.docОбразовательное учреждение: Ульяновский государственный педагогический университет имени И.Н. Ульянова Специальность: 050502.65 - Технология и предпринимательство Группа: ТП-10 Дисциплина: Английский язык Идентификатор студента: Долотцев Алексей Сергеевич Логин: 02fs329089 Начало тестирования: 2012-06-06 14:40:49 Завершение тестирования: 2012-06-06 14:55:33 Продолжительность тестирования: 14 мин. Заданий в тесте: 32 Кол-во правильно выполненных заданий: 30 Процент правильно выполненных заданий: 93 %
ЗАДАНИЕ N 1 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Профессиональная лексика Under the terms of the ______ you cannot keep animals in the building.
lease |
sale contract |
vendor contract |
operating agreement |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 2 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Учебная лексика It’s important for each student to get ________ experience of work.
practical |
theoretical |
general |
complete |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 3 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Деловая лексика I think you will _______ from getting a new job.
benefit |
promote |
win |
pay |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 4 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Термины (Дефиниции) State of being unable to pay debts is …
bankruptcy |
bureaucracy |
balance |
benefit |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 5 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Выдающиеся личности англо-говорящих стран The greatest playwright and poet of all times whose works are still being staged is …
William Shakespeare |
Robert Burns |
Stephen King |
Jonathan Swift |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 6 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Великобритания The collective decision-making body of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, composed of the Prime Minister and some 22 Cabinet Ministers is called …
the Cabinet |
the Shadow Cabinet |
The British Parliament |
Ministry of Justice of the UK |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 7 сообщить об ошибке Тема: США The building where the US Congress meets is called the …
Capitol |
White House |
Monument |
Mall |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 8 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Канада The slogan associated with Canada's constitution is …
peace, order and good government |
liberty, equality, fraternity |
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness |
peace, work, happiness |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 9 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Оформление делового письма Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.
1 |
Mahoney and Milliman, Inc 151 Benson Street Bronx, NY 10465 |
2 |
2 May 2008 |
3 |
RBM Manufacturing Company, Inc 421 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 10055 |
4 |
Dear Sir or Madam, |
5 |
We intend to purchase a new office copier before the end of the fiscal year. We would like to consider and RBM copier and wonder if you have a model that would suit our needs. |
6 |
Yours sincerely, |
7 |
William Wilson Office manager |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 10 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Оформление конверта Перед Вами конверт. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.
1 |
the sender |
2 |
the house number in the return address |
3 |
the country the letter comes from |
4 |
the addressee |
5 |
the addressee’s house number |
6 |
the ZIP Code in the mailing address |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 11 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Оформление электронного сообщения, факса, меморандума (служебной записки) Выберите слова или словосочетания для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки: (1) _______ : Northwest Area Sales Staff From : Management Subject : (2) _____ (3) _______ : 14 February We’d like to quickly go over some of the changes in the new monthly sales reporting system that we discussed at Monday’s special meeting. First of all, we'd once again like to stress that this new system will save you a lot of time when reporting future sales. We understand that you have concerns about the amount of time that will be initially required for inputting your client data. Despite this initial effort, we are confident that you will all soon enjoy the benefits of this new system. (4)______
1 |
To |
2 |
New Monthly Reporting System |
3 |
Date |
4 |
Management |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 12 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Оформление резюме, письма-заявления, письма-уведомления, письма-запроса, контракта, служебной записки Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.
Letter of Complaint |
Memo |
Inquiry Letter |
Cover Letter |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 13 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Поисковое чтение с целью определения наличия в тексте запрашиваемой информации Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. World Bank 1. World Bank or International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is a multinational institution set up in 1947 to provide economic aid to member countries - mainly developing countries – to strengthen their economics. The Bank has supported a wide range of long-term investments including infrastructure projects such as roads, telecommunications and electricity supply; agriculture and industrial projects including the establishment of new industries, as well as social, training and educational programmes. 2. The Bank's funds come largely from the developed countries, but it also raises money on international capital markets. The Bank operates according to 'business principles' lending at commercial rates of interest only to those governments it feels are capable of servicing and repaying their debts. 3. In 1960, however, it established an affiliate agency, the International Development Association, to provide low-interest loans to its poorer members. Another affiliate of the World Bank is the International Finance Corporation which can invest directly in companies by acquiring shares. Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста.
World Bank has invested in important spheres of economy of the developing countries. |
World Bank’s funds come from the developing countries. |
World Bank lends low-interest loans to the developed countries. |
World Bank raises money on home capital markets. |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 14 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Изучающее чтение с выделением главных компонентов содержания текста Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. World Bank 1. World Bank or International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is a multinational institution set up in 1947 to provide economic aid to member countries - mainly developing countries – to strengthen their economics. The Bank has supported a wide range of long-term investments including infrastructure projects such as roads, telecommunications and electricity supply; agriculture and industrial projects including the establishment of new industries, as well as social, training and educational programmes. 2. The Bank's funds come largely from the developed countries, but it also raises money on international capital markets. The Bank operates according to 'business principles' lending at commercial rates of interest only to those governments it feels are capable of servicing and repaying their debts. 3. In 1960, however, it established an affiliate agency, the International Development Association, to provide low-interest loans to its poorer members. Another affiliate of the World Bank is the International Finance Corporation which can invest directly in companies by acquiring shares. Определите основную идею текста.
