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Unit II. My university

Task 1. Read and translate the text:

I study at Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. The history of our University goes back to the first half of the 19th century. In 1843 the first higher education establishment was opened in our region. It was the Institute of Noble Ladies named after St. Reverend Alexandra. Modern TSU was founded in 1994 on the basis of Tambov State Pedagogical Institute and Tambov State Institute of Culture. TSU ranks among the leading higher education institutions in Russia. Over 10,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students study at TSU.

University consists of several academies and institutes: The Institute of Philology, The Institute of Law, The Institute of Economics, The Institute of Natural Sciences (Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Ecology, Medicine), The Institute of Physical Training and Sport, The Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information Science, Academy of Humanities and Academy of Social Work and Psychology, etc.

Our University is a classical university. This means that it provides education both in humanities and natural sciences and at the same time it realizes serious research work. Students can study on the full-time or part-time basis. Much attention is paid to postgraduate courses: there are a lot of aspirants and doctorants at our University. Almost all our lecturers are Doctors of Sciences and professors. Some of them head their own labs and are well-known not only in Russia but also abroad. Our University has many international links and our students can participate in different international research programmes.

The University has many buildings, each of them offers all modern facilities and equipment for study and research. There is a large sport complex including numerous gyms, stadiums and waterpools. University library has over 850,000 volumes available to students and teachers. There are several scientific laboratories with modern equipment. There is a wide choice of sport, recreation and entertainment clubs and societies in our University. Our University has a students’ theatre with 450 seats and even a Zoo.

Our University provides students from other cities and countries with housing. There are several students hostels and a hotel. Meals are available in different university canteens and buffets.

The course of study lasts for five years. But now we have a choice to study for 5 years and after passing state exams and writing a diploma project receive a diploma of a specialist or, alternatively, study for 4 years and receive Bachelor’s degree and then study for one or two additional years to receive Master’s degree.

We have 3 or 4 periods a day both lectures and seminars. We study 5 days a week. Academic year lasts for 10 months. After each term we have a session, during which we prepare course-papers and take exams. Now I am a first-year student, a freshman. I will try hard to study well and pass my exams successfully.

Task 2. Translate the following words from the text into Russian:

1) to go back; 2) region; 3) to be named after; 4) undergraduate students; 5) Academy of Humanities; 6) natural sciences; 7) full-time education; 8) Doctor of Sciences; 9) gym; 10) entertainment club; 11) meals; 12) lecture; 13) session; 14) diploma project.

Task 3. In the text find English equivalents to the following Russian words:

1) высшее учебное заведение; 2) институт благородных девиц; 3) быть основанным; 4) институт права; 5) классический университет; 6) научная работа; 7) заочное обучение; 8) оборудование; 9) предоставлять; 10) столовая; 11) семинар; 12) сдавать экзамены; 13) бакалавр; 14) магистр.

Task 4. In the text find the synonyms:

1) to have roots; 2) institution; 3) to be founded; 4) to include; 5) to provide; 6) cafeteria; 7) class; 8) to take part; 9) aspirant; 10) freshman.

Task 5. In the text find the antonyms:

1) last; 2) domestic; 3) part-time education; 4) narrow; 5) break; 6) vacations, holidays.

Task 6. Read the definitions and guess the words:

  1. A student who studies for the second year.

  2. A student who comes on sessions two times a year and all the rest of the time he works.

  3. A student who studies for the third year.

  4. A student who studies at the University after working day and/or on weekends.

  5. A student who studies for the fourth year.

  6. A student who studies for the fifth year.

  7. A teacher of the highest rank in a University department.

  8. A University degree which you get after studying a year or two longer after your first degree.

  9. A first University degree in a subject such as history or literature.

Task 7. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the full name of TSU?

  2. What was the name of the first higher education establishment in Tambov region?

  3. When was TSU opened?

  4. What are the subdivisions of TSU?

  5. Students can study full-time or part-time, can’t they?

  6. How many buildings are there in our University?

  7. What facilities are there in our University?

  8. How long does the course of study last for?

  9. How many days do you study a week?

Task 8. Say whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements:

  1. The first higher education institution was opened in Tambov in eighteen forty-four.

  2. TSU was founded on the basis of Tambov State Pedagogical Institute and Tambov State Institute of Chemical Machinery Building.

