- •Переклад термінології інформаційних систем з англійської на українську мову
- •Передмова
- •Unit 1 What is an Information System?
- •Active Words and Phrases:
- •Text What Is an Information System?
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •Listening comprehension: Computer applications
- •Word List
- •Unit 2 Basic Types of Information Systems
- •Active Words and Phrases:
- •Text Basic Types of Information Systems
- •Transaction Processing System
- •Management Information System
- •Decision Support System
- •Supplementary list of words
- •Listening comprehension: Computer languages
- •Unit 3 Expert Systems. Office Information Systems. Executive Suppоrt Systems
- •List of active terms
- •Text Expert Systems
- •Office Information Systems
- •Executive Support Systems
- •Listening comprehension: Numbers (1). Artificial Intelligence
- •I. Understanding discourse: Numbers (1)
- •II. Understanding a lecture: Artificial Intelligence
- •Text e-commerce
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •Listening comprehension: Understanding numbers (2)
- •Text Marketing on the World Wide Web
- •1. Дозвіл на охолодження
- •2. Розмова з пральною машиною
- •2. Translate into English:
- •Variant II
- •1. Translate into Ukrainian: How the Web works
- •2. Translate into English:
- •Information Systems and Databases. File Storage
- •List of active terms
- •Information Systems and Databases. File storage
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •Listening comprehension: Smart house
- •Unit 7 Database Models
- •List of active terms
- •Text Database Models
- •2. Network Model
- •3. Relational Model
- •4.Object-Oriented Model
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •Listening comprehension: Internet technologies for authentic language learning experiences
- •Unit 8 Banner Displays
- •List of active terms
- •Text Banner displays
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •2. Провайдери програмно-апаратних ресурсів
- •Listening comprehension: America online
- •Text e-mail
- •Listening comprehension: New online trading information system sees early
- •Information is power
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •1. Телефон з функцією wap
- •2. Мобільний Інтернет
- •Listening Comprehension: Staying legal in cyberspace
- •Active Words and Phrases:
- •Text II Expanding the Internet Service through the Cable
- •Text Технологія „Блютус”
- •Listening Comprehension: Fiber optic cable
- •Final test
- •Variant I
- •1. Translate into Ukrainian:
- •Internet
- •2. Translate into English:
- •Variant II
- •1. Translate into Ukrainian:
- •Internet protocols
- •2. Translate into English:
- •Texts for listening comprehension and oral translation Unit 1. Computer Applications
- •Unit 2. Computer Languages
- •Unit 3.
- •I. Understanding discourse: Numbers (1)
- •II. Understanding a lecture: Artificial Intelligence
- •Unit 4. Numbers (2)
- •Unit 5. Operating systems
- •I. Understanding a lecture
- •II. Understanding discourse
- •Unit 6: Smart House
- •Unit 7. Internet Technologies for Authentic Language Learning Experiences
- •Unit 8. America online
- •Unit 9. New Online Trading Information System Sees Early Successes
- •Unit10. Staying Legal in Cyberspace
- •Unit 11. Fiber Optic Cable
- •Texts for independent class and home translation Text 1. Computer science
- •Text 2. Computer
- •Text 3. Software
- •Text 4. Expert system
- •Text 5. Computer memory
- •Text 6. Nonvolatile memories
- •Text 7. Computer program
- •Text 8. Computer programming language
- •Text 9. Computer-aided engineering(cae)
- •Text 10. Computer simulation
- •Text 11. Computer graphics
- •Text 12. Hypertext
- •Text 13. Computer network
- •Text 14. Computer security
- •Text 15. Computer crime
- •Text 16. Computer virus
- •English-Ukrainian Vocabulary
- •Appendix 1 The most widely used computer terminology dictionary
- •Appendix 2 e-mail abbreviations
- •Література
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