"You'd have a negative attitude too if you 3) ..............................

(be) stuck in

this boring room with no TV for 24 hours a day!" "Well, you've no one to blame


yourself," said Hamish. "If you had not been driving so fast, you


(not/crash) into that tree." "Oh no, Uncle Hamish. Don't say

that. If one more person 5)..................

(say) that to me, I swear I'll punch them,"

said Bob. "Now, now Bobby! If I were you, I 6).........................

(be) more polite

to my visitors. You're going to be in here for a few weeks, and if you're rude to

people, they 7)...........................

(not/come) to see you," warned Hamish. "I'm


Bob apologised. "I promise I'll be polite as long





(not/mention) my careless driving again." "OK Bobby,"



"I'm sorry too. I wouldn't have mentioned


if I



(know) how upset it makes you."



4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

"If you don't work harder at school, you 1) ’ll never get (never/get) a good job." I remember my parents saying these words to me when I was at school. If I

had listened to them then, I 2)............................

(not/become) what I am now. I


(be) so much more if I had tried harder. I haven't always

been a tramp actually; when I left school I had a job as a milkman and if the


had been easier, I 4)...............................

(do) it for much longer, but



getting up so early in the morning. When I lost

my job,



(cannot/ pay) the rent, so my landlord said that if I


(not/get) another job, I would be on the streets; and before I

knew it, I was. I could have got another job if I 7)....................................


to, but at first I quite enjoyed the freedom of the outdoor life. If you sleep out in

summer, it 8)................................

(not/be) too bad, but in winter it's awful. If I


(can/change) anything about my life now, I would get

in touch with my family again, even though I know they would only say, "If

you'd worked harder at school, you 10).........................................

(not/get) your-

self in this situation."


5. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate conditional clause.

If I won £1,000,000, …

If you do well in the interview, … If you had caught the bus, … Should you see Jane tonight, …


But for him, I …

Unless he gets a promotion, …

She would have gone to work …

Only if you save your money, …

6.Rewrite the following as mixed conditional sentences as in the example:

1.She isn't at the meeting because she wasn't told about it.

...She would be at the meeting if she had been told about it. ...............................

2.I didn't apply for the job. I don't want to work there.

3.He didn't take his job seriously. He's unemployed now.

4.He didn't train every day. He won't win the race.

5.I didn't book seats. We can't go to the concert tonight.

6.You didn't warn me. Now I'm in a difficult situation.

7.I don't know him very well so I didn't give him any advice.

7. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate auxiliary verb.

1. She can't type but she wishes she ...could.

2.They didn't buy the antique vase but they wish they …

3.I'm not going to the concert but I wish I …

4.I'm not very tall but I wish I …

5.I didn't go to the meeting but I wish I …

6.I can't tell him the truth but I wish I …

7.I don’t earn much money but I wish I …

8.He probably won't listen but I wish he …

9.She won't accept help but I wish she …

10.They haven't got any children but they wish they …

11.I didn't see the programme but I wish I …

12.She's not qualified enough for the job but she wishes she …

13.He can't afford to buy her a diamond ring but he wishes he …

14.I don't live close to the office, but I wish I …

15.She hasn't got a fax machine but she wishes she …

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

Dear Beth,


I’m so desperate. I wish I 1) ...hadn’t move...

(not/move) to this place. It's

not a bad place but it’s so quiet. If only there 2)................

(be) more people here

my age,

then I wouldn't feel so lonely. Even

better, I wish my friends


(move) here from town. I thought I would enjoy the quiet

life of the village but now I wish there 4)............................

(be) some roads

nearby so

I could hear the traffic. I wish I 5)................................

(afford) to

move back to town but I don't have the money. Maybe it's the weather. I wish it 6) .................. (stop) raining so at least I could go for long walks in the fields.


Sometimes, when I'm really sad, I wish the village 7) ................................


appear) or my house 8) ......................

(collapse) so that I'd have to move. Maybe

it will get better. If only I 9) ..............

(be) more patient. I wish I 10) ..................


(write) a more cheerful letter. It's made me even sadder. I look forward to hearing from you with some suggestions.

9. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form.

The young reporter walked up to the table where Dora Spangle was sitting and introduced himself. "Miss Spangle, I'm Dan Quaid from 'Star International'." The actress smiled up at him charmingly. "If I 1)..had known... (know) you were coming, I'd have reserved a bigger table," she said. "You're too kind," laughed Dan. "You 2) ............................ (not/say) that if you knew what a huge appetite I have!" "Probably not," agreed Dora. "Now, I have to go in ten minutes. So, if I were you, I 3) ................................. (start) asking your questions." "Very well. Do you have any regrets about retiring from acting?" asked Dan.