  3. There are over ten hundred thousand students at TSU.

  4. TSU is a humanitarian University.

  5. Almost all of lecturers are doctors of sciences and professors.

  6. Our University does not have a library.

  7. Our University offers students from other cities to rent flats.

  8. Academic year lasts for ten months: from September till July.

  9. If you want to receive a diploma you should pass state exams and write a diploma project.

Task 9. Tick the right sentences with the constructions there is/there are:

1) a) There are many scientific laboratories at the TSU.

b) Many scientific labs there are at the TSU.

2) a) There is large sport complex at the university.

b) There is a large sport complex at the university.

3) a) Is there a library?

b) Are there a library?

4) a) There is no observatory at the TSU.

b)There is no an observatory at the TSU.

5) a) There are a hotel and several students hostels at the TSU.

  1. There is a hotel and several students hostels at the TSU.

Task 10. In the text find sentences with there is/there are constructions. Which of them are singular and which are plural? When are they used in the English language? Look through the table and check yourself:


Употребляется для выражения наличия или отсутствия какого-либо лица или предмета в определенном месте


Имеется, находится, есть, существует


There is/ there are + subject + adverbial modifier of place/ adverbial modifier of time

Утвердительная форма

There is a book on the table.

There are books on the table.

There is a lamp and three books on the table.

Отрицательная форма

There is no book on the table. There isn’t a book on the table.

There are no books on the table. There aren’t any books on the table.

Вопросительная форма

Is there a book on the table?

Are there books on the table?

What is there on the table?

Is there a book or a magazine on the table?

There is a book on the table, isn’t it?

Task 11. Use there is/there are:

  1. Look! … a volume of Russian constitution here.

  2. TSU is a very big University. … many different buildings.

  3. Excuse me, … a canteen in this building?

  4. How many students … in the Institute of Law?

  5. Unfortunately, … a library in the building of the Academy of Humanities.

  6. How many floors … in your building?

  7. … no conference hall on the third floor.

Task 12. Ask questions to the following sentences. Answer them according to the pattern:

Pattern: There is a students hostel in our University.

  • Is there a students hostel in our University?

  • Yes, there is.

There are many good programmes on TV.

  • Are there many good programmes on TV?

  • No, there are not.

1) There are fifteen students in our group. 2) There is a mistake in the dictation. 3) There are a lot of students in the buffet. 4) There isn’t anything interesting in the lecture. 5) There aren’t difficult questions on the exam. 6) There is a seminar on General Pedagogics today. 7) There isn’t a page in the book.

Task 13. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Pay attention to there is/there are constructions:

  1. В этом журнале много интересных статей по истории Англии.

  2. Сколько студентов в этой аудитории? – Тридцать пять.

  3. В классе не было лектора.

  4. В этом семестре у нас много семинаров.

  5. На стадионе много студентов.

  6. Существует несколько способов перевода этого предложения.

  7. На столе лежат несколько словарей.

  8. В нашей библиотеке есть несколько журналов по психологии.

Task 14. Insert have got/has got, have not got/has not got:

1) I … a bicycle. 2) My father … a car. 3) John’s brother … many friends. 4) The Browns … three children. 5) Mary … a snub nose. 6) My sister … blue eyes.

Task 15. In the text find sentences with the verb “to have”. Translate them into Russian. Say what forms this verb has in the English language. Check yourself looking through the table:

Present Simple Tense


Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма


I, we, you, they

Have (got) (I’ve got)

Have not got (haven’t got)

Have I got?

He, she, it

Has (got) (he’s got)

Has not got (hasn’t got)

Has she got?

Past Simple Tense

I, he, she, it, we, you, they

Had (got)

Had not got (hadn’t got)

Had she got?

Future Simple Tense

I, he, she, it, we, you, they

Will have got (I’ll have got)

Will not have got (won’t have got)

Will you have got?

Task 16. Write questions to the sentences:

Example: She has got a parrot. – Has she got a parrot?

  1. My brother-in-law has two spoons of sugar in his tea.

  2. Our uncle has a large and cozy two-storied house.

  3. My friend has dinner at 7 o’clock.

  4. Mary has got two sisters and a brother.

  5. The Smiths have got holidays in July.

  6. Students have got three seminars a day.

  7. Our University has got several buildings.

Task 17. Translate sentences from Russian into English:

  1. У нас тесты проводятся дважды в месяц.

  2. У моей двоюродной сестры в саду очень много цветов.

  3. Я не могу открыть дверь. У меня нет ключа.

  4. У вас есть сегодня лекция по общей психологии?

  5. Обычно я пью чай с молоком.

  6. Она хорошо проводит время в Лондоне.

  7. У тебя есть сахар?

  8. У тебя нет журнала по лингвистике?