The goal of World Bank and its affiliate agencies is to support the economics of developing countries by means of long-term investments and low-interest loans. |
The goal of the International Development Association is to provide low-interest loans to developing countries. |
The goal of the International Finance Corporation is to support developing countries by investing directly in companies. |
World Bank lends money to the governments of the developing countries if they are capable of repaying their debts. |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 15 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Изучающее чтение с элементами анализа информации Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. World Bank 1. World Bank or International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is a multinational institution set up in 1947 to provide economic aid to member countries - mainly developing countries – to strengthen their economics. The Bank has supported a wide range of long-term investments including infrastructure projects such as roads, telecommunications and electricity supply; agriculture and industrial projects including the establishment of new industries, as well as social, training and educational programmes. 2. The Bank's funds come largely from the developed countries, but it also raises money on international capital markets. The Bank operates according to 'business principles' lending at commercial rates of interest only to those governments it feels are capable of servicing and repaying their debts. 3. In 1960, however, it established an affiliate agency, the International Development Association, to provide low-interest loans to its poorer members. Another affiliate of the World Bank is the International Finance Corporation which can invest directly in companies by acquiring shares. Ответьте на вопрос. What are business principles of World Bank?
The Bank lends money at commercial rates of interest to the countries which are capable of repaying their debts. |
The Bank lends money at low rates of interest to the countries which are capable of repaying their debts. |
The Bank lends money at commercial rates of interest to the countries whether they are capable of repaying their debts or not. |
The Bank lends money at low rates of interest to the countries whether they are capable of repaying their debts or not. |
Решение: Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание, следует знать алгоритм обработки текстовой информации при изучающем чтении, уметь анализировать получаемую информацию и, читая текст, находить ответ на поставленный вопрос. Правильный ответ на вопрос «Каковы деловые принципы Международного банка?» – «The Bank lends money at commercial rates of interest to the countries which are capable of repaying their debts» («Банк ссужает деньги по выгодной процентной ставке тем странам, которые в состоянии погасить свои долги»), так как, согласно тексту: «The Bank operates according to “business principles” lending at commercial rates of interest only to those governments it feels are capable of servicing and repaying their debts» («Банк работает в соответствии с “деловыми принципами”, то есть ссужает деньги по выгодной процентной ставке тем правительствам, которые, по его мнению, в состоянии погасить долги и выплатить соответствующие проценты») (фрагмент 2).
ЗАДАНИЕ N 16 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Изучающее чтение с элементами аннотирования Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. World Bank 1. World Bank or International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is a multinational institution set up in 1947 to provide economic aid to member countries - mainly developing countries – to strengthen their economics. The Bank has supported a wide range of long-term investments including infrastructure projects such as roads, telecommunications and electricity supply; agriculture and industrial projects including the establishment of new industries, as well as social, training and educational programmes. 2. The Bank's funds come largely from the developed countries, but it also raises money on international capital markets. The Bank operates according to 'business principles' lending at commercial rates of interest only to those governments it feels are capable of servicing and repaying their debts. 3. In 1960, however, it established an affiliate agency, the International Development Association, to provide low-interest loans to its poorer members. Another affiliate of the World Bank is the International Finance Corporation which can invest directly in companies by acquiring shares. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста. Another name of World Bank is …
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
the International Development Association |
International Bank for Reconstruction |
the International Finance Corporation |
Решение: Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание, следует знать алгоритм обработки текстовой информации и, прочитав текст, завершить утверждение согласно содержанию текста. Утверждение «Another name of World Bank is…» («Другим названием Международного Банка является…») следует закончить вариантом ответа «International Bank for Reconstruction and Development» («Международный банк реконструкции и развития»), так как именно это утверждение соответствует содержанию текста. Согласно тексту: «World Bank or International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is a multinational institution set up in 1947…» («Международный банк или Международный банк реконструкции и развития – это многонациональная организация, учрежденная в 1947 году…») (фрагмент 1).
ЗАДАНИЕ N 17 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Предлоги Sasha’s not going to have a party ________ her birthday this year.
on |
in |
at |
for |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 18 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Местоимения I saw a ticket on the floor next to a couple of tourists and asked them if it was …
theirs |
their |
them |
her |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 19 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Словообразование They’ve published a book of George Bush’s _________ and it looks really interesting.
correspondence |
corresponding |
correspond |
correspondent |
ЗАДАНИЕ N 20 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Существительное There are not many ________ in our educational establishments.
men-teachers |
men-teacher |
man-teachers |
mans-teachers |