"Not about retiring," she replied. "But I do wish I 4)...................................


the role of Cleopatra just once in my career." "If someone 5) ........................


fer) you the part now, would you take it?" "No, it's too late now. I've decided to retire and that's final." "What 6) ........................... (you/do) if you get bored?" "Oh, there's no chance of that," she assured him. "I might get bored if I 7)

......................... (not/have) all my animals to look after, though." "Do you ever

wish you 8) ........................

(marry)?" Dan asked. "Not really," she replied. "Al-

though I probably 9) ....................................

................. (marry) John Rogers if

he had asked me," she added sadly. "What if ..." "I'm sorry," Dora interrupted. "I really must go now. It's time to feed my dogs and they get very upset if I 10)....................... (be).

10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. I'd sooner you ...did... (do) something with your time rather than sit around all day.

2.He didn't win a prize, but he looked as though he… (win) one.

3.If you hadn't seen the car in time, it… (hit) you.

4.Supposing I offered you the job, … (you/take) it?

5.It's about time you… (go) on a holiday.

6.Suppose you… (see) a mad dog, what would you do?

7.I'd rather you… (not/drive) so fast, Pat.

8.It would have been better if you… (tell) me the truth.

9.Sue went to France this year, but she says she would rather… (go) to Spain. 10. It's a shame you missed the party; I would rather you… (be) there.

11. John had better… (not/speak) to me like that again.

12. He says he'd rather… (cook) his own food than eat in restaurants. 13. I'd rather you… (not/mention) this to anyone until next week.


14.Tim's mother would rather he… (work) closer to home than he does.

15.The soup would have tasted better if you… (not/put) so much pepper in it.

16.Greg says he would rather… (not/leave) things as they are.

17.She would prefer to meet you personally rather than… (talk) to you over the phone.

18.Sean prefers playing football to… (watch) it.

19.Would you rather… (write) in ink or in pencil?

20.Sheila prefers… (get up) early in the morning rather than … (oversleep).

21.Would he prefer… (drive) to work tomorrow rather than cycle?

22.I would rather… (speak) directly to the manager than … (deal) with his rude secretary as I did.

23.My father prefers to have a beard rather than… (have) a shave every day.

24.Tom prefers… (ski) to … (skate).

25.Wouldn't you prefer to sit on this seat rather than… (stand) for the whole journey?

26.I wish I… (be) as good as you at mathematics.

27.It seemed as if he… (not/understand) the question.

28.I wouldn't have given him all that money if you… (not/advise) me to.

29.Crime will continue to rise unless more police… (be/put) on the streets.

30.If he… (play) better, he would have won the game.

31.I wish Jim… (not/move) to London last year as I hardly see him now.

32.If I… (be) in the post office 5 minutes earlier, I would have witnessed the robbery.

33.I wish I… (invite) more people to my fancy dress party last week.

34.If I… (not/be) afraid of heights, I would try parachuting.

35.If you… (not/let) her make her own decisions, she will never learn.

36.We'd better… (take) some money for a taxi in case we miss the last bus home.

11. Complete the following conversation with a suitable form of the verbs in

brackets and act it out.




Jane: Well, we would have had (have) a great time if it........................


with rain!






Sally: I.......................


(know). It really......................

(spoil) the garden party. If


(know) it would rain, we..................................


(make) indoor







Jane: Well,

at least


(raise) a


of money this time. If



(have) another successful fund-raiser later on in the year,



(have) enough money to buy the medical equipment re-

quired at the hospital.




Sally: Yes,



if there............................


(be) any money left,


(give) it to the old people's home.




Jane: That's a good idea. I'm sure that if we

................................. (donate) even

a small amount, they.........................................

(appreciate) it greatly.

Sally: I know it takes a lot of money to keep the home in good working order.

Jane: Yes. A friend of mine told me that if they......................................

(not/receive) any money from charity last year, the home................................

(close) due to lack of funds.

12. The Smiths are looking at two holiday advertisements. Imagine what they are thinking using conditionals, I'd rather, I'd prefer etc. Discuss this in pairs, then report back to your teacher.

Skiing in Austria

travel by coach or train


magnificent views of mountains

organised activities for evenings and nights

delicious Austrian cuisine

Package holidays to Hawaii

daily flights

variety of nightlife

comfortable hotel rooms

rooms with view of sea

English food served daily

magnificent beaches

heated swimming pool

A:If we choose the skiing holiday in Austria, we'll have to travel by coach or train.

B:We'd rather travel by plane because it's faster and safer.

13.The Smiths chose the package holiday to Hawaii. They are back now but they didn't have a good time as things didn't turn out the way they expected. Mrs Smith is writing her friend, Sue, a letter. Look at the ideas below, then write the letter using conditionals, wishes, had better, would rather.

hotel dirty and crowded, Mrs Smith was sick on the flight, sea polluted, beach crowded, rooms comfortable but noisy neighbours, food awful, Mr Smith was sick, no variety of entertainment


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