Task 18. Study the meaning of the phrases with the verb “to have”. Use them in the sentences of your own:

To have dinner /breakfast /lunch /supper – обедать /завтракать/полдничать/ужинать, to have tea/coffee, etc. – пить чай, кофе и т.д., to have a bath/a shower – принять ванну/душ, to have a shave/a wash – побриться, помыться, to have a rest/a sleep/a dream – отдохнуть, поспать, помечтать, to have a holiday/a good time – отдохнуть, хорошо провести время, to have much time – иметь много времени, to have little time – иметь мало времени, to have no time – не иметь времени, to have a cold – простудиться, to have a walk – прогуляться, to have a smoke – покурить, to have a try – попытаться.

Task 19. Translate the sentences with the verb “to have”:

  1. Usually I have breakfast at 7 a.m.

  2. When it is hot, you should not have mineral water, it is dangerous for health.

  3. After a long walk, we shall have a short rest.

  4. What’s wrong with you? Why did you decide to have a sleep on the lesson?

  5. While on holiday, have a good time! Good luck!

  6. Though you have much time, you’d better take a taxi to be at the airport in time.

  7. She had to buy milk, post the letter, clean the house and had very little time left.

  8. Have a walk with your dog. He has been waiting for it all day long.

  9. Have another try, maybe this time you’ll cope with the task.

Task 20. Put proper words in the sentences from the brackets:

  1. I have … (supper, dinner, breakfast) at 7 p.m.

  2. Do you want to have … (a, -, the) tea?

  3. Take two cold … (shower, showers, a shower) a day.

  4. She had … (dreams, dreaming, a dream) to dance the first part at “The Swan Lake”.

  5. Don’t be in such a hurry. We have … (much, little, no) time.

  6. Unfortunately, we have … (a lot of, much, no) time to visit Stonehenge, we must go now.

  7. John went out without umbrella and it was raining heavily so next morning he had … (a cold, cold, nothing).

  8. Wait a moment. I’ll have … (cold, time, a smoke) and we’ll continue our discussion.

  9. Usually she … (has, have, having) an orange for lunch.

Task 21. In the text find sentences with numerals. Say in what way do you read numerals after 100. Look through the theory and check yourself:

100 – a hundred

1,000 – a thousand

1,000,000 – a million

200 – two hundred

365 – three hundred and sixty-five

2,703 – two thousand, seven hundred and three

9,865,453,122 – nine billion eight hundred and sixty-five million four hundred and fifty-three thousand one hundred and twenty-two

Числительные hundred и thousand употребляются с неопределенным артиклем или числительным: a hundred, one hundred. Они не принимают окончания –s, когда перед ними стоит количественное числительное: five hundred books. При чтении числительных от 100 и выше перед числительными, обозначающими десятки или единицы, употребляется союз and. Разряды чисел отделяются запятой: 2,388; 5,274,307.

Task 22. Read the sentences with numerals:

  1. 381+410=791

  2. 800+1,005=1,805

  3. 358+4,008=?

  4. 5,210+127=?

  5. 1,852,364

  6. 5,382,467,199

  7. 1,983 square kilometres

  8. 2,384 square miles

Task 23. In the text find sentences with numerals denoting years. Read them aloud. Check the rules of their reading:

Название года, состоящее из четырех цифр, обычно разбивается на пары, каждая из которых читается как независимое двузначное число, причем ноль (0) произносится как название английской буквы о [ou]. Даты, состоящие из трех цифр, также разделяются на две части – первая цифра читается как однозначное число, вторая и третья – как двузначное. Полное прочтение используется для всех дат кратных ста (500, 600, 1700, 1900 и т.д.), а также для всех дат двадцать первого столетия. При этом для обозначения дат первого десятилетия двадцать первого века ноль не произносится:

476 – four seventy-six

1066 – ten sixty-six

1700 – seventeen hundred

1807 – eighteen o seven

1944 – nineteen forty-four

2001 – two thousand one

Task 24. Read the years:

1937, 1512, 1047, 508, 700, 1800, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2010, 841, 1801, 1709, 1951, 1603.

Task 25. Read the sentences in English and translate them into Russian:

  1. The year 1666 is characterized in London by the plague and the fire.

  2. Moscow was founded in 1147 by Prince Yury Dolgoruky.

  3. Our scientists assure us that flights to the Moon would come true by 2079.

  4. Sigmund Freud, famous psychologist, was born on May, 6,1856, in a small town – Freiberg – in Moravia.

  5. The Public Order Act 1986 codifies the common law offences.

  6. Managing people in organisations in the 1990s is more difficult than it was in the past.

  7. Parliament in Great Britain exists since 1265 and is the oldest Parliament in the world.

  8. The introduction of the Romanesque style in England occurred in 1050, when Edward the Confessor began building of Canterbury cathedral.

  9. Modern art is a general term used for most of the artistic productions from the late 19th century until approximately the 1970s.

Task 26. In the text find sentences with pronouns. Name the pronouns and their types in English. Check yourself and look through the theory:

Личные местоимения

Притяжательные местоимения

Именительный падеж

Объектный падеж

Относительная форма

Абсолютная форма

I – я

He – он

She – она

It – оно

We – мы

You – ты, вы

They – они

Me – мне

Him – его

Her – её

It – его, её

Us – нам

You – тебе, вам

Them – им

My – мой

His – его

Her – её

Its – его, её

Our – наш

Your – твой, ваш

Their – их








Местоимение – это часть речи, которая употребляется вместо имени существительного или других частей речи, которые определяют существительное. По своему значению местоимения делятся на несколько групп: личные, притяжательные, возвратные, указательные, неопределенные, вопросительные и другие.

Личные местоимения выступают в роли подлежащего или дополнения и могут употребляться в именительном и объектном падежах.

Притяжательные местоимения, отвечающие на вопрос «чей?», имеют две формы. Относительная форма всегда стоит перед существительным: His mother went to her office – Его мама пошла в офис. Абсолютная форма заменяет существительное: This umbrella is not yours, it’s mine – Это не твой зонтик, а мой.

Task 27. Insert pronouns where necessary:

  1. Earth’s satellite is the Moon. … is our nearest space neighbour.

  2. This is not my dictionary, it is …

  3. Did you see John lately? – I saw … sitting in the park and reading for … exams.

  4. How are you, Mary? – A bit nervous. I am going to star in the new film but … am afraid I can’t show the heroine properly. – Don’t worry. Everything will be wonderful!

  5. What about John and Ann? Are … going with us to Picasso museum? – Yes, … are. But they asked to wait for … , Ann has forgotten … bag at home. So they will come a bit later.

  6. Andrew, you’ve made a mistake in the sentence. … have written “dryver” instead of “driver”.

  7. I saw aliens. I even talked to …

  8. Where is your umbrella? – I believe … is in … car.

Task 28. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

  1. В этом году я поступил в ТГУ им. Г.Р. Державина.

  2. Ты знаешь, кто такой Нил Армстронг? – Конечно, он первый человек, побывавший на Луне.

  3. Наш институт очень старый. У него существуют свои собственные устоявшиеся традиции.

  4. Его дом находится как раз напротив нашего.

  5. Поздравляем, ваш доклад занял первое место. Теперь губернаторская стипендия – ваша.

  6. Сейчас я поговорю с ним по телефону.

  7. Ваша собака вытоптала нам все цветы в саду! – Но это не наша собака. У нас вообще нет собаки.

  8. Я их не понимаю. На каком языке они говорят? – Это – шведский.

  9. Ты идешь со мной?

Task 29. Read and translate the text. Answer the questions:


  1. Where is this University situated?

  2. What are the dining facilities?

  3. What kind of housing does the University provide?

  4. Are there day-care centres for students’ children?

  5. Does it offer any medical services?

  6. What does a cultural programme include?

University life is made up of more than just a wide selection of courses and well-equipped libraries. Social institutions such as cafeterias, residence halls, and cultural programmes are an integral part of any University. In Germany, a total of 62 Studentenwerks are responsible for providing these services. The Studentenwerk in Gottingen is an independent public foundation. Its mission is defined in the “Law Concerning Higher Education of Lower Saxony” as the provision of support in economical, social, cultural, and health matters to the students of the University of Gottingen.

Quality, a large variety, and reasonable prices – that’s what the Studentenwerk’s six cafeterias have to offer. At lunchtime there is a total of 23 different meals to choose from; at least one vegetarian dish is offered in every cafeteria every day. Our eight snack bars and coffee shops are open for breakfast or a snack between classes. Two of our centrally located facilities also offer students the chance to get something warm to eat for dinner.

The Studentenwerk also has a lot to offer when it comes to finding reasonably priced housing. With a total of over 5,000 different living spaces, we can offer abundant reasonably priced housing near the University. Anything from single occupancy rooms to single or double occupancy apartments a group/family housing can be found. Our rental rates are the lowest of all the German Studentenwerks.

Foreign guests of the University have a total of 65 fully furnished single or double occupancy apartments at their disposal. Approximately 90% of the residence halls and apartments already have access to the Internet; making the Studentenwerk a national leader in providing its student tenants access to this important technology. In addition, the Studentenwerk offers students a number of public access Internet terminals inside the Cafe Central and in the reading hall.

Cafeterias and residence halls are not our only activities. The Studentenwerk in Gottingen also provides general social counseling and care for students. In addition, we administer various financial aid funds, issue the International Student Identification Card, and attend to students’ children in four University day-care centres. We offer foreign students a “service package”, which includes, among other things, a room in a residence hall, cafeteria meal tickets, and a bicycle to use.

When study-related or personal problems arise, the Studentenwerk’s psychosocial counseling centre is the first point of contact. Those in need of help receive support in the form of counseling, short therapies, or an informed referral. Complementary to these services, various courses (e.g. Autogenic Training, How to Improve Work and Study Habits, etc.) are also offered.

Culture is a must! The beginning-of-semester parties are not the only refuges from the day-to-day stress of student life; we also offer students cultural activities they can participate in themselves: for example, the University Choir, the Photography Club, the Art Studio, or our Big Band. Artistically talented students have the opportunity to show their art works off in the cafeterias, coffee shops, and snack bars.

International encounters are not very rare at the Studentenwerk. A partnership with the Studentenwerk in Grenoble (France) and contacts to the Universities in Torun (Poland) and Kaliningrad (Russia) give the students the opportunity to take part in interesting exchange programmes. (from http://www.studentenwerk-goettingen.de).

Task 30. Speak about TSU. Use the information from the text “My University” and add your own information.

Task 31. Translate the sentences from Russian into English (from Державинский Вестник 2004, 2009):

  1. ТГУ – это составная часть Российской высшей школы, одной из крупнейших систем образования в мире.

  2. В 1918 в Тамбове основан государственный университет, который просуществовал до 1921.

  3. Наш университет имеет государственную аккредитацию.

  4. Педагогический коллектив университета включает более 90 докторов наук и профессоров, более 80% преподавателей имеют ученые степени и звания кандидата наук, доцента.

  5. Среди наших международных партнеров можно отметить университеты США, Великобритании, Германии, Франции, Нидерландов, Болгарии, Польши, Китая и другие.

  6. Университет поддерживает свои собственные научные школы, известные в нашей стране и за рубежом.

  7. В недавнем прошлом в университете было около 100 аспирантов, сейчас их более 700.

  8. Учебные здания ТГУ реконструируются и поддерживаются в надлежащем порядке.

  9. Общежития университета обеспечивают жильем нуждающихся студентов и аспирантов.

  10. ТГУ располагает базами отдыха, имеет учебный театр на 450 мест и современную гостиницу.

Task 32. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian:

  1. The Academy of Social Work and Psychology provides highly qualified specialists in the sphere of psychology.

  2. All through its history the competition among its applicants is very high.

  3. Our Academy offers higher education diploma in specialities of “Psychology”, “Pre-school psychology and pedagogy (defectology)” and “Social work” and “Social Pedagogy”.

  4. Third-year students should choose their majors either clinic or pedagogical or social psychology.

  5. Clinic psychology consists of psychosomatics, psychiatry, neuropsychology, psychological consulting and psychotherapy.

  6. Pedagogical psychology is represented by psychology of ontogenetic development, psychology of deviant and delinquent behaviour, psychological consulting, practical techniques and trainings.

  7. Social psychology is linked with social sphere and studies psychology of business communication, advertisement psychology and psychology of policy.

  8. The department of defectology educates the only highly qualified professionals to work with pre-school disabled children in our region.

  9. The teaching staff includes 5 Doctors of Sciences and 8 professors.

  10. Our Academy is well-equipped and has all modern facilities.

  11. There are special scientific labs including labs on defectology, natural sciences, general and clinic psychology.

  12. Academy of Social Work and Psychology pays much attention to post-graduate courses.

Task 33. In the chains all the words except one are connected logically. Find these extra words:

  1. Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Biology, Linguistics.

  2. Mathematics, History, Physics, Information Science.

  3. Academy, institution, institute, faculty, college.

  4. Defectology, psychiatry, gene engineering, psychology, social work.

  5. Doctorant, aspirant, professor, student.

  6. Evening education, part-time education, distant education, full-time education.

  7. Session, academic year, term, semester, holiday.

  8. Head of the department, rector, teacher, pro-rector.

  9. Master of Sciences, Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Arts, specialist.

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